1. #1 by Charles King on January 5, 2020 - 1:28 am

    Any and all organizations given time will exist mainly to perpetuate the organization and benefit those at the top. That is the nature of organization. The herds of humans haven’t figured out how to control the organizations we and the slavemaster magicians create. The organizations always end up controlling us. So far the only solution is to forbid all organization but getting there is unlikely.
    Humans have been so organized and controlled that we are at the point we are organized much like the oldest form of socialization the social insects who are so specialized the individual can’t survive outside the organization.
    Organization is devolution and always moving toward total enslavement and extinction. The technology is created by and for the organization and those at the top. Any benefit to the individual is secondary and usually has bad side effects.
    A sovereign individual is one who is not manipulated or controlled by any organization. A society of sovereign individuals is evolution with technology created by and for the individual and will always be almost entirely benign. Without organization the slavemaster can’t do enslavement or crimes against humanity on a mass scale. A sovereign individual will always step up to stop the attempts at organization or any other psychopathic behavior. The slavemasters are nothing without organization.
    A society of sovereign individuals creates safety, peace, respect and integrity. You don’t mess with others when punishment is swift and sure. This is a natural system which will regulate itself if humans leave it alone. Violence will seldom be needed or used. The right to violence must be given to the individual with the state having no rights because that hell called the state won’t exist. Humans will soar without the state and organizations.
    The only exception to no organization is the need for a military as long as nations of organization minded people exist because they will come after any peoples that are weak. That is what organization minded people and nations do. We have to organize for protection because organization is always stronger than the individual. Only a very wise people will be able to prevent that needed military from taking over the sovereign individuals. These systems always eat their own.

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