Fullerton Police Officers receiving Grand Jury Subpoenas for the alleged Joe Felz Dui coverup


Is Tony Rackaukus yanking everyone’s chain again? I have done all I can on this one. The chips will now fall where they may and the charges will be felonies if they are actually brought. The one year clock has run on misdemeanor obstruction of justice charges, and because the power structure all doubled down and tried to bury this, the only thing left on the table if they find reasonable evidence which I believe exists will be to charge the officers and command staff with FELONY OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE IF THE GRAND JURY decides TO BRING THEM UP ON CHARGES.


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  1. #1 by Anonymous on July 9, 2018 - 11:05 pm

    Police are not above the law…They are not even an authority over you..The only reason people believe in their minds that they are is because they believe the “state” is real…It Ain’t…It only exists in peoples minds from fear based programming and because theres a gun under the lawbook which is actually a book of lies…Laws are lies and evoke slavery…Principles are truths and evoke freedom…These people are actors in a fiction illusion dressed in costumes who people by programming think they have authority…They Dont…They are a fiction who have taken their arrogance and fallacy bravado to new levels of criminal behavior…What is going to happen is a voluntary everything in all aspects of society with the non aggression principle…Because the Zionist rolled out this stolen valor on steroids police state and its not working…They act like who taught them in seminars… Israeli psychopath military trainers in crowd control…who only know one thing…how to kill innocent people..like Palestinians and get away with it because they own the media and are not held accountable or transparent…They murder 20 to 30 Palestinians a day but its never reported…This is how they want the USA that Israel controls because of the AIPAC lobby and their Federal reserve where they print billions and trillions and give it to their friends to gamble on wall st

    • #2 by Anonymous on July 12, 2018 - 4:44 am

      But they are above the law, we’re just chattle in the system. There’s a priest class and we’re just lowly peasants. The system is rigged folks, we’re all living in a tyranny, but we can’t see it because we could drive down the street and get a pizza for 5 bucks or run to the .99 cents store and buy useless stuff or flip on the tele and be entertained by whatever type of news you’re looking for. We’re slaves in the matrix, we can’t see the bars, but we are behind them and we have “owners”, law enforcement are their force and they have privilege over us as well, but in the end they are slaves with slightly more privilege, but slaves just like us.

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