Who is really controlling this thing?



So far, the media here in The O.C. and, specifically here in my hometown of Fullerton, which is rife with a diverse collection of media outlets, won’t touch this Fullerton School District classroom WiFi radiation business story with a ten foot pole. But up in Glendale, it appears that letters to the editor do get published.,0,1691323.story

Our good friend Tony up there managed to get under someone’s skin and get them to let the cat out of the bag. Could it be that the good folks in  Glendale’s local media still believe in a free press? So far, I haven’t sensed the slightest inclination that we do down here in my hometown, where even the air is better, or is it? Tony you are a good man.

Folks, Fullerton needs some more Tony’s. Come on guys, stand up for your children. You stand up, cheer, scream and yell, and keep tabs on the scores and stats for all the ball games for a bunch of people who make ten thousand times more money than you do, and who by the way, could care less about your children. Hows about 3 cheers for Fullerton’s school children and a safe learning environment? With wireless classrooms, it sure looks like we don’t have one and believe me, I am not alone:

My sincere hope is that the men and women in this town will put down the remote and tune into this reality check channel instead. We all need to focus on this issue while you have your precious children home for the summer. Put them first in a big way by educating yourselves on this issue because it is here to stay ladies and gentlemen. Someday you will appreciate the fact that so are we. For more information on the dangers of wireless classrooms please explore the rest of this blog and also please visit another one of our good friends who cares deeply about all of our children as well: 


  1. #1 by Al Bundi on June 10, 2013 - 2:11 pm

    First it’s WiFi and now you are after the remote? What is next the fridge in the garage?

    • #2 by sayitlikeitis on June 10, 2013 - 5:59 pm

      yeah, wake up and do what’s best for the children

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