Ray Grasse’s article on “Wheels of Change” in the Oct./Nov. issue of Mountain Astrologer notes that the decade following 9/11 witnessed a restructuring of the US economy. The US military was also re-structured to establish smaller military bases in more locations. The US forced other nations to increase radio frequency exposure limits to accommodate US radar, surveillance, and weaponry.
The “Five Eyes” nations of the military-industrial complex, including the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, assume that the only action that causes harm from radiofrequency is heating, while 40% of the world’s populations is protected by RF limits that recognize adverse impacts below the thermal threshold, including breakdown of the blood-brain-barrier and double DNA breaks.
Americans have been sold a bill of goods that wireless technology is the wave of the future, as well as the way to address climate change. The installation of wireless smart utility meters, industrial-scale Wi-Fi in schools, and the cultivated demand for faster and more powerful cellphones and wireless devices requiring more towers and antennas are stimulating the wireless economy and health care sector, while destroying the health of the ecosystem. The industry is employing the same strategies as the tobacco industry by corrupting the science, but instead of hiring marketers to convince consumers to buy a toxic product, it is more efficient to convince a small group of governors and legislators to pass mandates and laws while manipulating the core values of the populace who believe that buying a compact fluorescent light bulb is sustainable.
“Robert Hand’s article on the Precession of the Capricorn Solstice looks to 2017 as a critical time. When the World Health Organization meets again to review the epidemiology regarding RF the classification will not be “possible human carcinogen”; it will be definite carcinogen. The data will not come from Austria, Switzerland, China, Italy, Russia, or other nations with limits RF hundreds of times lower than those set by the US military for the purposes of war and exported widely.The data will be generated by cancer rates for women and children in the US. If environmentalists cleaning up the legacy of toxic chemicals and fossil fuels do not awaken to the damages unfolding from the unexamined and unmonitored commoditization of the electromagnetic spectrum, time is running out for the US.” —-Patricia Burke
Millis MA
Folks, the fact is that you are destroying your children and all for what?
So you can keep your stupid new car, your jobs taking part in all of this, your careers that you have exchanged for your lineage, your phony friends that will turn on you on a dime, your nail appointments and soap opera time, your drinking buddies, your fleeting thinly veneered high school reputations that mean nothing, your bush league political connections, or for your disneyland denial bubble that you refuse to realize that it is going to pop.
For your kids, it all starts with your complicity when you dump them off at school where they spend the entire day jammed in a room with 35 cell phone emission equivalents known as iPads (infertility pads) humming away all day everyday and irradiating away exposing their brains, hearts and reproductive organs and then at home to do their homework. Then they will be up at all hours of the night once they get addicted to the video games just so you can prepare them for jobs that don’t exist and so you can watch the stupid ball game or your vampire porn on the idiot box.
Yes first stop the optometrist from too much blue glow flicker rate manipulated screen time, then the orthodontist from the microwave exposure induced melatonin disruption yielding insomnia, malnutrition, screentime addiction induced sunlight deprivation induced vitamin D deficiency, poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and microwave exposure altered gene expression.
then the the reproductive endocrinologist from the intentionally designed microwave induced ovary damage from the loving
satanic apple computer company,
then the oncologist
and finally the embalmer when the 5FU chemo drip finally kills them at age 35.
All for an iPad and a seat at the PTA meeting. Folks the future does not involve your children having children, living a full life or ever having the ability to think critically and realize what is being done to them with your blessing.
That is of course unless you have the courage and wisdom to rescue them and stop this holocaust. The agenda is real, and it is right out in the open-it is called DEPOPULATION BY STERILZATION OF SCHOOL CHILDREN.
What have they done to all of our children?
What have they done to all of you dads?
How do you sit back and let them destroy your children?
Ladies what has become of you as you sit back and take part in this?
May God help us, folks, may God help us.
#1 by Anonymous on January 8, 2015 - 5:00 pm
Wall Street’s Cell Phone Litigation Problem
Gordon Noble, Finance and Investment for Good, Nov 14, 2014
It is 1987 and Gordon Gekko stands on a windswept beach with a cell phone to his ear. He is talking on the world’s first mobile phone – the Motorola DynaTac 8000X. It wasn’t cheap back then costing $3,995 – which in today’s terms is close to $9,000. Not surprising only the wealthiest could afford these phones, and Wall Street was the epicentre of an industry that became a global phenomenon over the next decades.
Wall Street execs were the first to use cell phones. They have used them the longest and the most intensively. They were the first to upgrade to more powerful units. It is perhaps not surprising therefore that it is Wall Street firms that are the ‘canary in the mine’ in terms of litigation around the health impacts of long term cell phone use.
The links between brain tumours and cell phones are hotly contested. As telcos fight a growing public relations battle that is flaring through social media, a little known legal case has continued to make its way through US courts.
On 8th August 2014 Judge Frederick H. Weisberg issued a judgement in the Superior Court for the District of Columbia in a long running case alleging that brain tumours of the litigants were caused by cell phone use.
Weisberg did not make a judgement on whether cell phones cause cancer. What he was examining is whether the evidence that was being presented by trial lawyers was permissible under the Court’s rules. To do this he went through an exhaustive process under the Dyas/Frye test which is essentially about whether an expert uses a methodology that is generally accepted in the relevant scientific community to arrive at his opinion.
Weisberg ruled that a number of expert witnesses were permitted to present evidence in the next stage of the trial. But he also made some thought provoking comments:
“If there is even a reasonable possibility that cell phone radiation is carcinogenic, the time for action in the public health and regulatory sectors is upon us. Even though the financial and social cost of restricting such devices would be significant, those costs pale in comparison to the cost in human lives from doing nothing, only to discover thirty or forty years from now that the early signs were pointing in the right direction. If the probability of carcinogenicity is low, but the magnitude of the potential harm is high, good public policy dictates that the risk should not be ignored.”
The significance of Weisberg’s judgement is that he has inadvertently provided an independent verification of research. The research that he has admitted to the next stage of the court process will no doubt be challenged, but the methodology that the researchers have used has been accepted by the Court.
One of the problems that medical researchers in the radiation field have found is that their work is criticised by parties with strong commercial self interests. Weisberg has no such pressures. He is simply a judge doing his job.
The question for investors is what does this all mean?
In the heated discussion about whether cell phones can cause cancer it will be litigation that will ultimately determine the issue. The insurance industry understands this.
In 2010 Lloyds of London produced a paper, Electro-magnetic fields from mobile phones: recent developments, which discussed the potential for litigation. Lloyds stated:
“If EMF is proved to cause an increased risk of brain cancer it is likely the insurance industry will see claims under product liability policies for bodily injury….The issue of asbestos and its implications is widely known throughout the insurance industry, and many comparisons can be drawn with EMF – the initial impression that it was a ‘wonder product’ coupled with potential very long-term serious health issues not understood at the start of its use. Like asbestos any EMF litigation will probably be long and complex – similar issues could occur such as the definition of an actionable injury, policy triggers and apportioning liability….Should EMF prove to cause brain cancer, or any other adverse health effects, it is likely the main effect on the insurance industry will concern product liability claims for bodily injury.”
Lloyds concluded their report stating “With regards to the implication to insurance, as the current scientific evidence stands, it is unlikely that insurers will be liable for compensation for bodily injury on product liability policies. However, as asbestos has shown, new scientific developments coupled with a small number of key legal cases can change the situation very rapidly.”
Insurers have already taken Lloyds’ advice to heart by excluding coverage of radiation risks from insurance contracts.
In the meantime the debate will continue. New evidence is coming out on a regular basis demonstrating the links between cell phone use and cancer. A recent French study for example that came out in May 2014 (see links) found a positive association that was statistically significant for heavy users of cell phones considering life-long cumulative duration.
Whilst the telco industry may fight to the wall on litigation it may be employers that will ultimately bear the brunt of litigation claims.
A significant question for Wall Street firms is how they will manage this risk. Currently Wall Street firms supply and pay cell phone bills for their employees. Work is structured in such a way that it is impossible for an employee to work without a phone.
If a court determines that there is a link between cell phones and cancer we can expect that, because Wall Street has the greatest exposure, it will be first to be hit. Compensation, which would most likely be based on lost earnings, would be significant for an industry that routinely pays out multi-million dollar bonuses.
The question is whether Wall Street is already experiencing claims? There have been high profile Wall Street executives that have passed away in recent years from aggressive brain cancers. Wall Street firms are unlikely to want to proactively disclose litigation but it is a question that should be asked.
Wall Street firms also have some tough decisions to make about managing future risk. If we were to see a change of behaviour in the way firms manage their employees’ cell phones then this may be an indication that they are aware of the problem. At least one Wall Street firm has recently moved to no longer paying cell phone bills for its employees. Employees that have been spoken to believe that this is part of a cost cutting exercise, but wider factors may be at play.
What would Gordon Gekko be doing in these circumstances? The way he was smoking those cigars he may not have made it this far to worry about it. But if he did he would no doubt be shorting his own company.
Dariusz Leszczynski – molecular biology scientist who has advised The World Health Organisation. Dariusz is currently visiting Australia giving public lectures. See his blog for details: https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/
Reuters: Are wireless phones linked with brain cancer risk?
Transcript of Judge Frederick H. Weisberg judgement on expert witness in telco / brain tumour case:
Gordon Gekko’s cell phone
Gaëlle Coureau, et al., Mobile phone use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study,Occupational & Envtl. Med., May 9, 2014 (available at http://oem.bmj.com/content/early/2014/05/09/oemed-2013-101754.abstract