1. #1 by Anonymous on August 3, 2018 - 9:38 am

    Fabulous show, and I desperately needed to hear it. Not because I wasn’t aware of all the toxins and the effects, but because I’m an addict; a bad one, and I need all the help and reminders I can get.

    I didn’t realize I was an addict until I tried to quit many years ago. I don’t drink diet, ftr. I tried diet back around 94 and it tasted awful, so I switched back to regular.

    EVERY SINGLE DAY I BATTLE WITH MY OWN MIND to try and keep myself from buying a soda. Most of the time I don’t even want one, but I have to have ‘my fix’. If I don’t get my fix, I get depressed, irritable, my mind wonders, I’m very unproductive, I start hunting around for some sort of food substitute, something greasy and fatty, etc.

    Many times, I have literally spent a solid 30 minutes pacing the soda isle at the store, fighting with my own mind, whether to buy or not, many times even putting the soda in the cart, leaving the isle, and then coming back and pulling it back on the shelf, and doing it over and over. It’s ridiculous how hooked on this stuff I am.

    Anyway, today is a new day, and in rare fashion, I started off with an apple and some organic smoothie. I also started working out again 2 weeks ago, which is something I haven’t done in about 13 years. I’m 80 pounds over weight, in horrible physical and mental health. I’ve known what to do for a very long time, but just haven’t been able to break the habits and addictions.

    But, I honestly feel like I”m dying, and probably am, so this time….it’s either get it together, or check out really early.

    It pisses me off that while I’ve grown up with and surrounded by all these poisons, born into the environment, when it comes time to ween myself off of them, the companies that have gotten rich off of me are no where to be found when I need help to return to a healthy lifestyle. No, it’s 100% my responsibility to beat all of these addictions that have made them rich. It’s like a double whammy in the face.

    And even if I manage to beat it, there are slews of new addicts being born every day, who essentially have no say in the matter. They will be raised with these poisons just like I was.

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