Barry Levinson
The members of our Fullerton City Council all play their fake roles.
It is pure fiction until the time comes for them to vote for more employee raises and benefits as well as doing the bidding of the special interest developers blessed by the UNELECTED S.C.A.G dictators. Every time the city comes up with substantially more money it is almost never for the benefit of the Fullerton citizens but rather a few special interests that feed the troughs of our council members come payback time or should I say election time.
Each and every council member are willing to throw its citizens under the bus for their own self-interests at certain times, some more than others.
I bring up a FOUR to FIVE Million-dollar boondoggle concerning the Fullerton Golf Course that will be continued over the next decade and beyond. Yet not one council member had a question for me or would even discuss the issue at council. Total silence by all five council members. Why? Is it because they care about the Fullerton taxpayers? Is it because they want to ensure that every last dollar is spent for the benefit of the citizens of Fullerton? I think we all know the answers to those questions.
Bruce Whitaker did however remove me from my Park and Recreation position last May and has still not replaced me on that board. Based on your performance sir the $750 a month you get from the city in salary plus benefits is a colossal waste of our tax dollars. What have the taxpayers received for the payout of over 60K over the course of your 6 years serving on our council?
Fireworks, more high density development, S.C.A.G. planner Ma’Ayn Johnson who represents taxation without representation, phony redistricting map favoring only the council and their developer friends and of course ignoring five million dollar problems but speaking out about an audit committee.

Can you tell them apart?
I am an auditor sir, who used those skills to uncover issues for which you responded with my dismissal. The six years of Whitaker’s career is highlighted by one constant phony whine…. I can’t get anything accomplished because I am only one person!!…. Blah, blah, blah. Thanks to the voters we now get to hear that very weak complaint for the next four years!

A three dollar bill?
Eight months later, Council member Whitaker has still failed the people of Fullerton by refusing to name a replacement for me on the Park and Recreation Committee. It is his responsibility alone to appoint a replacement. Your lame excuse that you are only one person does not apply here sir at all!
There is absolutely no excuse for his not naming a replacement. There is absolutely no “Good Reason” for him to leave this position VACANT FOR EIGHT MONTHS AND COUNTING!!! Just one more example of his failed leadership!!
Question: Why Do We Allow Our Elected Representatives To Not Fulfill Even Their Basic Duties and Obligations To The People Of Fullerton?
What is so incredible is that these self-absorbed, self-centered politicians think they deserve to reach higher office! The character and integrity of our political class is very near the bottom of the barrel. We the people must start demanding better.
Someone extremely bright once said that if you want to know the level of corruption in your city government, look at the condition of the city’s roads and other infrastructures. On that basis, the City of Fullerton must be one of the most corrupt cities in all of the United States.
After another rain and the streets in my neighborhood are a complete disaster….every few feet another bigger and deeper pothole has surfaced. It is a disgrace! Every elected City of Fullerton council member past and present deserves our scorn! I say past and present for these roads have been a disaster in the making based on city neglect for decades! Another 4 or 5 million dollars in the coffers over the next 15 to 20 years would sure be nice. Oh yeah, I came up with that savings based on the Fullerton Golf Course debacle and every one of our council members totally ignored the problem! Happy New Year to one of the most corrupt city governments in all of California.
P.S. How did you like how our two top officials, the City Manager and Police Chief went out with a flurry of corruption. Our Police Chief chooses not to enforce the law and our City Manager leaving the scene of an accident with damages. What does our city council do but to thank these two thugs for their service? Only in one of the most corrupt city’s in California doe this happen! Maybe our two most recent very rich retirees, Danny Hughes and Joe Felz can make a substantial donation to our city for street repair!!
Barry Levinson
#1 by Anonymous on July 23, 2021 - 3:08 am
Bruce is a tool