Flory, Fitzgerald and Chaffee’s 3-2 vote approving the Richman Park cell Tower

It' not funny ya lamebrain

It’ not funny ya lamebrain

I wish it was something to laugh about.

Flory, Fitzgerald and Chaffee’s 3-2 vote approving the Richman Park cell Tower-by Diane Hickey

As in the past, I am following up with the source documents/media references made during my public comments at the August 19, 2014, Fullerton City Council Meeting.  The following are links to the assertions made at that meeting:


1)       Resonance:  Beings of Frequency



“Over the last 25 years:

A number of species, which rely on the earth’s magnetic fields to navigate, have mysteriously gone into decline.

5 species of butterfly have become extinct in Britain

109 species of Arctic migratory birds have declined dramatically in numbers

36 species of Australian shore birds have decreased in numbers by 75%

10% of the world’s butterflies face extinction

45% of a Europe’s common birds have declined in numbers

50% decline in all European grassland butterflies

Bee numbers have dropped by up to 70%

62% of Asia’s migratory water birds declining or extinct

4 species of American bee decreased in numbers by up to 98%

Farmland birds falling by as much as 79%

190 different species of bird face imminent extinction”

2)       Letter from the Department of the Interior to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, dated Feb 7, 2014, “regarding the adverse impact of cell tower radiation on wildlife.”


3)       Washington Post:  Electromagnetic ‘noise’ can confuse migrating songbirds, study says



As time progresses, more information is coming out at an increasing pace in regard to the health detriments of wireless radiation.

As we all know, UC Berkeley is a well-respected education and research institution. You should be interested in the June, 2014, release from UC Berkeley, Center for Family and Community Health,Some Tips For Reducing Your Exposure To Wireless Radiation. Among those tips are:

“Turn off wi-fi on devices being used by kids.”

“ . . .  use hardwired networks in schools to provide Internet access.”

Those of you that have children in the Fullerton School District (FSD) should be asking yourselves the question:  Why is the FSD wireless classroom practice completely contrary to UC Berkley’s tips on wireless radiation avoidance?  Or, why does FSD continue to expose the children to wireless radiation when numerous medical doctors, researchers, and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine have written letters to Los Angeles USD imploring them to use WIRED technology.   Berkeley is not the only institution telling the schools to hardwire the classrooms.

The link is here:


Do you recall the testimonies of Drs. Martin Pall and Dr. Paul Dart before a state governmental body, the Oregon State House of Representatives Committee on Health Care?  Those testimonies were sent to you a number of weeks ago; did you view them?

It is inconceivable that Mss. Fitzgerald and Flory and Mr. Chaffee voted for a cell tower at Richman Park, where children play, attend school, and reside nearby. Is it only a matter of time before these neighborhoods experience breast cancer rates 23 times higher and brain cancer rates 121 times higher than those not located near the cell tower?  These were rates cited from just one study, conducted in Austria (1984-1987), and you were given this information weeks ago.

Council members Fitzgerald, Flory, and Chaffee, will your vote to allow the cell tower have set in motion the health detriments as testified to by Drs. Pall and Dart?

You were provided many resources from which to examine a topic that has a significant impact on the Richman Park community.  It has been testified to that cancer and infertility are health outcomes of wireless radiation emissions, how could this vote be anything but hugely significant?  Your votes defy reason, logic, and, most of all, human compassion.  Certainly, none of you have the credentials to refute the information provided you.

You three council members could have, as did Messrs.  Whitaker and Sebourn, cited other non-health issues for a “no” vote.

Only you know your motivations for voting for the cell tower and I can only surmise that those motivations held more significance and value to you than did the impact to the health of the Richman Park community.



Diane Hickey, Co-founder

National Association For Children and Safe Technology


I motion to post the ATT report on our website-Potius Pilate

Jan Flory

How much again?

Jennifer Fitzgerald

Where is the flag? I feel a draft.

Doug Chaffee





  1. #1 by Joe Imbriano on August 26, 2014 - 8:49 am


    • #2 by Anonymous on August 26, 2014 - 5:20 pm

      More of Doug Chaffee to love.

(will not be published)

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