Fullerton City Council Meeting Results by Barry Levinson

Fullerton City Council Meeting Results by Barry Levinson

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Barry Levinson

They are considering 3 options to reduce the water loss at Laguna Lake. However, the only action taken on Laguna Lake last night was to approve a consultant contract to determine the cause of and solutions for the water loss and bring back the results NLT the July 21 council meeting. I will keep residents informed when this item comes back to council. The rest of the plan was officially approved at the meeting. 

The willingness for this council majority to basically rubber stamp this plan (everyone except for Council member Whitaker) shows that this council really has its own agendas and is not interested in representing the people of Fullerton in my opinion.

Why do I make that claim? Simply because something this important that will impact almost everybody’s pocketbooks, lifestyles and maybe even health and safety (potential for brush fires) requires reviewing the plan with a objective but critical eye in order to improve the plan. How often have any of you put together a draft proposal quickly and believe it was the best you could do and make no improvements going forward? The answer is never!

As soon as you try to hold city departments and/or council accountable it seems that Council member Flory can’t contain herself and has to defend the city. To paraphrase her at council – “nobody’s perfect”.


Ms. Flory nobody is expecting perfection but competence and a willingness to work with independent members of the public would do for starters.

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you ain’t kidding

P.S. One of the highlights as far as entertainment value was concerned was watching Council member Fitzgerald staunchly support the idea of adding more high priced PR/Consultant personnel under the guise that Public Works needs them to provide basic information about construction projects to the public.

I questioned the propriety of her unwavering support for the motion to set up a list of NO BID PR/Consultants with the language that more could be added at the whim of the city. I said that at the very least her support gives the appearance of a conflict of interest.




Ms. Fitzgerald like a good politician did not respond to my comment. What conflict you ask? After being elected to the Fullerton Council she was hired as a Vice President of Curt Pringle and Associates, one of the largest PR/Consultant firms in Orange County. But why do you think she was hired after she became council member and not before? I guess it was just a coincidence.


garbage in garbage out

P.S. Final vote for additional PR/Consultant list was as follows: Aye’s Fitzgerald (who probably never met a PR/Consultant she did not like in my opinion); Flory (who at a past council meeting said the following to a council member (paraphrasing) – your mother did not breast feed you enough; Ms. Flory is such a lovely and charming lady),

Chaffee (who not once but twice asked to be able to scuba dive at Laguna Lake; Mr. Chaffee that was over the top even for you sir)


Hey Doug, you gotta remove that flotation device first…

and our own “conservative” Mayor Sebourn.


Is this a bust of a younger Sean Nelson?

No’s: Whitaker


P.S. Question: How does a “conservative” earn of living promoting big Government and big Government projects? I think someone should ask Ms. Fitzgerald that question at our next council meeting.




Maybe just maybe that shows more than just the appearance of a conflict of interest. Where does our City Attorney stand on this subject?

images-14 Maybe someone should ask him that question at the next council meeting as well?

I report, you decide!

Barry Levinson

  1. #1 by Agenda 21 on June 5, 2015 - 12:35 pm

    In reference to: PRESS RELEASE: Broad Coalition Cheers Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 2015


    “Very unfortunate and I hope it doesn’t pass. The following should sound very familiar to all. Wild Olympics is, unfortunately, just another government grab specific to Agenda 21 and its mission to strip you of more and more individual rights.
    The three cornerstones of UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development are Economy, Ecology, and Social Equity.
    Economic collapse creates a chain of events, but on a micro level (county, city) there is a marked reduction in revenue for maintenance of services. Loss of services to outlying areas means, for example, roads not being maintained to rural and suburban areas. Roads not being maintained to those areas, schools not being supported in those areas, law enforcement/fire/social services not being supported in those areas means a gradual movement into the denser city centers. Add to that the increased cost of gasoline (manipulated), and the higher cost of energy (manipulated) to heat and cool statistically larger homes, and you have more pressure to leave rural and suburban areas. Reduction of energy usage is key. Smart Growth/New Urbanism in Redevelopment Areas is the supposed answer: smaller units, attached condos, little or no parking, few private cars. More eyes on the street. Redevelopment projects are the implementation arm of the UN plan, and include rezoning of huge sections of your cities to Smart Growth zones. This physical manifestation of UN Agenda 21 is social engineering paid for with your property tax dollars. These areas then have their property taxes diverted away from your services and into the pockets of a few developers and bond brokers for 30-45 years. Result? Bankrupt cities and counties.
    In addition to these factors, ecologically motivated regulation makes rural/suburban development prohibitive. From stream/creek/ditch protection to watershed protection, to bayland/inland/rural corridor prohibitions, to increased species protection (lists are growing), the use of land is greatly limited. Water well monitoring and loss of water rights reduce the opportunity for living outside of cities. Wildlands programs that prohibit roads and trails into rural areas while supposedly protecting them with conservation easements increase the loss of our food source independence. The sale of development rights to Agricultural Land Trusts that restrict farmers and ranchers from using their lands and therefore make it impossible to farm for more than one more generation endanger our ability to feed ourselves.
    Add to this the pressure from ICLEI Climate Protection Campaigns to reduce our energy usage to pre-1985 levels, and increased regulations on industry and you have the perfect storm for loss of jobs and greater dependence on other countries for goods. As the population becomes more and more urbanized and less able to provide food or necessary products, more people are dependent on the government for housing, food, and other basic necessities. Government itself becomes dependent on grants and loans with requirements attached. In this way policy-makers are influenced and pressured by the corporatocracy. Public/private partnerships favor some businesses over others and completely unbalance the playing field. Independent businesses go bankrupt. Poverty works its way into the middle class.
    Social equity, another one of the cornerstones of Agenda 21 comes in here. As a major leveler, the loss of money, land, food, and energy independence brings the US into ‘social equity’ with the poorer countries. This is a goal of Agenda 21. Health will suffer, presumably health care will suffer, nutrition will suffer. Psychological problems, stress from living in tight Smart Growth areas with other un- or underemployed people, and crime will result. Community Oriented Policing will encourage, if not require, people to watch their neighbors and report suspicious activity. More activity will be identified as ‘crime’–such as obesity, smoking, drinking when you have a drinking problem, name calling, leaving lights on, neglect (in someone’s perception) of children, elderly, and pets, driving when you could ride a bike, breaking a curfew, and failure to do mandatory volunteering. The ‘community’ will demand more law enforcement to restore order, and more rules and regulations will ensue. The lines between government and non-governmental groups will blur more and more as unelected local groups make policy decisions using the Delphi Technique to manufacture consensus. The Chinese and Russian models are instructive in what you can expect under Communitarianism. See Nien Cheng’s Life and Death in Shanghai, and Alexsander Solzhenitsen’s The Gulag Archipelago for real world examples. The war on terror is a Communitarian plan designed to terrorize YOU.
    You can see that the groundwork for this has been laid and is being implemented throughout the nation. When you create deep dependence and then withdraw assistance the result is chaos and poverty. Propaganda infuses our culture with messages that there are just a few winners and many losers; that we are killing the earth and time is running out; that prosperity is an anachronism and detrimental to life; that individual freedom is selfish and injures those who are less free.
    This is UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.
    Communitarianism is the ‘balancing’ or subsuming of individual rights below the needs of the ‘community.’ The community is defined now as the global village. So anything identified as serving the global village takes precedence over the rights of the individual. In the United States, our constitution guarantees our rights to life and liberty. Ownership of property includes that of our own persons.
    Personal liberty is at odds with Communitarianism, the new standard of the Twenty-first Century. Join us in fighting UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.”

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