I report you decide- BY BARRY LEVINSON

On Tuesday evening, Council Member Bruce Whitaker explained with great specificity why he would be voting against the Fullerton Counterfeit C.O.I.N. ordinance.



Council Member Jennifer Fitzgerald,who appears to have taken up the role of an attack dog for the City of Fullerton’s power structure, immediately responded as follows: “You are absolutely wrong.” However, she did not address one of the many specific points that Mr. Whitaker spoke to about the deficiencies in our version of C.O.I.N.  Ms. Fitzgerald it is so, so easy for you to say you are absolutely wrong. If you were a member of a debate team you would receive a failing grade of F. Let me proceed with Ms. Fitzgerald’s remarks. “It follows in the path of C.O.I.N.” Mr. Whitaker explained exactly why it does not follow in the path of C.O.I.N. as represented by the Costa Mesa law. Let me provide you with one last quote from Ms. Fitzgerald. “We are not far enough along in this reform to quibble about these small, little differences.”

Again, Ms. Fitzgerald offers no words of substance, no factual support for her conclusions whatsoever.

Once again, she casts her vote with the two status quo council members, Chaffee and Flory and turns her back on her supposed natural allies, Whitaker and Sebourn as well as the people of Fullerton.  In fact, except for some 5 to 0 votes, I do not believe that Ms. Fitzgerald has ever cast her vote in agreement with Mr. Whitaker on any substantive issue.  What does that tell you folks about Ms. Fitzgerald?

In my opinion, her comments at the July 15, 2014 council meeting were a purely political ploy, which should not be surprising based on her chosen profession as political consultant.  Only now when she speaks she has the backing of her new employer, the consulting firm of Curt Pringle and Associates. I wonder how many Fullerton voters who cast their ballot for Ms. Fitzgerald in 2012, are lamenting their decisions.

Ms. Fitzgerald did plenty of damage to her already eroding credibility by her unsubstantiated statements above.  However, she further damaged her reputation by the following comment.

According Ms. Fitzgerald, Council member Bruce Whitaker is against the Fullerton version of C.O.I.N. because it was not his idea. Ms. Fitzgerald did you not hear Mr. Whitaker’s eloquently provided specific reasons not to be in favor of the Fullerton Counterfeit version of C.O.I.N. just a few minutes before your personal attack? It seems to me that you have a real problem responding to facts presented by opposing positions.

I guess your love for Fullerton Ms. Fitzgerald does not extend to all your fellow council members. You had absolutely no excuse for your behavior toward Council member Whitaker. An apology from you at the next council meeting would be most appropriate. After all, your comments fell way below any basic standards of decency and respect that you should always demonstrate to all your fellow council members.

Barry Levinson

  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on July 18, 2014 - 2:39 pm

    Anonymous as usual you are totally off base with your insipid remarks.

    Mr. Gennaco may have the word “independent” in his firm’s name but in my opinion he is anything but independent.

    Why do you think so many local law enforcement agencies like Fullerton and Anaheim to name just two are all to willing to hire Mr. Gennaco’s firm. Because in my opinion, he will go easy on any police wrongdoing.

    In the case of the Fullerton Counterfeit C.O.I.N. ordinance it does not call for an independent auditor to perform the fiscal impact analysis of any contract proposal real time. It calls for the staff to provide financial information but does not spell out the nature or form of that information. This will allow in my opinion the city to manipulate the data and/or show it in the best light. But what is so phony about the Fullerton Counterfeit ordinance, is it does call for an outside auditor to perform the fiscal analysis of a contract deal after it has been signed sealed and delivered. The language in the ordinance states it is to be done at the same time as the normal yearly financial audit of the city’s books. Why not call for it to be done prior to the finalization of the contract negotiations? The honest answer in my opinion why they are not doing it that way is that would be real reform and the City of Fullerton leadership wants nothing to do with real reform.

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