Gun free schools are killing fields for children

……… He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

Jesus Christ made this statement on his last night on earth and believe me, when Jesus Christ made a statememt, you better listen up. Americans must never give up their right to bear arms. When we lose that right, we lose all of our rights. Why is it today that the very people who teach the Bible are telling people to turn in their guns? Do they not understand the brutal and barbaric history of the slaughter of the defenseless?

I do not know if in fact the Florida shooting is real, or if it was a deep state government run operation involving multiple shooters and a patsy. I tend to believe the latter. Governments kill their own people repeatedly to carry out their nefarious agendas. As a matter of fact, in many other instances, they have been caught red handed staging false flag fake events. Sandy Hook was a total fabrication complete with fake victims and crisis actors. To this day, the Vegas incident still has no official narrative. The Pulse nightclub was another theatrical false flag. Whether these events are even real or not, no crisis will ever go to waste and once again the door has been swung wide open to proposals of massive sweeping gun control legislation.

People have a basic fundamental right to self defense and the Son of God, Jesus Christ Himself confirmed this 2000 years ago in the Bible. Of course none of the worthless schools or phony churches will EVER teach any of you that but read Luke 22:36 and it’s right there.

So while we have to contend with the worthless schools and the phony churches hiding the truth of the Bible from the masses, we also have to deal with the evil people who hate the Bible and will stop at nothing to attempt to discredit it. Of course the same evil people that hate the Bible are the same ones that think the unborn are a blob of tissue.

Nothing would be more tragic than the killing of innocent children at school but let’s face it folks, we are already allowing children to be killed about 3,000 times a day right in their home, in their mothers womb, every day of the year in the United States right now and there is no denying this. Abortion doctors are muderers folks.  They murder innocent, defenseless unborn children in what should the safest place in the world for them.

A government that sanctions murder of this degree will murder anyone they see fit to. The deep state has their dirty hands all over the recent mass killings in America and they are going to get a hell of alot worse and more frequent in the days ahead.

We know that guns can kill, as they are designed to kill and kill they do when they are used to kill. When considering gun control legislation, you need to be careful what you ask for. All discussion should be backropped by this simple fact, that democide, aka death by government was the leading cause of death in the 20th Century. Upwards of 150 million people were murdered by their own governments in the last 100 years and at the hands of NON RELIGIOUS dictators. Do you recognize some of these devils?

The first thing these men did was end private gun ownership.

The United States was bestowed with the right to have armed citizens under the 2nd Amendment and it was designed to protect us from the government. The problem is that the government has been working with the schools and the media for decades to end this right. What happens if a government turns its military on its own people?

We know that guns can kill, as they are designed to kill and kill they do when they are used to kill but guns can also keep and maintain a balance of power between a people and their rulers. That is still the case today in The United States. Can you imagine what the government would be able to do if they disarmed us entirely?

They could crash the economy and starve us to death and there would be nothing we could do.

They could round us up, imprison and intern us and there would be nothing we could do.

They could forcibly inject us with cancer viruses and sterilants and there would be nothing we could do, well they are already doing that.

They could just rape anyone they wanted to including your children and there would be nothing we could do.

They could confiscate your life savings and there would be nothing we could do.

They could forcibly relocate you and there would be nothing we could do.

They could falsly impison and torture you and there would be nothing we could do.

Because we have guns, they cannot do these things on a wide scale basis because we have the ability to fight back. The 2nd amendment is the enforcement provision of the US Constitution and they know this. Tyrants cannot handle being bound or restrained by laws so they have to find ways to do away with the ones that protect the people and pass ones that protect the tyrants.

Is it any wonder they want the guns taken away from us folks? So if they stage or even carry out a few school shootings and kill a dozen or so innocent children, that means nothing to those who are so inclined to kill, destroy and enslave.

Gun confiscation in the United States is on its way to becoming a reality folks unless we stop it. There is no compromising the 2nd amendment. Schools must arm the staff and protect the children period!

Instead the tyrants seek to disarm and play as dirty as possible to accomplish their goal. Yes the border is wide open as we allow tens of millions of undocumented aliens into the country, many of them violent criminals. That should be your first indication that our government is not in the business of protecting its people. It is the business of carrying out sinister agendas folks and like it or not that is the truth. Gun control leads to genocide and it will come to our shores unless we fight it and fight it to the death. How are they attempting to do this?

The first thing they all do is encourage the establishment of shooting galleries which are known to be the gun free zones found at all public schools. .

The second thing they do is demonize Biblical Christianity which has been the source of morality that has allowed the United States to self govern under the Constitution since its incepcion.

The third thing they do is impelement a war on decency through the media. Sumner Redstone controls CBS, Nickelodeon and MTV but he can barely speak now.

Look at just one the abject, vile, satanic, filth videos this degenerate old man runs on his channel that ruins children’s minds.  

The fourth thing is to totally debase us. Freedom and firearms can not remain in the hands of people that have been turned into animals and the elite know this. That is why they continue to turn people into animals.

The fifth thing is to allow schools to teach children curriculum subersive to Biblical Christianity, death education curriculum subersive to morality, atheistic curriculum subersive to the human spirit, sexually deviant curriculum subersive to human decency, and radical leftist, marxist curriculum subersive to our American way of life.


The sixth thing is schools betray the children by setting themselves up as wide open killling fields and advertising the open season on innocent children all year long. They lock children in literal cages with no escape and advertise to the world that there will be no resistance to a massacre thereby ensuring one.

The seventh thing is media is then complicit in hyping these events by broadcasting footage of literal fake events such as Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs Church and other completely fabricated events providing the momentum which drives the tyrannical legislative encroachment on our most sacred of rights.

The eight thing finally folks, is we have the schools finishing the job pushing these children over the edge with the endless pressures to perform and the dangerous microwave exposures.


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  1. #1 by Anonymous on February 21, 2018 - 1:11 pm

    Got this off of Grindall 61 you tuber-You guys are the best. True patriots and men of courage. Give these creepos hell. They deserve it for what they are doing to our young people and our country.

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