Well, collectively we have successfully conserved hundreds of millions of gallons of water in our community over the past several years. Now that our homes are water saving homes, equipped with drip irrigation, water wise toilets, faucets, shower heads, diswashers and washing machines, Fullerton residents may now opt out of a majority of the new water rate increase by having their 1 inch water meters exchanged for the 5/8 meter option. This will decrease the doubling of the monthly meter charge and have no impact on the new rate structure for water usage. The cost of changing the meter will be paid for by the City of Fullerton.

To order your new meter you must call the City Of Fullerton’s engineering department. The phone number for the Engineering Dept 714-738-7803. A city permit is not required for a water meter swap out. Thank you all for doing your part in being water wise and conserving one of our most precious resources, water.

Joe Imbriano

  1. #1 by Warren on December 16, 2019 - 6:25 pm

    I just would like to know, You always talk about having fresh water and the infinite amount of water we have, but this seems like it goes against the point your talking about. Can you fill me in on this so i better understand.

    Thanks Joe

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