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#1 by Robin on April 12, 2020 - 6:46 am
Can someone here who is a big Joe fan explain to me why the absorption spectrum of oxygen or gas has any effect what so ever. Doesn’t anyone here know that the term “Absorption spectrum of a gas” is purely an optical effect. Oxygen under ordinary circumstances will pass the projective full spectrum of light on a surface. All the colors of the rainbow but if you pass an electomagnetic wave, in this case 60GHz it will it will block a small frequency in the color spectrum creating a thin vertical black band in the rainbow pattern. That is all Absorption Spectrum of Oxygen means. The only other use of the term has to do plants and what colors the plant uses for photosynthesis. The average person would think its green. But plants use the entire spectrum except for green. That is why plants look green, because green bounces off of them.
It appears followers of Joes on You Tube seem to think Absorption spectrum has something to do with the ability of oxygen to bond with hemoglobin.
Joe’s follower’s seem to make a big deal about 2.4 GHZ and 60GHz oscillating water molecules also with the suggestion this will prevent hemoblobin from absorbing the oxygen. That’s fine but who cares? The water in our body it used to hydrate the organs and systems. We don’t breath water. We breath air. O2 is inhaled into the lungs to the alveoli
where it meets your hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is not water. Its a protien with four strands with a single iron atom, each iron atom on the strand picks up an O2 molecule and distributes it through the body where its needed.
Water molecules have a polarity which basically causes them to be in the same orientation. 60GHz does cause them to oscillate. They remain water molecules. But again we don’t breathe water. There is only one Oxygen atom in water. We can’t breathe O1.
Oxygen in the air is a gas. The atoms are bouncing all over the place non stop. they don’t need any help oscillating. 60GHz doesn’t have any effect on free floating oxygen in the air.
Can someone who has a basic understanding about Oxygen/Water and its relation to the 60GHz 1mm bandwidth explain the process.
I think this girl in our group who follows the Fullerton informer is picturing the equivalent of Kurdish Women and Children dead in the streets their mouths still wide open as they gasped for a breath. How does this supposedly work?