Fullerton City Council Meeting Results by Barry Levinson

Fullerton City Council Meeting Results by Barry Levinson

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Barry Levinson

They are considering 3 options to reduce the water loss at Laguna Lake. However, the only action taken on Laguna Lake last night was to approve a consultant contract to determine the cause of and solutions for the water loss and bring back the results NLT the July 21 council meeting. I will keep residents informed when this item comes back to council. The rest of the plan was officially approved at the meeting. 

The willingness for this council majority to basically rubber stamp this plan (everyone except for Council member Whitaker) shows that this council really has its own agendas and is not interested in representing the people of Fullerton in my opinion.

Why do I make that claim? Simply because something this important that will impact almost everybody’s pocketbooks, lifestyles and maybe even health and safety (potential for brush fires) requires reviewing the plan with a objective but critical eye in order to improve the plan. How often have any of you put together a draft proposal quickly and believe it was the best you could do and make no improvements going forward? The answer is never!

As soon as you try to hold city departments and/or council accountable it seems that Council member Flory can’t contain herself and has to defend the city. To paraphrase her at council – “nobody’s perfect”.


Ms. Flory nobody is expecting perfection but competence and a willingness to work with independent members of the public would do for starters.

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you ain’t kidding

P.S. One of the highlights as far as entertainment value was concerned was watching Council member Fitzgerald staunchly support the idea of adding more high priced PR/Consultant personnel under the guise that Public Works needs them to provide basic information about construction projects to the public.

I questioned the propriety of her unwavering support for the motion to set up a list of NO BID PR/Consultants with the language that more could be added at the whim of the city. I said that at the very least her support gives the appearance of a conflict of interest.




Ms. Fitzgerald like a good politician did not respond to my comment. What conflict you ask? After being elected to the Fullerton Council she was hired as a Vice President of Curt Pringle and Associates, one of the largest PR/Consultant firms in Orange County. But why do you think she was hired after she became council member and not before? I guess it was just a coincidence.


garbage in garbage out

P.S. Final vote for additional PR/Consultant list was as follows: Aye’s Fitzgerald (who probably never met a PR/Consultant she did not like in my opinion); Flory (who at a past council meeting said the following to a council member (paraphrasing) – your mother did not breast feed you enough; Ms. Flory is such a lovely and charming lady),

Chaffee (who not once but twice asked to be able to scuba dive at Laguna Lake; Mr. Chaffee that was over the top even for you sir)


Hey Doug, you gotta remove that flotation device first…

and our own “conservative” Mayor Sebourn.


Is this a bust of a younger Sean Nelson?

No’s: Whitaker


P.S. Question: How does a “conservative” earn of living promoting big Government and big Government projects? I think someone should ask Ms. Fitzgerald that question at our next council meeting.




Maybe just maybe that shows more than just the appearance of a conflict of interest. Where does our City Attorney stand on this subject?

images-14 Maybe someone should ask him that question at the next council meeting as well?

I report, you decide!

Barry Levinson

  1. #1 by Joe Imbriano on June 4, 2015 - 8:13 am

    Agenda 21 denier Jan Fluoride calls geoengineering voodoo, denies the validity and findings of the work of the chief water scientist at NASA, JPL and UCI and claims Joe Imbriano doesn’t know what he is talking about while she sits on the MWD board repeatedly denying the fact that California’s drought is a geo engineered drought and according to the work of the chief water scientist at NASA, JPL and UCI whose findings are that cumulative Ca statewide water storage dropped by 40 millimeters over 12 years. You think she would investigate what is really going on as a council member as well as an MWD appointee? No she is a rubber stamp hack just like the rest of these nitwits that want to kill all of the plant life in town, kill everyone’s gardens, make this place look like her alma matter Garden Grove where everyone parks their cars on the dead grass where they pile the beer bottles where the dogs shit and not address Fullerton’s 50 year old leaky toilet, high flow shower head, and 30 year old school district rain bird sprinkler water wasting epidemic that sends more of the aquifer down to the Ellis plant than all of the outdoor watering combined. Will she drink to that?

    Jencurt Fitzpringle just moves her eyeballs sideways and makes bizarre facial expressions when members of the public state facts that conflict with with all of her conflicts of interest. Its ok because forgiveness is for sale over at EV FREE incorporated.

    Doug Chaffee can’t wait to get off his next photo op for re election while always picking up the rear carrying the water for his two tripped out cleopatras up there.

    As for Greg, well, ….. Come on Greg, you already have a clone waiting in the audience.

    Is there a flask involved?

    • #2 by Anonymous on June 4, 2015 - 11:21 am

      What is the source documents you repeatedly cite in all of your assertions regarding the present state of affairs of California’ water supply Mr. Imbriano? I would really like to see it for myself.

    • #3 by strong older women on June 4, 2015 - 12:02 pm

      Voodoo is what Ms. Flory practiced in the courtroom while she ripped families apart for several decades. She is a friggin’ douchebag.

    • #4 by Joe Imbriano on June 4, 2015 - 9:27 pm

      I think it is because her mother didn’t breastfeed her enough and she has a problem with strong younger men.

    • #5 by Fullerton's Shameful City Hall on June 13, 2015 - 10:47 pm

      Please watch the June 2 council meeting video. Mayor Sebourn states that one of the reasons we need high priced PR consultants to do very simple task of informing the public including affected businesses of ongoing public works projects is because some of the qualified city employees might not want to perform those tasks. Mr. Mayor when you have an employee or employees who refuse to do their jobs in the real world you fire them. But according to our Mayor you accommodate them by hiring expensive outside consultants to do their work.

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