Are your children the canaries in the coal mine, or rats in a cage with 35 kids in a classroom being forcibly exposed to pulse modulated microwave radiation levels that are trillions of times the normal background levels from multiple industrial strength wireless access points with wireless devices in their laps all day 5 days a week 180 days a year for decades? You can shut the wireless off at home but not at school. Robert Pletka refuses to turn off the wireless systems.
I would listen to this neurosurgeon who has been in practice since 1967 long before any education doctor like the Fullerton School District superintendent Dr. Robert Pletka.
Robert Pletka has gone on record and states that the wireless classrooms are “… totally safe for the children..”
How about Greg Dhuyvetter who while runs all the Catholic Schools in The OC? ALL of his schools are rolling ahead with wireless in spite of the warnings to him.
Does it not appear that he could very well be in love with the technology if not obsessed with it? Or how about this where he uses Jesus’ name in vain to gain bragging rights to the common core? Are you kidding me? . Is this his fantasy?
How about Petaluma school superintendent Steve Bolman who was refused to turn off the wireless systems in his district?
Why does it appear that he is ignoring the Petaluma based website run by a local parent group?
It is a no brainer folks. The stuff needs to be turned OFF and taken out of the laps and hands of our children before it is too late.
Obama’s Connect Ed program, and Wheeler’s FCC are directly involved in what amounts to forcibly irradiating your children at school. This is a non-optional situation for your kids.
“John Krull, the information technology officer for the Oakland public school system, said the need for Wi-Fi upgrades cannot wait another year. “We pretty much need an access point in every classroom,” Mr. Krull said. “Just having a few access points spread around the school doesn’t cut it.”
I guess he hasn’t read this:
I would add that once these access points end up being deployed on the ceilings, their pulse modulated microwave emission equivalents-the wireless tablets and laptops-end up being deployed in their laps with, in this case, the antenna resting right on his zipper.
They will also be deployed near their heads,
or even at home deployed right next to their siblings developing brains.
May God help us ladies and gentlemen, may God help us.
#1 by Joe Imbriano on June 13, 2014 - 6:32 am
The 1996 Telecommunications act regulates the signal from cellular telephone towers/masts and from cellular telephones only. Wi-Fi was invented in 2000 and did not see wide spread adoption until 2005 or so. Wi-Fi is unregulated. The FCC and the federal government have no jurisdiction over devices that participate in the sending and receiving of data via Wi-Fi signals in public schools. Under dual regulatory authority, regulation of Wi-Fi falls to each state. I am assuming that your state has no such regulations in place.
Therefore, any Federal SAR ratings quoted for cellular telephones or any FCC guidelines for cell phone tower signals (which were never intended to be a safety standard) have no relevance for tablets, laptops, Chromebooks and wireless routers/access points deployed in schools.
You will have to look at the facts that have been established in the scientific literature to determine your safe course of action:
This presentation references the accurate calculations made from a valid scientific measurement on 8/22/13 using this meter (, which provides results that are admissible in court:
The page says:
“The Cisco 4410N WAP has been irradiating teachers and children in the classroom, pictured below, every minute of every school day — for no educational benefit. The RF/EMF microwave radiation levels in this classroom exceed federal safety guidelines many times, every day, based on total cumulative radiation exposure. This cumulative calculation method was confirmed by senior FCC and OSHA engineers. In August 2013, these engineers analyzed the radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF/EMF) measurement in this classroom and agreed that the math driving the animation, below, is correct.
I purchased GigaHerz Solutions meters and attended the one week training from the International Institute For Building-Biology & Ecology to make sure I knew everything I could about how to properly measure and mitigate RF/EMF microwave radiation. I devoured the information at and had multiple conversations with James Cassata, Executive Director of the NCRP, Edwin Mantiply of the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology, and Jeffery Lodwick of Federal OSHA as I shepherded an OSHA claim against my school district through the system in July/August 2013. I insisted on reaching agreement, in writing, on how one should calculate total cumulative RF/EMF microwave radiation exposure before OSHA compared this total to any existing standards. I got the agreement in writing.
One has to apply a sufficient amount of Power over time to do any Work:
– Power from the sun over time to tan or eventually burn your skin
– Power from a microwave oven over time to warm or eventually boil water
– Power from a wireless router/access point or wireless device over time to damage our cells or eventually cause cancer
The FCC maximum public exposure guideline for RF/EMF Microwave Radiation exposure cannot be relied upon because it is not protective, not reflective of current scientific understanding and based on three falsehoods:
1. The Fallacy of Spatial Averaging: power density drops by the square of the distance from the antenna, but the actual power of any single stream of pulses does not significantly drop over the first 50 feet.
2. The Fallacy of Temporal Averaging: peak power is hundreds or thousands of times higher than reported average power; our cells are reacting to these peaks or spikes.
3. The Fallacy of Heat Dissipation: the biggest lie is that the only effect we need to be concerned about is heating of one’s tissue. This has been scientifically disproven for over 40 years. There are many cellular effects observed at levels much lower than a level that would cause heating.”
Therefore in one kindergarten room in 2013-2014, with only one wireless access point operating, the children in this Kindergarten room were exposed to 75.6 million microjoules per square meter per day x 180 school days = 13.6 billion microjoules per square meter. If wireless devices had been used in the classroom, the number would be exponentially higher.
Is any of this safe? No. Is the fact that 13.6 billion microjoules per square meter is 1360 times higher than the FCC guideline of 10,000,000 microwatts per square meter, an instantaneous measurement that has no concept of power delivered over time, even relevant? Not really.
So where does that leave you?
1. It is self-evident to each of us that total exposure over time is what really matters: 30 minutes of unprotected exposure to mid-day sun may give us a sun tan, but several hours of unprotected exposure to mid-day sun would most likely give us a sun burn. Same thing happens when we cook a potato in a microwave oven: 100% power x 5 minutes = one cooked potato and 50% power x ten minutes also = one cooked potato. It doesn’t help to know just the instantaneous measurement of power density. That is meaningless. You need to know the total power delivered over time and if this amount of Work (power delivered over time) is sufficient to achieve the effect.
2. The fact that the FCC guideline has no concept of total power delivered over time is insane. Yes, it sounds as if the guideline deals with time (a nominal 30 minute period for public exposure and a nominal 6-minute period for occupational exposure), but that is merely a convention used to ease the measurement process. Press the FCC on this and they will admit that they view the FCC guideline as an amount of RF/EMF microwave radiation (10,000,000 µW/m2) that one can receive indefinitely, 24/7, forever for each wireless device in the room.
3. What if there are 24 wireless devices in the room totaling 240,000,000 µW/m2? The FCC guideline does not address this. The FCC RF/EMF microwave exposure maximum public exposure guideline cannot be relied upon to protect anyone from long-term health effects.
4. 75,600,000 is 7.5 times higher than 10,000,000. That’s the truth that opens the door to finally shine the light on the fallacies of the FCC maximum public exposure guideline for RF/EMF microwave radiation exposure.
I hope this information leads you to the correct course of action:
On any school campus that educates students in Grades K-6, CEASE and DESIST powering on and operating any antenna in any wireless router, any antenna in any wireless access point or any antenna in any other electronic devices that are designed to transmit data wirelessly.
California Education Code §51101(a)(7) and California Education Code §§32060-32065 requires that CA public schools provide a safe learning environment and prohibits schools from buying products that introduce know carcinogens (as defined by the International Agency for Research on Cancer) into K-6 classrooms.
Perhaps your state has similar regulations. If not, please still do the right thing. Wired Ethernet provides a faster, more secure and safer way to connect students to the Internet. Even iPads can now connect to the Internet via wires, despite how Apple markets its product:
Attachments area
Internet on ipad using ethernet cable – in flightmode and wifi off