1. #1 by Charles King on December 17, 2019 - 2:35 am

    When comparing facial features it helps to cover the entire faces except for the facial feature being compared. This is true especially for the eyes. Sometimes the sameness of the eyes can’t fully be seen until you do this. The surrounding area will effect the appearance of a facial feature. Sometimes you have to bring it down to one eye at a time.
    Also compare the eye area. Often the cgi will change the appearance of the eyes too much to see the sameness but the sameness of the eye area can be seen. wellaware1 goes into some training on how the sameness can look different.
    wellaware1 is amazing and the implications are astounding. This info will expose the total control beyond what you now expect. It is pretty much complete. There is no overthrowing this system without this knowledge of who these people are and aren’t. You will eventually see that working within the system will fall short of success. However, enough people with trained eyes will cause the system to collapse because it is built almost entirely using deception with violence and threat of violence to back it up. wellaware1 breaks it wide open but can do only so much. A well trained eye is necessary because this one face thing is at every level of government including many or most or all small towns. You will find it in city councils, school boards etc. And there must be technology used that we don’t know about. I have analyzed about 50 different rock bands and have found each band uses one face for every member of the band, yet bands and city councils play before live audiences. Don’t let that over power what your trained eye sees. We must always go where the truth takes us.

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