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#1 by Anonymous on November 14, 2018 - 2:18 am
What they call “the God particle”, is the nature of dark matter/anti-matter. It’s just named “the God particle” because it’s the only thing that eludes Science. On the way to discovering it, they have discovered other particles, which were theorized by Scientists of yesteryear. You are twisting 11 dimensions to suit your own nonsense spiritual assertions. They say 11 dimensions are “possible”, but many of those are pretty simple too and many are unproven. They are just possibilities and nothing more. The proven ones are length, height, depth, strong and weak forces etc., it’s all Physics, not some fucking spiritual nonsense, but I would expect a religitard to slide God in there like a well-lubed dildo, cause that’s typical. The “God of the gaps” in Science.
Do you just make shit up as you go along? Clearly you do, cause that’s not what “real” Science says at all. Fucking religitards just love to make up more fantasies and lies to pile on top of their other lies and fantasies about their unprovable “God”. Pathetic. There is NO proof that people’s spiritual bodies leave their physical ones. Any “supposed” proof, like photos (there is one specific case like that), have been proven to be fraudulent/fake. People can see angels and demons all they like, there is zero proof for that too. Heard that claim many times and it’s severely proof lacking. The mind is a funny thing and you can convince yourself of ANYTHING.
No evidence of that or the other nonsense they claim either, like possession etc. There is NOT ONE valid case of possession, ever. Even priests don’t believe it. They perform exorcisms as a convenience for their members, they don’t believe in it. Why would I be angry, rejected or unwanted. I feel none of those things and I am quite happy. You make a lot of assumptions and are not quite all there. That’s obvious and when you say stupid shit like “use your spiritual brain” and not my rational one. Yeah, that’s what you people do alright, cause you are clearly not using your brain.
You don’t get “healed” by praying, that is also nonsense. There is not one valid case of getting healed by praying. Valid medical Science has never proven that either, however, they have proven the placebo effect. Healing through belief and that has NOTHING to do with some imaginary sky daddy. That’s got to do with the amazing power of the mind and can be achieved through a placebo, same as praying. God is a placebo. Lol. Supernatural spirit Science is NOT Science. That’s pseudoscience, which you religitards are very good at at spewing.