I Report You Decide. By Barry Levinson

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I Report You Decide.

A friend of mine recently made a very profound comment to me.

He said you could tell how corrupt a city is by the condition of

the infrastructure. Well if that is a correct statement ladies and

gentlemen, Fullerton ranks way up there on the corruption meter. Our

roads, our sewers and water lines are in terrible shape.

Several months ago, Republican former State Assemblyman Chris

Norby was taken into custody after the FPD came to his house as

a result of a domestic dispute. A typical he said, she said, but they

arrested only Mr. Norby anyway. Later they had to drop all charges

because there was insufficient evidence.

In my opinion, why would the FPD want to arrest someone with no

real evidence of any crime being committed? I leave it to all of you to

answer that simple question.

Well yours truly has certainly ruffled enough feathers in this town,

with my speaking out for justice for Kelly Thomas and real reform

of the FPD. I have recently been very vocal about the Downtown

Core and Corridor Project proposal calling it both a huge attempted

power grab by our City Manager, Joe Felz and a move that would

be extremely undemocratic. I have consistently reported that the

percentage of the Operating Fund Budget has to be reduced from the

approximately 80% level for salaries and benefits if this city is going

to make real strides in improving our infrastructure.

No ladies and gentlemen, as George Orwell stated many years ago

and it applies even more today, “In a time of universal deceit – telling

the truth is a revolutionary act.”

I have consistently spoken the truth and will continue to do so.

Dishonest people have and will resort to the use of personal attacks,

when the facts are not on their side. The only difference is that now

all of you know another one of their dirty little secrets.

  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on September 11, 2014 - 7:33 pm

    Douglas no guts no glory. With Whitaker, Kiger and Sebourn they passed a 10% refund that the city was really illegally siphoning off to the general fund for over 30 years. Due to a legal technicality, the 10% refund could only go back for 3 years rather than 30 plus years. Then Jennifer Fitzgerald and Jan Flory got elected and rescinded 2/3 of the refund while taking credit for giving the ratepayers’ back their money. I guess Ms. Fitzgerald pulled this slight of hand because she “loves” Fullerton ratepayers so very much.

    We now have huge liabilities created by an aging water and sewer system mainly neglected by city hall for decades. At the same time a past council approximately 12 years ago headed by Bankhead and Flory voted for a huge pension spike for our Fullerton police and fireman. These huge looming infrastructure costs facing the ratepayers of Fullerton must be addressed sooner rather than later or no businesses will want to stay let alone come to Fullerton.

    As a friend stated to me recently; all you have to do is look at the condition of the infrastructure of a city to know how much corruption is in that city. Look at Fullerton and make your own conclusions.

    As far as instituting real reforms going forward; all I can say is that it takes integrity and guts from a majority of our elected officials to make any difference whatsoever.

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