Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year, according to a new estimate that’s higher than the previous one of 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year. The new figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other groups were published Dec. 13 in The Lancet medical journal. This is a psyop and an agenda with all the players on board with the hoax-all of them are in on this-THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE.

  1. #1 by Katherine L. Toon on March 3, 2020 - 9:13 am

    Something it may be good to remind people about if they doubt that we can be duped and that beneficial treatments can be hidden and even erased from our history and educational texts, is how hemp almost disappeared for so long. It was the number one commercial crop in Kentucky in ages past, yet nobody in my generation knew that. (I’m 66) All we ever heard that was grown in abundance in Kentucky was. . wait for it. . . tobacco!! Hemp is a wonderful super food, a wonderful source of material for cloth and rope. It grows with so little effort and no need for pesticides. Somehow, hemp extracts that were common medicine for generations, always carried in the early doctors black bag, disappeared from medicine, from medical literature, from medical schooling, and from American farmers fields. How did they do that??? And look what persecution was experienced by those who tried to bring it back to our attention? This did not occur in China, or India, or Africa. It occurred right here in North America in the USA and Canada. And now that we know the incredible wide range of benefits this simple plant gives mankind (pain relief, seizure relief, cancer cures, inflammation reduction, migraine relief, arthritis relief, PTSD, Parkinsons, and that’s just the ones I’ve personally heard about from friends) how can we possibly doubt that those in power do not have mankinds best interest in mind??? Who has the power to do what was done to us just around one plant;hemp? They can do the same thing with any other scenario(pharmaceuticals, 5G, chemtrails, flouride, GMO’s) They can control the information we have access to and with programming via media and education they can control what we choose to believe. They can make truth tellers into conspiracy theorists or enemies of the people, all the while feeding us lies to control us. They can bury truth (what about the giant skeletons that were found in abundance all throughout the midwest, and some even exhibited where I live in past years, now confiscated and hidden by the Smithsonian for instance) God help us, and He will if we ask Him to. But certainly we have good reason to recognize that the public can be so easily fooled. We have to search for and uncover truth, not passively accept what we are commonly told. Thanks for your work!!

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