How Did The City Of Fullerton Get This Bad? Hint: It Took A Concerted Effort To Put Fullertonians Last By Our Failed, Phony And Gutless Politicians! The Current Culprits : Jennifer Fitzgerald, Bruce Whitaker (I’ve accomplished nothing in almost eight years….time to get a big promotion.), Doug Chaffee (Rumor has it that he wants his wife to succeed him. I guess he thinks their royalty.), Jesus Silva and Greg Sebourn.

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  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on February 9, 2018 - 12:55 pm

    the old saying about horses, i.e you can bring a horse to water but you cannot make them drink is applicable to humans as well. You can bring them the truth but it does not guarantee their rising up to make our city government better for all.

    I still have hope in the American spirit, the American belief that this country was inspired by God to be a shining light among all the nations. It can still be that again. Don’t all of you want to be proud of not only our country but our Government and its institutions. For a democracy to succeed, in fact to flourish it is imperative that we again have faith in our institutions. Let us all work together to make things better for all. For we have problems in Fullerton and throughout this country. Wasting, squandering and sometimes even stealing the public’s money hinders us in helping our less fortunate neighbors.

    Homelessness is a national disgrace. It is not an easy problem to solve but I know we can do better, much better than what we have done so far. For those homeless that served our country. Shame on us for not looking out for them. For those that need therapy, we must help our American brothers and sisters to get back on their feet.

    Like any decent human being, I fell for the downtrodden throughout the world but my fellow Americans deserve our priority. For many reasons today, that is no longer the case.

    When I hear that government wants to make college free for illegal immigrants, I say what about the working poor citizen who cannot afford a college education. I say what about those Americans who just want a roof over their heads.

    Some politicians actually put a college education for illegal immigrants ahead of the physical wellbeing of American citizens. That is INSANE!

    Let us as a society start paying close attention to our elected officials and ensure that the basic needs of American citizens has a higher priority than advanced degrees for people who came here illegally.

    I do not blame those that came here illegally for the most part. The problem is and has always been our corrupt politicians whose job is to represent Americans from their district, county or state. Americans should not have to live in tents or worse. We Can Do Better, We Must Do Better, With Your Help, We Will Do Better For Every American.

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