mask exemption form

covid 19 hoax

             IS CV-19  A HOAX ?




FAUCI, LANE & REDFIELD: “This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)..”        New England Journal of Medicine 3-26-20 (Fauci totally contradicting himself before & after this date at press conferences)

80% FALSE POSITIVES:  Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, developer of the PCR technology said these are not the appropriate test for Aids or viruses since the presence of RNA is not the disease.

So if the tests are not accurate and most of the deaths are mis-classified as CV-19, then where is the threat??

Liquor Stores and Abortion Clinics are open…but Churches and the Beaches are closed.    WTF??                                    Where do you draw your line in the sand?              TURN OFF YOUR TV AND WAKE UP!!   BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE

DO NOT COMPLY: Do not wear masks!  They cut down your oxygen levels and can hurt your health. US Surgeon General Jerome Adams 3-28-20: “They are not effective in preventing general public from catching coronavirus”

FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO WWW.THEFULLERTONINFORMER.COM AND CHECK OUT JOE IMBRIANO’S YOUTUBE CHANNELS:  “The Fullerton Informer” and backup “Wiki Joe”. His website and youtube videos tell the truth about the most important issues of our day, such as: False flags; CV-19; Section 13 of vaccine inserts; sterilization of children with laptops; wifi dangers; NASA fraud; agenda 21, etc. Also his

Go to Joes website and download this flier and the mask exemption sheet (for medically qualified people), print 50 copies and start handing out everywhere and forward to everyone on your email list.                                                                                       And ask yourself:      “What would Jesus do?”……. “THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE & SAVE LIVES





  1. #1 by Anonymous on July 3, 2020 - 12:26 pm

    The real plan of the NWO elite, is to separate you completely from God and his Love=life energy, plan for you all to get to heaven. They want to starve you into committing the unforgivable sin of being like them: baby eating/blood adrenochrome drinking, cannibals. There are certain Sins that cannot be forgiven such as torture, etc. All satanic rituals are such sins-the ones that put you in Hell forever.

    What is required is that you do what Adam and Eve did, that brought the spirits-demons from Hell to earth into them both.

    They were not the first humans they were the first human satanists, who became demons from hell-former humans separated from God forever and possessed completely by demons from Hell by doing this:

    They ate their babies, the fruit of the tree of life, after torturing them and draining their blood and drinking the adrenochrome. Then the babies they did raise, also did those satanic rituals=(sins) and when Adam and Eve died, the children became the abode for those same demons. The demons from Hell have time traveled all through history that way. They are passed/transferred from parent to child in people who do the rituals that bring such demons into them, to inhabit and totally control them. They have no love in them, no souls, and no love for their children, but they reproduce for the sake of the demons that reside in them to have a future vessel. They have been here forever as certain families (bloodlines). They began the money system as Moloch Mammon/money worship-they set up freemasonry.

    Working so that no one who is rich is not a freemason-a satanist, who has performed the satanic rituals that make them possessed to join (initiation rituals).

    As you climb the pyramid of freemasonry/wealth-certain more evil rituals are required which make you possessed by more evil demons.

    They are inhabited by beings-formerly angels= from Maldak/Moloch, the ones who rebelled against God. They are the fallen angels. They destroyed their entire space/time dimension, Maldak.

    On earth under God there is oneness-the ones at the top, Angels saints and God, in Heaven Love you and want to protect you and guide you to evolve spiritually and ascend to heaven. Christ came and died for you.

    The rebell Angels and Lucifer do the opposite under their Pyramid, the one at the top/Lucifer dominates controls and enslaves with fear, violence and torture all those beneath him=that is the opposite of evolution higher=it is devolution lower-to Hell, Lucifer’s plan. Lucifer lives in whomever has done the most evil on earth. That is why Kissinger, Bezos, Musk, Gates, Soros, all compete to become the most evil to be the one Lucifer himself inhabits. That is why 666 5th avenue, previous home of the Lucifer/Lucian trust is so important to them-portals to Hell exist there-from satanic rituals. That is why they torture/sterliize/genocide etc openly and call it good with lies and secretly kill and torture and drink the blood of children. That is why Kissinger made the USA drop the bomb on hiroshima-to get to the top. Who will he pass his spirit/demon of Lucifer on to when he dies very soon? He has a son David and a daughter Elizabeth.

    They want you to starve so you too, in hope that it will force you to become like them and eat babies and become demonically possessed at the end of time that we are now in-so you will lose heaven and end up in Lucifer’s Hell. They are all going to be removed and sent to an inescapable hell. They have a pyramid system whereby the most evil have power to tirture and dominate the least evil at the bottom = humans of earth-lost sheep.

    They want you to become baby eating cannibals. That is why they are sabotaging your food supply right now. Please do not do that. Pray and God and his Angels will feed you Manna from Heaven.

    You humans on earth have this once in a lifetime (age) opportunity to escape Hell and be in Heaven with the God who created you to get to Heaven. It is like a forced abortion of God’s children by Lucifer and his demons. You can all go to Heaven. You must do the reverse of what the satanists do. They perform evil acts of depravity-the same acts that demons in Hell did that put them in Hell-it connects them to those demons(possession) demons from Hell can even time travel by possession of humans-to any time in history, when they perform Satanic rituals=sins that put you in Hell. The unforgivable sins.

    Please Save your souls. Do the opposite, Do and be and perform good deeds and acts that are the same ones that put Mary the mother of God, the Saints in Heaven. Then you will be connected to God, the Archangels, the Angels all those in Heaven, Be and act and do and PRAY as they do-Love God, and make yourself in the image of Christ Jesus, willing to sacrifice yourself to save souls. Please do not lose this one time opportunity. This is the end times. There is only this tribulation, over by 2023. Then Jesus will come, for the final judgement and an end of this age-which is your opportunity to escape Hell and be worthy of heaven. Some will go to Heaven straight away, others will be given more time to continue to evolve higher in the new earth. Please Save the children, bring all people to God. Many all over the planet that are Christian are being persecuted right now.

    The elite cannot be saved, they are just demons who were spirit locked in Hell forever. Satanism brought those demons out of Hell to earth and they will be sent back there for all eternity-they do not change, all the evil they did to put them in Hell is all they have continued to do while in the bodies of satanists.

    You are not one of “them” if you love children and puppies, if you Love God and feel his presence in you as your soul/and the Holy spirit. Pray and ask for God’s mercy if you have sinned. Just return to your loving father/creator in Heaven he loves you, he will wash your spirit clean again when you confess and repent of sin. All people sin. He will give you a new beautiful spotless clean soul.

    THIS is the BEST PART. To get rid of any demons, just PRAY and FAST-do not eat, and it will cleanse you of all demons even if you were a psychopath/demonically possessed before. (it is in the Bible)

    God will feed you his life-giving energy-manna from Heaven and Jesus will give you his life-giving Water. Many Saints lived for years on only the one Blessed host (Holy Eucharist) for years.

    Embrace Jesus, who ate very little himself. Return to God and live like before Adam and Eve did -no money required, you all were one family, loving God and you prayed for your needs and it was given you-that was paradise before satanic child sacrifice/Lucifer/Moloch-$Mammon$ arrived. You were peaceful, happy and content. All were equal. You loved God and one another as you love yourself. All of you were free. Do you not know that the money system is a form of slavery??? No one had any more or less of his needs than anyone else, no one wanted that. That is Heaven-that is LOVE. Love is oneness with God.

    Your evil satanic leaders/bankers have no Love only Hate and greed for power-to dominate torture and kill all the sins that put them in Hell. Your leaders and all the rich are vessels filled with the escapees of Hell via satanism. Your poor are truly God’s children and blessed with oneness with God, that is why the rich hate the poor so much and work hard to make them suffer so horribly.

    You are the children of God, you must be reborn in heaven, after your period of gestation on earth becoming Holy. The devils from hell who rule this world-all your world leaders and above them the bankers work to abort you from the womb of this world. They are trying to Kill you and the mother earth before you can be born into heaven-evolved spiritually into Angels. Don’t worry about anything other than continuing your evolution. The devils want you to be made in their image so you will end up in Hell with them forever-everything they offer you is crap/lies an evil dressed up as good. The most beautiful and magnificent thing in the Universe is HEAVEN-every sense you have could not possibly even imagine what it feels like just to be there, it is beyond any description. Do as those in Heaven do to get there, not as the devils tell you to do. If you follow them, then your temple of God, your body becomes a den of evil demonic spirits formerly condemned to Hell forever, for the committing the most evil and vile sins imaginable. All of “them” are those same demons-totally possessed by their practice of their one world religion=satanism. They sell you drugs that supposedly give you rapture and ecstasy but only make you possessed by demons. Heaven is so important. Please do not refuse it by serving and following or supporting the evil ones’ plans. They can’t do it without your approval and you doing all the physical dirty work for them, as doctors, reporters, news people, celebs, military, gov. officials, etc.-do you really want to spend eternity in Hell for supporting Satan’s plan against the children of God before the final judgement in 2023?????

    China needs money to wage a world takeover and they will betray and bring down Russia and the USA-by making them mutually destroy each other in a War.

    The plan is to raid the Indian temples and steal all the wealth inside them-Gold and treasures.

    Russia will also invade ROME which it already controls via Freemasonry and with their secret compliance steal all their wealth from the Gold to the actual money in the Banks which Freemasonry also already controls.

    Money to fund a war against the USA and Europe, Australia and Canada. Once they take down the big powers, the rest of the entire world will be a piece of cake, they may just all submit in fear.

    China is the Dragon of the Apocalypse.

    The abomination of desolation, that secretly controls China before and during the communist revolution is two faced Israel.

    They want to dominate the entire world via China, they are the Back-stabbing Beast who deviously plans the entire ww3 scenario against all their friends behind their backs, covertly, using Nato, Putin, Xi, and Trump, like tiny little puppets they completely control. Trump is possessed by Satan, as was Stalin, Putin has a higher demon controlling him. Xi is the most evil.

    These demons time travel by inhabiting the bodies of satanists since Adam and Eve, the first ones.

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