Wireless radiation exposure to OUR CHILDREN-THE MORAL ISSUE OF OUR TIME-Joe Imbriano
“One of the greatest health threats of our time wireless radiation (Wi-Fi) in our schools.”-Dr. Stephen Sinatra-world’s leading integrative cardiologist.
There is a type of blindness, denial, cowardice and delusion that has befallen those that are abdicating their responsibilities to the children. Don’t let it envelop you –
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
So what is wireless radiation?
-It is simply a collapsing electric field which creates a rising magnetic field. As the field collapses all the way,the magnetic field peaks, then it starts to collapse. The collapsing magnet field then gives rise to an electric field, an so on and on: the collapse of one field creates the other. All electromagnetic waves, from radio to light, to x-rays, to gamma rays work this same way.
Madison Avenue is at it again turning out a piece like the recent issue of Time Magazine where I believe they are really trying to improve the eugenicists’ closing ratios by touting
“The Childfree Life” as the new way to fly. Granted kids are tough but hey, as we were, so shall they be. Heck, it’s a good thing this article came out long after I was born: http://www.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,20130812,00.html
” http://www.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,20130819,00.html.
First a world without children and then a world without bees. This couldn’t possibly have anything to do with all of these microwave towers and rooftop arrays that are popping like whorehouses in the old mining towns now could it? What about all the tablets, phones, monitors, and the like.Well, actually, I believe that it does. Is the same microwave exposure mechanism at work in the bees as in Autism? https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/ I believe that their antennae arrays are no match for the resonance effects of these pulse modulated wireless microwave radiation emissions. I also believe that by the interaction of wireless microwave radiation emissions which directly decrease the opening frequency of nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor ion channels in the bees, thereby exponentially increasing the neurotoxicity of the most widely utilized class of pesticides in the world, the Neonicotinoid neuro-active insecticides, they are not only getting resonance induced disorientation but they are also being poisoned. This renders the bees immunocompromised and as a result, they eventually succumb to what would otherwise be non lethal pathogenic exposures and die en masse.
-How to Protect Children’s Health—and Yours— in a Wireless World
This week I am pleased to find myself back in my son’s part of the world: British Columbia. I’ll be teaming up with Canadian Health Educator Kerry Crofton, PhD and Scientist Martin Blank, PhD to present—both live and online—about one of the greatest health threats of our time, wireless radiation (Wi-Fi) in our schools.
Wireless Radiation is a Significant Health Risk
The issue of wireless radiation in school first surfaced several years back in Canada when several schools were equipped with Wi-Fi. Parents and educators discovered that many children experienced headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, fatigue, and nervous system issues while in school—symptoms that “mysteriously disappeared” on weekends and school vacations.
Those concerned citizens banded together to create a coalition called Citizens for Safer Schools. When I attended one of their luncheons, I even learned about a few children who suffered cardiac arrests and sudden deaths during school hours—which was extremely alarming. But at the time, those incidents were “unexplained.” So, you can imagine their relief when a medical doctor was finally listening to them. They even sent me case studies and asked me to get involved with their cause, which I did.
It was in Vancouver that I also met Dr. Croften who authored Radiation Rescue: A Wireless Wake-up Call with Solutions, and Dr. Blank a cell biologist at Columbia University and author of the upcoming book Overexposed. Together, we formed our own coalition, Doctors for Safer Schools, to continue to get the word out about the hazards of wireless technology.
During the presentation we’ll be talking about:
- How Wi-Fi exposure cause DNA damage—even at so-called safe levels,
- The dangers of microwave radiation,
- Why the heart is so vulnerable to Wi-Fi,
- How doctors can recognize and treat electro-sensitivity,
- Plus, easy-to-implement ways to reduce your radiation exposure.
The five most common symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity are:
- confusion/poor concentration, and/or memory loss
- fatigue and weakness
- headache
- chest pain and heart problems
- skin itch/rash/flushing/burning, and/or tingling
Less commonly reported symptoms include:
- insomnia
- seizures
- ear pain/ringing in the ears
- feeling a vibration
- nose bleeds
- skin itch/rash/flushing/burning, and/or tingling
- panic attacks
Read more: http://www.drsinatra.com/how-to-protect-childrens-healthand-yours-in-a-wireless-world/#ixzz3ACuKZZqo
How are we exposed?
Unknowingly ?
What is it doing?
Does this stuff belong here?
Fullerton’s newest cell tower proposed in Richman park. Insert school kids for firemen, insert classrooms, school campuses and parks for fire stations. Stand with us to protect our children.
This one’s a doozy. It is going to be right next to Richman Elementary School, next to homes, in a park, towering right on top of The St. Jude Heritage Medical Group’s community health center. Get this- The ATT rep told the parks and rec commission that it is ILLEGAL to consider health effects in their decision. What? Is she parroting possible disinformation based on a contorted preemption case out of San Diego? Maybe or maybe not. The San Diego Court ruling on preemption is very dicey. At any rate, the ATT rep agreed to come back in 30 days with a so called “independent expert” to answer any questions regarding health effects and dangers to the public at the request of Parks and Recreation Commission.
So far, it appears that the commission has been bypassed, and it is set to be voted on by the council in July. WHERE IS THE DUE PROCESS AND THE ATT EXPERT COMING OUT AND ANSWERING THE HEALTH CONCERN QUESTIONS?
Well it sure ain’t illegal to simply read and understand the health effects and say NO based on a proprietary business decision. We have enough wireless exposure gang. We don’t need another tower, especially where they want to place this one. Are school kids and neighbors worth three grand a month? They are worth a hell of a lot more than that to me folks.
It came as no surprise to me that it already has the blessing of The FSD’s Robert Pletka and the St Jude Heritage Medical Group’s president that I will not name here. I wonder if the parents at Richman know about this? How about the neighbors? At least the parks and rec commission listened to me and agreed to review some more info and wait another 30 days before rubber stamping the proposal.
So what does the prestigious and respected organization- THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND MEDICINE think of sticking these wireless things on top of their employees firehouses humming away all day and night?
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND MEDICINE Position on the Health Effects from Radio Frequency/Microwave (RF/MW) Radiation in Fire Department Facilities from Base Stations for Antennas and Towers for the Conduction of Cell Phone Transmissions The International Association of Fire Fighters’ position on locating cell towers commercial wireless infrastructure on fire department facilities, as adopted by its membership in August 2004 (1), is that the IAFF oppose the use of fire stations as base stations for towers and/or antennas for the conduction of cell phone transmissions until a study with the highest scientific merit and integrity on health effects of exposure to low-intensity RF/MW radiation is conducted and it is proven that such sitings are not hazardous to the health of our members.
Further, the IAFF is investigating funding for a U.S. and Canadian study that would characterize exposures from RF/MW radiation in fire houses with and without cellular antennae, and examine the health status of the fire fighters as a function of their assignment in exposed or unexposed fire houses. Specifically, there is concern for the effects of radio frequency radiation on the central nervous system (CNS) and the immune system, as well as other metabolic effects observed in preliminary studies. It is the belief of some international governments and regulatory bodies and of the wireless telecommunications industry that no consistent increases in health risk exist from exposure to RF/MW radiation unless the intensity of the radiation is sufficient to heat body tissue. However, it is important to note that these positions are based on non-continuous exposures to the general public to low intensity RF/MW radiation emitted from wireless telecommunications base stations. Furthermore, most studies that are the basis of this position are at least five years old and generally look at the safety of the phone itself. IAFF members are concerned about the effects of living directly under these antenna base stations for a considerable stationary period of time and on a daily basis. There are established biological effects from exposure to low-level RF/MW radiation. Such biological effects are recognized as markers of adverse health effects when they arise from exposure to toxic chemicals for example. The IAFF’s efforts will attempt to establish whether there is a correlation between such biological effects and a health risk to fire fighters and emergency medical personnel due to the siting of cell phone antennas and base stations at fire stations and facilities where they work. Background Critical questions concerning the health effects and safety of RF/MW radiation remain. Accordingly, should we allow exposure of our fire fighters and emergency medical personnel to this radiation to continue for the next twenty years when there is ongoing controversy over many aspects of RF/MW health effects? While no one disagrees that serious health hazards occur when living cells in the body are heated, as happens with high intensity RF/MW exposure (just like in a microwave oven), scientists are currently investigating the health hazards of low intensity RF/MW exposure. Low intensity RF/MW exposure is exposure which does not raise the temperature of the living cells in the body. Additionally, a National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences panel designated power frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF/EMF) as “possible human carcinogens.” (2) In March 2002 The International Association on Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization also assigned this designation to ELF/EMF in Volume 80 of its IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. (3) Fixed antennas used for wireless telecommunications are referred to as cellular base stations, cell stations, PCS (“Personal Communications Service”) stations or telephone transmission towers. These base stations consist of antennas and electronic equipment. Because the antennas need to be high in the air, they are often located on towers, poles, water tanks, or rooftops. Typical heights for freestanding base station towers are 50-200 feet. Some base stations use antennas that look like poles, 10 to 15 feet in length, that are referred to as “omni-directional” antennas. These types of antennas are usually found in rural areas. In urban and suburban areas, wireless providers now more commonly use panel or sector antennas for their base stations. These antennas consist of rectangular panels, about 1 by 4 feet in dimension. The antennas are usually arranged in three groups of three antennas each. One antenna in each group is used to transmit signals to wireless phones, and the other two antennas in each group are used to receive signals from wireless phones. At any base station site, the amount of RF/MW radiation produced depends on the number of radio channels (transmitters) per antenna and the power of each transmitter. Typically, 21 channels per antenna sector are available. For a typical cell site using sector antennas, each of the three transmitting antennas could be connected to up to 21 transmitters for a total of 63 transmitters. When omni-directional antennas are used, a cellular base station could theoretically use up to 96 transmitters. Base stations used for PCS communications generally require fewer transmitters than those used for cellular radio transmissions, since PCS carriers usually have a higher density of base station antenna sites. The electromagnetic RF/MW radiation transmitted from base station antennas travel toward the horizon in relatively narrow paths. The individual pattern for a single array of sector antennas is wedge-shaped, like a piece of pie. Cellular and PCS base stations in the United States are required to comply with limits for exposure recommended by expert organizations and endorsed by government agencies responsible for health and safety. When cellular and PCS antennas are mounted on rooftops, RF/MW radiation levels on that roof or on others near by would be greater than those typically encountered on the ground. The telecommunications industry claims cellular antennas are safe because the RF/MW radiation they produce is too weak to cause heating, i.e., a “thermal effect.” They point to “safety standards” from groups such as ANSI/IEEE or ICNIRP to support their claims. But these groups have explicitly stated that their claims of “safe RF/MW radiation exposure is harmless” rest on the fact that it is too weak to produce a rise in body temperature, a “thermal effect.” (4) There is a large body of internationally accepted scientific evidence which points to the existence of non-thermal effects of RF/MW radiation. The issue at the present time is not whether such evidence exists, but rather what weight to give it. Internationally acknowledged experts in the field of RF/MW radiation research have shown that RF/MW transmissions of the type used in digital cellular antennas and phones can have critical effects on cell cultures, animals, and people in laboratories and have also found epidemiological evidence (studies of communities, not in the laboratory) of serious health effects at “non-thermal levels,” where the intensity of the RF/MW radiation was too low to cause heating. They have found:
Many national and international organizations have recognized the need to define the true risk of low intensity, non-thermal RF/MW radiation exposure, calling for intensive scientific investigation to answer the open questions. These include:
Non-thermal effects are recognized by experts on RF/MW radiation and health to be potential health hazards. Safe levels of RF/MW exposure for these low intensity, non-thermal effects have not yet been established. The FDA has explicitly rejected claims that cellular phones are “safe.” (39) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated repeatedly that the current (ANSI/IEEE) RF/MW safety standards protect only against thermal effects. (40) Many scientists and physicians question the safety of exposure to RF/MW radiation. The CSIRO study, for example, notes that there are no clear cutoff levels at which low intensity RF/MW exposure has no effect, and that the results of ongoing studies will take years to analyze. (41) Internationally, researchers and physicians have issued statements that biological effects from low-intensity RF/MW radiation exposure are scientifically established: · The 1998 Vienna-EMF Resolution (42) · The 2000 Salzburg Resolution on Mobile Telecommunication Base Stations (43) · The 2002 Catania Resolution (44) · The 2002 Freiburger Appeal (45) · The 2004 Report of the European Union’s REFLEX Project (Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods) (46) · The 2004 Second Annual Report from Sweden’s Radiation Protection Board (SSI) Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields Recent Research on Mobile Telephony and Health Risks (47) · Mobile Phones and Health 2004: Report by the Board of NRPB (The UK’s National Radiological Protection Board) (48) The county of Palm Beach, Florida, the City of Los Angeles, California, and the country of New Zealand have all prohibited cell phone base stations and antennas near schools due to safety concerns. The British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils [BCCPAC] passed a resolution in 2003 banning cellular antennae from schools and school grounds. This organization is comparable to the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) in the United States. The resolution was directed to B.C. Ministry of Education, B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development, B.C. School Trustees Association, and B.C. Association of Municipalities. US Government Information In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has used safety guidelines for RF/MW radiation environmental exposure since 1985. The FCC guidelines for human exposure to RF/MW radiation are derived from the recommendations of two organizations, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In both cases, the recommendations were developed by scientific and engineering experts drawn from industry, government, and academia after extensive reviews of the scientific literature related to the biological effects of RF/MW radiation. Many countries in Europe and elsewhere use exposure guidelines developed by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The ICNIRP safety limits are generally similar to those of the NCRP and IEEE, with a few exceptions. For example, ICNIRP recommends different exposure levels in the lower and upper frequency ranges and for localized exposure from certain products such as hand-held wireless telephones. Currently, the World Health Organization is working to provide a framework for international harmonization of RF/MW radiation safety standards. In order to affirm conformity to standards regarding heating of tissue, measurements are time averaged over 0.1 hours [6 minutes]. This method eliminates any spikes in the readings. Computer power bars have surge protectors to prevent damage to computers. Fire fighters and emergency medical personnel do not! The NCRP, IEEE, and ICNIRP all have identified a whole-body Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value of 4 watts per kilogram (4 W/kg) as a threshold level of exposure at which harmful biological thermal effects due to tissue heating may occur. Exposure guidelines in terms of field strength, power density and localized SAR were then derived from this threshold value. In addition, the NCRP, IEEE, and ICNIRP guidelines vary depending on the frequency of the RF/MW radiation exposure. This is due to the finding that whole-body human absorption of RF/MW radiation varies with the frequency of the RF signal. The most restrictive limits on whole-body exposure are in the frequency range of 30-300 MHz where the human body absorbs RF/MW energy most efficiently. For products that only expose part of the body, such as wireless phones, exposure limits in terms of SAR only are specified. Similarly, the exposure limits used by the FCC are expressed in terms of SAR, electric and magnetic field strength, and power density for transmitters operating at frequencies from 300 kHz to 100 GHz. The specific values can be found in two FCC bulletins, OET Bulletins 56 and 65. OET Bulletin 56, “Questions and Answers about Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields” was designed to provide factual information to the public by answering some of the most commonly asked questions. It includes the latest information on FCC guidelines for human exposure to RF/MW radiation. Further information and a downloadable version of Bulletin 56 can be found at:http://new.iaff.org/HS/PDF/FCC%20Bulletin%2056%20-%20EMF.pdf OET Bulletin 65, “Evaluating Compliance With FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields” was prepared to provide assistance in determining whether proposed or existing transmitting facilities, operations or devices comply with limits for human exposure to RF/MW radiation adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Further information and a downloadable version of Bulletin 65 can be found at:http://new.iaff.org/HS/PDF/FCC%20Bulletin%2065%20-%20Cell%20Towers.pdf The FCC authorizes and licenses products, transmitters, and facilities that generate RF and microwave radiation. It has jurisdiction over all transmitting services in the U.S. except those specifically operated by the Federal Government. Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), the FCC has certain responsibilities to consider whether its actions will significantly affect the quality of the human environment. Therefore, FCC approval and licensing of transmitters and facilities must be evaluated for significant impact on the environment. Human exposure to RF radiation emitted by FCC-regulated transmitters is one of several factors that must be considered in such environmental evaluations. In 1996, the FCC revised its guidelines for RF/MW radiation exposure as a result of a multi-year proceeding and as required by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. For further information and answers to questions about the safety of RF/MW radiation from transmitters and facilities regulated by the FCC go to http://www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety/rf-faqs.html. Canadian Government Information Industry Canada is the organization that sets regulatory requirements for electromagnetic spectrum management and radio equipment in Canada. Industry Canada establishes standards for equipment certification and, as part of these standards, developed RSS-102, which specifies permissible radiofrequency RF/MW radiation levels. For this purpose, Industry Canada adopted the limits outlined in Health Canada’s Safety-Code 6, which is a guideline document for limiting RF exposure. A downloadable version of “RSS-102 – Evaluation Procedure for Mobile and Portable Radio Transmitters with respect to Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 for Exposure of Humans to Radio Frequency Fields”, as well as additional information can be found at: http://new.iaff.org/HS/PDF/Safety%20Code%206.pdf Safety Code 6 specifies the requirements for the use of radiation emitting devices. This Code replaces the previous Safety Code 6 – EHD-TR-160. A downloadable version of “Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz TO 300 GHz – Safety Code 6”, as well as further detailed information can be found at .http://new.iaff.org/HS/PDF/Non-Ionizing%20Radiation%20Volume%2080.pdf US and Canadian Legal Issues Although some local and state governments have enacted rules and regulations about human exposure to RF/MW radiation in the past, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 requires the United States Federal Government to control human exposure to RF/MW radiation. In particular, Section 704 of the Act states that, “No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission’s regulations concerning such emissions.” Further information on federal authority and FCC policy is available in a fact sheet from the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau at www.fcc.gov/wtb. In a recent opinion filed by Senior Circuit Judge Stephen F. Williams, No. 03-1336 EMR Network v. Federal Communications Commission and United States of America, the Court upheld the FCC’s decision not to initiate an inquiry on the need to revise its regulations to address non-thermal effects of radiofrequency (RF) radiation from the facilities and products subject to FCC regulation as EMR Network had requested in its September 2001 Petition for Inquiry. At the request of the EMR Network, the EMR Policy Institute provided legal and research support for this appeal. On January 13, 2005, a Petition for Rehearing en banc by the full panel of judges at the DC Circuit Court of Appeals was filed. Briefs, background documents and the DC Circuit decision are found at:http://www.emrpolicy.org/litigation/case_law/index.htm. The Toronto Medical Officer of Health for the Toronto Board of Health recommended to Health Canada that public exposure limits for RF/MW radiation be made 100 times stricter; however the recommendation was not allowed, since, as in the US, only the Canadian federal government can regulate RF/MW radiation exposure level. World Health Organization Efforts In 1996, the World Health Organization (WHO) established the International EMF Project to review the scientific literature and work towards resolution of health concerns over the use of RF/MW technology. WHO maintains a Web site that provides addition information on this project and about RF/MW biological effects and research. For further information go to http://www.who.int/peh-emf/en/. Conclusion For decades, the International Association of Fire Fighters has been directly involved in protecting and promoting the health and safety of our membership. However, we simply don’t know at this time what the possible health consequences of long-term exposure to low-intensity RF/MW radiation of the type used by the cell phone base stations and antennas will be. No one knows–the data just aren’t there. The chairman of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection ICNIRP), one of the leading international organizations which formulated the current RF/MW radiation exposure guidelines, has stated that the guidelines include “no consideration regarding prudent avoidance” for health effects for which evidence is less than conclusive (49) Again, fire department facilities, where fire fighters and emergency response personnel live and work are not the proper place for a technology which could endanger their health and safety The only reasonable and responsible course is to conduct a study of the highest scientific merit and integrity on the RF/MW radiation health effects to our membership and, in the interim, oppose the use of fire stations as base stations for towers and/or antennas for the conduction of cell phone transmissions until it is proven that such sitings are not hazardous to the health of our members.
Footnotes [back] 1. Revised and Amended IAFF Resolution No. 15; August 2004 Study of Firefighters Exposed to Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation from Cell Towers/Masts WHEREAS, fire stations across the United States and Canada are being sought by wireless companies as base stations for the antennas and towers for the conduction of cell phone transmissions; and WHEREAS, many firefighters who are living with cell towers on or adjacent to their stations are paying a substantial price in terms of physical and mental health. As first responders and protectors of the general public, it is crucial that firefighters are functioning at optimal cognitive and physical capacity at all times; and WHEREAS, the brain is the first organ to be affected by RF radiation and symptoms manifest in a multitude of neurological conditions including migraine headaches, extreme fatigue, disorientation, slowed reaction time, vertigo, vital memory loss and attention deficit amidst life threatening emergencies; and WHEREAS, most of the firefighters who are experiencing symptoms can attribute the onset to the first week(s) these towers/antennas were activated; and WHEREAS, RF radiation is emitted by these cellular antennas and RF radiation can penetrate every living cell, including plants, animals and humans; and WHEREAS, both the U. S. and Canadian governments established regulatory limits for RF radiation based on thermal (heat) measurements with no regard for the adverse health effects from non-thermal radiation which is proven to harm the human brain and immune system; and WHEREAS, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency stated in a July 16, 2002, letter, “Federal health and safety agencies have not yet developed policies concerning possible risk from long-term, non-thermal exposures. The FCC’s exposure guideline is considered protective of effects arising from a thermal mechanism (RF radiation from cell towers is non-thermal) but not from all possible mechanisms. Therefore, the generalization by many that the guidelines protecting human beings from harm by any or all mechanisms is not justified”; and WHEREAS, an Expert Panel Report requested by the Royal Society of Canada prepared for Health Canada (1999) stated that, “Exposure to RF fields at intensities far less than levels required to produce measurable heating can cause effects in cells and tissues. These biological effects include alterations in the activity of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase, in calcium regulation, and in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Some of these biological effects brought about by non-thermal exposure levels of RF could potentially be associated with adverse health effects”; and WHEREAS, based on concerns over growing scientific evidence of dangers from RF radiation, an international conference was convened in Salzburg, Austria, in the summer of 2000 where renowned scientists declared the upper-most RF radiation exposure limit from a tower-mast should be 1/10th of 1 microwatt (Note that 1/10th of 1 microwatt is 10,000 times lower than the uppermost limit allowed by the U. S. or Canada.); and it should be noted this limit was set because of study results showing brain wave changes at 1/10th of 1 microwatt; and WHEREAS, in a recently cleared paper by Dr. Richard A. Albanese of the U. S. Air Force, a highly recognized physician in the area of the impact of radiation on the human body, Dr. Albanese states, “I would ask a good faith effort in achieving as low exposure rates as are possible within reasonable financial constraints. Also I would fund targeted studies using animal subjects and human groups living or working in high radiation settings or heavy cellular phone users, emphasizing disease causations. I urge acceptance of the ideal that there should be no unmonitored occupational or environmental exposures whose associated disease rates are unknown.” (The opinions expressed herein are those of Dr. Albanese, and do not reflect the policies of the United States Air Force.); and WHEREAS, recently a study, not affiliated with the wireless industry, was conducted of firefighters exposed to RF radiation from cell towers/antennas affixed to their stations.** The study revealed brain damage that can be differentiated from chemical causation (such as inhalation of toxic smoke) suggesting RF radiation as the cause of the brain damage found on SPECT scans; and WHEREAS, firefighters are the protectors of people and property and should be protected under the Precautionary Principle of Science and therefore, unless radiation is proven safe and harmless, cellular antennas should not be placed on or near fire stations; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the IAFF shall seek funding for an initial U. S. and Canadian study with the highest scientific merit and integrity, contrasting firefighters with residence in stations with towers to firefighters without similar exposure; and be it further RESOLVED, That in accordance with the results of the study, the IAFF will establish protective policy measures with the health and safety of all firefighters as the paramount objective; and be it further RESOLVED, That the IAFF oppose the use of fire stations as base stations for antennas and towers for the conduction of cell phone transmissions until such installations are proven not to be hazardous to the health of our members. **Note: A pilot study was conducted in 2004 of six California fire fighters working and sleeping in stations with towers. The study, conducted by Gunnar Heuser, M.D., PhD. of Agoura Hills, CA, focused on neurological symptoms of six fire fighters who had been working for up to five years in stations with cell towers. Those symptoms included slowed reaction time, lack of focus, lack of impulse control, severe headaches, anesthesia-like sleep, sleep deprivation, depression, and tremors. Dr. Heuser used functional brain scans – SPECT scans – to assess any changes in the brains of the six fire fighters as compared to healthy brains of men of the same age. Computerized psychological testing known as TOVA was used to study reaction time, impulse control, and attention span. The SPECT scans revealed a pattern of abnormal change which was concentrated over a wider area than would normally be seen in brains of individuals exposed to toxic inhalation, as might be expected from fighting fires. Dr. Heuser concluded the only plausible explanation at this time would be RF radiation exposure. Additionally, the TOVA testing revealed among the six fire fighters delayed reaction time, lack of impulse control, and difficulty in maintaining mental focus. [back] 2. An international blue ribbon panel assembled by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) designated power frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) as “possible human carcinogens” on June 24, 1998. The panel’s decision was based largely on the results of epidemiological studies of children exposed at home and workers exposed on the job. The evaluation of the EMF literature followed procedures developed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), based in Lyon, France. The working group’s report will be the basis for the NIEHS report to Congress on the EMF Research and Public Information Dissemination program (EMF RAPID). The National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) of the United Kingdom noted that the views of its Advisory Group on Non-Ionizing Radiation are “consistent with those of the NIEHS expert panel.” June 26, 1998 statement of the National Radiological Protection Board, sited in Microwave News, July/August 1998 [back] 3. World Health Organization; International Agency for Research on Cancer; IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans; Volume 80 Non-Ionizing Radiation, Part 1: Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF) Electric and Magnetic Fields; 2002; 429 pages; ISBN 92 832 1280 0; Seehttp://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Monographs/vol80/volume80.pdf This IARC Monograph provides the rationale for its designation of ELF/EMF as a possible human carcinogen. It states that: A few studies on genetic effects have examined chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei in lymphocytes from workers exposed to ELF electric and magnetic fields. In these studies, confounding by genotoxic agents (tobacco, solvents) and comparability between the exposed and control groups are of concern. Thus, the studies reporting an increased frequency of chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei are difficult to interpret. Many studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of ELF magnetic fields on various genetic end-points. Although increased DNA strand breaks have been reported in brain cells of exposed rodents, the results are inconclusive; most of the studies show no effects in mammalian cells exposed to magnetic fields alone at levels below 50 µT. However, extremely strong ELF magnetic fields have caused adverse genetic effects in some studies. In addition, several groups have reported that ELF magnetic fields enhance the effects of known DNA- and chromosome-damaging agents such as ionizing radiation. The few animal studies on cancer-related non-genetic effects are inconclusive. Results on the effects on in-vitro cell proliferation and malignant transformation are inconsistent, but some studies suggest that ELF magnetic fields affect cell proliferation and modify cellular responses to other factors such as melatonin. An increase in apoptosis following exposure of various cell lines to ELF electric and magnetic fields has been reported in several studies with different exposure conditions. Numerous studies have investigated effects of ELF magnetic fields on cellular end-points associated with signal transduction, but the results are not consistent. [back] 4. The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) statement “Health Issues Related to the Use of Hand-Held Radiotelephones and Base Transmitters” of 1996 reads: “Thermally mediated effects of RF fields have been studied in animals, including primates. These data suggest effects that will probably occur in humans subjected to whole body or localized heating sufficient to increase tissue temperatures by greater than 1C. They include the induction of opacities of the lens of the eye, possible effects on development and male fertility, various physiological and thermoregulatory responses to heat, and a decreased ability to perform mental tasks as body temperature increases. Similar effects have been reported in people subject to heat stress, for example while working in hot environments or by fever. The various effects are well established and form the biological basis for restricting occupational and public exposure to radiofrequency fields. In contrast, non-thermal effects are not well established and currently do not form a scientifically acceptable basis for restricting human exposure for frequencies used by hand-held radiotelephones and base stations.” International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, “Health Issues Related to the Use of Hand-Held Radiotelephones and Base Transmitters,” Health Physics 70:587-593, 1996 The ANSI/IEEE Standard for Safety Levels of 1992 similarly states: “An extensive review of the literature revealed once again that the most sensitive measurements of potentially harmful biological effects were based on the disruption of ongoing behavior associated with an increase of body temperature in the presence of electromagnetic fields. Because of the paucity of reliable data on chronic exposures, IEEE Subcommittee IV focused on evidence of behavioral disruption under acute exposures, even disruption of a transient and fully reversible nature.” IEEE Standards Coordinating committee 28 on Non-Ionizing Radiation Hazards: Standard for Safe Levels With Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 KHz to 300 GHz (ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1991), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, 1992. [back] 5. Drs. Czerska, Casamento, Ning, and Davis (working for the Food and Drug Administration in 1997) using “a waveform identical to that used in digital cellular phones” at a power level within our current standards (SAR of 1.6 W/Kg, the maximum spatial peak exposure level recommended for the general population in the ANSI C95.1-1991 standard) found increases in cellular proliferation in human glioblastoma cells. This shows that “acceptable” levels of radiation can cause human cancer cells to multiply faster. The authors note that “because of reported associations between cellular phone exposure and the occurrence of a brain tumor, glioblastoma, a human glioblastoma cell line was used” in their research. E.M. Czerska, J. Casamento, J. T. Ning, and C. Davis, “Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Cell Proliferation,” [Abstract presented on February 7, 1997 at the workshop ‘Physical Characteristics and Possible Biological Effects of Microwaves Applied in Wireless Communication, Rockville, MD] E. M. Czerska, J. Casamento Centers for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland 20857, USA; H. T. Ning, Indian Health Service, Rockville, Maryland 20857, USA; C. Davis, Electrical Engineering Dept., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA [back] 6. Dr. Michael Repacholi (in 1997, currently the director of the International Electromagnetic Fields Project at the World Health Organization) took one hundred transgenic mice and exposed some to radiation for two 30 minute periods a day for up to 18 months. He found that the exposed mice developed lymphomas (a type of cancer) at twice the rate of the unexposed mice. While telecommunications industry spokespersons criticized the experiment for using mice with a mutation which predisposed them to cancer (transgenic) the researchers pointed out that “some individuals inherit mutations in other genes…that predispose them to develop cancer, and these individuals may comprise a subpopulation at special risk from agents that would pose an otherwise insignificant risk of cancer.” Dr. Repacholi stated “I believe this is the first animal study showing a true non-thermal effect.” He repeated the experiment in 1998 using 50 Hz fields instead of the 900 MHz pulsed radiation (the type used by cellular phones) used in the original experiment and found no cancer risk. He stated that this new data had implications for his original cellular phone study: “the control groups for both our RF and 50 Hz field studies showed no statistical differences, which lessens the possibility that the RF/MW radiation study result was a chance event or due to errors in methodology.” It is extremely important to note that Dr. Michael Repacholi was Chairman of the ICNIRP at the time its Statement on Health Issues Related to the Use of Hand-Held Radiotelephones and Base Transmitters was developed in 1996. M. Repacholi et al., “Lymphomas in Eµ-Pim1 Transgenic Mice Exposed to Pulsed 900 MHz Electromagnetic Fields,” Radiation Research, 147, pp.631-640, May 1997 [back] 7. Dr. Ross Adey (Veterans Administration Hospital at Loma Linda University in 1996) found what appeared to be a protective effect in rats exposed to the type of radiation used in digital cellular phones. The rats were exposed to an SAR of 0.58-0.75 W/Kg 836 MHz pulsed radiation of the TDMA type two hours a day, four days a week for 23 months, with the signals turned on and off every 7.5 minutes, so total exposure was 4 hours a week. Interestingly this effect was not present when a non-digital, analog signal was used. Rats exposed developed cancer less often. This study shows that low power fields of the digital cellular frequency can influence cancer development. Whether they would protect or promote in our children is a question for further study. Ross Adey of the Veterans Administration Hospital at Loma Linda University, CA presented the results of pulsed (digital cellular) radiation on June 13, 1996 at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society in Victoria, Canada. He presented the findings of the analog cellular phone radiation effect at the June 1997 2nd World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine in Bologna, Italy. Reviews can be found in Microwave News issues July/August, 1996 and March/April 1997. In recognition of his more than three decades of “fundamental contributions to the emerging science of the biological effects of electromagnetic fields,” the authors of the November 2004 Report of the European Union’s REFLEX Project(Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards From Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods) chose to include Dr. Adey’s personal views on Electromagnetic Field Exposure research as the Foreword to that report. To view the entire report, see: REFLEX Final Report.pdf The following is taken from Dr. Adey’s Foreword found on pages 1-3 of the REFLEX Report: The Future of Fundamental Research in a Society Seeking Categoric Answers to Health Risks of New Technologies In summary, we have become superstitious users of an ever-growing range of technologies, but we are now unable to escape the web that they have woven around us. Media reporters in general are no better informed. Lacking either responsibility or accountability, they have created feeding frenzies from the tiniest snippets of information gleaned from scientific meetings or from their own inaccurate interpretation of published research. In consequence, the public has turned with pleading voices to government legislatures and bureaucracies for guidance . . . We face the problem brought on by the blind leading the blind. Because of public pressure for rapid answers to very complex biological and physical issues, short-term research programs have been funded to answer specific questions about certain health risks. In many countries, and particularly in the USA, the effects of such harassing and troublesome tactics on independent, careful fundamental research have been near tragic. Beguiled by health hazard research as the only source of funding, accomplished basic scientists have diverted from a completely new frontier in physical regulation of biological mechanisms at the atomic level. Not only have governments permitted corporate interests in the communications industry to fund this research, they have even permitted them to determine the research questions to be addressed and to select the institutions performing the research. [back] 8. Dr. A. W. Guy reported an extensive investigation on rats chronically exposed from 2 up to 27 months of age to low-level pulsed microwaves at SARs up to 0.4 W/Kg. The exposed group was found to have a significantly higher incidence of primary cancers. A. W. Guy, C. K. Chou, L. Kunz, L, Crowley, and J. Krupp, “Effects of Long-Term Low-Level Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure on Rats.” Volume 9. Summary. Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, USF-SAM-TR-85-11; 1985 [back] 9. Drs. Henry Lai and N. P. Singh of the University of Washington in Seattle have reported both single- and double-strand DNA breaks in the brains of rats exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation at an SAR of 1.2 W/Kg. DNA is the carrier of the genetic information in all living cells. Cumulated DNA strand breaks in brain cells can lead to cancer or neurodegenerative diseases. H. Lai and N. P. Singh, “Single- and Double-Strand DNA Breaks in Rat Brain Cells After Acute Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation,” International Journal of Radiation Biology, Vol 69, No. 4, 513-521, 1996 [back] 10. Dr. Stanislaw Szmigielski has studied many thousands of Polish soldiers. He has found that those exposed to radiofrequency and microwave radiation in the workplace had more than double the cancer rate of the unexposed servicemen analyzing data from 1971-1985. He has presented further data suggesting a dose-response relationship with soldiers exposed to 100-200 W/cm2 suffering 1.69 times as many cancers as the unexposed, and those exposed to 600-1000 W/cm2 suffering 4.63 times as many cancers. The level considered safe for the public according to FCC regulations is 1000 W/cm2. Occupational exposure up to 5000 W/cm2 is allowed. S. Szmigielski, “Cancer Morbidity in Subjects Occupationally Exposed to High Frequency (Radiofrequency and Microwave) Electromagnetic Radiation,” The Science of the Total Environment 180:9-17, 1996 [back] 11. Dr. Bruce Hocking found an association between increased childhood leukemia incidence and mortality in the proximity of television towers. The power density ranged from 0.2-8.0 W/cm2 nearer and 0.02 W/cm2 farther from the towers. B. Hocking, I. R. Gordon, H. L. Grain, and G. E. Hatfield, “Cancer Incidence and Mortality and Proximity to TV Towers,” Medical Journal of Australia 165: 601-605; 1996 [back] 12. Drs. Mann and Röschke investigated the influence of pulsed high-frequency RF/MW radiation of digital mobile radio telephones on sleep in healthy humans. They found a hypnotic effect with shortening of sleep onset latency and a REM (Rapid Eye Movement) suppressive effect with reduction of duration and percentage of REM sleep. “REM sleep plays a special physiological role for information processing in the brain, especially concerning consolidation of new experiences. Thus the effects observed possibly could be associated with alterations of memory and learning functions.” K. Mann and J. Röschke, “Effects of Pulsed High-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Human Sleep,” Neuropsychobiology 33:41-47, 1996 [back] 13. Dr. Allen Frey has been researching RF/MW radiation for over 3 decades. Here is the abstract on a paper concerning headaches and cellular phone radiation. “There have been numerous recent reports of headaches occurring in association with the use of hand-held cellular telephones. Are these reported headaches real? Are they due to emissions from telephones? There is reason to believe that the answer is “yes” to both questions. There are several lines of evidence to support this conclusion. First, headaches as a consequence of exposure to low intensity microwaves were reported in the literature 30 years ago. These were observed during the course of microwave hearing research before there were cellular telephones. Second, the blood-brain barrier appears to be involved in headaches, and low intensity microwave energy exposure affects the barrier. Third, the dopamine-opiate systems of the brain appear to be involved in headaches, and low intensity electromagnetic energy exposure affects those systems. In all three lines of research, the microwave energy used was approximately the same–in frequencies, modulations, and incident energies–as those emitted by present day cellular telephones, Could the current reports of headaches be the canary in the coal mine, warning of biologically significant effects?” A. H. Frey, “Headaches from Cellular Telephones: Are they Real and What Are the Implications?” Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 106, Number 3, pp.101-103, March 1998 [back] 14. Henry Lai’s review of the literature concerning neurological effects of RF/MW radiation: Existing data indicate that RF/MW radiation of relatively low intensity can affect the nervous system. Changes in blood-brain barrier, morphology, electrophysiology, neurotransmitter functions, cellular metabolism, and calcium efflux, and genetic effects have been reported in the brain of animals after exposure to RF. These changes can lead to functional changes in the nervous system. Behavioral changes in animals after exposure to RR have been reported. Even a temporary change in neural functions after RF/MW radiation exposure could lead to adverse consequences. For example, a transient loss of memory function or concentration could result in an accident when a person is driving. Loss of short term working memory has indeed been observed in rats after acute exposure to RF/MW radiation. Research has also shown that the effects of RF/MW radiation on the nervous system can cumulate with repeated exposure. The important question is, after repeated exposure, will the nervous system adapt to the perturbation and when will homeostasis break down? Related to this is that various lines of evidence suggest that responses of the central nervous system to RF/MW radiation could be a stress response. Stress effects are well known to cumulate over time and involve first adaptation and then an eventual break down of homeostatic processes. H. Lai, “Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation Relating to Wireless Communication Technology,” Paper presentation at the IBC-UK Conference: “Mobile Phones-Is There a Health Risk?” September 16-17, 1997, Brussels, Belgium [back] 15. Blood-Brain-Barrier: The blood-brain-barrier (BBB) is primarily a continuous layer of cells lining the blood vessels of the brain. It is critical for regulation of the brain’s activity. Lai notes that “Even though most studies indicate that changes in the BBB occurs only after exposure to RF/MW radiation of high intensities with significant increase in tissue temperature, several studies have reported increases in permeability after exposure to RF/MW radiation of relatively low intensities…Pulsed RF seems to be more potent than continuous wave RF.” Pulsed RF/MW is the type used in digital cellular systems. Effects on the BBB were noted at the 0.2 W/cm2 level, and even at SAR of 0.016-5 W/kg. These effects could lead to local changes in brain function. H. Lai, Ibid [back] 16. Cellular Morphology: RF/MW radiation induced morphological changes of the central nervous system cells and tissues have been shown to occur under relatively high intensity or prolonged exposure to the RF/MW radiation. However, there are several studies which show that repeated exposure at relatively low power intensities caused morphological changes in the central nervous system. Again here pulsed (as in digital phone use) RF/MW radiation produced more pronounced effects. Certain drugs given to nonhuman primates sensitized them, for instance allowing eye damage to occur at very low power intensities. Dr Lai notes “Changes in morphology, especially cell death, could have an important implication on health. Injury-induced cell proliferation has been hypothesized as a cause of cancer.” Some of these experiments were in the range of SAR 0.53 W/kg or even 0.26 W/kg. H. Lai, Ibid [back] 17. Neural Electrophysiology: Changes in neuronal electrophysiology, evoked potentials, and EEG have been reported. Some effects were observed at low intensities and after repeated exposure, suggesting cumulative effect. Energy density levels were as low as 50 W/cm2. H. Lai, Ibid [back] 18. Neurotransmitters: Neurotransmitters are molecules which transmit information from one nerve cell to another. Early studies have reported changes in various neurotransmitters (catecholamines, serotonin, and acetylcholine) in the brain of animals only after exposure to high intensities of RF/MW radiation. However, there are more recent studies that show changes in neurotransmitter functions after exposure to low intensities of RF radiation. For example, effects were seen at 50 µW/cm2 in one experiment. U.S. and Canadian RF/MW radiation safety policies allow exposures of 1000 µW/cm2 at that frequency. RF/MW radiation activates endogenous opioids in the brain. Endogenous opioids are neurotransmitters with morphine-like properties and are involved in many important physiological and behavioral functions, such as pain perception and motivation. The response to RF/MW radiation depends on the area of the brain studied and on the duration of exposure. Exposure to RF/MW radiation has been shown to affect the behavioral actions of benzodiazepines (these are drugs such as Valium). H. Lai, Ibid [back] 19. Metabolic Changes in Neural Tissue: Several studies investigated the effects of RF/MW radiation exposure on energy metabolism in the rat brain. Surprisingly, changes were reported after exposure to relatively low intensity RF/MW radiation for a short duration of time (minutes). The effects depended on the frequency and modulation characteristics of the RF/MW radiation and did not seem to be related to temperature changes in the tissue. Calcium ions play important roles in the functions of the nervous system, such as the release of neurotransmitters and the actions of some neurotransmitter receptors. Thus changes in calcium ion concentration could lead to alterations in neural functions. This is an area of considerable controversy because some researchers have also reported no significant effects of RF/MW radiation exposure on calcium efflux. However, when positive effects were observed, they occurred after exposure to RF/MW radiation of relatively low intensities and were dependent on the modulation and intensity of the RF/MW radiation studied (window effects). Some studies had SARs as low as 0.05-0.005 W/Kg. H. Lai, Ibid [back] 20. Cytogenetic effects have been reported in various types of cells after exposure to RF/MW radiation. Recently, several studies have reported cytogenetic changes in brain cells by RF/MW radiation , and these results could have important implication for the health effects of RF/MW radiation . Genetic damage to glial cells can result in carcinogenesis. However, since neurons do not undergo mitosis, a more likely consequence of neuronal genetic damage is changes in functions and cell death, which could either lead to or accelerate the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Power densities of 1 mW/cm2 were employed, a level considered safe for the public by the FCC. RF/MW radiation -induced increases in single and double strand DNA breaks in rats can be blocked by treating the rats with melatonin or the spin-trap compound N-t-butyl–phenylnitrone. Since both compounds are potent free radical scavengers, these data suggest that free radicals may play a role in the genetic effect of RF. If free radicals are involved in the RF-induced DNA strand breaks in brain cells, results from this study could have an important implication on the health effects of RF exposure. Involvement of free radicals in human diseases, such as cancer and atherosclerosis, has been suggested. Free radicals also play an important role in the aging process, which has been ascribed to be a consequence of accumulated oxidative damage to body tissues, and involvement of free radicals in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington, and Parkinson, has also been suggested. One can also speculate that some individuals may be more susceptible to the effects of RF/MW radiation exposure. H. Lai, Ibid [back] 21. Dr. A. A. Kolodynski and V. V. Kolodynska of the Institute of Biology, Latvian Academy of Sciences, presented the results of experiments on school children living in the area of the Skrunda Radio Location Station in Latvia. Motor function, memory, and attention significantly differed between the exposed and control groups. The children living in front of the station had less developed memory and attention and their reaction time was slower. A. A. Kolodynski, V. V. Kolodynska, “Motor and Psychological Functions of School Children Living in the Area of the Skrunda Radio Location Station in Latvia,” The Science of the Total Environment 180:87-93, 1996 [back] 22. Dr. H. Lai and colleagues in 1993 exposed rats to 45 minutes of pulsed high frequency RF/MW radiation at low intensity and found that the rats showed retarded learning, indicating a deficit in spatial “working memory” function. H Lai, A. Horita, and A. W. Guy, “Microwave Irradiation Affects Radial-Arm Maze Performance in the Rat,” Bioelectromagnetics 15:95-104, 1994 NOTE: Dr. Lai’s January 2005 compilation of published RF/MW radiation studies demonstrating biological effects of exposure to low-intensity RF/MW radiation is included as a Reference section at the end of this report. [back] 23. Dr. Stefan Braune reported a 5-10 mm Hg resting blood pressure rise during exposure to RF/MW radiation of the sort used by cellular phones in Europe. The Lancet, the British medical journal where the report appeared, stated that “Such an increase could have adverse effects on people with high blood pressure.” S. Braune, “Resting Blood Pressure Increase During Exposure to a Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field,” The Lancet 351, pp. 1,857-1,858, 1998 [back] 24. Dr. Kues and colleagues (of Johns Hopkins University and the Food and Drug Administration) found that placing timolol and pilocarpine into the eyes of monkeys and then exposing them to low power density pulsed RF/MW radiation caused a significant reduction in the power-density threshold for causing damage to the cells covering the eye and the iris. In fact the power was reduced by a factor of 10, so that it entered the “acceptable, safe” level of the FCC, 1 mW/cm2! Timolol and pilocarpine are commonly used by people suffering from glaucoma. This is a very important study, as it points to the fact that laboratory experiments under “ideal” conditions are rarely what one finds in real life. The “safe” level of RF/MW radiation exposure for healthy people is likely to be very different than for those of us who suffer from illness, take medications, or are perhaps simply younger or older than those in the experiments. H. A. Kues, J. C. Monahan, S. A. D’Anna, D. S. McLeod, G. A. Lutty, and S. Koslov, “Increased Sensitivity of the Non-Human Primate Eye to Microwave Radiation Following Ophthalmic Drug Pretreatment,” Bioelectromagnetics 13:379-393, 1992 [back] 25. The World Health Organization states that “concerns have been raised about the safety of cellular mobile telephones, electric power lines and police speed-control ‘radar guns.’ Scientific reports have suggested that exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted from these devices could have adverse health effects, such as cancer, reduced fertility, memory loss, and adverse changes in the behaviour and development of children.” Therefore, “In May 1996, in response to growing public health concerns in many Member States over possible health effects from exposure to an ever-increasing number and diversity of EMF sources, the World Health Organization launched an international project to assess health and environmental effects of exposure to electric and magnetic fields, which became known as the International EMF Project. The International EMF Project will last for five years.” “A number of studies at [frequencies above about 1 MHz] suggest that exposure to RF fields too weak to cause heating may have adverse health consequences, including cancer and memory loss. Identifying and encouraging coordinated research into these open questions is one of the major objectives of the International EMF Project.” World Health Organization Fact Sheet N181, “Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health, The International EMF Project,” reviewed May 1998 and World Health Organization Fact Sheet N182, “Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health, Physical Properties and Effects on Biological Systems,” reviewed May 1998, [back] 26. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration in a January 14, 1998 letter to the House Telecommunications Subcommittee stated it “believes additional research in the area of RF is needed.” In 1997 the FDA established the following priorities:
Food and Drug Administration Recommendations quoted in Microwave News, March/April, 1997 [back] 27. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is planning a multi-country, multi-million dollar study of cancer among users of wireless phones, beginning 1998. Microwave News, January/February, 1998 [back] 28. The Swedish Work Environmental Fund initiated a new epidemiological study on cellular phone radiation and brain tumors in 1997. Microwave News, November/December, 1997 [back] 29. The National Cancer Institute announced plans for a 5 year study of brain tumors and RF/MW radiation in 1993. Microwave News, January/February, 1993 [back] 30. The European Commission (EC) Expert Group on health effects of wireless phones called for a 5 year research program with a $20 million budget, reported 1997. Microwave News , January/February, 1997 [back] 31. A report commissioned by New Zealand’s Ministry of Health stated that “It is imperative that the scientific issues be clarified as soon as possible, as there is much at stake.” It called for more research to examine the potential health effects of RF radiation. Microwave News, November/December, 1996 [back] 32. The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia announced its sponsorship of a 5 year, $3.5 million project on potential health effects of mobile phone technology in 1996. Microwave News, November/December, 1996 [back] 33. The Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) of Australia concluded in 1995 that the safety of cellular telephones cannot be resolved “in the near future.” Dr. Stan Barnett, a principal researcher of CSIRO, states that “My goal is to establish a national committee to approach this problem by coordinating relevant and focused research.” He estimated a budget of $3 million over a 3 year period would be necessary. Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization, “Status of Research on Biological Effects and Safety of Electromagnetic Radiation: Telecommunications Frequencies,” a report prepared by Dr. Stan Barnett, as sited in Microwave News, September/October, 1995 [back] 34. In Canada, Expert Panels are formed in response to requests from governments and other organizations for guidance on public policy issues where specialized knowledge is required. The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) is the only national academic organization, encompassing all fields of study in the sciences, arts and humanities that provides, through its Committee on Expert Panels, a service to Canadians by convening Expert Panels that produce publicly disseminated, arms-length, third party reviews. The most recent Expert Panel report addressing RF/MW radiation examines new data on dosimetry and exposure assessment, thermoregulation, biological effects such as enzyme induction, and toxicological effects, including genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, and testicular and reproductive outcomes. Epidemiological studies of mobile phone users and occupationally exposed populations are examined, along with human and animal studies of neurological and behavioural effects. All of the authoritative reviews completed within the last two years have supported the need for further research to clarify the possible associations between RF fields and adverse health outcomes that have appeared in some reports. See: http://www.rsc.ca//index.php?lang_id=1&page_id=120. Recent Advances in Research on Radiofrequency Fields and Health: 2001-2003; A Follow-up to The Royal Society of Canada, Report on the Potential Health Risks of Radiofrequency Fields from Wireless Telecommunication Devices, 1999 [back] 35. The European Union effort to address this issue is in the study Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Energy Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods (REFLEX). Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in relation to health is a controversial topic throughout the industrial world. So far epidemiological and animal studies have generated conflicting data and thus uncertainty regarding possible adverse health effects. This situation has triggered controversies in communities especially in Europe with its high density of population and industry and the omnipresence of EMF in infrastructures and consumer products. These controversies are affecting the siting of facilities, leading people to relocate, schools to close or power lines to be re-sited, all at great expense. The European Union believes that causality between EMF exposure and disease can never be regarded as proven without knowledge and understanding of the basic mechanisms possibly triggered by EMF. To search for those basic mechanisms powerful technologies developed in toxicology and molecular biology were to be employed in the REFLEX project to investigate cellular and sub-cellular responses of living cells exposed to EMF in vitro. The REFLEX data have made a substantial addition to the data base relating to genotoxic and phenotypic effects of both ELF-EMF and RF-EMF on in vitro cellular systems. While the data neither precludes nor confirms a health risk due to EMF exposure nor was the project designed for this purpose, the value lies in providing new data that will enable mechanisms of EMF effects to be studied more effectively than in the past. Furthermore, the REFLEX data provide new information that will be used for risk evaluation by WHO, IARC and ICNIRP. For further information on REFLEX see: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/quality-of-life/ka4/ka4_electromagnetic_en.html [back] 36. The Swedish Radiation Protections Institute (SSI) endeavors to ensure that human beings and the environment are protected from the harmful effects of radiation, both in the present and in the future. SSI has focused on epidemiological research on cancer and exposure from mobile phones and transmitters as well as experimental cancer research. In addition three selected topics were also discussed, namely blood-brain barrier, heat shock proteins, and precautionary framework. For further information on SSI see: http://www.ssi.se/forfattning/eng_forfattlista.html [back] 37. In the United Kingdom, the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) was created by the Radiological Protection Act 1970. The statutory functions of NRPB are to advance the acquisition of knowledge about the protection of mankind from radiation hazards through research and to provide information and advice to persons (including Government Departments) with responsibilities in the United Kingdom in relation to the protection from radiation hazards either of the community as a whole or of particular sections of the community. The NFPB believes that there is a need for better occupational studies rather than simply for more. In particular, the studies need to be of occupational groups for whom measurements show that there is genuinely a substantially raised exposure to RF fields. If the studies are to be more informative than those so far, a key requirement will be for improved exposure measurement (or improved estimation of exposure) for individuals, or at least for occupational groups. It would be desirable, as far as practical, that the studies should measure the intensity and timing of RF field exposures, and also that they should include some assessment of major RF field exposures from sources other than the current occupation. Ideally, exposure assessment needs to be anatomical site (organ)-specific, because some sources result in greatly differing doses to different parts of the body. It is a difficulty in these prescriptions, of course, that the appropriate exposure metric is unknown. For further information on NRPB see: http://www.hpa.org.uk/radiation/ [back] 38. On January 5, 2005, the EMF-Team Finland issued the Helsinki Appeal 2005 to members of the European Parliament. In it physicians and researchers call on the European Parliament to apply the Precautionary Principle to electromagnetic fields, especially in the radio- and microwave- frequency bands. They criticize the present RF/MW radiation safety standards that do not recognize the biological effects caused by non-thermal exposures to non-ionizing radiation [i.e., RF/MW radiation.] They also call for continued refunding of the REFLEX EMF research program. The text of the Helsinke Appeal 2005 is found at: http://www.emrpolicy.org/news/headlines/index.htm [back] 39. On July 19, 1993 Dr. Elizabeth Jacobson, Deputy Director for Science, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration criticized Thomas Wheeler, President of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association: “I am writing to let you know that we were concerned about two important aspects of your press conference of July 16 concerning the safety of cellular phones, and to ask that you carefully consider the following comments when you make future statements to the press. First, both the written press statements and your verbal comments during the conference seemed to display an unwarranted confidence that these products will be found absolutely safe. In fact, the unremittingly upbeat tone of the press packet strongly implies that there can be no hazard, leading the reader to wonder why any further research would be needed at all…..More specifically, your press packet selectively quotes from our Talk Paper of February 4 in order to imply that FDA believes that cellular phones are “safe.” (“There is no proof at this point that cellular phones are harmful.”) In fact, the same Talk Paper also states, “There is not enough evidence to know for sure, either way.” Our position, as we have stated it before, is this: Although there is no direct evidence linking cellular phones with harmful effects in humans, a few animal studies suggest that such effects could exist. It is simply too soon to assume that cellular phones are perfectly safe, or that they are hazardous–either assumption would be premature. This is precisely why more research is needed.” Full text of letter can be found in Microwave News, July/August, 1993 [back] 40. In 1993 the Director of the Office of Radiation and Indoor Air of the Environmental Protection Agency suggested that the FCC not adopt the 1992 ANSI/IEEE standard “due to serious flaws,” among them (1) “the ANSI/IEEE conclusion that there is no scientific data indicating that certain subgroups of the population are more at risk than others is not supported by NCRP and EPA reports” and (2) “the thesis that ANSI/IEEE recommendations are protective of all mechanisms of interaction is unwarranted because the adverse effects level in the 1992 ANSI/IEEE standard are based on a thermal effect.” Letter from Margo T. Oge, Director, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air to Thomas Stanley, Chief Engineer, Office of engineering and Technology, FCC, dated Nov 9, 1993 [back] 41. A brief sampling of the CSIRO report: Problems in studies of human populations published to date include imprecise estimates of exposure. As a result, such epidemiological studies may underestimate any real risk. The likelihood of epidemiological studies providing useful information is questionable, particularly if the biological end point cannot be predicted. Its value in the short term (less than 10 years) must be negligible unless there was an enormous increase in the rate of cancer growth. Interestingly, the incidence of brain tumors in the EC countries has increased substantially in recent years. RF safety cannot be assessed in the absence of reported serious effects when so little research has been aimed at the problem. It is somewhat surprising, and rather disappointing, to find that although the literature contains many hundreds of publications, there are very few areas of consensus….At low levels the absence of clear thresholds and [the] presence of intensity and frequency windows have created questions rather than provided answers. There is no doubt that the interpretation of bioeffects data has been clouded by a preoccupation with thermally mediated processes. In fact, development of the ANSI/IEEE standard is based only on well-established thermal effects, and ignores the more subtle non-thermal processes that are more difficult to interpret and apply to human health. Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization, “Status of Research on Biological Effects and Safety of Electromagnetic Radiation: Telecommunications Frequencies,” a report prepared by Dr. Stan Barnett, as sited in Microwave News, September/October, 1995 [back] 42. Statement from the October 25-28, 1998 “Symposium of Mobile Phones and Health – Workshop on Possible Biological and Health Effects of RF Electromagnetic Fields” held at the University of Vienna, Austria. The preferred terminology to be used in public communication: Instead of using the terms “athermal”, “non-thermal” or “microthermal” effects, the term “low intensity biological effects” is more appropriate. Preamble: The participants agreed that biological effects from low-intensity exposures are scientifically established. However, the current state of scientific consensus is inadequate to derive reliable exposure standards. The existing evidence demands an increase in the research efforts on the possible health impact and on an adequate exposure and dose assessment. Base stations: How could satisfactory Public Participation be ensured: The public should be given timely participation in the process. This should include information on technical and exposure data as well as information on the status of the health debate. Public participation in the decision (limits, siting, etc.) should be enabled. Cellular phones: How could the situation of the users be improved: Technical data should be made available to the users to allow comparison with respect to EMF-exposure. In order to promote prudent usage, sufficient information on the health debate should be provided. This procedure should offer opportunities for the users to manage reduction in EMF-exposure. In addition, this process could stimulate further developments of low-intensity emission devices. [back] 43. Statement from the June 7-8, 2000 International Conference on Cell Tower Siting Linking Science and Public Health, Salzburg, Austria. The full report can be found at:http://new.iaff.org/HS/PDF/cell_tower_measurements.pdf · It is recommended that development rights for the erection and for operation of a base station should be subject to a permission procedure. The protocol should include the following aspects: o Information ahead and active involvement of the local public o Inspection of alternative locations for the siting o Protection of health and wellbeing o Considerations on conservation of land- and townscape o Computation and measurement of exposure o Considerations on existing sources of HF-EMF exposure o Inspection and monitoring after installation
· It is recommended that a national database be set up on a governmental level giving details of all base stations and their emissions. · It is recommended for existing and new base stations to exploit all technical possibilities to ensure exposure is as low as achievable (ALATA-principle) and that new base stations are planned to guarantee that the exposure at places where people spend longer periods of time is as low as possible, but within the strict public health guidelines. · Presently the assessment of biological effects of exposures from base stations in the low-dose range is difficult but indispensable for protection of public health. There is at present evidence of no threshold for adverse health effects. o Recommendations of specific exposure limits are prone to considerable uncertainties and should be considered preliminary. For the total of all high frequency irradiation a limit value of 100 mW/m² (10 µW/cm²) is recommended. o For preventive public health protection a preliminary guideline level for the sum total of exposures from all ELF pulse modulated high-frequency facilities such as GSM base stations of 1 mW/m² (0.1 µW/cm²) is recommended. [back] 44. Scientists attending the September 13-14, 2002 International Conference “State of the Research on Electromagnetic Fields – Scientific and Legal Issues,” organized by ISPESL (National Institute for Prevention and Work Safety, Italy), the University of Vienna, and the City of Catania, held in Catania, Italy, agreed to the following: · Epidemiological and in vivo and in vitro experimental evidence demonstrates the existence for electromagnetic field (EMF) induced effects, some of which can be adverse to health. · We take exception to arguments suggesting that weak (low intensity) EMF cannot interact with tissue. · There are plausible mechanistic explanations for EMF-induced effects which occur below present ICNIRP and IEEE guidelines and exposure recommendations by the EU. · The weight of evidence calls for preventive strategies based on the precautionary principle. At times the precautionary principle may involve prudent avoidance and prudent use. · We are aware that there are gaps in knowledge on biological and physical effects, and health risks related to EMF, which require additional independent research. [back] 45. The Freiburger Appeal is a German based appeal by mainly medical practitioners who are concerned about the effects, they believe, from mobile phone technology including masts that are appearing in their patients. It started in Oct 2002 and with very little international publicity has got 50,000 signatories with at least 2000 medical signatures from across the world. Mast These physicians and scientists agreed to establish an international scientific commission to promote research for the protection of public health from EMF and to develop the scientific basis and strategies for assessment, prevention, management and communication of risk, based on the precautionary principle. Excerpt: On the basis of our daily experiences, we hold the current mobile communications technology (introduced in 1992 and since then globally extensive) and cordless digital telephones (DECT standard) to be among the fundamental triggers for this fatal development. One can no longer evade these pulsed microwaves. They heighten the risk of already-present chemical/physical influences, stress the body–immune system, and can bring the body–still-functioning regulatory mechanisms to a halt. Pregnant women, children, adolescents, elderly and sick people are especially at risk. Statement of the physicians and researchers of Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Umweltmedizin e. V. (Interdisciplinary Association for Environmental Medicine) IGUMED, Sackingen, Germany, September 19, 2002. The Freiburger Appeal can be found at: http://www.mastsanity.org/doctors-appeals.html. [back] 46. Report of the European Union’s REFLEX Project (Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods), November 2004. The Project studied ELF and RF exposures to various animal cell types. The report is found at: http://new.iaff.org/HS/PDF/REFLEX%20Final%20Report.pdf From the Summary: [t]he omnipresence of EMF’s in infrastructures and consumer products have become a topic of public concern. This is due to the fear of people that based on the many conflicting research data a risk to their health cannot be excluded with some certainty. Therefore, the overall objective of REFLEX was to find out whether or not the fundamental biological processes at the cellular and molecular level support such an assumption. For this purpose, possible effects of EMF’s on cellular events controlling key functions, including those involved in carcinogenesis and in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders, were studied through focused research. Failure to observe the occurrence of such key critical events in living cells after EMF exposure would have suggested that further research efforts in this field could be suspended and financial resources be reallocated to the investigation of more important issues. But as clearly demonstrated, the results of the REFLEX project show the way into the opposite direction. [back] 47. From the Discussion section of the December 20, 2004 Second Annual Report of Sweden’s Radiation Protection Board (SSI) entitled: Recent Research on Mobile Telephony and Health Risks: Second Annual Report from SSI’s Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields. The complete report is available at: http://new.iaff.org/HS/PDF/EMF_exp_Eng_2004.pdf To date, little is known about the levels of radiofrequency radiation exposure in the general population from sources such as mobile phones being used by oneself or other people, mobile phone base stations, and radio and television transmitters. Measurements that have been performed have usually been made as a result of public concern about base station exposures or other specific sources, and have therefore been made at locations that could be assumed to have higher fields than would be the case if measurement locations were selected randomly. Furthermore, all measurements have been stationary, and there is today no knowledge about the level of exposure that an individual will have throughout the day. There is need for information about the personal exposure to RF fields in the general population, to enhance the understanding of the relative importance of exposure from base stations close to the home, from radio and television transmitters, and from the use of mobile phones . . . Studies with personal RF exposure measurements of randomly selected samples of the general population are strongly encouraged. [back] 48. Released January 11, 2005, Mobile Phones and Health 2004: Report by the Board of NRPB Documents of the NRPB: Volume 15, No. 5. See: Mobile Phones and Health 2004 From the Executive Summary: The Board notes that a central recommendation in the Stewart Report was that a precautionary approach to the use of mobile phone technologies be adopted until much more detailed and scientifically robust information on any health effects becomes available. The Board considers that it is important to understand the signal characteristics and field strengths arising from new telecommunications systems and related technologies, to assess the RF exposure of people, and to understand the potential biological effects on the human body. [back] 49. The ICNIRP exposure guidelines are only designed to protect against “known adverse health impacts,” according to Dr. Jürgen Bernhardt, ICNIRP’s chairman. Bernhardt reviewed the updated limits, which cover the spectrum from 1 Hz to 300 GHz, in a presentation at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society in St. Pete Beach, FL, on June 10. The limits protect against “short-term, immediate health effects” such as nerve stimulation, contact shocks and thermal insults, according to the guidelines, which appear in the April issue of Health Physics (74, pp.494-522, 1998). Despite “suggestive” evidence that power frequency magnetic fields can be carcinogenic, ICNIRP has concluded that this and other non-thermal health effects have not been “established.” ICNIRP has long followed this approach to standard-setting. In his talk, Bernhardt noted that the guidelines include “no consideration regarding prudent avoidance” for health effects for which evidence is less than conclusive. Microwave News, July/August 1998 Additional References and Studies The following references reporting biological effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at low intensities through January 2005 were compiled on 12/27/04 by Henry C. Lai PhD, Research Professor of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Balode Sci Total Environ 180(1):81-85, 1996 – blood cells from cows from a farm close and in front of a radar installation showed significantly higher level of severe genetic damage. Boscol et al. Sci Total Environ 273(1-3):1-10, 2001 – RFR from radio transmission stations (0.005 mW/cm2) affects immune system in women. Chiang et al. J. Bioelectricity 8:127-131, 1989 – people who lived and worked near radio antennae and radar installations showed deficits in psychological and short-term memory tests. de Pomerai et al. Nature 405:417-418, 2000. Enzyme Microbial Tech 30:73-79, 2002 – reported an increase in a molecular stress response in cells after exposure to a RFR at a SAR of 0.001 W/kg. This stress response is a basic biological process that is present in almost all animals – including humans. de Pomerai et al. (FEBS Lett 22;543(1-3):93-97, 2003 – RFR damages proteins at 0.015-0.020 W/kg. D’Inzeo et al. Bioelectromagnetics 9(4):363-372, 1988 – very low intensity RFR (0.002 – 0.004 mW/cm2) affects the operation of acetylcholine-related ion-channels in cells. These channels play important roles in physiological and behavioral functions. Dolk et al. Am J Epidemiol 145(1):1-91997- a significant increase in adult leukemias was found in residents who lived near the Sutton Coldfield television (TV) and frequency modulation (FM) radio transmitter in England. Dutta et al.Bioelectromagnetics 10(2):197-202 1989 – reported an increase in calcium efflux in cells after exposure to RFR at 0.005 W/kg. Calcium is an important component of normal cellular functions. Fesenko et al. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 49(1):29-35, 1999 – reported a change in immunological functions in mice after exposure to RFR at a power density of 0.001 mW/cm2. Hallberg O, Johansson O, ( 2004) concluded that continuous disturbance of cell repair mechanisms by body-resonant FM electromagnetic fields seems to amplify the carcinogenic effects resulting from cell damage caused e.g. by UV-radiation. Hjollund et al. Reprod Toxicol 11(6):897, 1997 – sperm counts of Danish military personnel, who operated mobile ground-to-air missile units that use several RFR emitting radar systems (maximal mean exposure 0.01 mW/cm2), were significantly lower compared to references. Hocking et al. Med J Aust 165(11-12):601-605, 1996 – an association was found between increased childhood leukemia incidence and mortality and proximity to TV towers. Ivaschuk et al. Bioelectromagnetics 18(3):223-229, 1999 – short-term exposure to cellular phone RFR of very low SAR (26 mW/kg) affected a gene related to cancer. Kolodynski and Kolodynska, Sci Total Environ 180(1):87-93, 1996 – school children who lived in front of a radio station had less developed memory and attention, their reaction time was slower, and their neuromuscular apparatus endurance was decreased. Kwee et al. Electro- and Magnetobiology 20: 141-152, 2001 – 20 minutes of cell phone RFR exposure at 0.0021 W/kg increased stress protein in human cells. Lebedeva et al. Crit Rev Biomed Eng 28(1-2):323-337, 2000 – brain wave activation was observed in human subjects exposed to cellular phone RFR at 0.06 mW/cm2. Magras and Xenos Bioelectromagnetics 18(6):455-461, 1999 – reported a decrease in reproductive function in mice exposed to RFR at power densities of 0.000168 – 0.001053 mW/cm2. Irreversible sterility was found in the fifth generation of offspring. Mann et al. Neuroendocrinology 67(2):139-144, 1998 – a transient increase in blood cortisol was observed in human subjects exposed to cellular phone RFR at 0.02 mW/cm2. Cortisol is a hormone involved in stress reaction. Marinelli et al. J Cell Physiol. 198(2):324-332, 2004 – exposure to 900-MHz RFR at 0.0035 W/kg affected cell’s self-defense responses. Michelozzi et al. Epidemiology 9 (Suppl) 354p, 1998 – leukemia mortality within 3.5 km (5,863 inhabitants) near a high power radio-transmitter in a peripheral area of Rome was higher than expected. Michelozzi et al. Am J Epidemiol 155(12):1096-1103, 2002 – childhood leukemia higher at a distance up to 6 km from a radio station. Navakatikian and Tomashevskaya “Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields, Volume 1,” D.O. Carpenter (ed) Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp.333-342. 1994 – RFR at low intensities (0.01 – 0.1 mW/cm2; 0.0027- 0.027 W/kg) induced behavioral and endocrine changes in rats. Decreases in blood concentrations of testosterone and insulin were reported. Novoselova et al. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 49(1):37-41, 1999 -low intensity RFR (0.001 mW/cm2) affects functions of the immune system. Park et al. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 77(6):387-394, 2004 – higher mortality rates for all cancers and leukemia in some age groups in the area near the AM radio broadcasting towers. Persson et al. Wireless Network 3:455-461, 1997 – reported an increase in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier in mice exposed to RFR at 0.0004 – 0.008 W/kg. The blood-brain barrier envelops the brain and protects it from toxic substances. Phillips et al. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 45:103-110, 1998 – reported DNA damage in cells exposed to RFR at SAR of 0.0024 – 0.024 W/kg. Polonga-Moraru et al. Bioelectrochemistry 56(1-2):223-225, 2002 – change in membrane of cells in the retina (eye) after exposure to RFR at 15 µW/cm2. Pyrpasopoulou et al. Bioelectromagnetics 25(3):216-227, 2004 – exposure to cell phone radiation during early gestation at SAR of 0.0005 W/kg (5 µW/cm2) affected kidney development in rats. Salford et al. Environ Health Persp Online January 29, 2003 – Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones signal at 0.02 W/kg. Santini et al. Pathol Biol (Paris) 50(6):369-373, 2002 – increase in complaint frequencies for tiredness, headache, sleep disturbance, discomfort, irritability, depression, loss of memory, dizziness, libido decrease, in people who lived within 300 m of mobile phone base stations. Sarimov et al. IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 32:1600-1608, 2004 – GSM microwaves affect human lymphocyte chromatin similar to stress response at 0.0054 W/kg. Schwartz et al. Bioelectromagnetics 11(4):349-358, 1990 – calcium movement in the heart affected by RFR at SAR of 0.00015 W/kg. Calcium is important in muscle contraction. Changes in calcium can affect heart functions. Somosy et al. Scanning Microsc 5(4):1145-1155, 1991 – RFR at 0.024 W/kg caused molecular and structural changes in cells of mouse embryos. Stagg et al. Bioelectromagnetics 18(3):230-236, 1997- glioma cells exposed to cellular phone RFR at 0.0059 W/kg showed significant increases in thymidine incorporation, which may be an indication of an increase in cell division. Stark et al. J Pineal Res 22(4):171-176, 1997 – a two- to seven-fold increase of salivary melatonin concentration was observed in dairy cattle exposed to RFR from a radio transmitter antenna. Tattersall et al. Brain Res 904(1):43-53, 2001 – low-intensity RFR (0.0016 – 0.0044 W/kg) can modulate the function of a part of the brain called the hippocampus, in the absence of gross thermal effects. The changes in excitability may be consistent with reported behavioral effects of RFR, since the hippocampus is involved in learning and memory. Vangelova et al. Cent Eur J Public Health 10(1-2):24-28, 2002 – operators of satellite station exposed to low dose (0.1127 J/kg) of RFR over a 24-hr shift showed an increased excretion of stress hormones. Velizarov et al. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 48(1):177-180, 1999 – showed a decrease in cell proliferation (division) after exposure to RFR of 0.000021 – 0.0021 W/kg. Veyret et al. Bioelectromagnetics 12(1):47-56, 1991 – low intensity RFR at SAR of 0.015 W/kg affects functions of the immune system. Wolke et al. Bioelectromagnetics 17(2):144-153, 1996 – RFR at 0.001W/kg affects calcium concentration in heart muscle cells of guinea pigs.
The International Association of Fire Fighters recognizes IAFF Local 3368, Carpinteria-Summerland, California, who brought this issue to the attention of our membership through the Resolution 15, submitted through our biennial convention in August 2004. Additionally, the following local affiliates provided support for the passage of the resolution: Brookline, Massachusetts, San Diego, California, San Francisco, California and Vancouver, British Columbia. We also acknowledge the efforts of Dr. Henry C. Lai, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario; Janet Newton, President of the EMR Policy Institute; and Susan Foster Ambrose for their technical support and continued passion to protect the health and safety of fire fighters and emergency medical personnel. Finally, we thank Dr. Leslie Plachta and the Safe Ossining Schools for their research efforts and their battle to stop siting cell towers on Ossining, New York schools. RMD; 3/2005 |
What are the limits of exposure according to the FCC compared to abroad?
Distance and the Inverse Square Law
See Wikipedia site on relative strengths of wireless transmissions.
Cancer shields for cellphones circa 2001
Never, ever, has the Fullerton School District mentioned ANY OF THE POTENTIAL DANGERS OF RADIO FREQUENCY EMISSIONS EXPOSURE AT ANY OF THEIR TECHNOLOGY MEETINGS. No only how wonderful and safe this all is. By the way, this type of exposure shown below, aside from school, now, thanks to Robert Pletka, goes on at the restaurant, at the day care facility, at Sunday school, in the car, in the plane, in the train, at home in the bedroom, at the dinner table, in the dining room, in the living room, in the front yard if they ever make it outside, at grandma’s house, I could go on and on and its all because it started at school.
Cover up at the highest levels and children being taken down to the lowest.
Lennart Hardell’s science is a game changer and the suppression is planned, global and deeply entrenched. The more we expose it, the better.
Susan D. Foster, MSW _____________________________________________________________________________________________
August 31, 2014
Emily O’Reilly
European Ombudsman
European Commission
RE: SCENIHR Report 2014 and The Suppression of Dr. Lennart Hardell’s Science
Dear Emily O’Reilly:
In July 2014 we received individual letters from Acting Director John Ryan following our deeply and urgently conveyed concerns that scientific misconduct had occurred at SCENIHR under the direct actions of Dr. Joachim Schüz. Dr. Schüz took it upon himself to unilaterally write the epidemiology portion of SCENIHR’s report. Because SCENIHR was entrusted with examining the RF standards for all of Europe, this task and position calls for great integrity and objectivity. We are strongly suggesting both were lacking as Dr. Schüz “cherry-picked” the science that went into SCENIHR’s preliminary and then final report, purposefully and negligently omitting the five 2013 studies of independent epidemiologist Dr. Lennart Hardell of Sweden.
From Acting Director John Ryan we received the following replies to our concerns, as did others who wrote with similar concerns:
Subject’ Reply – EC – SCENIHR Preliminary Report “Our investigation found no facts to support these allegations, which seem to be completely unfounded. The working methods used by the EMF working group were appropriate and in accordance with our rules of procedure. All members of the working group agreed upon the preliminary opinion and its conclusions before the draft preliminary opinion was sent to the SCENIHR for approval.
No conflict of interest could be identified among members of the EMF working group or the stakeholder members.”We would contend, with all due respect to Mr. Ryan, that the Secretariat of the Scientific Committee assigned by Acting Director John Ryan may not have fully investigated the multiple conflicts of interest that Dr. Schüz brought to SCENIHR. To be blunt, the body of Joachim Schüz’s work and his telecom industry affiliations – so carefully elucidated by others who share our concern – must be scrutinized. This conflict of interest by Joachim Schüz impacts hundreds of millions of lives. We suggest the fox is guarding the hen house, and the victims are an unsuspecting body of humanity entrusting their lives, their children’s lives, and their progeny to the industry-biased goals of an epidemiologist who is on the industry payroll through a multitude of organizations including the Danish Cancer Society (as foreign as that conflict of interest may sound). There has been excellent reporting on Dr. Schüz’s well-known conflicts of interest by Louis Slesin of Microwave News, and more recently a comprehensive letter to John Ryan by Israeli author Iris Atzmon which includes the following conflicts of interest:
Dr. Schüz declared his contract with the electric industry, see “2006-2012 Electric Power Research Institute” (EPRI), EPRI is the US power industry research arm. He also declared that he was a management committee member of COST BM 0704. IT’IS Foundation was appointed as the Grant Holder of COST Action BM0704. http://www.itis.ethz.ch/news-events/news/other-news/it-is-foundation-appointed-as-the-grant-holder-of-cost-action-bm0704/Additionally, Lloyd Morgan, B.Sc. of Berkeley, California, published a comprehensive list of Dr. Joachim Schüz’s conflicts in Electromagnetic Health.org.
Our complaint to you on behalf of the UK’s EM Radiation Research Trust, sent with the greatest urgency, is about Dr. Schüz receiving money from a variety of telecommunication and power industry sources, money which sometimes flows through and insidiously influences organizations like the Danish Cancer Society – and now SCENIHR. This complaint is about the unethical actions of Joachim Schüz, a man who purports to be objective, places himself in charge of the epidemiology section of the SCENIHR Report, and then single-handily ignores, dismisses, and suppresses the brilliant 2013 epidemiology studies of Dr. Lennart Hardell of Sweden. Four of these five 2013 Hardell studies found a statistically significant link between cell phones and gliomas — the deadliest of brain tumors, and acoustic neuromas. Both types of brain tumors are on the rise; prompting an unprecedented industry attempt around the world to suppress these statistics.
It should be noted that Dr. Hardell’s earlier science, even before the 2013 studies were published, was included in the science that went before Judge Frederick H. Weisberg of Superior Court in Washington D.C. Judge Weisberg is presiding over 13 consolidated lawsuits against the telecommunications industry in the United States. After months of testimony and careful deliberation, Judge Weisberg ruled that scientific evidence from five experts is strong enough to meet what is called the Dyas/Frye legal standard. The science must be generally accepted and meet what some experts refer to as “the test of time”. Never before has this happened in the US. Now the cases have been cleared by Judge Weisberg to proceed to trial.
Not all science brought before the court was accepted. The science of Dr. Lennart Hardell –and again, this is Dr. Hardell’s epidemiological science that preceded the five studies published in 2013 (which are even stronger) — was considered strong enough by Judge Weisberg to be included in the brain tumor cases as they go forward to trial. It is critical to understand that the five more recently published studies by Dr. Hardell, which cover more than 20 years and show an even greater statistically significant correlation than the science considered and accepted by Judge Weisberg, were tragically dismissed by Dr. Schüz from consideration by SCENIHR.
Dr. Kjell Mild, co-author of four or five of the studies with Dr. Hardell and a member of SCNEIHR, tried repeatedly to have Dr. Hardell’s science included in the SCENIHR report. He chronicled his strong objection to the dismissal of this science in a letter many of us sent to Mr. Ryan. Those efforts by Dr. Mild were in vain. Dr. Schüz was steadfast in his refusal to accept the Hardell science.
It is clear Dr. Lennart Hardell’s science is a “game-changer”, and Dr. Schüz is well-paid, albeit indirectly, to see that Hardell’s science does not adversely influence the profitable flow of the telcom industry’s business-as-usual. There are two casualties in all of this cover-up: 1) the truth, and 2) the well-being of humanity.
The telecommunications industry is concerned about the liability implications of these recent court cases, with several precedents linking cell phones and brain tumors being set in Europe. Honest, brilliant scientists around the world are having their funding cut because the telecommunications industry puts pressure on the universities that fund RF radiation research. Because of this massive suppression of research monies by the industry, and because of the money we can trace to “industry-friendly scientists” who offer the study results that find “no harm” from cell phones and other wireless applications, Dr. Hardell’s independent science is more needed, more honored, and more timely than ever. Yet Joachim Schüz suppressed the Hardell science, and our letters to Mr. John Ryan detailed this concern. We believe Mr. Ryan was well intentioned but the reports to him that there was “no conflict of interest” had to have been false. Too many facts tell us otherwise.
To suppress science that has stood the test of time and is telling the world we need to consider RF radiation not as a 2B or “possible human” carcinogen but rather a Group 1 or “absolute” carcinogen in the same category with asbestos and DDT is not an oversight. It is not a forgetful act. It is a purposeful hiding of the truth. When SCENIHR is entrusted with evaluating the standards for all the citizens of Europe, and when we see the telecommunications industry’s fingerprints all over this suppression of Dr. Hardell’s science through Dr. Schüz, we must call this exactly what it is. It is a crime against humanity. We implore you to open an investigation into this scientific fraud.
With Great Respect,
Susan Foster, MSW
EM Radiation Research Trust
Eileen O’Connor
EM Radiation Research Trust
The EM Radiation Research Trust is an educational organisation funded by donations. An independent Charity Registered No.
1106304 © The EM Radiation Research Trust 2003-2004
Make no bones about it, the dosage is higher than a kite and it is not what the doctor ordered. Are your kids at risk at school in these wireless classrooms with the schools using commercial or industrial grade routers that broadcast on several frequencies at the same time? You want your kids slouched over an in use wireless radiation emitting cell phone all day? How about at home or everywhere else with these things right in front of their heads and in their laps all the time? That is exactly what your children are doing at school and at home. These tablet devices are microwave transmitters and emit wireless radiation trillions of times the normal background levels that many of us and our parents were exposed to as children.
What will it take to get the parents to act. I think that there are many obstacles, not the least of which is them dealing with the fact that they themselves have been irradiating their children since the beginning. So if they acknowledge this as harmful, then they have to deal with their guilt. It is time to deal with reality, swallow the pride and put your children ahead of your fears, the school administrators and your fair weather friends ladies and gentlemen. We are talking about your kids, a trillion dollar industry that doesn’t give a rat’s behind about them, and school administrators that will do whatever they are ordered to do without batting an eye.
Let us begin.
In this chart, we can see that for those that used a cell phone for over 1640 hours in 1-4 years, meaning about an hour a day, had an OR of 4.8 for developing a meningioma brain tumor and an OR of 3.77 for developing a glioma.
Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K. Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on
use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for malignant brain tumours
diagnosed in 1997-2003. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2006
It takes a certain amount of exposure for brain tumors to start to appear. In this chart by a Swedish team of independent researchers lead by Lennart Hardell, there was only a slight increase in risk from using a cell phone 1-1000 hours. The brain tumor risk really jumped, however, after 1000 hours of usage, and was much higher with prolonged usage.
According to the science, using a cell phone for over 1000 hours leads to an increased risk of brain cancer. According to the manufacturer, iPads emit as much or more radiation than cell phones. According to research, children absorb more radiation than adults. Given this evidence, what will happen to these children who spend at least 4 hours a day on an iPad at school, followed by another 4 hours at home? This is at least 2000 hours each and every year, and at least 12,000 hours of exposure in elementary school alone.
Papers finding adverse biological effects such as impaired fertility or damage to health from Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi-enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5 GHz).
Avendaño C. et al., 2012. Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation. Fertility and Sterility 97(1): 39-45.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Aynali G. et al., 2013. Modulation of wireless (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative toxicity in laryngotracheal mucosa of rat by melatonin. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 270(5): 1695-1700.http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Gumral N. et al., 2009. Effects of selenium and L-carnitine on oxidative stress in blood of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 132(1-3): 153-163. http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Havas M. et al., 2010. Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone affects autonomic nervous system. European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5: 273-300.http://www.icems.eu/
Maganioti A. E. et al., 2010. Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields exert gender related alterations on EEG. 6th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic fields.http://www.istanbul.
Margaritis L.H. et al., 2013. Drosophila oogenesis as a bio-marker responding to EMF sources. Electromagn Biol Med., Epub ahead of print.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Naziroğlu M. and Gumral 2009. Modulator effects of L-carnitine and selenium on wireless devices (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative stress and electroencephalography records in brain of rat. Int J Radiat Biol. 85(8): 680-689. http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012. 2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca2+ influx in human leukemia cancer cells. International Journal of Radiation Biology 88(6): 449–456.http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Oksay T. et al., 2012. Protective effects of melatonin against oxidative injury in rat testis induced by wireless (2.45 GHz) devices. Andrologia doi: 10.1111/and.12044, Epub ahead of print.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
EMF Refugee:
The International Coalition for an Electromagnetic Safe Planet (IC-ESP)
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”
George Orwell
Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi-enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5
GHz).Papers listed are only those where exposures were 16V/m or below.
Someone using a Wi-Fi-enabled tablet computer can be exposed to
electromagnetic fields up to 16V/m. Papers are in alphabetical order.
A file of first pages, for printing, can be found here (please pass on
to schools).Wi-Fi:
Atasoy H.I. et al., 2013. Immunohistopathologic demonstration of
deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves
emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices. Journal of Pediatric Urology
9(2): 223-229.http://www.ncbi.nlm.
internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases
sperm DNA fragmentation. Fertility and Sterility 97(1):
induce DNA fragmentation in human spermatozoa in vitro by a
non-thermal effect: a preliminary report. American Society for
Reproductive Medicine 66th Annual Meeting: O-249
oxidative toxicity in laryngotracheal mucosa of rat by melatonin. Eur
Arch Otorhinolaryngol 270(5):
Gumral N. et al., 2009. Effects of selenium and L-carnitine on
oxidative stress in blood of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from
wireless devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 132(1-3): 153-163.
Havas M. et al., 2010. Provocation study using heart rate variability
shows microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone affects autonomic
nervous system. European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5:
part 2.
Havas M. and Marrongelle J. 2013. Replication of heart rate
variability provocation study with 2.45GHz cordless phone confirms
original findings. Electromagn Biol Med 32(2):
Maganioti A. E. et al., 2010. Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields exert
gender related alterations on EEG. 6th International Workshop on
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic
Margaritis L.H. et al., 2013. Drosophila oogenesis as a bio-marker
responding to EMF sources. Electromagn Biol Med., Epub ahead of
Naziroğlu M. and Gumral 2009. Modulator effects of L-carnitine and
selenium on wireless devices (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative stress and
electroencephalography records in brain of rat. Int J Radiat Biol.
85(8): 680-689. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012. 2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative
stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca2+ influx in human
leukemia cancer cells. International Journal of Radiation Biology
88(6): 449–456.http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012b. Melatonin modulates wireless (2.45
GHz)-induced oxidative injury through TRPM2 and voltage gated Ca(2+)
channels in brain and dorsal root ganglion in rat. Physiol Behav.
105(3): 683-92.http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Oksay T. et al., 2012. Protective effects of melatonin against
oxidative injury in rat testis induced by wireless (2.45 GHz) devices.
Andrologia doi: 10.1111/and.12044, Epub ahead of
Papageorgiou C. C. et al., 2011. Effects of Wi-Fi signals on the p300
component of event-related potentials during an auditory hayling task.
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 10(2): 189-202.
(Wi-Fi alters brain activity in young
Shahin S. et al., 2013. 2.45 GHz Microwave Irradiation-Induced
Oxidative Stress Affects Implantation or Pregnancy in Mice, Mus
musculus. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 169: 1727–1751.
Türker Y. et al., 2011. Selenium and L-carnitine reduce oxidative
stress in the heart of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless
devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 143(3): 1640-1650.
A few more studies of similar microwave frequencies at low exposures
(6V/m or below):
(Not comprehensive)
Balmori A. 2010. Mobile phone mast effects on common frog (Rana
temporaria) tadpoles: the city turned into a laboratory. Electromagn.
Biol. Med. 29(1-2):31-35. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Erdinc O. O. et al., 2003. Electromagnetic waves of 900MHz in acute
pentylenetetrazole model in ontogenesis in mice. Neurol. Sci.
Fesenko E. E. et al., 1999. Stimulation of murine natural killer cells
by weak electromagnetic waves in the centimeter range. Biofizika
Fesenko E. E. et al., 1999. Microwaves and cellular immunity. I.
Effect of whole body microwave irradiation on tumor necrosis factor
production in mouse cells, Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg.
Havas M. et al., 2010. Provocation study using heart rate variability
shows microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone affects autonomic
nervous system. European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5:
part 2.
Kesari K. K. and Behari J., 2009. Microwave exposure affecting
reproductive system in male rats. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.
Kesari K. K. and Behari J., 2009. Fifty-gigahertz microwave exposure
effect of radiations on rat brain. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.
Khurana V. G. et al., 2010. Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk
from Mobile Phone Base Stations. Int. J. Occup. Environ. Health
Maier R. et al., 2004. Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on
cognitive processes – a pilot study on pulsed field interference
with cognitive regeneration. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 110:
Nittby H. et al., 2008. Cognitive impairment in rats after long-term
exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation. Bioelectromagnetics 29:
Novoselova E. G. et al., 1998. Stimulation of production of tumor
necrosis factor by murine macrophages when exposed in vivo and in
vitro to weak electromagnetic waves in the centimeter range Bofizika
Novoselova E. G. et al., 1999. Microwaves and cellular immunity. II.
Immunostimulating effects of microwaves and naturally occurring
antioxidant nutrients. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg.
Otitoloju A. A. et al., 2010. Preliminary study on the induction of
sperm head abnormalities in mice, Mus musculus, exposed to
radiofrequency radiations from Global System for Mobile Communication
Base Stations. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 84(1):51-4.
Panagopoulos D. J.et al., 2010. Bioeffects of mobile telephony
radiation in relation to its intensity or distance from the antenna.
Int. J. Radiat. Biol. Vol 86(5):345-357.
Persson B. R. R. et al., 1997. Blood-brain barrier permeability in
rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless communication.
Wireless Networks 3: 455-461.
Pyrpasopoulou A. et al., 2004. Bone morphogenic protein expression in
newborn kidneys after prenatal exposure to radiofrequency radiation.
Salford L. G. et al., 2010. Effects of microwave radiation upon the
mammalian blood-brain barrier. European Journal of Oncology Library
part 2.
Salford L. G., et al., 2003. Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain
after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones. Environ. Health
Perspect. 111:881-883. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
“Two new papers are published in Pathophysiology this fall that may be
of interest to you.
These papers are the same content as the 2012 BioInitiative Report
Chapter 20
by Martha Herbert and Cindy Sage
This counters the usual criticism that ‘it isn’t good science’ unless
it is peer-review published.
The US annual cost for autism is reported to be $137 billion.
That compares to the EU annual cost for cancer (105 billion
euros/$147 billion USD)
and to heart disease ((165 billion euros/$227 billion USD).
Staggering costs, and the prevalence of autism now in the US is one
child in 88
(one child in 50 by 2012 estimates that include the 8 yr and younger
In 1975, it was one child in 5000. This is a 100-fold increase.
It parallels the explosive rise in wireless technologies and their
pulsed RFR. It should be
considered another possible risk factor for autism, autism spectrum
conditions and ADHD.
– See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/looky-here-ladies-and-gentlemen-the-devils-in-the-details/#sthash.UypyGskN.dpuf
Distance | Approximate power density assuming 4 dBi gain |
Notes |
1m | 199 mW/m2 | 1000mW*10^0.4/(4Π(1m)2)=199 mW/m2 |
3m | 22 mW/m2 | |
14m | 1 mW/m2 | <== Salzburg Precautionary Limit (2001) |
44m | 100 μW/m2 | <== EU STOA 2001 |
140m | 10 μW/m2 | <== New Salzburg Precautionary |
Recommended Distances for Wireless Towers
Transmitter | Transmit Power | Salzburg(2001)* assuming 17 dB gain |
Salzburg(2002)* assuming 17 dB gain |
Comments |
Very Weak Transmitter | 1 W | 63m | 630m | |
Weak Cell Tower | 10 W | 200m | 2 km | |
Strong Cell Tower | 50 W | 446m | 4.46 km | Many surveys find cancer or other health effects within 300-400 meters. |
Stronger Cell Tower | 100 W | 630m | 6.3 km |
- Note: If there are more transmitters, the power output can be higher. For example, the HPA UK website suggests that ten 10W transmitters could result in a power output from 10 to 100 W.
- Note*: The calculations above assume a 17 dB gain (a factor of 10^1.7=50) as suggested by Professor Kumar. To accommodate this, the distance is multipled by a factor of approximately sqrt(50)=7, as compared to an isotropic antenna model.
FCC guidelines were obtained with a dummy-
FCC only considers thermal effects-acute burning of tissue
JUNK SCIENCE: 70/30 with some wireless industry dough gets you 50/50 and your kids the shaft in the wireless classrooms.
The following is an excellent article from : http://www.seattlemag.com/article/nerd-report/nerd-report
This is must read!
UW Scientist Henry Lai Makes Waves in the Cell Phone Industry
Naomi Ishisaka | January 2011 | FROM THE PRINT EDITION
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A greeting card on bioengineering professor Henry Lai’s office wall at the University of Washington contains this quotation from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
This philosophy could well sum up Lai’s work on the effects of low-level radiation on DNA, as well as what he believes should be the guiding principle of science: independent investigation and research leading to discovery for the public good. Yet the soft-spoken scientist’s steadfast belief in that principle has placed his research at the center of a persistent global controversy and created powerful enemies that tried to get him fired and essentially succeeded in drying up the source of funding for the type of research he was doing.
Lai admits that he was naive. He came to the UW in 1972 and earned a doctorate in psychology. Two decades later, as a bioengineering researcher, he studied esoteric scientific topics in relative obscurity. He and a fellow researcher, Narendra “N.P.” Singh, were looking at the effects of nonionizing microwave radiation—the same type of radiation emitted by cell phones—on the DNA of rats. They used a level of radiation considered safe by government standards and found that the DNA in the brain cells of the rats was damaged—or broken—by exposure to the radiation. Ironically, cell phones weren’t even on Lai’s mind when he performed the initial studies. Funded initially by the Office of Naval Research, Lai was investigating how radar, which emits radio-frequency radiation, affects the health of operators. “We did not really pay attention to the importance of this thing,” he recalls. But during his research, cell phone giant Motorola Inc. indicated that someone had told the company about Lai’s unpublished results. Motorola asked to meet with him in his lab and at a meeting in Copenhagen.
After Lai and Singh’s research finding an effect on DNA was published in 1995, Lai learned of a full-scale effort to discredit his work. In an internal company memo leaked to Microwave News, a publication that examines health and environmental effects of electromagnetic radiation, Motorola described its plan to “war-game” and undermine Lai’s research. After initially accepting industry funding for continued research from the Wireless Technology Research (WTR) program (created to manage $25 million in research funds), Lai and Singh wrote an open letter to Microwave News questioning restrictions placed on their research by the funders. After that, the head of WTR sent a memo asking then-UW president Richard McCormick to fire Lai and Singh. McCormick refused, but the dustup sent a clear message to Lai and his colleagues.
“This shocked me,” Lai says, “the letter trying to discredit me, the ‘war games’ memo. As a scientist doing research, I was not expecting to be involved in a political situation. It opened my eyes on how games are played in the world of business.”
Thus was launched an epic battle over research and truth. If Lai and Singh were correct about the potential impact on brain cells from radio-frequency radiation, there could be billions of dollars on the line for the cell phone industry in potential liability, leading to significant design changes and lost market expansion.
To the layperson, the science behind Lai’s work, which was largely funded by the National Institutes of Health, and industry-funded research to contradict it is mind-numbingly complex. Virtually every assertion of risk has a counterassertion of no risk. For every independent study showing damage to DNA and memory, there is a study showing the opposite.
Lai, 61, says this phenomenon could be a direct result of the way science is now funded around the world. “[The U.S. was on] the cutting edge of this whole area for the last 30 years. [But] right now, we’re the Third World country. We’re not doing research at all,” Lai says. With government funding all but nonexistent, the bulk of scientific research is funded by private industry. “The mechanism is funding,” Lai says. “You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. The pressure is very impressive.”
The massive Interphone study, coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and released in May 2010, exemplifies these challenges.
Purported to be the definitive word on cell phone radiation and brain tumors, Interphone involved 13 countries (all outside the U.S.), $25 million, and thousands of tumor patients and controls. Conducted over 10 years, the widely anticipated study was supposed to at last provide clarity on the risks of cell phone use. Yet, once again, the science was divided. The day after the study’s release, headlines read, “No answer, just fuzz, from cell phone study,” and, “One conclusion emerges from Interphone study: Controversy will continue.”
Why, after so much money and time, were the data so mixed? Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News, says there were a number of problems with Interphone. “When we started interviewing the protagonists,” he says, “we realized there was a lot of conflict going on. It was a bitter struggle. It tells you the interpretation of the data is not clear cut in any way.”
For the purposes of the Interphone study, a person who used a cell phone 30 minutes a day for more than 10 years was considered to be subjected to heavy exposure. Today, that level of cell phone use (900 minutes a month) is average. The people defined as the most heavily exposed in the Interphone study now represent the average user.
To illustrate that point, Elisabeth Cardis, head of the Interphone study, was quoted as saying, “In my personal opinion, I think we have a number of elements that suggest a possible increased risk among the heaviest users, and because the heaviest users in our study are considered the low users today, I think that’s something of concern. Until stronger conclusions can be drawn one way or another, it may be reasonable to reduce one’s exposure.”
Lai’s frustration with the increasing body of contradictory research led him to do an analysis in 2006 of the available studies on cell phone radiation between 1990 and 2006, and where their funding came from. What he found was that 50 percent of the 326 studies showed a biological effect from radio-frequency radiation and 50 percent did not. But when he filtered the studies into two stacks—those funded by the wireless industry and those funded independently—Lai discovered industry-funded studies were 30 percent likely to find an effect, as opposed to 70 percent of the independent studies.
Lai says that, while his findings highlight the crucial role industry funding plays in scientific research, the 50-50 split alone should be cause for concern. “Even if you accept all the industry studies, you still end up with 50-50,” he says. “How could 50 percent all be garbage? People always start with the statement ‘Hundreds of studies have been done on this topic, and no effect has been found,’ but this is a very misleading statement. [The statements] come out from the cell phone industry, and people just use it, like the American Cancer Society. People haven’t even gone in to look at the real studies and look at the effects that people have reported. This really worries me, because people come out and say things without the facts.”
Slesin agrees and says Lai’s work is important for the research that does show effects from radiation. “[Lai] is one of the most widely cited scientists in this field,” Slesin says.
The American Cancer Society did not reply to requests for an interview. Its official position on the risks of cell phone use states: “Radio frequency (RF) waves given off by cell phones don’t have enough energy to damage DNA directly. Because of this, many scientists believe that cell phones aren’t able to cause cancer. Most studies done in the lab have supported this theory, finding that RF waves do not cause DNA damage.”
CTIA-The Wireless Association, the cell phone industry trade organization, also declined to comment for this story, but its website states: “To date, global health organizations believe that the available scientific evidence does not show that any health problems are associated with using wireless phones. Many studies of low-level RF exposure, such as that which occurs with wireless devices, have not discovered any negative biological effects.”
Dr. Beth Mueller, an epidemiologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, acknowledges that there is not strong evidence linking cell phones to brain tumors. But Mueller warns that the research is difficult and that much more study is needed. “I think [cell phone radiation] would be important to study. There are no studies I know of on the possible impact on children and I think it’s something that many people–including some people here at the Hutch–want to see evaluated. I’m concerned because children are using [cell phones] a lot. It’s something that should be looked at, definitely.”
Katy Rock would agree. The Kirkland resident is an athletic 31-year-old who began having headaches in her late teens. “Headaches became an unwelcome fact of life for me in college,” she says, “at first always after running around on the soccer or lacrosse field. So I assumed for years that it was due to dehydration/nutrition problems or just being out of shape. Eventually, they got worse. I started having them with no explainable cause.”
It wasn’t until a she had a seizure in 2007 that Rock discovered something was terribly wrong. The next day, she underwent an emergency double craniotomy to remove a tumor the size of a small lemon from her right frontal lobe and two tumors the size of large grapes from her right temporal lobe. A biopsy showed the cancerous tumors had been growing for about 10 years. A year of chemotherapy followed.
Rock was an early adopter of cell phones. Given a phone as a gift during college in 1997, she recalls using it about two to three hours a week (about 630 minutes a month). Her usage increased in later years with a job that required her to be on call. She is right-handed, and her tumors were on the right side.
Rock, who recently completed her first 5K run in support of Seattle Children’s Hospital’s Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Guild, would not be surprised to find a link between cell phones and brain tumors. “When I was in college, I used to charge my cell phone at night, and the charger cord ran over a leaf of my philodendron plant,” she says. “Over time, the strip on the leaf where the cord touched turned brown. The small amount of power running through the cord was enough to kill some cells of the otherwise healthy plant.”
While Rock’s tale is merely metaphorical, its suggestive import is not lost on Devra Davis, Ph.D., a huge admirer of Lai’s work to raise awareness about the potential hazards of cell phone radiation. Davis is a longtime toxicologist, public health expert and founder of the Wyoming-based Environmental Health Trust, a group that provides basic research and training on environmental health hazards. Davis’ most recent book, released last October, is Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation. Davis calls Lai a “hero” for his groundbreaking work. “[Lai] has made a tremendous impact on the field in many aspects. Not just on the field of DNA, but on the brain, on receptors. In a fair and just world he would be a serious candidate for the Nobel Prize, because he did foundational research on the way the body responds to electromagnetic and radiofrequency radiation and because he persisted in the face of many challenges. He’s been outstanding and indomitable in the face of opposition that would have overwhelmed most people.”
In her book, Davis describes a disconnect between the general public’s largely unquestioning acceptance of cell phone radiation and the large body of evidence suggesting cause for concern. With Lai’s work as her foundation, Davis demonstrates a pattern of the cell phone industry’s scientific manipulation spanning decades. Davis is particularly concerned because the rate of cell phone use by children is skyrocketing—with three out of four 12-year-olds and half of 10-years-olds in the U.S. now possessing a cell phone. Even more troubling: Lennart Hardell, Ph.D., a researcher in Sweden, found that those who began using cell phones in their teens (such as Rock) had four to five times the number of malignant tumors by their late 20s as those who did not use cell hones as teenagers.
While Davis would argue that there is a proven, causal link between cell phones and tumors, Lai does not. What he does say is that there is enough reason for concern, and that a “precautionary principle” should be embraced, as France has done in warning against cell phone use by children, and as San Francisco has done in mandating information on “specific absorption rates” of radiation on cell phone packaging.
“European countries generally believe you need some kind of precautionary approach,” says Lai, who does not own—or use—a cell phone. “What else can we do? Obviously, we don’t know the answer at all. But, then, there is a cause for concern. We need to take some kind of precautionary action.” For now, however, Lai will continue to do research on the drug artemisinin—long used by Chinese herbalists—for applications in cancer treatment, because there is no longer any independent funding available for his research on the effects of nonionizing radiation.
Meanwhile, Davis, who uses a cell phone but only with a headset or as a speakerphone (she never keeps it close to her body), hopes that by the time the public realizes the importance of the path Lai has been on, it won’t be too late. In Disconnect, she wonders how our grandchildren will answer these questions: “Did we do the right thing and act to protect them? Or did we harm them needlessly, irresponsibly and permanently, blinded by the addictive delights of our technological age?”
– See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/junk-science-7030-with-some-wireless-industry-dough-gets-you-5050-and-our-kids-the-shaft-in-the-wireless-classrooms/#sthash.sxncUdmj.dpuf
How do microwaves heat substances?
Microwave Heating – Physical Basics in the Molecule
Microwave heating, a form of dielectric heating, is understood as the generation of heat in materials of low electrical conductivity by an applied high-frequency electric field.
For a substance to be microwaveable it must possess an asymmetric molecular structure, as in the case of a water molecule. The molecules of such substances form electric dipoles, which try to align with the orientation of the electric field (Figure 1, right side). It is this orientation polarisation that is responsible for energy generation. For details on the complementary mechanism of space charge polarisation, see “Energy transformation in the molecule”.
Figure 1. Molecular oscillations of polarizable substances under the influence of an alternating electric field.
Energy transformation in the molecule
The influence of an alternating field lets the dipole molecules undergo oscillations in response to the high frequency field’s polarity changes. The intermolecular friction produces high-frequency energy which is first absorbed then transformed into thermal energy. Substances with a symmetrical molecular structure, such as benzene, cannot be heated in a high-frequency field, since they lack the necessary dipole characteristics. Apart from the dipole molecules, freely movable ions can also be influenced by an alternating electric field. The collision of these flowing unbounded ions leads to resistive heating (Figure 1, left side). Due to these collisions and following transformation into thermal energy high-frequency energy is again absorbed. Generally, this proportion of transformed energy – especially at the almost exclusively employed frequency of 2450 MHz – is relatively small compared to the proportion produced by dipole oscillations. However, electrolytes, salt solutions, glass and ceramics are an exception at high temperatures. As for these substances, a considerable amount of heat increases upon a reduction of the frequency, which may be attributable to ion movement.
The maximum dielectric loss of water molecules begins at. 2.4 GHz
Papers finding adverse biological effects such as impaired fertility or damage to health from Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi-enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5 GHz).
Avendaño C. et al., 2012. Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation. Fertility and Sterility 97(1): 39-45.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Aynali G. et al., 2013. Modulation of wireless (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative toxicity in laryngotracheal mucosa of rat by melatonin. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 270(5): 1695-1700.http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Gumral N. et al., 2009. Effects of selenium and L-carnitine on oxidative stress in blood of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 132(1-3): 153-163. http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Havas M. et al., 2010. Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone affects autonomic nervous system. European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5: 273-300.http://www.icems.eu/
Maganioti A. E. et al., 2010. Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields exert gender related alterations on EEG. 6th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic fields.http://www.istanbul.
Margaritis L.H. et al., 2013. Drosophila oogenesis as a bio-marker responding to EMF sources. Electromagn Biol Med., Epub ahead of print.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Naziroğlu M. and Gumral 2009. Modulator effects of L-carnitine and selenium on wireless devices (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative stress and electroencephalography records in brain of rat. Int J Radiat Biol. 85(8): 680-689. http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012. 2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca2+ influx in human leukemia cancer cells. International Journal of Radiation Biology 88(6): 449–456.http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Oksay T. et al., 2012. Protective effects of melatonin against oxidative injury in rat testis induced by wireless (2.45 GHz) devices. Andrologia doi: 10.1111/and.12044, Epub ahead of print.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
EMF Refugee:
The International Coalition for an Electromagnetic Safe Planet (IC-ESP)
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”
George Orwell
The public sidewalk, free speech, our children’s health
– See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-public-sidewalk-free-speech-our-childrens-health/#sthash.oTTMPUbT.dpuf
Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi-enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5
GHz).Papers listed are only those where exposures were 16V/m or below.
Someone using a Wi-Fi-enabled tablet computer can be exposed to
electromagnetic fields up to 16V/m. Papers are in alphabetical order.
A file of first pages, for printing, can be found here (please pass on
to schools).Wi-Fi:
Atasoy H.I. et al., 2013. Immunohistopathologic demonstration of
deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves
emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices. Journal of Pediatric Urology
9(2): 223-229.http://www.ncbi.nlm.
internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases
sperm DNA fragmentation. Fertility and Sterility 97(1):
induce DNA fragmentation in human spermatozoa in vitro by a
non-thermal effect: a preliminary report. American Society for
Reproductive Medicine 66th Annual Meeting: O-249
oxidative toxicity in laryngotracheal mucosa of rat by melatonin. Eur
Arch Otorhinolaryngol 270(5):
Gumral N. et al., 2009. Effects of selenium and L-carnitine on
oxidative stress in blood of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from
wireless devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 132(1-3): 153-163.
Havas M. et al., 2010. Provocation study using heart rate variability
shows microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone affects autonomic
nervous system. European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5:
part 2.
Havas M. and Marrongelle J. 2013. Replication of heart rate
variability provocation study with 2.45GHz cordless phone confirms
original findings. Electromagn Biol Med 32(2):
Maganioti A. E. et al., 2010. Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields exert
gender related alterations on EEG. 6th International Workshop on
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic
Margaritis L.H. et al., 2013. Drosophila oogenesis as a bio-marker
responding to EMF sources. Electromagn Biol Med., Epub ahead of
Naziroğlu M. and Gumral 2009. Modulator effects of L-carnitine and
selenium on wireless devices (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative stress and
electroencephalography records in brain of rat. Int J Radiat Biol.
85(8): 680-689. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012. 2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative
stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca2+ influx in human
leukemia cancer cells. International Journal of Radiation Biology
88(6): 449–456.http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012b. Melatonin modulates wireless (2.45
GHz)-induced oxidative injury through TRPM2 and voltage gated Ca(2+)
channels in brain and dorsal root ganglion in rat. Physiol Behav.
105(3): 683-92.http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Oksay T. et al., 2012. Protective effects of melatonin against
oxidative injury in rat testis induced by wireless (2.45 GHz) devices.
Andrologia doi: 10.1111/and.12044, Epub ahead of
Papageorgiou C. C. et al., 2011. Effects of Wi-Fi signals on the p300
component of event-related potentials during an auditory hayling task.
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 10(2): 189-202.
(Wi-Fi alters brain activity in young
Shahin S. et al., 2013. 2.45 GHz Microwave Irradiation-Induced
Oxidative Stress Affects Implantation or Pregnancy in Mice, Mus
musculus. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 169: 1727–1751.
Türker Y. et al., 2011. Selenium and L-carnitine reduce oxidative
stress in the heart of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless
devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 143(3): 1640-1650.
A few more studies of similar microwave frequencies at low exposures
(6V/m or below):
(Not comprehensive)
Balmori A. 2010. Mobile phone mast effects on common frog (Rana
temporaria) tadpoles: the city turned into a laboratory. Electromagn.
Biol. Med. 29(1-2):31-35. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Erdinc O. O. et al., 2003. Electromagnetic waves of 900MHz in acute
pentylenetetrazole model in ontogenesis in mice. Neurol. Sci.
Fesenko E. E. et al., 1999. Stimulation of murine natural killer cells
by weak electromagnetic waves in the centimeter range. Biofizika
Fesenko E. E. et al., 1999. Microwaves and cellular immunity. I.
Effect of whole body microwave irradiation on tumor necrosis factor
production in mouse cells, Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg.
Havas M. et al., 2010. Provocation study using heart rate variability
shows microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone affects autonomic
nervous system. European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5:
part 2.
Kesari K. K. and Behari J., 2009. Microwave exposure affecting
reproductive system in male rats. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.
Kesari K. K. and Behari J., 2009. Fifty-gigahertz microwave exposure
effect of radiations on rat brain. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.
Khurana V. G. et al., 2010. Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk
from Mobile Phone Base Stations. Int. J. Occup. Environ. Health
Maier R. et al., 2004. Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on
cognitive processes – a pilot study on pulsed field interference
with cognitive regeneration. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 110:
Nittby H. et al., 2008. Cognitive impairment in rats after long-term
exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation. Bioelectromagnetics 29:
Novoselova E. G. et al., 1998. Stimulation of production of tumor
necrosis factor by murine macrophages when exposed in vivo and in
vitro to weak electromagnetic waves in the centimeter range Bofizika
Novoselova E. G. et al., 1999. Microwaves and cellular immunity. II.
Immunostimulating effects of microwaves and naturally occurring
antioxidant nutrients. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg.
Otitoloju A. A. et al., 2010. Preliminary study on the induction of
sperm head abnormalities in mice, Mus musculus, exposed to
radiofrequency radiations from Global System for Mobile Communication
Base Stations. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 84(1):51-4.
Panagopoulos D. J.et al., 2010. Bioeffects of mobile telephony
radiation in relation to its intensity or distance from the antenna.
Int. J. Radiat. Biol. Vol 86(5):345-357.
Persson B. R. R. et al., 1997. Blood-brain barrier permeability in
rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless communication.
Wireless Networks 3: 455-461.
Pyrpasopoulou A. et al., 2004. Bone morphogenic protein expression in
newborn kidneys after prenatal exposure to radiofrequency radiation.
Salford L. G. et al., 2010. Effects of microwave radiation upon the
mammalian blood-brain barrier. European Journal of Oncology Library
part 2.
Salford L. G., et al., 2003. Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain
after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones. Environ. Health
Perspect. 111:881-883. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
“Two new papers are published in Pathophysiology this fall that may be
of interest to you.
These papers are the same content as the 2012 BioInitiative Report
Chapter 20
by Martha Herbert and Cindy Sage
This counters the usual criticism that ‘it isn’t good science’ unless
it is peer-review published.
The US annual cost for autism is reported to be $137 billion.
That compares to the EU annual cost for cancer (105 billion
euros/$147 billion USD)
and to heart disease ((165 billion euros/$227 billion USD).
Staggering costs, and the prevalence of autism now in the US is one
child in 88
(one child in 50 by 2012 estimates that include the 8 yr and younger
In 1975, it was one child in 5000. This is a 100-fold increase.
It parallels the explosive rise in wireless technologies and their
pulsed RFR. It should be
considered another possible risk factor for autism, autism spectrum
conditions and ADHD.

Will a $666.66 price tag a generation later, get you right into the laps of every school age child in America?
THE FOLLOWING IS A PUBLICLY SHARED PHOTO FROM THE FULLERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT ROBERT PLETKA’S FACEBOOK PAGE WHICH IS LINKED UP ON THE DISTRICTS OWN WEBSITE: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=479084712158056&set=a.467172693349258.106292.467056220027572&type=1&ref=nf
The untimely death of Gary Carter and what we can learn from what happened to the “kid”
His death was a tragic, untimely loss, seemingly without reason. The hope of many is that this field of dreams in our home town will offer the next generation what may seem impossible: a chance at the big league and the big time. My sincere hope in this article is, maybe in his memory, I can expose what I believe has stolen the best years of Gary’s and many other ballplayers’ lives. That is what I will attempt to explore and assert. The cruel twists and turns of this arduous life don’t make sense at times, especially when it seems the good die young and the impetuous inherit the earth. I never had the pleasure of personally meeting Mr. Gary Carter, but his reputation preceded him. His career in the major leagues spanned decades and his philanthropy will span even more. He was known as “Kid” for his ebullient demeanor. He was known to all as number 8 on the field, to some as dad, to some as one of a kind to many more, he will be forever remembered as Gary Carter, one of baseball’s great players.
On Saturday, Febuary 21st, field two at the Fullerton Sports complex will be dedicated and officially named Gary Carter field.
One of my sons is a catcher and wore number 8 for several years. My older son will be playing in the tribute game being held in Mr. Carter’s honor, ironically here, just a few miles to the east of where Gary used to play in his younger years in the empty fields on the corner of Rosecrans and Sunny Ridge drive. Today there you can find a 20+ acre golf course which is meticulously landscaped and cared for which is now known as the McColl superfund site.
Gary attended Sunny Hills High School and would eventually write his own ticket because of his athletic gifts. He had what it took to make the big leagues and that he did. In 1972 he signed with the Expos. Life would never be the same. Gary was drafted as a shortstop but several years later he would permanently change positions to catcher. He would spend the better part of the next 20 years behind home plate. This would be the “kid’s” new home. Throughout his remarkable career, Gary Carter caught more major league games than all but three players in baseball history. Some would estimate that Gary Carter caught upwards of three to four hundred thousand pitches behind home plate.
Gary Carter eventually developed a very aggressive form of terminal cancer in his brain that led to his tragic, untimely death. The type of cancer is known as glioblastoma. Brain cancer seems to be increasingly prevalent in our society and even more so in some sports. Baseball, in particular seems to be the sport where the tumors are becoming the most prevalent. You would initially suspect that head trauma would be responsible and that contact sports like hockey or football would lead the way statistically. Oddly enough, that is not the case. Baseball players like catchers and pitchers seem to be the ones plagued by this dreaded disease.
Cancer is a disease whose causes can vary just a widely as the different forms and is very difficult to prove what specifically is responsible. With respect to the big leagues, the experts are baffled as to causation but in agreement that there is indeed a strange correlation to baseball. Time magazine had a piece a few years back on it:
There are many baseball players that spend time behind home plate and on the mound. and they live long healthy lives. However there is definitely an inordinate amount that do not. I believe there are reasons that he and other players met the same fate and succumb to this disease and while many who spend their lives out on that field do not.’
I would like to explore what I believe to be the common denominator and and cause of what is being observed. I believe there is a logical explanation for we are witnessing.
Gary Carter was a catcher. He had tumors that resembled a snake wrapped around the back of his brain. Let us look at some of baseballs other players that suffered a similar fate.
Dan Quisenberry was a right handed pitcher who developed brain cancer on his left temporal lobe.
Bobby Bonds, the father of Barry Bonds, was an outfielder. He developed a brain tumor and lung cancer.
One of the more notable anomalies in baseball’s bizarre brain tumor incidence is what went on with The Phillys at veterans stadium.
Five players, Tug McGraw, John Vukovich, Johnny Oates, Ken Brett and Darren Daulton all had brain tumors.
Tug Mcgraw was a pitcher. The location of his tumor was located on his left temporal lobe.
John Vukovich was an infielder spending most of his career at 3rd base.
Johnny Oates was a catcher. His tumor was in the back of his head in the brain stem.
Ken Brett was a pitcher. His tumor was on his frontal lobe.
Darren Daulton is a catcher. He has a brain tumor.
Ricky Stone is a pitcher. He developed a malignant brain tumor.
Bobby Mercer was a center fielder and a broadcaster and his tumor was on his right frontal lobe.
Curt Schilling, one of the Phillies’ all-time greatest pitchers and recently announced he was recently diagnosed with cancer
Giants pitcher Dave Dravecky, 32, had a cancerous tumor on his left arm.
Lets look at some umpires. Although they rotate their positions on the field, they spend plenty of time behind the plate.
Orioles long-time umpires attendant Ernie Tyler, who has worked 51 consecutive Opening Days including 3,819 consecutive home games in Baltimore, was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Longtime big league home plate umpire Harry Wendelstedt had a career that spanned from 1966-98 and was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Frank Dezelan, a major league home plate umpire, umpired for 10 years in the minor leagues and then in the major leagues from 1966-1971. Surgery to remove a brain tumor ended his career when he was 42.
Lanny Harris was a home plate umpire in the National League for 7 full seasons, from 1979 to 1985. In 1985, he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, and given six months to live.
Todd Felis walked away from a coordinator position with Big League Dreams to return to umpiring logging 5000 games. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
MLB’s Executive Director Michael Weiner has also been diagnosed with a brain tumor.
What is striking is the majority of the aforementioned individuals is that most are in the direct trajectory of the ball when it is being pitched. Why do the brain tumors seem to plague pitchers and catchers? Why that particular group of individuals?
The anomaly at Veterans stadium in Philadelphia brings no less than five players to oncology wards. The brain cancer rate was 3 to 4 times what the average should have been and four out of the fiver were either pitchers or catchers. Was it the synthetic turf that they played on? Was it the proximity to the South Philadelphia refineries? Was it due to the stadium being built on a dump? If so what about all of the other players on the field besides the pitcher and catcher? Why are they not seemingly affected? What about the grounds crew, season ticket holders or anyone else that worked for years in, on and around the astro turf? Considering that the odds in a normal environment of contracting brain cancer is about 1 in 8,000 and that there were only a couple of hundred Phillies who played during the last 30 years, the question should be raised concerning possible public health risks from the facility.
Let us first look at Astro Turf. According to the U.S. Patent Office, Astro Turf is composed of many ingredients including polyvinyl chloride which is a plastic that when exposed to temperatures of 86 degrees or more breaks down into a dioxin. In addittion, studies have concluded that artificial turf contains dangerous toxins like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phthalates, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and lead including the lead chromate pigment. http://today.uchc.edu/headlines/2007/nov07/toxins.html
UV degradation along with the elements aid in the decomposition of polyvinyl chloride compounds and release their contents into their environment. Rub your fingers along a white pvc pipe in your yard that has been exposed to the elements and look at the white powder that will stick to your hand. The same pipe will not do that on the shelf at the hardware store.
What about the refinery pollution or the jets landing over the stadium? Why does it appear that the pitchers and catchers are the only ones affected? What about all of the other players from other teams that played on the field throughout the seasons? Once more, why are they not affected? Good question.
What did Gary Carter have in common with the five players from the Phillies who came down with brain tumors?
One of the fields where Gary Carter used to play in his youth was later determined to be a superfund site called the McColl site in Fullerton California. From 1942 to 1946, this location served as a dump for the petroleum industry. The principal contaminants of concern (COC) are: benzene, tetrahydrothiophenes (THTs), and metals. EPA McColl site info. When dumping operations ceased, it subsequently became an empty field. Like many children are naturally inclined to do to this very day, they play in empty fields. Gary, along with hundreds of children over the next 50 years, played in those fields, breathing the air, inhaling the metallic laden dust and the airborne organic compounds. The older kids on my block used to ride up there to dirt bike, play in those fields and even go shooting up in the Coyote Hills. So what about all of the kids that used to play in the fields up there off of Rosecrans? I grew up with some of them. Why are they not all sick?
Like the five Phillies, Gary was exposed to and ingested carcinogens. Gary breathed his from the dust and physical contact with the soil. So did the neighborhood kids. The five Phillies spent an inordinate amount of time on the Astro Turf breathing and coming into contact with carcinogens as well but so did countless others. The players used their cell phones, lived on an on the road diet at times and were frequently subjected to a lack of sleep on the road trips. So were all the other players?
So what is different about these individuals?
Why were they possibly susceptible to a greater extent than their counterparts to these carcinogens and external factors off of the field if indeed they were responsible? What did Gary Carter and these others have in common?
All professional Baseball players have it rough. There is no doubt about it. I have known at least one personally and all the way from his farm team days to the big time under the bright lights, it has been an incredibly trying time both physically and emotionally. Long hours away from home and family are just one of the hallmarks of baseball’s commitments. All baseball players use cellphones to fill the long hours hours away from home. So why are the GBM’s are on the rise in just the pitchers, and catchers . It is no coincidence that this is the area of the brain closest to which the cell phone is held. Baseball players (even retired) probably use their cell phones often as they are on the road often. So why don’t we see the left or right fielders, coaches, or first basemen inordinately coming down with brain tumors on a similar basis?
A lot goes on behind the plate as that is where all the action is. There are a lot of eyes and ears 30 feet back in the stands. What most people don’t realize is that part of the action behind the plate and elsewhere involves radar. The radar is aimed at the pitcher from behind home plate and at times, in center field aimed at the catchers to get the velocities off of the bat. It is used on almost every ball that is pitched and caught, whether it be at practice, spring training or during regular season, a radar gun is in operation aimed directly at the pitcher. The catcher is also smack dab in the middle of the radar beam. Gary Carter was no exception. He was in the radar gun’s line of fire almost all of the time. For that matter, so are most catchers, pitchers and even umpires. So why then, do not all pitchers, catchers and umpires get brain tumors?
Let’s talk about radar. Radar employs microwave technology to determine the velocity of the ball as it travels to home plate from the pitcher’s mound. It emits a precisely focused, directional beam of electromagnetic radiation that travels right through the catcher, umpire and to the pitcher. Just how many radar guns were in use at each respective game is unclear to me at this point but it is being investigated.
In the 1960′s, The X band frequency was used extensively which covered the 8-12 GHz range. In the early 1970′s this was changed to the K band at 18-26 GHZ. Eventually the frequencies on radar guns were shifted to Ka bands, thus creating a more powerful, and accurate reading in the 26-40 GHz range. I can still remember listening to Don Drysdale broadcasting on KMPC on my transistor radio in the 1970′s talking about them clocking Nolan Ryan’s 100 mph fast balls. Radar has been around on the ball field for a long time.
Today, the readily available inexpensive models current operate on a frequency similar to the microwave oven in your home, which is around 2.4 GHz. This is also the same frequency that your WiFi and WiFi enabled wireless devices, including some cordless and cellular phones operate on as well. It is well established that microwaves have been shown to make the blood brain barrier permeable to toxins and metals.
I believe this unique combination of cause and effect is why Gary and these individuals fell victim to this tragedy and many others, although exposed to the toxins, were not exposed to the radar failed to develop tumors. Those exposed to the radar that were not exposed to the toxins failed to develop tumors as well. I believe that both are required for the brain tumors to form and this explains what we are observing.
Below is an excerpt from Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D. Director, Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley that confirms what low intensity microwaves do to the blood brain barrier:
“Since exposure to low intensity microwave radiation can open the blood-brain barrier, toxic chemical exposure may be more harmful to anyone who is exposed to wireless radiation. For example, see http://bit.ly/14HDUpZ.]”
‘Putting the next generation of brains in danger’
Saundra Young, CNN, Feb 14, 2014
The number of chemicals known to be toxic to children’s developing brains has doubled over the last seven years, researchers said.
Dr. Philip Landrigan at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and Dr. Philippe Grandjean from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, authors of the review published Friday in The Lancet Neurology journal, say the news is so troubling they are calling for a worldwide overhaul of the regulatory process in order to protect children’s brains.
“We know from clinical information on poisoned adult patients that these chemicals can enter the brain through the blood brain barrier and cause neurological symptoms,” said Grandjean.
“When this happens in children or during pregnancy, those chemicals are extremely toxic, because we now know that the developing brain is a uniquely vulnerable organ. Also, the effects are permanent.”
The two have been studying industrial chemicals for about 30 years. In 2006, they published data identifying five chemicals as neurotoxicants — substances that impact brain development and can cause a number of neurodevelopmental disabilities including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, dyslexia and other cognitive damage, they said.
Those five are lead, methylmercury, arsenic, polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, and toluene.
Banned in the United States in 1979, PCBs were used in hundreds of products including paint, plastic, rubber products and dyes. Toluene is in household products like paint thinners, detergents, nail polish, spot removers and antifreeze.
Now, after further review, six more chemicals have been added to the list: manganese; fluoride; tetrachloroethylene, a solvent; a class of chemicals called polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or flame retardants; and two pesticides, chlorpyrifos, which is widely used in agriculture, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethan
“The continuing research has identified six new chemicals that are toxic to the developing human brain,” said Landrigan. “We’re turning up chemicals at the rate of about one a year that we’re discovering are capable of damaging the developing brain of a human fetus or human infant.”
To examine fluoride, which is in tap water in many areas, Landrigan and Grandjean looked at an analysis of 27 studies of children, mostly in China, who were exposed to fluoride in drinking water at high concentrations. The data, they said, suggests a decline on average of about seven IQ points.
There’s another big concern: “We are very worried that there are a number of other chemicals out there in consumer products that we all contact every day that have the potential to damage the developing brain, but have never been safety tested,” Landrigan said.
“Over the last six or seven years we are actually adding brain toxic chemicals at a greater speed than we are adding toxicity evidence in children’s brains,” Grandjean said.
“At least 1,000 chemicals using lab animals have shown that they somehow interfere with brain function in rodents — rats and mice — and those are prime candidates for regulatory control to protect human developing brains. But this testing has not been done systematically.”
At greatest risk? Pregnant women and small children, according to Grandjean. According to the review, the biggest window of vulnerability occurs in utero, during infancy and early childhood.
The impact is not limited to loss of IQ points.
“Beyond IQ, we’re talking about behavior problems — shortening of attention span, increased risk of ADHD,” Landrigan said.
“We’re talking about emotion problems, less impulse control, (being) more likely to make bad decisions, get into trouble, be dyslexic and drop out of school. … These are problems that are established early, but travel through childhood, adolescence, even into adult life.”
BPA, phthalate exposure may cause fertility problems
It’s not just children: All these compounds are toxic to adults, too. In fact, in 2006 the pair documented 201 chemicals toxic to the adult nervous system, usually stemming from occupational exposures, poisonings and suicide attempts.
The American Chemistry Council, meanwhile, called the review a “rehash” of the authors’ first review.
“This iteration is as highly flawed as the first, as once again the authors ignore the fundamental scientific principles of exposure and potency,” said council spokesman Scott Jensen.
“What is most concerning is that the authors focus largely on chemicals and heavy metals that are well understood to be inappropriate for children’s exposure, are highly regulated and/or are restricted or being phased out. They then extrapolate that similar conclusions should be applied to chemicals that are more widely used in consumer products without evidence to support their claims. Such assertions do nothing to advance true scientific understanding and only create confusion and alarm.”
Landrigan and Grandjean now say all untested chemicals in use and all new chemicals should be tested for developmental neurotoxicity.
This is not a new concept. In 2007, the European Union adopted regulations known as REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals – to protect human health from risks posed by chemicals. REACH covers all chemicals, placing the burden of proof on companies to prove that any chemicals they make are safe.
“We are behind right now and we’re falling further behind,” Landrigan said. “… I find it very irritating some of the multinational manufacturers are now marketing products in Europe and the U.S. with the same brand name and same label, but in Europe (they) are free of toxic chemicals and in the U.S. they contain toxic chemicals.”
The best example of this, he said, is cosmetics and phthalates. Phthalates are a group of chemicals used in hundreds of products from cosmetics, perfume, hair spray, soap and shampoos to plastic and vinyl toys, shower curtains, miniblinds, food containers and plastic wrap.
You can also find them in plastic plumbing pipes, medical tubing and fluid bags, vinyl flooring and other building materials. They are used to soften and increase the flexibility of plastic and vinyl.
In Europe, cosmetics don’t contain phthalates, but here in the United States some do.
Phthalates previously were used in pacifiers, soft rattles and teethers. But in 1999, after a push from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, American companies stopped using them in those products.
“We certainly have the capability, it’s a matter of political will,” Landrigan said. “We have tried in this country over the last decade to pass chemical safety legislation but the chemical industry and their supporters have successfully beat back the effort.”
However, the Food and Drug Administration said two of the most common phthalates, — dibutylphthalate, or DBP, used as a plasticizer in products such as nail polishes to reduce cracking by making them less brittle, and dimethylphthalate, or DMP used in hairsprays — are now rarely used in this country.
Diethylphthalate, or DEP, used in fragrances, is the only phthalate still used in cosmetics, the FDA said.
“It’s not clear what effect, if any, phthalates have on human health,” according to the FDA’s website. “An expert panel convened from 1998 to 2000 by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), part of the National Institute for Environmental Safety and Health, concluded that reproductive risks from exposure to phthalates were minimal to negligible in most cases.”
But Grandjean is unfazed.
“We know enough about this to say we need to put a special emphasis on protecting developing brains. We are not just talking about single chemicals anymore. We are talking about chemicals in general.”
“This does not necessarily mean restrict the use of all chemicals, but it means that they need to be tested whether they are toxic to brain cells or not,” he said.
“We have the test methods and protocols to determine if chemicals are toxic to brain cells. If we look at this globally, we are looking at more than a generation of children — a very high proportion of today’s children have been exposed to lead, mercury and other substances, including substances that have not yet been tested but are suspect of being toxic to brain development.”
The Environmental Working Group is an environmental health research organization that specializes in toxic chemical analysis and has long called for reforms. In 2004, the group tested 10 samples of umbilical cord blood for hundreds of industrial pollutants and found an average of 200 in each sample.
“Here in the U.S., the federal law put in place to ostensibly protect adults and children from exposures to dangerous chemicals, including those that can present serious risks to the brain and nervous systems, has been an abject failure,” said Environmental Working Group spokesman Alex Formuzis.
“The 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act has instead been largely responsible for the pollution in people beginning in the womb, where hundreds of industrial contaminants literally bathe the developing fetus.”
Landrigan is recruiting pregnant women for a new study that will test for chemical exposures. He said it’s inevitable that over the next few years more chemicals will be added to the list.
His concern? “The ability to detect these chemicals lags behind the chemical industries’ ability to develop new chemicals and put them into consumer products. That’s why we need new legislation in this country to close that gap.”
“We are lagging behind,” Grandjean said. “And we are putting the next generation of brains in danger.”
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
Center: http://cfch.berkeley.edu
There are many studies and research papers that confirm that microwaves allow toxins to get into the brain that would under normal circumstances, not be able to enter:
Increased blood–brain barrier permeability in mammalian brain
Colorado Rockies scout Chris Forbes came down with two brain tumors.
Tom Pratt was the 12-year pitching coach for the MLB’s Chicago Cubs and has a brain tumor.
Michael Weiner, the executive director of the Major League Baseball Players Association died of brain cancer. I believe it was probably due to his cell phone use.
Gliomas (brain cancers) have been linked to wireless exposure.
As a matter of fact, the Italian supreme court ruled that microwave radiation from cell phones did in fact cause tumors. Remember that radar guns emit microwave radiation.
How about other sports like tennis that use radar?
So how many tennis players are getting brain tumors?
Tim Gullikson, the uncommon tennis player who never made an enemy and who became the coach of the best player in the world, died of the brain cancer he had been fighting for nearly 18 months at the age of 44.
Helen Kelesi had a brain tumor.
James Broach had just become the first and only Trinity men’s tennis player to win a national championship in singles and doubles. He died after a three-year battle with brain cancer. He was 37
Renee Simpson died of brain cancer at age 47.
Todd Witsken was a three-time All-American at USC and died of brain cancer at age 34
Leander Paes, one of the world’s best doubles tennis players, was treated for a brain lesion that turned out to be a parasitic brain infection.
Alice Reen, is a professional tennis player and a two-time brain tumor survivor.
Stephen Bell, a champion tennis player died of a brain tumor at the age of 38.
Chuck McKinley was clearly among the most charismatic players of the early 1960s. He passed away far too young at 45 of a brain tumor.
I believe that so many are dead or dying from wireless microwave radiation this and yet government and the industry is trying to hide it from the public. How could major league baseball or the tennis associations not even mention any of this anywhere? Has no one ever put these pieces together?
Radar guns emit wireless microwave radiation. Wireless microwave radiation has been determined to be a class 2B carcinogen by the World Health Organization. list of class 2B carcinogens begins on page 9
Some scientists believe if accurately assessed today, wireless microwave radiation would be listed as a class 1 carcinogen. Dr Hardell of the World Health Organization EMF Working Group, now states radio frequency radiation meets criteria for a group 1 carcinogen and that “Current guidelines for exposure need to be urgently revised”. http://lennarthardellenglish.
Think of the tremendous industry influence over the scientific community and government regulators.
The FCC exposure guidelines for wireless radiation only take into consideration acute burning of tissue and ignore all non thermal biological effects that are found at much lower exposure levels. There is much debate over this particular issue. For example:
Cell phones, WiFi routers, wireless TVs, dvr’s, blue tooth devices,iPads, tablets, laptops, security systems, printers, and any other wireless device emits this carcinogen. Depending on how toxic of an environment you live in, will determine how synergistically the radiation with work with the poisons around you and your children to produce disease.
I believe that Gary Carter and many others would possibly still be alive today if those we entrust with our safety and our very lives at times would stand up and face head on what has spent the better part of the last 35 years behind home plate. It sadly has now managed to enter our homes, schools and workplaces, and in some cases, without even our knowledge or consent.
Major league baseball as well as all sports need to act on this and end this needless tragedy of some of our finest men and women who tirelessly give of themselves for the game.
There is nothing more precious than to see the sun shine forever in a child’s eyes. Their excitement of being in the stands of a big league game or simply playing on the little league field is priceless. We all know that without the children there is no tomorrow for any aspect of our society. How much longer will we have to tolerate the silence on the wireless microwave radiation dangers especially to our children?
I would like to show you a photo of what I believe to be the biggest threat of all to our children. It is taking place in the classrooms and maybe even at home. This is a photo of a child, not with a radar gun to his head but rather something, in my opinion, that is far more dangerous. It is a microwave transmitter.
The Fullerton Informer shared from:
Like This Page · March 8, 2013
The wireless antenna is right on his zipper. Need I say more?
What is all this wireless doing to the unborn? Are the same mechanisms at work in Autism involving metals and microwave radiation?
You see, my son will be playing on that field tomorrow in honor of Gary Carter. Ironically my other son is number 8 on his little league team and my oldest will be wearing the “kid” shirt tomorrow at the game. My hope for my sons is that they will have a “kid” of their own someday and with any luck more than just one. Sadly I believe that what is taking place right before our very eyes may make that reality a mere impossibility some day.
When my father died of cancer some 12 years ago, I availed myself to warn others of the mistakes he made in the hopes of many others gaining insight into what may not be evident to the unsuspecting.
While what has happened to Gary Carter and those that have gone before him cannot be changed, what can be gained is insight into what needs to change so that others don’t have to go down that road. Ladies and gentlemen, wireless radiation is not harmless, the trillion dollar wireless industry is not your friend and if you think the government is going to protect you, you have another thing coming. The dangers of microwave radiation have been known for the last 50 years and are still being actively suppressed to this day.
I am sure that if the players that gave their all to the fans that meant it all to them were here today and know what is now evident, they would want you to act in a way consistent with the values they collectively embodied as a team. The need to be strong, courageous, brave and to persevere in spite of at times, insurmountable odds, and to act in a way that was fair, kind, and loving towards those who are the most vulnerable would be the best tribute to Gary Carter and the others that any of us could ever make.
Do it for the “kid” and for all the “kids”. Help us end the largest forced irradiation program of school children that the world has ever known that is currently on being carried out all players in this game of life, including our children so that the “kids” may live to display Gary Carter’s once youthful exuberance in perpetuity and have “kids” of their own someday. I am sure he would have wanted it that way.
That is a great question that will be asked someday soon unless we wake up to what is being done to our children. I urge you all to please read this article in its entirety.
As parents, we all work hard and naturally want the best for our children and look forward to watching them someday have a family of their own. We live in a brave new world indeed however and microwave radiation has firmly established itself as an integral part of everyday life. In 2014, it has found its way into your workplace, your home and now even your children’s classrooms. So what if I told you that wireless radiation is illegal in California to spray into a K-6 classroom?
I firmly believe the Autism epidemic is a direct result of wireless radiation exposure and you can read more about that here:
So what if under the guise of progress, 21st century learning and the rush to keep up with technological advances, we unknowingly had our children relinquish their reproductive rights by implied consent to classroom microwave EMF exposure? Is there an agenda behind the wireless classroom model being rolled out all over the world? I truly believe that there is. The overpopulation myth continues to be propagated by academia with our tax dollars ad nauseum and the clinically insane eugenicists. The fact of the matter is that there is so much open land on this planet that it is ridiculous.
I am reminded of what, at first glance by the famous explorer, Vasco De Balboa, upon arrival to the shores of Southern California stated as he surveyed the area. He claimed that the area was “uninhabitable” due to the persistent smoke from the naturally occurring fires and the desert terrain. In reality, nothing could have been further from the truth. Today from an airplane, this area somewhat resembles an urban forest. We are told that there is a water shortage when in reality, the aquifer under Orange County is almost one mile deep. We are told that there is not enough food. Look at everyone’s yards with all of the inedible landscape, trees that produce no fruit, concrete and grass. We now get our food from foreign countries watered in some cases with raw sewage, sprayed with banned pesticides, and fertilized with petrochemical poisons. What on earth is going on? We allow ourselves to be crammed into these compact cities and choose to buy instead of grow our own food.
We are told that the pollution levels continue to rise when in reality, the air has never been cleaner because of improved technologies. We are told the deforestation of the planet will lead to our demise. The fact of the matter is we have more trees alive on this continent than ever before due to irrigation. 50-70% of our oxygen comes from the oceans. We will never run out of air.
Climate change? You bet. It is called geo engineering. This is man made and is accomplished with aerosol dispersal of metallic nano particles at high altitudes (strange lines in the sky and funny clouds that look like powder not a powder puff) https://www.google.com/search?q=chemtrails&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=jJpkU5TTEsfIoASF7IH4Dg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=598&dpr=1 that interact with radio frequency emissions from the billion watt Telsa antenna farm up in Gakona Alaska otherwise know as HAARP along with other infrastructure. Yeah HAARP has been turned off since June, 2013-yeah right. Drought, floods, extreme weather? All engineered and RF technology is involved.
The problems of global food shortages and water shortages are primarily logistics and weather modification technology in the hands of corrupt governments, poor planning, overcrowded living conditions as a result of government policies, onerous land use restrictions and burdensome taxation. Ladies and gentleman, there would be plenty to go around if everyone was paying attention. Sadly we are not. We have the resources, the raw materials, the energy, the know how and the technology to solve our problems. What we don’t have is the leadership. This brings us to the point.
The real reason that the stated goal of those in power is to reduce human populations is not because of any of the aforementioned. In fact it, is quite the opposite. The real reason is that there are too many of us for them to control-plain and simple. The moat around the castles don’t work anymore with 7 billion people.
So how does the wireless classroom agenda fit into all of this? Like a glove I tell you. You see it is no mystery that these microwave EMF emissions effect fertility. There are all kinds of studies that clearly link exposure to infertility and it is via a non-thermal mechanism. You will always be told that it has never been proven. You will be told that your shower, shampoo, a stinkin’ joint or a chicken drumstick is the culprit:
In the meantime I believe that you are all foolishly banking your lineage on the notion that EMF emissions play no role in infertility because there are literally a hundred thousand studies and articles online that state that they do play a role:
So where does the edict originate to implement the microwave matrix in our classrooms? It is top down and I will give you a hint:
It then works its way down the ladder to:
It then shows up in our own schools here:
I try to stop it here:
http:// thewirelessagenda.com
There, ladies and gentleman, is your implied consent to expose your children. You can laugh, you can kick you can scream, you can love me or hate me but like Elton John sang 40 years ago-”don’t shoot me I am only the piano player”. I am just a messenger. You can choose to do your own research. I already have. You can choose to ignore this warning and bank your family’s lineage on some empty promises from some lackey educrats that will have long since be retired when you find out that old Joe was right.
The choice is yours. They are your children. I don’t know about you but I am not going to allow my children to take part in the largest radiation experiment on children that the world has ever known and I hope you won’t either. Please get YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF HARMS WAY AND GET involved before it is too late. So here we go gang:
The brain becomes the child, the child becomes the brain:
They put the stores on every corner that peddle this stuff to the kids:
The choices are endless:
It starts out being fun:
Then it gets taken up a notch and becomes an obsession:
Suddenly, things begin to change and you wonder why?
You begin to wonder what is going on with your child’s new online friends:
It seemed like yesterday that your child would play outside but now this is all they want to do:
The parks and playgrounds around town now look like this on the weekends:
The sun is out and the kids are not:
Soon they stay up late at night and are not sleeping as much as before:
Now school is a place for rest:
Their behavior at home begins to change and you wonder why:
But mom, all the kids are gaming:
You begin to attempt to limit the screen time and the behavior you observe is frightening:
Soon, the friends your child has, only want to game. The child’s world is not the same anymore and you question if he will ever be the same:
You are losing control of your child to the screen time and the lack of sleep watching certain games involving all kinds of demonic images, violent, bloodthirsty thrill killing sprees, torture ,with places like dungeons, with every evil imaginable, ending up in right in front of your child’s face, eternally etching a place in the recesses of their formidable developing minds.
Now you are realizing that you are losing them to the:
The child regresses into a brave, dark, demonic new world. Activities from what seem to be a bygone era, rife with simple pleasures such as a bike ride or a trip to the park, now seem a million miles away:
Now human life has little meaning as a result of the constant conditioning:
Adult human life has little or no value:
Much less a child or or the unborn:
You rationalize it and buy him more of the latest and greatest because everyone is doing it:
Soon non stop demonic images end up parading at record speed right in front of your child’s face:
What happened to my child and will he need help?
Does he need:
Will he ever be the same and can I ever get him back from the blue glow and its darkness?
How did all this begin?
Soon one thing led to another with the screen time because the experts know best:
The screen time begins younger and younger with each passing year:
But the experts tell us we need them to compete:
Soon they use them more and more as they get older:
And soon screen time becomes all the time:
And before you know it, as you were when you were young:
You now find yourself older and all the more surrounded by the blue glow:
Many of the devices are designed to be two way wireless transmitters with infrared imagery sensing and audio feeds that continuously track, record, transmit the data offsite to unknown locations and all the while emit continuous pulse modulated wireless microwave radiation emissions 24/7 even when it IS TURNED OFF. It only stops the emissions when it is UNPLUGGED! Does your child sleep near one of these?
The wireless emissions are 24/7 in your child’s face:
In your child’s lap at home:
And in your child’s lap at school:
All the while seated under or near the wireless router at school:
or next to it at home:
And what is all of this screen time and wireless exposure doing to your child?
Does constant wireless exposure effect fertility?
There are those 6′s again-3 of them and what is with the luminescent energy splitting open the sphere?:
Did you know that the female gametes or eggs contain only the X sex chromosome ?
The boys gametes contain both the X and the Y chromosomes:
X -blue + Y-yellow= GREEN
Is this the heart of this device?
Who is the man behind this company?
What is with the red mic and his vaccine agenda?
Here is his legacy to the earth. This is the future appearance of the world headquarters for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They have plans for a total of three 6 story buildings. There are those three 6′s again. Funny these look like magnets.
Looks like when connected they make an infinite loop.
The other big player in all of this is Apple computer company. Let’s have a look at Apple’s Cupertino headquarters at 1 Infinite loop.
Does the Apple facility’s design layout explain part of the process by which their ultimate responsibility to the environment is accomplished? Here is some more of the green and some interesting artwork that appears to outline a bizarre mechanism:
Looks like a schematic:
Membrane potential is all electrical.
So are wireless tablets and cell phone emissions:
Classroom Wireless access point emissions:
So back to the gaming systems. What is the significance of the letters and their colors on these buttons again?
Who is ultimately behind the wireless radiation exposure safety guidelines and vaccination programs:
Who has the exclusive market on the wireless device market in the classrooms?
Here they are those three sixes again:
What is with the three 6′s?
Dr Roman Schulze seen here presenting to the Glendale Unified School District on how WiFi is safe for the kids.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-13-300×224.png”><img class=”wp-image-4285 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-13-300×224.png” alt=”image001-13-300×224″ width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze on his pro classroom wireless evangelism tour up in Glendale California.
According to a 30 year old section of the California Education Code, it is illegal to expose children to a Class 2B Carcinogen in schools. I believe that the school district personnel responsible for this need to go to jail for what they are involved in. Maybe that is why Superintendent Dr. George Giokaris decided to forgo wireless in the Fullerton Joint Union High School District and hard wire the campuses.
Here is Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeretis of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, and Merry Callahan, health advocate, presenting updated information on the health impacts from EMF radiation to the Portland Oregon School Board from September of 2013. Two brilliant 3-minute talks exposing the FABLE of the harmlessness of WiFi, a form of radiation no less dangerous than nuclear fallout, causing autism, diabetes 2, and cardiovascular disease, a form of radiation that Roman Schulze says is safe. Stay tuned as there is much more to come as we continue to end the largest radiation experiment on children that the world has ever known and we continue to expose the people like Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze that at all costs, are hell bent on making sure it continues.
<a href=”http://iframewidth=640height=360src=//www.youtube.com/embed/HCAyPMVuJHY?feature=player_embeddedframeborder=0allowfullscreen/iframe”><iframe src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/HCAyPMVuJHY?feature=player_embedded” width=”500″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”></iframe></a>
I wonder what one does with this information? I wonder what one does with the information in the article below this post? READ THIS-
<a href=”https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33504620/2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf”>https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33504620/2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf</a>
<strong>Published on Oct 7, 2013</strong>
<li>Martin Pall presentation entitled, <a href=”https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33504620/2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf”>Microwave electromagnetic fields do not work by heating. They produce health effects by VGCC activation</a>.</li>
More information <strong><a href=”http://www.smb.wsu.edu/faculty-trainees-and-staff/emeritus-faculty”>Martin L. Pall , Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University</a>, </strong> <a href=”http://www.thetenthparadigm.org/mcs09.htm”>The Tenth Paradigm Research Group</a> ,<a href=”mailto:martin_pall@wsu.edu”>martin_pall@wsu.edu</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10389435_728017100598148_3972682459259689306_n.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4043″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10389435_728017100598148_3972682459259689306_n-300×224.jpg” alt=”I think Hughes ought to know about this” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> I think Chief Hughes ought to know about this
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ipad-in-palm-beach.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4381 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ipad-in-palm-beach-300×199.jpg” alt=”ipad-in-palm-beach” width=”300″ height=”199″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/are-ipads-safe-in-the-laps-of-school-children-why-are-women-getting-breast-cancer-from-keeping-cell-phones-in-their-bras/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/are-ipads-safe-in-the-laps-of-school-children-why-are-women-getting-breast-cancer-from-keeping-cell-phones-in-their-bras/</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/is-this-your-child/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/is-this-your-child/</a>
With the media blackout on the wireless agenda like nothing I have ever seen in my entire life, thank God that the traffic on this site continues to grow. Folks there are an awful lot of eyes on this debacle in our little neck of the woods. Yes, we are up against a trillion dollar industry and now being joined by the educrat lackeys who are taking your tax money to bed with the media who will never let you in on what is about to be rolled out right before your very eyes right here. It is time to let you know that there is more to this story than what you are being spoon fed folks. Here is your tax money at work and boy is there more to this than meets the eye.
<a href=”http://iframewidth=854height=510src=//www.youtube.com/embed/2OGWDoD8XMUframeborder=0allowfullscreen/iframe”><iframe src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/2OGWDoD8XMU” width=”400″ height=”510″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”></iframe></a><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10675676_825551687479314_626165308818470095_n.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4219 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10675676_825551687479314_626165308818470095_n-300×252.jpg” alt=”10675676_825551687479314_626165308818470095_n” width=”300″ height=”252″ /></a>
With the almost totally exclusive contracts in the schools <a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-24.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4237 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-24.jpg” alt=”images (24)” width=”300″ height=”168″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-23.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4239 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-23.jpg” alt=”images (23)” width=”252″ height=”200″ /></a> Fullerton’s high priest in the cult of Mac- Superintendent Robert Pletka handing out communion-6000 ipads
and Apple gets to deploy their devices in the laps of our children at school all day
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3991 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg” alt=”images (11)” width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> A potential victim of classroom wireless technology
It is all at the behest of people like yours truly
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3993 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg” alt=”images (12)” width=”225″ height=”225″ /></a>
Obama’s ” Connect ED” scheme with his pal at the FCC ,Tom Weeler, will have EVERY CLASSROOM IN THE NATION WIRELESS IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/14.01.28-SOTU.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4353 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/14.01.28-SOTU-300×180.jpg” alt=”14.01.28-SOTU” width=”300″ height=”180″ /></a> My favorite pen stroke in office was to overturn the Mexico City Policy because I love unborn children and babies. There is a reason for not including in vitro in my new health plan.
The education superhighway to hell-tech execs pledge BILLIONS FOR CLASSROOM WIFI-ubiquitous Wi-Fi NO LESS
<a href=”http://www.educationsuperhighway.org/uploads/1/0/9/4/10946543/ceo_letter_to_fcc_on_wheeler_e-rate_plan.pdf”>http://www.educationsuperhighway.org/uploads/1/0/9/4/10946543/ceo_letter_to_fcc_on_wheeler_e-rate_plan.pdf</a>
Apple has pledged $100 million in the form of iPads, desktop and laptop computers, and other educational tools to President Obama’s ConnectED initiative that seeks to connect 99 percent of America’s students to wireless high-speed internet.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-26.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4354 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-26.jpg” alt=”images (26)” width=”232″ height=”217″ /></a> Can you keep a secret? The Manchurian Candidate can.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/28_nato_14.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4356 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/28_nato_14-300×200.jpg” alt=”28_nato_14″ width=”300″ height=”200″ /></a> To the most high -September Morning<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/494295927.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4355 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/494295927-200×300.jpg” alt=”494295927″ width=”200″ height=”300″ /></a> the emissions, the helix, the addiction and the agenda<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-92.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4362 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-92.jpg” alt=”download (9)” width=”265″ height=”190″ /></a> Wireless microwave radiation forced exposure from the cradle to the grave for this generation. It ought not be so.
So what is the goal of the proliferation of these wireless devices?
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3995 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic-300×204.jpg” alt=”skull-vs-ipad-basic” width=”300″ height=”204″ /></a>
It can’t be good for the children yet we send them off everyday with a lunch and a kiss so they can irradiate their reproductive organs
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3620 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg” alt=”33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/download-3.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3987 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/download-3.jpg” alt=”download (3)” width=”275″ height=”183″ /></a> The microwave transmitters are in direct proximity to their reproductive organs
as people like these install wireless networks in all of our schools
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Deasy-comment-on-education-politics-e1409779700793.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4382 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Deasy-comment-on-education-politics-e1409779700793-300×225.jpg” alt=”Deasy-comment-on-education-politics-e1409779700793″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a> LAUSD’s billion dollar raccoon eyed Deasy -So Cal’s number two king of wireless classrooms behind Pletka as he legislates from the bench without his black robe. Not sleeping well these days? EASY DEASY, cuz kids are coming to your board meetings with teachers complaining about nosebleeds, insomnia, bleeding from their ears and all kinds of problems that your staff refuses to file incident reports on.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-7.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4240 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-7.jpg” alt=”download (7)” width=”159″ height=”199″ /></a> Orange County Department of Education Superintendent Al Mijares—Hey Al, whatcya been doing with all of those emails we been sending to the board for the last year and a half? They never got them? Why did you pull wireless of the shelf at the last board meeting? Is it because you read my email about the ed code violations?<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/DrNedDoffoney2small_000.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3744 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/DrNedDoffoney2small_000.jpg” alt=”DrNedDoffoney2small_000″ width=”107″ height=”139″ /></a> forced WiFi for all with a big fat bloated bond to boot-Chancellor of the NOCCD Ned Doffney<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/06-2013-1112-N06934.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3641 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/06-2013-1112-N06934.jpg” alt=”06-2013-1112-N06934″ width=”200″ height=”250″ /></a> Petaluma superintendent Steve Bolman- children need to be irradiated as I call the cops on you
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sheehan_Dr._Richard_17crop.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4384″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sheehan_Dr._Richard_17crop.jpg” alt=”Glendale Unified’s Dr. Richard M. Sheehan” width=”200″ height=”276″ /></a> Glendale Unified’s chief irradiator Dr. Richard M. Sheehan-We like you better with your glasses on.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/greg_dhuyvetter.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3624 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/greg_dhuyvetter.jpg” alt=”greg_dhuyvetter” width=”120″ height=”150″ /></a> Greg Duyvetter Superintendent of schools for The Catholic Diocese of Orange who refuses to turn off the wireless in all of Orange County’s Catholic schools -Hey Greg, you should have stuck to your singing gig over at St Barbara’s. Hey, you still tight with father Harris over at my Alma mater Mater Dei. I always wondered why his office was all the way at the end of the hall.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/pletka_r_120x150.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3608″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/pletka_r_120x150.jpg” alt=”FSD Superintendent Robert Pletka-He could stop this if he wanted to.” width=”120″ height=”150″ /></a> FSD Superintendent Robert Pletka drunk on wireless technology and high on common core-He could stop this if he wanted to.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13.png”><img class=”wp-image-3966 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13-300×224.png” alt=”image001 (13)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> Fullertons very own Dr. Roman Schulze’s show on the road in Glendale-“wifi safe” with the Captain from Executive Environmental who cooks the RF reports to order for the district.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Boger_Mary.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4348 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Boger_Mary-225×300.jpg” alt=”Boger_Mary” width=”225″ height=”300″ /></a> Glendale Unified Trustee Mary Boger- on the Fullerton Informer-“..junk science, bullying and fear mongering.”
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/GLENDALE-UNIFIED’S-VERY-OWN-MARY-BOGER-ON-THE-FULLERTON-INFORMER-JUNK-SCIENCE-BULLYING-AND-FEAR-MONGERING-«-The-Fullerton-Informer1.htm”>GLENDALE UNIFIED’S VERY OWN MARY BOGER ON THE FULLERTON INFORMER JUNK SCIENCE, BULLYING AND FEAR MONGERING « The Fullerton Informer</a> <a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/glendale-usds-very-own-mary-boger-on-the-fullerton-informer-junk-science-bullying-and-fear-mongering/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/glendale-usds-very-own-mary-boger-on-the-fullerton-informer-junk-science-bullying-and-fear-mongering/</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10653551_10203588286766206_6936232162675107274_n-300×225.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4241 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10653551_10203588286766206_6936232162675107274_n-300×225.jpg” alt=”10653551_10203588286766206_6936232162675107274_n-300×225″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a> The irradiating brass on stage-Janny Meyer FSD trustee, State Superintendent Tom Torlakson, Fullerton council member Doug Chaffee and hiding in the back row enter through the side door Orange County Superintendent of schools for $300,000 plus per year-Al Mijares–Hey Janny your car is still running with the keys in the ignition and Tom don’t forget your wearing your glasses. Doug, we don’t care what you have to say because your three minutes were up in the parking lot.
While people like this ignore the warnings in Sacramento
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sharon-Quirk-Silva-and-Tom-Torlakson-300×196.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4349″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sharon-Quirk-Silva-and-Tom-Torlakson-300×196.jpg” alt=”Torlakson and Silva just couldn’t do the right thing so they just had the stool pigeon write the apology. – ” width=”300″ height=”196″ /></a> Torlakson and Silva just couldn’t do the right thing so they just had the stool pigeon write the apology. –
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-19.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3299 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-19.jpg” alt=”images (19)” width=”213″ height=”160″ /></a> Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva- Mr Imbriano, you were not on the guest list
<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/</a></p>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1719.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4405″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1719.jpg” alt=”Planned Parenthoods Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva” width=”100″ height=”130″ /></a> Planned Parenthood’s Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva-who scores a whopping zero on the pro life voting score card. Oh but she loves the veterans so much that she wants to give them a cemetery while they drop like flies at the VA.
Sharon did it ever occur to you that Planned Parenthood just might go out of business if we don’t stop the wireless sterilization of children in the schools? No pregnancy means no abortions which means no body parts and no dinero for your proud eugenicist monster sponsor that is a creation from the pit of hell. Some people will do anything for money. http://maplight.org/california/legislator/1719-sharon-quirk-silva
Check out this Orwellian diatribe on calling baby killing “smart pro women’s public health policies” <a href=”http://www.ppactionca.org/voter-resources/sharon-quirk-silva-2014.html”>Planned Parenthood’s centerfold model-Sharon Quirk Silva</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-25.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4242 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-25.jpg” alt=”images (25)” width=”244″ height=”207″ /></a> Senator Bob Huff-How empty can a suit get? No response, no concern no comment on the plight of the children.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-11.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4342 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-11-300×70.jpg” alt=”download (11)” width=”300″ height=”70″ /></a> Autism conference host where the solution is a room full of drug pushers and vaccine inventors while he and his cohorts totally ignore the wireless connection to the epidemic. No respect I tell ya.
<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”http://autism.senate.ca.gov/informationalhearings”>http://autism.senate.ca.gov/informationalhearings</a> 9-13-13</p>
<p style=”text-align: center;”>HERE IS WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN THE AUTISM EPIDEMIC</p>
<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/</a></p>
In Washington
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-8.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4243 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-8.jpg” alt=”download (8)” width=”152″ height=”180″ /></a> US House of Rep Ed Royce (R) Empty suit? Well since you asked? May I present to you NDAA signator Ed Royce who continues ignoring every email ever sent to him on the plight of the children. Oh but he beats the war drum so loud you need noise cancelling headphones.
Locally in town wireless for all the kids
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-19.png”><img class=”wp-image-4245 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-19-300×169.png” alt=”image001 (19)” width=”300″ height=”169″ /></a> Huge cash donor to wireless classroom technology-silent on our attemtps to reach him
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-18.png”><img class=”wp-image-4244 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-18-300×165.png” alt=”image001 (18)” width=”300″ height=”165″ /></a> Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children. I still don’t get the bow tie.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-20.png”><img class=”wp-image-4246 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-20-300×172.png” alt=”image001 (20)” width=”300″ height=”172″ /></a> Ignores repeated emails about the wireless connection to Autism and to top it off his charity group donates money for wirelesss technology to the FSD and blocks me from Facebook
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-21.png”><img class=”wp-image-4247 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-21-300×224.png” alt=”image001 (21)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> Michelle Garden-“the leader of Acacia” is a strong advocate for wireless technology in the Fullerton school district and is the wife of Dr. Roman Schulze. ” My husband just enjoys arguing his well-researched point…it is sport for him” – See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/#comment-25501
<p style=”text-align: center;”>If I were Dr. Roman Schulze, I think I would find another hobby.</p>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-23.png”><img class=”wp-image-4256 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-23-300×181.png” alt=”image001 (23)” width=”300″ height=”181″ /></a> Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children eventually resulting in me removing my eldest child from her school. She just smiles at everything.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-22.png”><img class=”wp-image-4248 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-22-300×174.png” alt=”image001 (22)” width=”300″ height=”174″ /></a> She looks like my neighbor, pretty trippy. Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children and continues to direct money into technology with the fundraising efforts district wide.
MAY I INTRODUCE <a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/shapeimage_1.png”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4388 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/shapeimage_1-300×52.png” alt=”shapeimage_1″ width=”300″ height=”52″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-101.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4385 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-101.jpg” alt=”download (10)” width=”255″ height=”197″ /></a> Acacia elementary principal Karen Whisnant, who has a PHD in placation in my opinion, and is an ardent wireless technology supporter who personally refused and directed my children’s teachers to refuse, on multiple occasions, written information on the dangers of classroom microwave radiation including at a PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE. She has also called the police on parents for handing out fliers on the sidewalk trying to warn parents of the dangers. My other three children were subsequently removed from the school.
Lets look at some local connections to the Apple mother ship.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/shapeimage_1-1.png”><img class=”wp-image-4390 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/shapeimage_1-1-300×280.png” alt=”shapeimage_1 (1)” width=”300″ height=”280″ /></a> Home to probably the highest RF classroom readings in the state
Fisler principal Trang Lai
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Trang-Lai.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4391 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Trang-Lai-224×300.jpg” alt=”Trang Lai” width=”224″ height=”300″ /></a> Ignores everything we ever sent her and continues on the path of forced microwave exposure for the children on the west side.
Ted Lai
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/tedlaishadowed.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4389″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/tedlaishadowed.jpg” alt=”Is this the apple connection for the FSD? Is this the husband of Fisler principal Trang Lai?” width=”101″ height=”120″ /></a> Is this the apple connection for the FSD? Is this the husband of Fisler principal Trang Lai? Hey we can read.
<strong><em>Prior to joining Apple, Ted Lai was most recently the Director of Technology & Media Services at Fullerton School District, home of Robert C. Fisler School (a 1:1 laptop Apple Distinguished School) and Valencia Park Elementary (a 1:1 mobile device Apple Distinguished Program).</em></strong>
Lest we forget Jan Weiner from Cal State Fullerton as she chimed in from her Autism offices on campus next to the freeway-here is the story on that nice dialogue she engaged in to ensure the irradiation of school children continues – <strong>https://thefullertoninformer.com/jan-weiner-speaks/</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/j_weiner2.jpg”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-4402 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/j_weiner2.jpg” alt=”j_weiner2″ width=”211″ height=”158″ /></a>
Yeah, they may be listening but they sure as heck are not paying attention.
Gail Lyons, who taught my kids Sunday school classes over at EV Free lent a deaf ear to my board meeting presentation, written materials and emails.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484372_wnp187.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4395 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484372_wnp187.jpg” alt=”1278766484372_wnp187″ width=”187″ height=”125″ /></a>
Kevin Hobby ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484373_wnp187.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4396 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484373_wnp187.jpg” alt=”1278766484373_wnp187″ width=”187″ height=”125″ /></a>
Ron Todd ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484445_wnp187.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4397 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484445_wnp187.jpg” alt=”1278766484445_wnp187″ width=”187″ height=”125″ /></a>
Alicia Maciel ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1356611942302_wnp175.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4398 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1356611942302_wnp175.jpg” alt=”1356611942302_wnp175″ width=”175″ height=”226″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ev-free-fullerton-300×300.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4392 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ev-free-fullerton-300×300.jpg” alt=”ev-free-fullerton-300×300″ width=”300″ height=”300″ /></a> The more things change, the more they remain the same. EV Free Fullerton-Home to Mike Erre, Jennifer Fitzgerald on Sunday’s and occasionally to Pletlka’s crowd for shin digs when summer winds down or when they just need some paint jobs for the dilapidated school buildings that a couple hundred million a year in school district tax money can’t take care of .
My dad told me that you will know a tree by its fruit, so did Jesus.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/image001-24.png”><img class=”wp-image-4300 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/image001-24-215×300.png” alt=”“We got some Ipad today guys and let me just say I know how much you love it because you email me overwhelmingly and you ask for more ipad, and so as a man who wants to honor the wishes of (pause) people cuz I always…….” Mike Erre 9-14-14 from the pulpit. – ” width=”215″ height=”300″ /></a> EV FREE FULLERTON’S SENIOR PASTOR MIKE ERRE “We got some Ipad today guys and let me just say I know how much you love it because you email me overwhelmingly and you ask for more ipad, and so as a man who wants to honor the wishes of (pause) people cuz I always…….” Mike Erre 9-14-14 from the pulpit. –
You know, statements like that should not be coming out of the mouth of a so called Christian pastor in a Christian church from the pulpit during a Sunday morning service while he is thumbing through the Word of God, especially in light of all of the information that he has been provided with on this issue including the satanic roots Apple has- <a href=”http://apple666.org/” rel=”nofollow”>http://apple666.org/</a> . Not to mention the battle raging over the wireless in the schools that he is no stranger to. as EV Free Fullerton is host to many a shindig for the establishment in town. Ironically, as a matter of fact, after many failed attempts to reach him, with NO responses, this is what we get-
<strong>Mail Delivery Subsystem
Aug 13,2014</strong>
to me
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
<a href=”mailto:mike.erre@evfreefullerton.com”>mike.erre@evfreefullerton.com</a>
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain evfreefullerton.com by mail.fefcful.org. [].
<strong>The error that the other server returned was:
550 Blocked</strong>
– See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/fullertons-doctor-roman-schulze-says-wifi-is-safe/#comment-94976
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-2.png”><img class=”wp-image-4340 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-2-222×300.png” alt=”image001 (2)” width=”222″ height=”300″ /></a> 4:40 SECONDS INTO THE SERMON AS HE FLIPS THROUGH SCRIPTURE PREPARING TO TAKE A SHOT AT THE MESSENGER EXPOSING THIS SATANIC STERILIZATION AGENDA-FORGIVE THEM FATHER FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO
<p style=”text-align: center;”> GO TO 4:40-watch for yourself and tell me what this has to do with The Gospel of Luke</p>
In the meantime,people like this man who pose as a philanthropist and savior of the poor ,ram vaccines and wireless down our kids throats everywhere else like in their bedrooms because the wireless transmitters in the Xbox never shut off even if you power it off unless you unplug the unit. The wireless controllers spend all the time irradiating their laps by design-read up on the satanization and sterilization of your children right here-<a href=”http://apple666.org”>http://apple666.org</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/10155708_10202182003574449_1361734268974358709_n-218×3001.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3277 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/10155708_10202182003574449_1361734268974358709_n-218×3001.jpg” alt=”10155708_10202182003574449_1361734268974358709_n-218×300″ width=”218″ height=”300″ /></a> THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE
<p style=”text-align: center;”><strong><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/”>see more on the video game component to the sterilization of our children here</a></strong></p>
So what is the goal?
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3279 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-12.jpg” alt=”download (12)” width=”258″ height=”195″ /></a>
Girls are born with their eggs but not mosquitos.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4115 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300.jpg” alt=”10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n” width=”279″ height=”300″ /></a>
Humans are looked upon as animals by people like
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Bill-Gates-Vaccines.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4118 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Bill-Gates-Vaccines-300×230.jpg” alt=”Bill-Gates-Vaccines” width=”300″ height=”230″ /></a> METALLIC NANO TECH LADEN VACCINES ACTIVATED BY WIRELESS EMISSIONS- PATENTED TECHNOLOGY
So with the hots for your children’s bloodstreams not able to satisfy him, what does he do? He gets into the education business.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/12505_10152343153446961_1228315018389040583_n-1.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4116 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/12505_10152343153446961_1228315018389040583_n-1-300×200.jpg” alt=”12505_10152343153446961_1228315018389040583_n (1)” width=”300″ height=”200″ /></a> BILL GATES FROM THE BEDROOM WITH THE XBOX, TO THE BLOODSTREAMS WITH THE VACCINES, AND NOW TO THE WIRELESS CLASSROOMS WITH COMMON CORE
He gets into the vaccine business with a billion dollar charity.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/gates-foundation-campus1.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3162 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/gates-foundation-campus1-300×215.jpg” alt=”gates-foundation-campus” width=”300″ height=”215″ /></a>
TO UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION HEADQUARTERS IN SEATTLE, YOU MUST READ THIS-<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/</a>
No shots, no school, no problem, no kidding?
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-32.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4304 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-32.jpg” alt=”download-32″ width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> 35-45 SHOTS BY AGE FIVE-HOW CAN THEY MISS?
He gets into the wireless common core roll out
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-19.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4220 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-19.jpg” alt=”images (19)” width=”222″ height=”227″ /></a>
<em><strong>Common core is being rolled out all over the USA and it is being delivered in a wireless environment. Project Inkwell of which our VERY own Fullerton Trustee Hilda Sugarman IS A member</strong></em>
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/obama-connected-2.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4358 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/obama-connected-2-300×210.jpg” alt=”obama-connected-2″ width=”300″ height=”210″ /></a> That thing will be in his lap tonight, under his pillow tonight, and back in his lap again tomorrow at school…and the band played on.
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<h2 style=”text-align: center;”>Hilda Sugarman</h2>
<h4 style=”text-align: center;”>Member</h4>
<img class=”member-img wp-post-image aligncenter” src=”http://www.fullertonsd.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/member4.jpg” alt=”member4″ width=”148″ height=”165″ />
1401 W Valencia Dr. Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 447-7410
<a href=”mailto:hilda_sugarman@fullertonsd.org”>hilda_sugarman@fullertonsd.org</a>
(Please be sure to include your e-mail address if a response is requested.)
Born and educated in San Francisco Hilda attended Lowell High School, UC Berkeley and San Francisco State. Hilda literally married the boy up the block, Michael.
Hilda taught a few years while her husband was training. Her teaching experiences were in Hunters’ Point, Harlem, and Washington, DC. She loved it.
Mike, her husband, is an Internist/Rheumatoligist here in Fullerton. He is also President of the St. Jude Heritage Medical Group. They have two sons, Jason and Steven. The boys attended Richman, Laguna Road, Parks and Sunny Hills High Schools in Fullerton. Hilda was PTA President and Site Council President of these schools and President of Fullerton PTA Council. She also was team mom for the sport teams of the boys and sat on the Boards of the Fullerton Rangers, Boy Scouts and Golden Hill Little League. Mom Hilda has chaperoned trips to Washington, DC, Sacramento, US High School Select athletes to Russia, and Little League Players to their World Series. When the boys left for college, Hilda was on their college parent groups and even acted as a team mom. But that wasn’t the same as working here in Fullerton.
In 1996 Hilda was elected to the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees. She led the successful Bond Drive for improving school facilities. Some know her as a force for 21st century education and implementation of schools of choice in the Fullerton School District. Hilda serves on the Orange County School Board Committee. She also is an active member of the All the Arts for All the Kids Foundation, the Fullerton Excellence in Education Foundation, and the Assistance League of Fullerton.<em><strong> Nationally she serves on the Curriki Foundation and Project Inkwell.</strong></em>
The one thing that each of these activities have in common is their focus on children. Improving the quality of life and education of children is her passion.
<em><strong>THE technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<span class=”shadow”><img src=”http://www.fullertonsd.org/wp-content/themes/fullerton-school-district/images/content-shadow.png” alt=”” /></span>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-91.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4308 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-91.jpg” alt=”FSD Trustee Hilda Sugarman” width=”144″ height=”180″ /></a> FSD Trustee Hilda Sugarman School Board Member of Project Inkwell.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/hilda-sugarmans-dystopic-vision-of-wireless-ipads-every-single-child-will-have-one-247/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/hilda-sugarmans-dystopic-vision-of-wireless-ipads-every-single-child-will-have-one-247/</a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/cc20d5a5de4b0d0927696501c2bc4384.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4221 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/cc20d5a5de4b0d0927696501c2bc4384-194×300.jpg” alt=”cc20d5a5de4b0d0927696501c2bc4384″ width=”194″ height=”300″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/</a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4323 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41-300×225.jpg” alt=”project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-4″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
see how the arts is a trojan horse for wireless ladies and gentlemen
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1957612_563636937065143_1101998087_n_zps26c57105.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4324 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1957612_563636937065143_1101998087_n_zps26c57105-231×300.jpg” alt=”1957612_563636937065143_1101998087_n_zps26c57105″ width=”231″ height=”300″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3999 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1-297×300.jpg” alt=”unnamed (1)” width=”297″ height=”300″ /></a>
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/21-inkwell.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4325 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/21-inkwell-300×200.jpg” alt=”21-inkwell” width=”300″ height=”200″ /></a> Do these people know what they are part of?
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/image001-15.png”><img class=”wp-image-4166 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/image001-15-300×237.png” alt=”image001 (15)” width=”300″ height=”237″ /></a> FSD SUPERINTENDENT ROBERT PLETKA-FULLERTON’S CULT OF MAC HIGH PRIEST HANDING OUT COMMUNION-6000 MORE IPADS
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<strong>This is all part of Agenda 21 ladies and gentlemen and it knows no borders</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-11.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4329 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-11.jpg” alt=”images (11)” width=”251″ height=”201″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Al-Gore-Agenda-21-And-Population-Control-250×183.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4311 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Al-Gore-Agenda-21-And-Population-Control-250×183.jpg” alt=”Al-Gore-Agenda-21-And-Population-Control-250×183″ width=”250″ height=”183″ /></a>
OPEN YOUR EYES FOLKS<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-13.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4331 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-13-300×150.jpg” alt=”images (13)” width=”300″ height=”150″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4323 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41-300×225.jpg” alt=”project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-4″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>THIS IS THE GOAL OF THE ELITE
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/agricultural-grass_w725_h544.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3928 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/agricultural-grass_w725_h544-300×225.jpg” alt=”agricultural-grass_w725_h544″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/iclei.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4332 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/iclei-218×300.jpg” alt=”iclei” width=”218″ height=”300″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-14.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4333 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-14.jpg” alt=”images (14)” width=”246″ height=”205″ /></a> I can do it with my eyes closed as long as I am flanked by princess Leah
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4330 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-12.jpg” alt=”images (12)” width=”160″ height=”160″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<h3> What do wireless emissions do to human reproduction? Scientists tell us that it causes infertility. I would like for us to instead consult the designers and artists of this 5billion dollar corporate headquarters.</h3>
APPLE HEADQUARTERS IN CUPERTINO-dubbed the building that will “save us all”
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-8.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3253 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-8.jpg” alt=”download (8)” width=”276″ height=”183″ /></a> The ego has landed in Cupertino
Schematic of the Cupertino campus layout-pretty insightful if you ask me.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/image001.png”><img class=”wp-image-3256 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/image001-300×188.png” alt=”image001″ width=”300″ height=”188″ /></a> Sperm talking “Man its a good thing I never made it in because my buddy in the upper right corner is getting electrocuted in there..”
Another schematic from the Cupertino campus layout.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×6631.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3249 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×6631-280×300.jpg” alt=”apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663″ width=”280″ height=”300″ /></a> what a bizarre layout for Apple’s HQ
Now this is a schematic of a human egg being fertilized by a sperm-note the similarities-
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/sperm.gif”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3250 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/sperm-300×218.gif” alt=”sperm” width=”300″ height=”218″ /></a>
So with all the money in the world and all the tea in China, why are they spending 5 billion dollars on a facility that is designed to simulate failed conception?
This is a more detailed schematic of Apple’s Cupertino headquarters-note the unmistakable similarity to the human fertiliation process except this one does not undergo cell division
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-3.png”><img class=”wp-image-3259 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-3.png” alt=”apple-3″ width=”1024″ height=”729″ /></a> cell division-to divide or not to divide-that is the question-Apples Cupertino HQ layout
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-campus-2-pic6.png”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-4623 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-campus-2-pic6.png” alt=”apple-campus-2-pic6″ width=”590″ height=”386″ /></a>
What is going on here? It is fertiliztion
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-6-300×161.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4621 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-6-300×161.jpg” alt=”images-6-300×161″ width=”300″ height=”161″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/CorticalRxn.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4620″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/CorticalRxn-228×300.jpg” alt=” Schematic diagram showing formation of the fertilization envelope.” width=”228″ height=”300″ /></a> Schematic diagram showing formation of the fertilization envelope.
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3999 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1-297×300.jpg” alt=”unnamed (1)” width=”297″ height=”300″ /></a> 21st century learning-we tried to warn all of you-poor kids
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3993 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg” alt=”images (12)” width=”225″ height=”225″ /></a>What is the goal?
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/byod6.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3614 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/byod6-300×225.jpg” alt=”byod6″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3620 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg” alt=”33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/download-4.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-2768 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/download-4.jpg” alt=”download (4)” width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> The Georgia guidestones
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<strong>500 million is still too many?</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-81.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4302 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-81.jpg” alt=”download (8)” width=”275″ height=”183″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<strong>Where the hell did everybody go?</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Windows-8-Wallpaper-18.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3550 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Windows-8-Wallpaper-18-300×187.jpg” alt=”Windows-8-Wallpaper-18″ width=”300″ height=”187″ /></a><strong>Apple 666? Never right?</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-9.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4303 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-9.jpg” alt=”images (9)” width=”247″ height=”204″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3248 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663-280×300.jpg” alt=”apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663″ width=”280″ height=”300″ /></a> apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-1-666.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4224 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-1-666-266×300.jpg” alt=”apple-1-666″ width=”266″ height=”300″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/378capple-1-advertisement.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4225 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/378capple-1-advertisement-300×224.jpg” alt=”378capple-1-advertisement” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-6.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4226 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-6.jpg” alt=”download (6)” width=”260″ height=”194″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-20.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4227 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-20.jpg” alt=”images (20)” width=”225″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/180px-apple_first_logo.png”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4233 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/180px-apple_first_logo.png” alt=”180px-apple_first_logo” width=”180″ height=”262″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/666.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4234 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/666-300×288.jpg” alt=”666″ width=”300″ height=”288″ /></a>
<em><strong>Folks get these things out of your childrens’ laps and better yet, get them out of the wireless classrooms.</strong></em>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<em><strong>These are school district employees on school property on the clock acting out some bizarre ritual-</strong></em>
Don’t bank your lineage on these people who apparently see nothing wrong with aiming a toy gun on school property at an effigy of someone carrying a case with a Christian symbol on it.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10365322_426283017509417_3302972050798639405_o.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4034″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10365322_426283017509417_3302972050798639405_o-224×300.jpg” alt=”This one gets her orders from on high.” width=”224″ height=”300″ /></a> This one gets her orders from on high.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10369039_426319127505806_7852473517392937338_o.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4033″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10369039_426319127505806_7852473517392937338_o-224×300.jpg” alt=”Straight to the heart I tell ya” width=”224″ height=”300″ /></a> Straight to the heart I tell ya<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10392330_426270320844020_1279251681744232029_n-1.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4023 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10392330_426270320844020_1279251681744232029_n-1-300×224.jpg” alt=”10392330_426270320844020_1279251681744232029_n (1)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> But FSD Supertintendent Bob Pletka is a nice guy<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10419473_426272904177095_1698855657885312930_n-2.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4024 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10419473_426272904177095_1698855657885312930_n-2-225×300.jpg” alt=”10419473_426272904177095_1698855657885312930_n (2)” width=”225″ height=”300″ /></a> I’m back in black, yes I’m baaack in black…<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/2012-10-09-total_fertility_rate2-thumb.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4011 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/2012-10-09-total_fertility_rate2-thumb-300×195.jpg” alt=”2012-10-09-total_fertility_rate2-thumb” width=”300″ height=”195″ /></a> In case you haven’t noticed, that graph is heading to zero
The white shirted one says it is all safe as he takes his show on the road to irradiate the school children while on this blog he makes fun of the “man in the sky”
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wireless-classrooms-are-they-safe/#comment-18046″>https://thefullertoninformer.com/wireless-classrooms-are-they-safe/#comment-18046</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13.png”><img class=”wp-image-3966 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13-300×224.png” alt=”image001 (13)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze seated at right
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
while the vampire is running the blood bank at The FCC
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3612 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images.jpg” alt=”images” width=”294″ height=”171″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
The unmitigated public health disaster in the making.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images-22.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3616 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images-22.jpg” alt=”images (2)” width=”263″ height=”191″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
Before wireless in schools
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-3.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3290 size-full aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-3.jpg” alt=”images-3″ width=”280″ height=”180″ /></a>
After wireless in schools
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Windows-8-Start-Screen.jpg”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-3163 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Windows-8-Start-Screen-300×187.jpg” alt=”They stick this in your face when you turn on the device.” width=”300″ height=”187″ /></a>
the target
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/egg_cell.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3157 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/egg_cell-300×225.jpg” alt=”egg_cell” width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a> where we all began ourselves before the age of the wireless agenda<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/o-TRACY-BECKERMAN-facebook.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4236 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/o-TRACY-BECKERMAN-facebook-300×150.jpg” alt=”o-TRACY-BECKERMAN-facebook” width=”300″ height=”150″ /></a> Why are there so many attempts in life by evil people to wreck what I hold so dearly and carefully for that magic moment?
the weapon
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3995 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic-300×204.jpg” alt=”skull-vs-ipad-basic” width=”300″ height=”204″ /></a> Ipads emit more microwave radiation than cell phones. Cell phone use is voluntary among adults and most certainly not for 8-10 hours per day in their laps. Ipads in school, well that is another story. Once the kids are addicted to them at home, well kiss the sunlight exposure and normal sleep patterns goodbye. As for their progeny someday, please revert back the mid section of this article.
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-8.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3263 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-8.jpg” alt=”images (8)” width=”299″ height=”168″ /></a> note the location of the WiFi antenna
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
The deployment
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3991 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg” alt=”images (11)” width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> The antenna is right on his zipper, or for the girls, right on their ovaries emitting microwave radiation levels trillions of times background levels when the device is WiFi enabled .
The frequencies
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/1335970217744_ipadsar.png”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3981 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/1335970217744_ipadsar-293×300.png” alt=”1335970217744_ipadsar” width=”293″ height=”300″ /></a>
The power levels are – ten to the fourteenth power above normal background levels at 2.4 GHz which is the frequency at which the maximum dielectric loss of water begins. What a convenient coincidence.
Your children in school:
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/1.13509_G3520249-Laboratory_rats-SPL.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3221 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/1.13509_G3520249-Laboratory_rats-SPL-300×199.jpg” alt=”1.13509_G3520249-Laboratory_rats-SPL” width=”300″ height=”199″ /></a> Your request to turn off wireless systems in the Fullerton School District is “respectfully denied”-Robert Pletka
The stuff doesn’t belong here.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-10.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4309 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-10.jpg” alt=”download (10)” width=”283″ height=”178″ /></a> The Earth has ZERO atmospheric opacity to Microwaves because they are almost totally non-existent in nature.
How exposure guidelines were developed
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-7.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3974 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-7.jpg” alt=”images (7)” width=”228″ height=”221″ /></a> HEY YOU DUMMY, DON’T MOVE OR THE WATER MIGHT SPILL
What they think of you and I
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4229 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300.jpg” alt=”10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300″ width=”279″ height=”300″ /></a> I guess we are right up there with mosquitoes according to Bill and Melinda Gates of hell
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
Martin Pall presentation entitled, <a href=”https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33504620/2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf”>Microwave electromagnetic fields do not work by heating. They produce health effects by VGCC activation</a>.
More information <strong><a href=”http://www.smb.wsu.edu/faculty-trainees-and-staff/emeritus-faculty”>Martin L. Pall , Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University</a>, </strong> <a href=”http://www.thetenthparadigm.org/mcs09.htm”>The Tenth Paradigm Research Group</a> ,<a href=”mailto:martin_pall@wsu.edu”>martin_pall@wsu.edu</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf”>2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597</a>
<a href=”http://www.saferemr.com/”>http://www.saferemr.com/</a>
<a href=”https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B14R6QNkmaXuXzhFeDVFcmh2RHc/edit”>https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B14R6QNkmaXuXzhFeDVFcmh2RHc/edit</a>
<a href=”http://wifiinschools.com/experts.html”>http://wifiinschools.com/experts.html</a>
<a href=”http://wifiinschools.com/studiesreports.html”>http://wifiinschools.com/studiesreports.html</a>
<a href=”http://wifiinschools.com/videos-dna-damage.html”>http://wifiinschools.com/videos-dna-damage.html</a>
<h2><strong>Scientists and Medical Doctors Advise Against
</strong><strong>W</strong><strong>y and Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, USA. </strong>Chronic, such as all-day, school exposure, is more likely than short and intermittent exposure, such as cell phone use, to produce harmful health effects, and is likely to do so at lower exposure levels. Children are more vulnerable to RF/MW radiation because of the susceptibility of their developing nervous systems. Children are largely unable to remove themselves from exposures to harmful substances in their environments. Their exposure is involuntary. There is a major legal difference between an exposure that an individual chooses to accept and one that is forced upon a person, especially a dependent, who can do nothing about it. WiFi must be banned from school deployment. <strong>Professor Lukas H. Margaritis, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology and Radiobiology, Dept </strong><strong>of Cell Biology and Biophysics, University of Athens, Greece. </strong>Having done experiments on cellular model systems we have found an effect from electromagnetic radiation from WiFi. I have strongly suggested for years now that they should be used only if absolutely necessary in the home and not at all in schools. There is no reason for having WiFi in schools since there is an alternative – wired connections which are safer and faster. <strong>Dr Mae-Wan Ho, PhD, FRSA, Director of the Institute of Science in Society, London, UK. </strong><strong> </strong>It is very important for schools and other public places frequented by children to be free of Wi-Fi. The evidence on ‘non-thermal’ biological effects of electromagnetic fields is now indisputable and children are many times more at risk than adults.</h2>
<div class=”paragraph”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”><span style=”font-size: medium;”>
<strong> </strong><strong>Dr Norbert Hankin, PhD, Environmental Scientist, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, </strong><strong>Environmental Protection Agency, USA. </strong></span></span></span><strong> </strong>The growing use of wireless communications by children and by schools will result in prolonged long-term exposure of developing children to low-intensity pulse modulated radiofrequency radiation.Recent studies involving short-term exposures have demonstrated that subtle effects on brain functions can be produced by low-intensity pulse modulated radiofrequency radiation. Some research involving rodents has shown adverse effects on short-term and long-term memory. The concern is that if such effects may occur in young children, then even slight impairment of learning ability over years of education may negatively affect the quality of life that could be achieved by these individuals, when adults.<strong>Dr Annie Sasco, MD, PhD, Director, Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention, INSERM (Institut </strong><strong>national de la santé et de la recherche médicale) Research Unit, School of Public Health, </strong><strong>Victor-Segalen Bordeaux 2 Université, France. Formerly International Agency for Research </strong><strong>on Cancer (IARC) Unit Chief of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention. </strong>If we want to wait for final proof, at least in terms of cancer, it may still take 20 years and the issue will become that we will not have unexposed population to act as control. We may never have the absolute final proof. But we have enough data to go ahead with a precautionary principle to avoid exposures (radiofrequencies) which are unnecessary if our goal is to reduce somewhat the burden of cancer in the years to come and other chronic diseases.<strong>Dr Stelios A. Zinelis, BA, MD, Hellenic Cancer Society, Cefallonia, Greece </strong>We should not subject and force electromagnetic radiation on school children. Technology can be applied by a wired connection. Effects of the electromagnetic radiation have been well documented and should not be ignored. The past has taught as many lessons, for example asbestos.<strong> </strong><strong>Dr Belyaev Dr.Sc., Head Research Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of </strong><strong>Science, Slovak Republic; Associate Professor in Toxicological Genetics, Faculty of Natural Science, Stockholm University, Sweden. </strong>To my opinion, which is based on 25-year research of non-thermal effects of microwaves, usage of Wi-Fi and cell/mobile/smart phones in the classroom should be either forbidden or reduced as much as possible. I believe that the majority of scientists with long lasting experience in this scientific field are of the same opinion. Several national authorities have already advised limiting usage of mobile communication by children.<strong>Dr Samuel Milham MD, MPH, Epidemiology and Public Health, Formerly Washington State Department of Health, USA. </strong>Wireless technologies have no place in schools. I strongly recommend that where they exist, they be replaced by fiber-optic cable and hard wiring.<strong>Professor Dr. Franz Adlkofer, MD, Chairman of Pandora – Foundation for Independent </strong><strong>Research. </strong><strong> </strong>While the use of mobile phones is the result of people’s free choice, their exposure to W-LAN and other wireless applications is mostly compulsory. Especially concerned are children in schools where this technology has been given preference to wired computers. Since our knowledge on possible adverse effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields is still rather poor, it is obvious that at present the biggest biophysical experiment of mankind is under way – with an uncertain outcome.In May 2011, the uncertainty has been strengthened by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’. This decision was mainly based on the results of epidemiological studies that observed after long-term (>10 years) and intensive use of mobile phones an increased risk for brain tumors exactly at the side of the head at which the mobile phone was used. The results from animal experiments, although of minor significance, supported the decision. Not discussed, however, was research that shows changes in the structure and functions of genes. Had they been included in the evaluation, the classification would not have been ‘possibly carcinogenic’ but rather ‘probably carcinogenic’.The general public is confronted with two different views, one represented by politics and industry and one by the growing number of independent researchers. Ordinary people have either no idea of the probably adverse effects of radiofrequency radiation or have full confidence in the exposure limits that according to their governments reliably protect from risk to the health. They do not know that the exposure limits are based on pseudo-science thought to create the necessary legal frame for a telecommunication industry that wants to make use of the new technology without being hampered by medical considerations.For a medical doctor like me, the conclusion from the present state of knowledge must be that a precautionary approach is overdue and must not be delayed anymore.<strong>Dr Alfonso Balmori, PhD, Biologist, Researcher on effects of electromagnetic fields on </strong><strong>wildlife, Valladolid, Spain. </strong><strong> </strong>The ongoing invasion of radiation caused by Wi-Fi transmitters and other radiofrequency sources represents a denial of scientific evidence and extreme myopia. It is absurd when cable can be used with much greater speeds that schools choose to do so by air. Moreover health must take priority over access to information. Wi-Fi systems are being senselessly installed, even for young children. Society is performing an extremely dangerous and suicidal experiment with them. In it are included not only the children of those who are convinced that electromagnetic radiation is harmful but also the children of the promoters of such systems, both politicians and those who work in the communications industry and also the scientists who deny the evidence. The problems of depression, attention deficit and insomnia in children are increasing worldwide at an alarming rate.<strong> </strong><strong>Dr Vini G. Khurana, MBBS, BSc (Med), PhD, FRACS, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, </strong><strong>Australian</strong><strong> National University Medical School</strong><strong>; Currently Visiting Attending Neurosurgeon, </strong><strong>Royal</strong><strong> Melbourne Hospital</strong><strong>. </strong><strong> </strong>The concerns raised regarding the unnecessary and prolonged exposure of children to near-field radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from mobile phones, wireless laptops and nearby Wi-Fi transmitters in schools are shared by many.A precautionary approach is realistically achieved without compromising convenience and safety.There are good grounds for adopting such an approach in children, particularly in the context of the WHO’s recent classification of RF-EMR as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, and the fact that children may be more susceptible to any adverse health effects of RF-EMR owing to their thinner scalp and skull, increased brain water content, lower brain volume, and rapidly developing neural connections.<strong>Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe, BM, Emergency Room Registrar, Medical Advisor ES-UK </strong>Radiofrequency radiation was classified last year (2011) as a class 2B carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)/World Health Organization (WHO). This means that Global Health Authorities are concerned that this kind of radiation (used by many kinds of household wireless devices) may cause cancer. There are several convincing mechanisms via which cellular disruption is taking place and all bodily systems are potentially vulnerable. All persons should, in my opinion, take precaution to reduce their exposure to unnatural radiation, including that from non-ionizing, non-thermal sources such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, cordless landlines and many others. This advice is particularly important for parents and Education Authorities when creating home and school environments because children are more vulnerable to this kind of radiation.Science has repeatedly and clearly demonstrated adverse effects of artificial electromagnetic fields on biological systems. It is far too late for timely intervention, but failure to act now with conviction and protect our children could lead to a national health disaster.<strong>Dr Olle Johansson, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, and Professor, The </strong><strong>Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. </strong>Wireless communication is now being implemented in our daily life in a very fast way. At the same time, it is becoming more and more obvious that the exposure to the electromagnetic fields used by these systems not only may induce acute thermal effects to living organisms, but also non-thermal effects, the latter often after longer exposures. This has been demonstrated in a very large number of studies and includes cellular DNA-damage, disruptions and alterations of cellular functions like increases in intracellular stimulatory pathways and calcium handling, disruption of tissue structures like the blood-brain barrier, impact on vessel and immune functions, association to cancer, and loss of fertility.Wireless systems, such as Wi-Fi routers and cell/mobile/smart phones, cannot be regarded as safe in schools, but must be deemed highly hazardous and unsafe for the children as well as for the staff.<strong>Dr Martin Blank, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, College of </strong><strong>Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, USA. </strong>Just because we allow microwaves, doesn’t mean that Wi-Fi at the same frequency should be allowed into all classrooms. There is now sufficient scientific data about the biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF), and in particular about radiofrequency (RF) radiation, to argue for adoption of precautionary measures. We can state unequivocally that EMF can cause single and double strand DNA breakage at exposure levels that are considered safe under the FCC guidelines in the USA.EMF have been shown to cause other potentially harmful biological effects, such as leakage of the blood brain barrier that can lead to damage of neurons in the brain, increased micronuclei (DNA fragments) in human blood lymphocytes, all at EMF exposures well below the limits in the current FCC guidelines. Probably the most convincing evidence of potential harm comes from living cells themselves when they start to manufacture stress proteins upon exposure to EMF. The stress response occurs with a number of potentially harmful environmental factors, such as elevated temperature, changes in pH, toxic metals, etc. This means that when stress protein synthesis is stimulated by radiofrequency or power frequency EMF, the body is telling us in its own language that RF exposure is potentially harmful.It is obvious that the safety standards must be revised downward to take into account the non-thermal as well as thermal biological responses that occur at much lower intensities. Since we cannot rely on the current standards, it is best to act according to the precautionary principle. The precautionary approach appears to be the most reasonable for those who must protect the health and welfare of the public and especially its most vulnerable members, children of school-age.<strong>Professor Dr. Oleg Grigoriev, PhD, Director of the Russian Centre for Electromagnetic Safety </strong><strong>and Vice-Chairman of the RCNIRP. Dr. of Medical Science, Chairman of the Russian National </strong><strong>Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RCNIRP); member of International Advising </strong><strong>Committee on WHO EMF Project. </strong>Our committee is against the use of Wi-Fi systems in schools. The reason is that it forms a very complex form of electromagnetic field, but in this case the probability of biological effect is higher than when the same total dose is created by one source of unmodulated electromagnetic field. This pattern is for non-thermal electromagnetic fields. There are very good studies that have shown that prolonged exposure to low-intensity radio waves in children disturbed cognitive function, and we trust this research.<strong>Dr Magda Havas, PhD, Associate Professor, Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent </strong><strong>University</strong><strong>, Ontario, Canada</strong><strong>. </strong>I am a scientist researching the adverse health outcomes of electromagnetic radiation exposure, including from sources such as WI-FI networks and cell towers. I conducted a study that showed immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability associated with microwave exposure to a frequency of 2.4 GHz at levels well below (0.5 percent) federal guidelines. The reactions include heart irregularities, a rapid heart rate, up-regulation of the sympathetic nervous system, and down-regulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.It is important that children be exposed to the important education, life experiences, and social structures that public education offers, but they must not be risking their health to do so! Children must not be exposed to a constant background of pulsed microwave radiation from WI-FI (or other sources) while at school.The Internet is an important learning device that should not be taken away. I simply urge that its access be made available through wires rather than Wi-Fi.<strong>Professor Dr. Christos Georgiou, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Patras, Greece </strong>Every child has the non-negotiable, obvious right to a healthy and safe school environment.Governments and school boards can no longer trust the wireless communication industry’s monotonous slogan that Wi-Fi and cell phones are safe. In May 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified microwave radiation, emitted by such wireless devices, as a possible carcinogen. WHO could no longer ignore the scientific and social pressure from numerous studies, which have shown that WiFi/cell phone radiation penetrates the body, affects cell membranes, makes cells lose their ability to function properly over time, and disturbs the body’s normal metabolism causing numerous abnormalities and diseases.Children are especially vulnerable to microwave radiation because their nervous system and especially the brain are still developing. Moreover, their skulls are thinner and smaller than those of the adults, so the radiation penetrates their brains more freely and deeply.Microwave radiation displays in children life threatening short and long term effects: the short term effects are experienced as headaches, dizziness, nausea, vertigo, fatigue, visual and auditory distortion (voices change volume, ringing ears), abnormal heart rates (racing heart rate or tachycardia, erratic heart rates), memory loss, attention deficit (trouble concentrating while in class), skin rash, hyperactivity, anxiety, autism, depression, night sweats, insomnia (microwaves affect melatonin levels), learning impairment, behavioral changes etc; the long term effects are expressed as stress, a weakened immune system, seizures, epilepsy, high blood pressure, brain damage, diabetes, fibromyalgia, infertility, birth defects, DNA damage, leukemia, cancer, etc.<strong>Professor Dr. Alvaro Augusto A. de Salles, PhD, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal </strong><strong>University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. </strong><strong> </strong>I believe that responsible governments should act firmly to avoid the use of mobile/smart phones and Wi-Fi in schools. The main reasons are due to the scientific evidence already available in the international literature (e.g., Bioinitiative report, Pathophysiology 2009, Interphone report, Hardell’s group papers, etc) showing health risks even at low level exposure to the non-ionizing radiation (NIR), the 2011 IARC/WHO possible carcinogenic (2 B) classification of the NIR and because due to different reasons, the children are more susceptible to this radiation.Then the “Precautionary Principle” should effectively be used in this subject and instead of wireless connection, other fixed connections such as twisted pairs, coaxial cables, optical fiber, etc should be available for each student, avoiding therefore exposure during several hours to the NIR.If serious and responsible decisions are not taken in due time, the price in terms of future generations public health can be very high.<strong>Professor Dr. Nesrin Seyhan, Medical Faculty and Chair of Biophysics Department, Gazi </strong><strong>University</strong><strong>, Turkey</strong><strong>; WHO EMF International Advisory Committee; Panel Member NATO RTA </strong><strong>Human Factors and Medicine. </strong>Dr. Seyhan, founder of the Gazi Non-Ionizing Protection Center (GNRK), always opposes radiofrequency sources near schools. She believes that potential adverse health effects from the children’s use of Wi-Fi and cell/mobile/smart phone would be greater than with respect to adults. She also recommends that children younger than 16-years-old should not have their own mobile phone.</div>
Other studies which have shown harmful effects of non-ionising electromagnetic radiation include (this is not comprehensive):
<table cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″>
<td valign=”top”><strong>TITLE</strong></td>
<td valign=”top”><strong>AUTHORS</strong></td>
<td valign=”top”><strong>DATE</strong></td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile phone related-hazards and subjective hearing and vision symptoms in the Saudi population”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Meo SA, Al-Drees AM</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Cellular phone effects on otoacoustic emissions”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Grisanti G, Parlapiano C, Tamburello CC, Tine G, Zanforlin L</td>
<td valign=”top”>1998</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Assessment of Potential Effects of Electromagnetic Fields of Mobile Phones on Hearing”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Uloziene, Uloza, Gradauskiene, Saferis</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Hearing level and intensive use of mobile phones”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Sebastian Gil E, Marco Algarra J.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Vestibular schwannoma, tinitus and cellular telephones”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Hardell L, Mild KH, Sandstrom M, Carlberg M, Hallquist A, Pahlson A</td>
<td valign=”top”>2003</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan”</td>
<td valign=”top”>T. Takebayashi, S. Akiba, Y. Kikuchi, et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2007</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma Risk in Japan”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Takebayashi, Akiba, Kikuchi, Taki, et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2006</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Schoemaker M. J., Swerdlow A. J., Ahlbom A., et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lonn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lonn, Ahlbom, Hall, Fetching, et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Cellular Telephone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Christensen,Schuz,Kosteljanetz,et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“A Study of the Effects of Cellular Telephone Microwave Radiation on the Auditory System in Healthy Men”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Mora, Crippa, Mora, Dellepiane</td>
<td valign=”top”>2006</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Experimental study and mechanism analysis on bioeffects by nanosecond electromagnetic pulses”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Wang BY, Yang JB, Guo QG, Xu RM, Liu CJ, Zhang H, Zou FD, Wang ZS</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Bioeffects induced by exposure to microwaves are mitigated by superposition of ELF noise”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Litovitz TA, Penafiel LM, Farrel JM, Krause D, Meister R, Mullins JM</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The modification of the effect of microwave radiation on the biochemical processes in anaphylactic shock by using exposure to a weak and perturbed geomagnetic field”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Podkovkin VG</td>
<td valign=”top”>1993</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Development and form of shortwave thermal zones in an agar body”</td>
<td valign=”top”>ALBRECHT, W.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1935</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Repeated exposure to low-level extremely low frequency-modulated microwaves”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Vorobyov V, Pesic V, Janac B, Prolic Z.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Working with Visual Display Units”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Robinette et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1980</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Children’s Health and Environment: A Review of Evidence: A Joint Report from the European Environmental Agency and The World Health Organization”</td>
<td valign=”top”>World Health Organization</td>
<td valign=”top”>2002</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Agar-Bridge System for Exposing Cell Cultures to Electric Fields”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Theriault</td>
<td valign=”top”>1994</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Modification of lethal radiation injury in mice by postradiation exposure to low-intensity centimeter-band radio frequency waves”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Akoev IG, Mel’nikov VM, Usachev AV, Kozhokaru AF</td>
<td valign=”top”>1994</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)”</td>
<td valign=”top”>International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection</td>
<td valign=”top”>0</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The Impulse UHF Field in Experimental and Clinical Practice”</td>
<td valign=”top”>ABRIKOSOV, I. A.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1954</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The Action of a Pulsed Electric UHF Field on the Organism”</td>
<td valign=”top”>ABRIKOSOV, I. A.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1955</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The role of coherence time in the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Litovitz TA, Krause D, Penafiel M, Elson EC, Mullins JM</td>
<td valign=”top”>1993</td>
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<td valign=”top”>“The possible role of radiofrequency radiation in the development of uveal melanoma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Stang A, Anastassiou G, Ahrens W, Bromen K, Bornfeld N, Jockel KH</td>
<td valign=”top”>2001</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Potential Hazards of Hertizan Radiation and Tumors”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Zaret, M</td>
<td valign=”top”>1977</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effect of low-energy and high-peak-power nanosecond pulses of microwave radiation on malignant tumors”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Devyatkov ND, Pletnyov SD, Betskii OV, Faikin VV</td>
<td valign=”top”>2001</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The Production of Tumor Necrosis Factor in Cells of Tumor-Bearing Mice After Total-Body Microwave Irradiation and Antioxidant Diet”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Novoselova EG, Ogay VB, Sorokina OV, Glushkova OV, Sinotova OA, Fesenko EE.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effect of centimeter microwaves and the combined magnetic field on the tumor necrosis factor production in cells of mice with experimental tumors”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Novoselova EG, Ogai VB, Sorokina OV, Novikov VV, Fesenko EE</td>
<td valign=”top”>20</td>
There thousands more ladies and gentlemen.
Dr Roman Schulze seen here presenting to the Glendale Unified School District on how WiFi is safe for the kids.

Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze on his pro classroom wireless evangelism tour up in Glendale California.
According to a 30 year old section of the California Education Code, it is illegal to expose children to a Class 2B Carcinogen in schools. I believe that the school district personnel responsible for this need to go to jail for what they are involved in. Maybe that is why Superintendent Dr. George Giokaris decided to forgo wireless in the Fullerton Joint Union High School District and hard wire the campuses.
Here is Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeretis of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, and Merry Callahan, health advocate, presenting updated information on the health impacts from EMF radiation to the Portland Oregon School Board from September of 2013. Two brilliant 3-minute talks exposing the FABLE of the harmlessness of WiFi, a form of radiation no less dangerous than nuclear fallout, causing autism, diabetes 2, and cardiovascular disease, a form of radiation that Roman Schulze says is safe. Stay tuned as there is much more to come as we continue to end the largest radiation experiment on children that the world has ever known and we continue to expose the people like Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze that at all costs, are hell bent on making sure it continues.
I wonder what one does with this information? I wonder what one does with the information in the article below this post? READ THIS-
Published on Oct 7, 2013
- Martin Pall presentation entitled, Microwave electromagnetic fields do not work by heating. They produce health effects by VGCC activation.
More information Martin L. Pall , Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, The Tenth Paradigm Research Group ,martin_pall@wsu.edu
With the media blackout on the wireless agenda like nothing I have ever seen in my entire life, thank God that the traffic on this site continues to grow. Folks there are an awful lot of eyes on this debacle in our little neck of the woods. Yes, we are up against a trillion dollar industry and now being joined by the educrat lackeys who are taking your tax money to bed with the media who will never let you in on what is about to be rolled out right before your very eyes right here. It is time to let you know that there is more to this story than what you are being spoon fed folks. Here is your tax money at work and boy is there more to this than meets the eye.
With the almost totally exclusive contracts in the schools

Fullerton’s high priest in the cult of Mac- Superintendent Robert Pletka handing out communion-6000 ipads
and Apple gets to deploy their devices in the laps of our children at school all day
It is all at the behest of people like yours truly
Obama’s ” Connect ED” scheme with his pal at the FCC ,Tom Weeler, will have EVERY CLASSROOM IN THE NATION WIRELESS IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS

My favorite pen stroke in office was to overturn the Mexico City Policy because I love unborn children and babies. There is a reason for not including in vitro in my new health plan.
The education superhighway to hell-tech execs pledge BILLIONS FOR CLASSROOM WIFI-ubiquitous Wi-Fi NO LESS
Apple has pledged $100 million in the form of iPads, desktop and laptop computers, and other educational tools to President Obama’s ConnectED initiative that seeks to connect 99 percent of America’s students to wireless high-speed internet.

Wireless microwave radiation forced exposure from the cradle to the grave for this generation. It ought not be so.
So what is the goal of the proliferation of these wireless devices?
It can’t be good for the children yet we send them off everyday with a lunch and a kiss so they can irradiate their reproductive organs
as people like these install wireless networks in all of our schools

LAUSD’s billion dollar raccoon eyed Deasy -So Cal’s number two king of wireless classrooms behind Pletka as he legislates from the bench without his black robe. Not sleeping well these days? EASY DEASY, cuz kids are coming to your board meetings with teachers complaining about nosebleeds, insomnia, bleeding from their ears and all kinds of problems that your staff refuses to file incident reports on.

Orange County Department of Education Superintendent Al Mijares—Hey Al, whatcya been doing with all of those emails we been sending to the board for the last year and a half? They never got them? Why did you pull wireless of the shelf at the last board meeting? Is it because you read my email about the ed code violations?

Greg Duyvetter Superintendent of schools for The Catholic Diocese of Orange who refuses to turn off the wireless in all of Orange County’s Catholic schools -Hey Greg, you should have stuck to your singing gig over at St Barbara’s. Hey, you still tight with father Harris over at my Alma mater Mater Dei. I always wondered why his office was all the way at the end of the hall.

FSD Superintendent Robert Pletka drunk on wireless technology and high on common core-He could stop this if he wanted to.

Fullertons very own Dr. Roman Schulze’s show on the road in Glendale-“wifi safe” with the Captain from Executive Environmental who cooks the RF reports to order for the district.

Glendale Unified Trustee Mary Boger- on the Fullerton Informer-“..junk science, bullying and fear mongering.”
GLENDALE UNIFIED’S VERY OWN MARY BOGER ON THE FULLERTON INFORMER JUNK SCIENCE, BULLYING AND FEAR MONGERING « The Fullerton Informer https://thefullertoninformer.com/glendale-usds-very-own-mary-boger-on-the-fullerton-informer-junk-science-bullying-and-fear-mongering/

The irradiating brass on stage-Janny Meyer FSD trustee, State Superintendent Tom Torlakson, Fullerton council member Doug Chaffee and hiding in the back row enter through the side door Orange County Superintendent of schools for $300,000 plus per year-Al Mijares–Hey Janny your car is still running with the keys in the ignition and Tom don’t forget your wearing your glasses. Doug, we don’t care what you have to say because your three minutes were up in the parking lot.
While people like this ignore the warnings in Sacramento

Torlakson and Silva just couldn’t do the right thing so they just had the stool pigeon write the apology. –

Planned Parenthood’s Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva-who scores a whopping zero on the pro life voting score card. Oh but she loves the veterans so much that she wants to give them a cemetery while they drop like flies at the VA.
Sharon did it ever occur to you that Planned Parenthood just might go out of business if we don’t stop the wireless sterilization of children in the schools? No pregnancy means no abortions which means no body parts and no dinero for your proud eugenicist monster sponsor that is a creation from the pit of hell. Some people will do anything for money. http://maplight.org/california/legislator/1719-sharon-quirk-silva
Check out this Orwellian diatribe on calling baby killing “smart pro women’s public health policies” Planned Parenthood’s centerfold model-Sharon Quirk Silva

Senator Bob Huff-How empty can a suit get? No response, no concern no comment on the plight of the children.

Autism conference host where the solution is a room full of drug pushers and vaccine inventors while he and his cohorts totally ignore the wireless connection to the epidemic. No respect I tell ya.
http://autism.senate.ca.gov/informationalhearings 9-13-13
In Washington

US House of Rep Ed Royce (R) Empty suit? Well since you asked? May I present to you NDAA signator Ed Royce who continues ignoring every email ever sent to him on the plight of the children. Oh but he beats the war drum so loud you need noise cancelling headphones.
Locally in town wireless for all the kids

Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children. I still don’t get the bow tie.

Ignores repeated emails about the wireless connection to Autism and to top it off his charity group donates money for wirelesss technology to the FSD and blocks me from Facebook

Michelle Garden-“the leader of Acacia” is a strong advocate for wireless technology in the Fullerton school district and is the wife of Dr. Roman Schulze. ” My husband just enjoys arguing his well-researched point…it is sport for him” – See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/#comment-25501
If I were Dr. Roman Schulze, I think I would find another hobby.

Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children eventually resulting in me removing my eldest child from her school. She just smiles at everything.

She looks like my neighbor, pretty trippy. Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children and continues to direct money into technology with the fundraising efforts district wide.

Acacia elementary principal Karen Whisnant, who has a PHD in placation in my opinion, and is an ardent wireless technology supporter who personally refused and directed my children’s teachers to refuse, on multiple occasions, written information on the dangers of classroom microwave radiation including at a PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE. She has also called the police on parents for handing out fliers on the sidewalk trying to warn parents of the dangers. My other three children were subsequently removed from the school.
Lets look at some local connections to the Apple mother ship.
Fisler principal Trang Lai

Ignores everything we ever sent her and continues on the path of forced microwave exposure for the children on the west side.
Ted Lai

Is this the apple connection for the FSD? Is this the husband of Fisler principal Trang Lai? Hey we can read.
Prior to joining Apple, Ted Lai was most recently the Director of Technology & Media Services at Fullerton School District, home of Robert C. Fisler School (a 1:1 laptop Apple Distinguished School) and Valencia Park Elementary (a 1:1 mobile device Apple Distinguished Program).
Lest we forget Jan Weiner from Cal State Fullerton as she chimed in from her Autism offices on campus next to the freeway-here is the story on that nice dialogue she engaged in to ensure the irradiation of school children continues – https://thefullertoninformer.com/jan-weiner-speaks/
Yeah, they may be listening but they sure as heck are not paying attention.
Gail Lyons, who taught my kids Sunday school classes over at EV Free lent a deaf ear to my board meeting presentation, written materials and emails.
Kevin Hobby ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.
Ron Todd ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.
Alicia Maciel ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.

The more things change, the more they remain the same. EV Free Fullerton-Home to Mike Erre, Jennifer Fitzgerald on Sunday’s and occasionally to Pletlka’s crowd for shin digs when summer winds down or when they just need some paint jobs for the dilapidated school buildings that a couple hundred million a year in school district tax money can’t take care of .
My dad told me that you will know a tree by its fruit, so did Jesus.

EV FREE FULLERTON’S SENIOR PASTOR MIKE ERRE “We got some Ipad today guys and let me just say I know how much you love it because you email me overwhelmingly and you ask for more ipad, and so as a man who wants to honor the wishes of (pause) people cuz I always…….” Mike Erre 9-14-14 from the pulpit. –
You know, statements like that should not be coming out of the mouth of a so called Christian pastor in a Christian church from the pulpit during a Sunday morning service while he is thumbing through the Word of God, especially in light of all of the information that he has been provided with on this issue including the satanic roots Apple has- http://apple666.org/ . Not to mention the battle raging over the wireless in the schools that he is no stranger to. as EV Free Fullerton is host to many a shindig for the establishment in town. Ironically, as a matter of fact, after many failed attempts to reach him, with NO responses, this is what we get-
Mail Delivery Subsystem
Aug 13,2014
to me
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain evfreefullerton.com by mail.fefcful.org. [].
The error that the other server returned was:
550 Blocked
– See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/fullertons-doctor-roman-schulze-says-wifi-is-safe/#comment-94976

GO TO 4:40-watch for yourself and tell me what this has to do with The Gospel of Luke
In the meantime,people like this man who pose as a philanthropist and savior of the poor ,ram vaccines and wireless down our kids throats everywhere else like in their bedrooms because the wireless transmitters in the Xbox never shut off even if you power it off unless you unplug the unit. The wireless controllers spend all the time irradiating their laps by design-read up on the satanization and sterilization of your children right here-http://apple666.org
see more on the video game component to the sterilization of our children here
So what is the goal?
Girls are born with their eggs but not mosquitos.
Humans are looked upon as animals by people like
So with the hots for your children’s bloodstreams not able to satisfy him, what does he do? He gets into the education business.

He gets into the vaccine business with a billion dollar charity.
TO UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION HEADQUARTERS IN SEATTLE, YOU MUST READ THIS-https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/
No shots, no school, no problem, no kidding?
He gets into the wireless common core roll out
Common core is being rolled out all over the USA and it is being delivered in a wireless environment. Project Inkwell of which our VERY own Fullerton Trustee Hilda Sugarman IS A member
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.

That thing will be in his lap tonight, under his pillow tonight, and back in his lap again tomorrow at school…and the band played on.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
Hilda Sugarman
1401 W Valencia Dr. Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 447-7410
(Please be sure to include your e-mail address if a response is requested.)
Born and educated in San Francisco Hilda attended Lowell High School, UC Berkeley and San Francisco State. Hilda literally married the boy up the block, Michael.
Hilda taught a few years while her husband was training. Her teaching experiences were in Hunters’ Point, Harlem, and Washington, DC. She loved it.
Mike, her husband, is an Internist/Rheumatoligist here in Fullerton. He is also President of the St. Jude Heritage Medical Group. They have two sons, Jason and Steven. The boys attended Richman, Laguna Road, Parks and Sunny Hills High Schools in Fullerton. Hilda was PTA President and Site Council President of these schools and President of Fullerton PTA Council. She also was team mom for the sport teams of the boys and sat on the Boards of the Fullerton Rangers, Boy Scouts and Golden Hill Little League. Mom Hilda has chaperoned trips to Washington, DC, Sacramento, US High School Select athletes to Russia, and Little League Players to their World Series. When the boys left for college, Hilda was on their college parent groups and even acted as a team mom. But that wasn’t the same as working here in Fullerton.
In 1996 Hilda was elected to the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees. She led the successful Bond Drive for improving school facilities. Some know her as a force for 21st century education and implementation of schools of choice in the Fullerton School District. Hilda serves on the Orange County School Board Committee. She also is an active member of the All the Arts for All the Kids Foundation, the Fullerton Excellence in Education Foundation, and the Assistance League of Fullerton. Nationally she serves on the Curriki Foundation and Project Inkwell.
The one thing that each of these activities have in common is their focus on children. Improving the quality of life and education of children is her passion.
THE technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
see how the arts is a trojan horse for wireless ladies and gentlemen
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.

The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
This is all part of Agenda 21 ladies and gentlemen and it knows no borders
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
What do wireless emissions do to human reproduction? Scientists tell us that it causes infertility. I would like for us to instead consult the designers and artists of this 5billion dollar corporate headquarters.
APPLE HEADQUARTERS IN CUPERTINO-dubbed the building that will “save us all”
Schematic of the Cupertino campus layout-pretty insightful if you ask me.

Sperm talking “Man its a good thing I never made it in because my buddy in the upper right corner is getting electrocuted in there..”
Another schematic from the Cupertino campus layout.
Now this is a schematic of a human egg being fertilized by a sperm-note the similarities-
So with all the money in the world and all the tea in China, why are they spending 5 billion dollars on a facility that is designed to simulate failed conception?
This is a more detailed schematic of Apple’s Cupertino headquarters-note the unmistakable similarity to the human fertiliation process except this one does not undergo cell division
What is going on here? It is fertiliztion
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
500 million is still too many?
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
Where the hell did everybody go?
Folks get these things out of your childrens’ laps and better yet, get them out of the wireless classrooms.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
These are school district employees on school property on the clock acting out some bizarre ritual-
Don’t bank your lineage on these people who apparently see nothing wrong with aiming a toy gun on school property at an effigy of someone carrying a case with a Christian symbol on it.
The white shirted one says it is all safe as he takes his show on the road to irradiate the school children while on this blog he makes fun of the “man in the sky”
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
while the vampire is running the blood bank at The FCC
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The unmitigated public health disaster in the making.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
Before wireless in schools
After wireless in schools
the target

Why are there so many attempts in life by evil people to wreck what I hold so dearly and carefully for that magic moment?
the weapon

Ipads emit more microwave radiation than cell phones. Cell phone use is voluntary among adults and most certainly not for 8-10 hours per day in their laps. Ipads in school, well that is another story. Once the kids are addicted to them at home, well kiss the sunlight exposure and normal sleep patterns goodbye. As for their progeny someday, please revert back the mid section of this article.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The deployment

The antenna is right on his zipper, or for the girls, right on their ovaries emitting microwave radiation levels trillions of times background levels when the device is WiFi enabled .
The frequencies
The power levels are – ten to the fourteenth power above normal background levels at 2.4 GHz which is the frequency at which the maximum dielectric loss of water begins. What a convenient coincidence.
Your children in school:

Your request to turn off wireless systems in the Fullerton School District is “respectfully denied”-Robert Pletka
The stuff doesn’t belong here.

The Earth has ZERO atmospheric opacity to Microwaves because they are almost totally non-existent in nature.
How exposure guidelines were developed
What they think of you and I
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.

Martin Pall presentation entitled, Microwave electromagnetic fields do not work by heating. They produce health effects by VGCC activation.
More information Martin L. Pall , Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, The Tenth Paradigm Research Group ,martin_pall@wsu.edu
Scientists and Medical Doctors Advise Against
Wy and Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, USA. Chronic, such as all-day, school exposure, is more likely than short and intermittent exposure, such as cell phone use, to produce harmful health effects, and is likely to do so at lower exposure levels. Children are more vulnerable to RF/MW radiation because of the susceptibility of their developing nervous systems. Children are largely unable to remove themselves from exposures to harmful substances in their environments. Their exposure is involuntary. There is a major legal difference between an exposure that an individual chooses to accept and one that is forced upon a person, especially a dependent, who can do nothing about it. WiFi must be banned from school deployment. Professor Lukas H. Margaritis, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology and Radiobiology, Dept of Cell Biology and Biophysics, University of Athens, Greece. Having done experiments on cellular model systems we have found an effect from electromagnetic radiation from WiFi. I have strongly suggested for years now that they should be used only if absolutely necessary in the home and not at all in schools. There is no reason for having WiFi in schools since there is an alternative – wired connections which are safer and faster. Dr Mae-Wan Ho, PhD, FRSA, Director of the Institute of Science in Society, London, UK. It is very important for schools and other public places frequented by children to be free of Wi-Fi. The evidence on ‘non-thermal’ biological effects of electromagnetic fields is now indisputable and children are many times more at risk than adults.
Dr Norbert Hankin, PhD, Environmental Scientist, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, Environmental Protection Agency, USA. The growing use of wireless communications by children and by schools will result in prolonged long-term exposure of developing children to low-intensity pulse modulated radiofrequency radiation.Recent studies involving short-term exposures have demonstrated that subtle effects on brain functions can be produced by low-intensity pulse modulated radiofrequency radiation. Some research involving rodents has shown adverse effects on short-term and long-term memory. The concern is that if such effects may occur in young children, then even slight impairment of learning ability over years of education may negatively affect the quality of life that could be achieved by these individuals, when adults.Dr Annie Sasco, MD, PhD, Director, Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention, INSERM (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale) Research Unit, School of Public Health, Victor-Segalen Bordeaux 2 Université, France. Formerly International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Unit Chief of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention. If we want to wait for final proof, at least in terms of cancer, it may still take 20 years and the issue will become that we will not have unexposed population to act as control. We may never have the absolute final proof. But we have enough data to go ahead with a precautionary principle to avoid exposures (radiofrequencies) which are unnecessary if our goal is to reduce somewhat the burden of cancer in the years to come and other chronic diseases.Dr Stelios A. Zinelis, BA, MD, Hellenic Cancer Society, Cefallonia, Greece We should not subject and force electromagnetic radiation on school children. Technology can be applied by a wired connection. Effects of the electromagnetic radiation have been well documented and should not be ignored. The past has taught as many lessons, for example asbestos. Dr Belyaev Dr.Sc., Head Research Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Science, Slovak Republic; Associate Professor in Toxicological Genetics, Faculty of Natural Science, Stockholm University, Sweden. To my opinion, which is based on 25-year research of non-thermal effects of microwaves, usage of Wi-Fi and cell/mobile/smart phones in the classroom should be either forbidden or reduced as much as possible. I believe that the majority of scientists with long lasting experience in this scientific field are of the same opinion. Several national authorities have already advised limiting usage of mobile communication by children.Dr Samuel Milham MD, MPH, Epidemiology and Public Health, Formerly Washington State Department of Health, USA. Wireless technologies have no place in schools. I strongly recommend that where they exist, they be replaced by fiber-optic cable and hard wiring.Professor Dr. Franz Adlkofer, MD, Chairman of Pandora – Foundation for Independent Research. While the use of mobile phones is the result of people’s free choice, their exposure to W-LAN and other wireless applications is mostly compulsory. Especially concerned are children in schools where this technology has been given preference to wired computers. Since our knowledge on possible adverse effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields is still rather poor, it is obvious that at present the biggest biophysical experiment of mankind is under way – with an uncertain outcome.In May 2011, the uncertainty has been strengthened by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’. This decision was mainly based on the results of epidemiological studies that observed after long-term (>10 years) and intensive use of mobile phones an increased risk for brain tumors exactly at the side of the head at which the mobile phone was used. The results from animal experiments, although of minor significance, supported the decision. Not discussed, however, was research that shows changes in the structure and functions of genes. Had they been included in the evaluation, the classification would not have been ‘possibly carcinogenic’ but rather ‘probably carcinogenic’.The general public is confronted with two different views, one represented by politics and industry and one by the growing number of independent researchers. Ordinary people have either no idea of the probably adverse effects of radiofrequency radiation or have full confidence in the exposure limits that according to their governments reliably protect from risk to the health. They do not know that the exposure limits are based on pseudo-science thought to create the necessary legal frame for a telecommunication industry that wants to make use of the new technology without being hampered by medical considerations.For a medical doctor like me, the conclusion from the present state of knowledge must be that a precautionary approach is overdue and must not be delayed anymore.Dr Alfonso Balmori, PhD, Biologist, Researcher on effects of electromagnetic fields on wildlife, Valladolid, Spain. The ongoing invasion of radiation caused by Wi-Fi transmitters and other radiofrequency sources represents a denial of scientific evidence and extreme myopia. It is absurd when cable can be used with much greater speeds that schools choose to do so by air. Moreover health must take priority over access to information. Wi-Fi systems are being senselessly installed, even for young children. Society is performing an extremely dangerous and suicidal experiment with them. In it are included not only the children of those who are convinced that electromagnetic radiation is harmful but also the children of the promoters of such systems, both politicians and those who work in the communications industry and also the scientists who deny the evidence. The problems of depression, attention deficit and insomnia in children are increasing worldwide at an alarming rate. Dr Vini G. Khurana, MBBS, BSc (Med), PhD, FRACS, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Australian National University Medical School; Currently Visiting Attending Neurosurgeon, Royal Melbourne Hospital. The concerns raised regarding the unnecessary and prolonged exposure of children to near-field radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from mobile phones, wireless laptops and nearby Wi-Fi transmitters in schools are shared by many.A precautionary approach is realistically achieved without compromising convenience and safety.There are good grounds for adopting such an approach in children, particularly in the context of the WHO’s recent classification of RF-EMR as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, and the fact that children may be more susceptible to any adverse health effects of RF-EMR owing to their thinner scalp and skull, increased brain water content, lower brain volume, and rapidly developing neural connections.Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe, BM, Emergency Room Registrar, Medical Advisor ES-UK Radiofrequency radiation was classified last year (2011) as a class 2B carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)/World Health Organization (WHO). This means that Global Health Authorities are concerned that this kind of radiation (used by many kinds of household wireless devices) may cause cancer. There are several convincing mechanisms via which cellular disruption is taking place and all bodily systems are potentially vulnerable. All persons should, in my opinion, take precaution to reduce their exposure to unnatural radiation, including that from non-ionizing, non-thermal sources such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, cordless landlines and many others. This advice is particularly important for parents and Education Authorities when creating home and school environments because children are more vulnerable to this kind of radiation.Science has repeatedly and clearly demonstrated adverse effects of artificial electromagnetic fields on biological systems. It is far too late for timely intervention, but failure to act now with conviction and protect our children could lead to a national health disaster.Dr Olle Johansson, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, and Professor, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Wireless communication is now being implemented in our daily life in a very fast way. At the same time, it is becoming more and more obvious that the exposure to the electromagnetic fields used by these systems not only may induce acute thermal effects to living organisms, but also non-thermal effects, the latter often after longer exposures. This has been demonstrated in a very large number of studies and includes cellular DNA-damage, disruptions and alterations of cellular functions like increases in intracellular stimulatory pathways and calcium handling, disruption of tissue structures like the blood-brain barrier, impact on vessel and immune functions, association to cancer, and loss of fertility.Wireless systems, such as Wi-Fi routers and cell/mobile/smart phones, cannot be regarded as safe in schools, but must be deemed highly hazardous and unsafe for the children as well as for the staff.Dr Martin Blank, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, USA. Just because we allow microwaves, doesn’t mean that Wi-Fi at the same frequency should be allowed into all classrooms. There is now sufficient scientific data about the biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF), and in particular about radiofrequency (RF) radiation, to argue for adoption of precautionary measures. We can state unequivocally that EMF can cause single and double strand DNA breakage at exposure levels that are considered safe under the FCC guidelines in the USA.EMF have been shown to cause other potentially harmful biological effects, such as leakage of the blood brain barrier that can lead to damage of neurons in the brain, increased micronuclei (DNA fragments) in human blood lymphocytes, all at EMF exposures well below the limits in the current FCC guidelines. Probably the most convincing evidence of potential harm comes from living cells themselves when they start to manufacture stress proteins upon exposure to EMF. The stress response occurs with a number of potentially harmful environmental factors, such as elevated temperature, changes in pH, toxic metals, etc. This means that when stress protein synthesis is stimulated by radiofrequency or power frequency EMF, the body is telling us in its own language that RF exposure is potentially harmful.It is obvious that the safety standards must be revised downward to take into account the non-thermal as well as thermal biological responses that occur at much lower intensities. Since we cannot rely on the current standards, it is best to act according to the precautionary principle. The precautionary approach appears to be the most reasonable for those who must protect the health and welfare of the public and especially its most vulnerable members, children of school-age.Professor Dr. Oleg Grigoriev, PhD, Director of the Russian Centre for Electromagnetic Safety and Vice-Chairman of the RCNIRP. Dr. of Medical Science, Chairman of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RCNIRP); member of International Advising Committee on WHO EMF Project. Our committee is against the use of Wi-Fi systems in schools. The reason is that it forms a very complex form of electromagnetic field, but in this case the probability of biological effect is higher than when the same total dose is created by one source of unmodulated electromagnetic field. This pattern is for non-thermal electromagnetic fields. There are very good studies that have shown that prolonged exposure to low-intensity radio waves in children disturbed cognitive function, and we trust this research.Dr Magda Havas, PhD, Associate Professor, Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Ontario, Canada. I am a scientist researching the adverse health outcomes of electromagnetic radiation exposure, including from sources such as WI-FI networks and cell towers. I conducted a study that showed immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability associated with microwave exposure to a frequency of 2.4 GHz at levels well below (0.5 percent) federal guidelines. The reactions include heart irregularities, a rapid heart rate, up-regulation of the sympathetic nervous system, and down-regulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.It is important that children be exposed to the important education, life experiences, and social structures that public education offers, but they must not be risking their health to do so! Children must not be exposed to a constant background of pulsed microwave radiation from WI-FI (or other sources) while at school.The Internet is an important learning device that should not be taken away. I simply urge that its access be made available through wires rather than Wi-Fi.Professor Dr. Christos Georgiou, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Patras, Greece Every child has the non-negotiable, obvious right to a healthy and safe school environment.Governments and school boards can no longer trust the wireless communication industry’s monotonous slogan that Wi-Fi and cell phones are safe. In May 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified microwave radiation, emitted by such wireless devices, as a possible carcinogen. WHO could no longer ignore the scientific and social pressure from numerous studies, which have shown that WiFi/cell phone radiation penetrates the body, affects cell membranes, makes cells lose their ability to function properly over time, and disturbs the body’s normal metabolism causing numerous abnormalities and diseases.Children are especially vulnerable to microwave radiation because their nervous system and especially the brain are still developing. Moreover, their skulls are thinner and smaller than those of the adults, so the radiation penetrates their brains more freely and deeply.Microwave radiation displays in children life threatening short and long term effects: the short term effects are experienced as headaches, dizziness, nausea, vertigo, fatigue, visual and auditory distortion (voices change volume, ringing ears), abnormal heart rates (racing heart rate or tachycardia, erratic heart rates), memory loss, attention deficit (trouble concentrating while in class), skin rash, hyperactivity, anxiety, autism, depression, night sweats, insomnia (microwaves affect melatonin levels), learning impairment, behavioral changes etc; the long term effects are expressed as stress, a weakened immune system, seizures, epilepsy, high blood pressure, brain damage, diabetes, fibromyalgia, infertility, birth defects, DNA damage, leukemia, cancer, etc.Professor Dr. Alvaro Augusto A. de Salles, PhD, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. I believe that responsible governments should act firmly to avoid the use of mobile/smart phones and Wi-Fi in schools. The main reasons are due to the scientific evidence already available in the international literature (e.g., Bioinitiative report, Pathophysiology 2009, Interphone report, Hardell’s group papers, etc) showing health risks even at low level exposure to the non-ionizing radiation (NIR), the 2011 IARC/WHO possible carcinogenic (2 B) classification of the NIR and because due to different reasons, the children are more susceptible to this radiation.Then the “Precautionary Principle” should effectively be used in this subject and instead of wireless connection, other fixed connections such as twisted pairs, coaxial cables, optical fiber, etc should be available for each student, avoiding therefore exposure during several hours to the NIR.If serious and responsible decisions are not taken in due time, the price in terms of future generations public health can be very high.Professor Dr. Nesrin Seyhan, Medical Faculty and Chair of Biophysics Department, Gazi University, Turkey; WHO EMF International Advisory Committee; Panel Member NATO RTA Human Factors and Medicine. Dr. Seyhan, founder of the Gazi Non-Ionizing Protection Center (GNRK), always opposes radiofrequency sources near schools. She believes that potential adverse health effects from the children’s use of Wi-Fi and cell/mobile/smart phone would be greater than with respect to adults. She also recommends that children younger than 16-years-old should not have their own mobile phone.
Other studies which have shown harmful effects of non-ionising electromagnetic radiation include (this is not comprehensive):
“Mobile phone related-hazards and subjective hearing and vision symptoms in the Saudi population” | Meo SA, Al-Drees AM | 2005 |
“Cellular phone effects on otoacoustic emissions” | Grisanti G, Parlapiano C, Tamburello CC, Tine G, Zanforlin L | 1998 |
“Assessment of Potential Effects of Electromagnetic Fields of Mobile Phones on Hearing” | Uloziene, Uloza, Gradauskiene, Saferis | 2005 |
“Hearing level and intensive use of mobile phones” | Sebastian Gil E, Marco Algarra J. | 2005 |
“Vestibular schwannoma, tinitus and cellular telephones” | Hardell L, Mild KH, Sandstrom M, Carlberg M, Hallquist A, Pahlson A | 2003 |
“Mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan” | T. Takebayashi, S. Akiba, Y. Kikuchi, et al. | 2007 |
“Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma Risk in Japan” | Takebayashi, Akiba, Kikuchi, Taki, et al. | 2006 |
“Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries” | Schoemaker M. J., Swerdlow A. J., Ahlbom A., et al. | 2005 |
“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma” | Lonn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M | 2004 |
“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma” | Lonn, Ahlbom, Hall, Fetching, et al. | 2004 |
“Cellular Telephone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma” | Christensen,Schuz,Kosteljanetz,et al. | 2004 |
“Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma” | Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K | 2005 |
“A Study of the Effects of Cellular Telephone Microwave Radiation on the Auditory System in Healthy Men” | Mora, Crippa, Mora, Dellepiane | 2006 |
“Experimental study and mechanism analysis on bioeffects by nanosecond electromagnetic pulses” | Wang BY, Yang JB, Guo QG, Xu RM, Liu CJ, Zhang H, Zou FD, Wang ZS | 1997 |
“Bioeffects induced by exposure to microwaves are mitigated by superposition of ELF noise” | Litovitz TA, Penafiel LM, Farrel JM, Krause D, Meister R, Mullins JM | 1997 |
“The modification of the effect of microwave radiation on the biochemical processes in anaphylactic shock by using exposure to a weak and perturbed geomagnetic field” | Podkovkin VG | 1993 |
“Development and form of shortwave thermal zones in an agar body” | ALBRECHT, W. | 1935 |
“Repeated exposure to low-level extremely low frequency-modulated microwaves” | Vorobyov V, Pesic V, Janac B, Prolic Z. | 2004 |
“Working with Visual Display Units” | Robinette et al. | 1980 |
“Children’s Health and Environment: A Review of Evidence: A Joint Report from the European Environmental Agency and The World Health Organization” | World Health Organization | 2002 |
“Agar-Bridge System for Exposing Cell Cultures to Electric Fields” | Theriault | 1994 |
“Modification of lethal radiation injury in mice by postradiation exposure to low-intensity centimeter-band radio frequency waves” | Akoev IG, Mel’nikov VM, Usachev AV, Kozhokaru AF | 1994 |
“Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)” | International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection | 0 |
“The Impulse UHF Field in Experimental and Clinical Practice” | ABRIKOSOV, I. A. | 1954 |
“The Action of a Pulsed Electric UHF Field on the Organism” | ABRIKOSOV, I. A. | 1955 |
“The role of coherence time in the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity” | Litovitz TA, Krause D, Penafiel M, Elson EC, Mullins JM | 1993 |
“Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease” | inNL, Pal’tsev IuP, Iasnetsov VV | 1994 |
“Effect of a magnetic field on carboxydismutase” | AKOYUNOGLOU, G. | 1964 |
“Mortality of chicken embryos exposed to EMFs from mobile phones” | Youbicier-Simo BJ, Lebecq JC, Bastide M | 1998 |
“Micronucleus induction after whole-body microwave irradiation of rats” | Trosic I, Busljeta I, Kasuba V, Rozgaj R | 2002 |
“Study on health effects of the shortwave transmitter station of Schwarzenburg, Bern, Switzerland” | E.S. Altpeter, T.H. Krebs | 1995 |
“The microwave syndrome—further aspects of a Spanish study, in: Proceedings of the Third InternationalWorkshop on Bioelectromagnetic Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Kos, Greece” | G. Oberfeld, et al | 2004 |
“Electromagnetic absorption in the human head and neck for mobile telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz, IEE Trans” | O.P. Gandhi, G. Lazzi, C.M. Furse | 1996 |
“Amplitude Windows and Transiently Augmented Transcription from Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields” | Litovitz et al. | 1997 |
“Fetal and neonatal responses following maternal exposure to mobile phones” | Rezk A. Y., Abdulqawi K., Mustafa R. M., Abo El-Azm T. M. and Al-Inany H. | 2008 |
“Microwave enhanced kinetics observed in ORD studies of a protein” | Bohr H, Bohr J | 2000 |
“Perturbations of plant leaflet rhythms caused by electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation” | Ellingsrud S, Johnsson A | 1993 |
“Does The Skrunda Radio Location Station Diminish the Radial Growth of Pine Trees?” | Balodis et al | 1996 |
“Environmental-health aspects of pulse-modulated microwaves” | Neshev NN, Kirilova EI | 1996 |
“Some present problems and a proposed experimental phantom for SAR compliance testing of cellular telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz” | O.P. Gandhi, G. Kang | 2002 |
“Effects of mobile phone radiation on UV-induced skin tumourigenesis in ornithine decarboxylase transgenic and non-transgenic mice” | Heikkinen P, Kosma VM, Alhonen L, Huuskonen H, Komulainen H, Kumlin T, Laitinen JT, Lang S, Puranen L, Juutilainen J | 2003 |
“Role of modulation on the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity in L929 cells” | Penafiel LM, Litovitz T, Krause D, Desta A, Mullins JM | 1997 |
“Analysis of RF exposure in the head tissues of children and adults” | J. Wiart, A. Hadjem, M.F. Wong | 2008 |
“Biological effect from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards” | L. Hardell, C. Sage | 2008 |
“The effect of electromagnetic waves on the growth of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar.” | Aksoy U, Sahin S, Ozkoc S, Ergor G | 2005 |
“SIMS study of the calcium-deprivation step related to epidermal meristem production induced in flax by cold shock or radiation from a GSM telephone” | Tafforeau M, Verdus M-C, Norris V, White G, Demarty M, Thellier M, Ripoll C. | 2002 |
“Risk evaluation of potential environmental hazards from low frequency electromagnetic field exposure using sensitive in vitro methods” | A project funded by the European Union under the programme Quality of Life and Management of Living | 2004 |
“Effect of EMF on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) and the level of malonyldialdehyde (MDA)” | Stopczyk D, Gnitecki W, Buczynski A, Markuszewski L, Buczynski J | 2002 |
“Interactions of RF radiation-induced hyperthermia and 2-methoxyethanol teratogenicity in rats” | Nelson BK, Conover DL, Krieg EF Jr, Snyder DL, Edwards RM | 1997 |
“SCE-Frequencies Following Exposure to Magnetic Fields” | Tornqvist, S. et al. | 1986 |
“Interaction of low level modulated RF radiation with Na+¯ K+-ATPase” | Behari J, Kunjilwar KK, and Pyne S | 1998 |
“Extremely Low Frequency Fields Environmental Health Criteria Monograph 238″ | World Health Organization | 2007 |
“Effects of Pulse Microwave Exposure on Mitochondrial Marker Enzyme and Energy Metabolism in Mouse Brain (1)” | Chiang H | 1999 |
“The Effects of Low-Energy 60-Hz EMF Upon the Growth Related Enzyme ODC” | Takashima, S. et al. | 1979 |
“Effects of co-exposure to ELF magnetic fields and benzene or benzene metabolites determined in vitro by the alkaline comet assay” | Morettia M, Villarinia, Simonuccib S, Fatigonia C, Scassellati-Sforzolinia G, Monarcaa S, Pasquinia R, Angeluccic M, Strappinic M | 2005 |
“Effect of Isothermal Radiofrequency Barrier Induced by 915 MHz Electromagnetic Radiation, Continuous Wave and Modulated at 8, 16, 50, and 200 Hz” | Cleary, Du, Cao, Liu, McCrady | 1994 |
“Frequency-dependent alterations in enolase activity in Escherichia coli caused by exposure to electric and magnetic fields” | Dutta SK, Verma M, Blackman CF | 1994 |
“Thermal effects of 200 megacycles (cw) irradiation as related to shape, location, and orientation in the field” | ADDINGTON, C. H., OSBORN, C., SWARTZ, G., FISCHER, F. P., & SARKEES, Y.T. | 1959 |
“Public Exposure levels from WiFi systems, 10/12/2007″ | Philips, A. | 2007 |
“The Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation from the Skrunda Radio Location Station on Spirodela Polyrhiza Schleiden Cultures” | Magone | 1996 |
“Effect of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on permeability of unilamellar liposomes to 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein” | Saalman E, Norden B, Arvidsson L, Hamnerius Y, Hojevik P, Connell KE, Kurucsev T, | 1991 |
“Preliminary evaluation of nanoscale biogenic magnetite-based ferromagnetic transduction mechanisms for mobile phone bioeffects” | Cranfield C, Wieser HG, Al Madan J, Dobson J | 2003 |
“Comparison of symptoms experienced by users of analogue and digitalmobile phones: a Swedish-Norwegian epidemiological study” | Haugsdal B, Hauger E, Mild KH, Oftedal G, Sandstrom M, Wilen J, Tynes T | 1998 |
“Epidemiological Studies of Radiofrequency Radiation: Current Status and Areas of Concern” | Goldsmith | 1996 |
“Erythropoietic changes in rats after 2.45 GJz nonthermal irradiation” | Busljeta I, Trosic I, Milkovic-Kraus S. | 2004 |
“Erythropoietic dynamic equilibrium in rats maintained after microwave irradiation” | Trosic I, Busljeta I. | 2006 |
“Qualitative enzyme histochemistry and microanalysis reveals changes in ultrastructural distribution of calcium and calcium-activated ATPases after microwave irradiation of the medial habenula” | Kittel A, Siklos L, Thuroczy G, Somosy Z | 1996 |
“Changes in serum alkaline phosphatase activity during in vitro exposure to AM EMF of ultrahigh frequency (2375 MHz) in guinea pigs | Pashovkina MS, Akoev IG | 2000 |
“Effects of Weak Amplitude Modified Microwave Fields on Calcium Efflux” | Seegal, R.F. | 1989 |
“Exposure of frog hearts to CW or amplitude-modulated VHF fields: selective efflux of calcium ions at 16 Hz” | Schwartz JL, House DE, Mealing GA | 1990 |
“Reverse-micelle model: pH, electromagnetic field and inhibitor enzyme interaction” | Chattopadhyay SK, Toews KA, Butt S, Barlett R, Brown HD | 1997 |
“Influence of 400, 900, and 1900 MHz electromagnetic fields on Lemna minor growth and peroxidase activity” | Tkalec M, Malaric K, Pevalek-Kozlina B. | 2005 |
“Effect of a 915-MHz simulated mobile phone signal on c function in man” | A. Preece, et al. | 1999 |
“Study on the effects of microwave irradiation on ultramicrostructure of hypothalamus in mice” | Yao GD, Chiang H | 1985 |
“Cellular Telephone Use and Time Trends in Brain Tumor Mortality from 1969 to 2002″ | Roosli, Michel, Keuhni, Spoerri | 2007 |
“Microwave-induced thermoelastic pressure wave propagation in the cat brain” | Lin JC, Su JL, Wang Y | 1988 |
“Calculation of Change in Brain Temperatures Due to Exposure to a Mobile Phone” | Van Leeuwen, Lagendijk, Van Leersum | 1999 |
“Temporal bisection in rats: the effects of high-peak-power pulsed microwave irradiation” | Raslear TG, Akyel Y, Bates F, Belt M, Lu ST | 1993 |
“Suppression of evoked and spontaneous field potentials by radiofrequency radiation in rat hippocampal slices” | Tattersell JEH, Nettell JJ, Wood SJ | 1998 |
“Interaction of microwaves and a temporally incoherent magnetic field on spatial learning in the rat” | Lai H. | 2004 |
“Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: Estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep and heart rate” | Huber R, Schuderer J, Graf T, Jutz K, Borbely AA, Kuster N, Achermann P | 2003 |
“Effects of exposure to a 900MHz electromagnetic field on the dentate gyrus: a stereological and histopathological study” | Odaci E., Bas O. and Kaplan S. | 2008 |
“Ginkgo biloba prevents mobile phone-induced oxidative stress in rat brain” | A. Ilhan, A. Gurel, F. Armutcu, S. Kamisli, M. Iraz, O. Akyol, S. Ozen | 2004 |
“Digital cellphone field exposures, in utero, alter ODC and polyamine levels in fetal rat brains” | Cain CD, Ghaffari M, Jones RA, Byus CV, Adey WR | 1999 |
“Fetal rat brain ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity and polyamine levels following exposures to Iridium cell phone fields in late pregnancy” | Adey WR | 2000 |
“06-methylguanini E-DNA-methyltransgerase activity and ODC activity in brains” | Cain CD, Ghaffari M, Jones RA, Archambeau J, Adey WR | 1998 |
“Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones” | Salford L. G., Brun A. E., Eberhardt J. L., Malmgren L. and Persson B. R. R. | 2003 |
“Effects of microwave exposure at various power densities on mitochondrial enzymes in mouse brain” | Chiang H, Yao GD, Zhou SY | 1984 |
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“1800 MHz electromagnetic field effects on melatonin release from isolated pineal glands” | Sukhotina I, Streckert JR, Bitz AK, Hansen VW, Lerchl A | 2006 |
“The effects of radiofrequency radiation on long term potentiation in rat hippocampal slices” | Scott IR, Tattersall JEH | 1999 |
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“The effect of low level continuous 2.45 GHz waves on enzymes of developing rat brain” | Paulraj R, Behari J | 2002 |
“The effects of 3000 MHz microwave irradiation on electroencephalic energy and energy metabolism in mouse brain” | Pu JS, Chen J, Yang YH, Bai YQ | 1997 |
“Effects of low intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on electrical activity in rat hippocampal slices” | Tattersall JE, Scott IR, Wood SJ, Nettell JJ, Bevir MK, Wang Z, Somasiri NP, Chen X. | 2001 |
“A Role for the Magnetic Field in the Radiation-Induced Efflux of Calcium Ions from Brain Tissue in Vitro” | Szmigielski, S. et al. | 1987 |
“Effects of Modulated RF Energy on the EEGs of Mammalian Brains” | Sienkiewicz, Saunders and Kowalczuk | 1991 |
“Electromagnetic interference of GSM mobile phones with the implantable deep brain stimulator, ITREL-III” | Kainz W, Alesch F, Chan DD | 2003 |
“Corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist blocks microwave- induced decreases in high-affinity choline uptake in the rat brain” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1990 |
“Intracerebroventricular injection of mu- and delta-opiate receptor antagonists block 60 Hz magnetic field-induced decreases in cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat” | Lai H, Carino MA | 1998 |
“Effects of Weak Amplitude Modulated Microwave Fields on Calcium Eflux on Awake Cat Cerebral Cortex | Bawin, S.M. and W.R. Adey | 1976 |
“Intraseptal microinjection of beta-funaltrexamine blocked a microwave induced decrease of hippocampal cholinergic activity in the rat” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1994 |
“Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease in central cholinergic activity in the rat” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1992 |
“Effect of amplitude-modulated radio frequency radiation on cholinergic system of developing rats” | Kunjilwar KK, Behari J | 1993 |
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“Weak Electric Gradients Change the Ionic and Transmitter Fluxes in Cortex” | Kaczmarek and Adey | 1974 |
“IRIDIUM exposure increases c-fos expression in the mouse brain only at levels which likely result in tissue heating” | Morrissey JJ, Raney S, Heasley E, Rathinavelu P, Dauphinee M, Fallon JH | 1999 |
“Iridium exposure increase c-fos expression in the mouse brain” | Morrissey JJ, Rauey S, Heasley E, Rathinavelua P, Dauphinee M, Fallon JH | 1999 |
“The Anatomical Distribution of Cerebral Giomas in Mobile Phone Users” | Ali Khan, O’Brien, Kelly, Phillips, et al. | 2003 |
“Electron Microscope Observation on Rat Cerebellum and Hippocampus After Exposure to 60-Hz Electric Fields” | Schwartz et al. | 1990 |
“60 Hz Magnetic fields and Central Cholinergic Activity: Effects of Exposure Intensity and Duration” | Lai H, Carino MA | 1998 |
“Low-level microwave irradiation and central cholinergic activity: a doseresponse study” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1989 |
“Low-level microwave irradiation and central cholinergic systems” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1989 |
“Astocytoma Risk Related to Job Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields” | Reuter | 1987 |
“The Efflux of 45Ca2+ and 3H-Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Fron Cat Cerebral Cortex” | Kaczmarek and Adey | 1973 |
“In Vitro Study of Microwave Effects on Calcium Efflux in Rat Brain Tissue | Bawin and Adey | 1976 |
“Possible Mechanisms of Weak Electromagnetic Field Coupling with Brain Tissue” | Bawin, Sheppard and Adey | 1978 |
“Induction of Calcium-ion Efflux From Brain Tissue by Radiofrequency Radiation: Effects of Modulated Frequency and Field Strength” | Blackman et al. | 1979 |
“Effect of Amplitude Modulated 147 MHz Radiofrequency on Calcium Ion Efflux from Avian Brain Tissue” | Albert, Bray, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Watson | 1987 |
“Effect of amplitude modulated RF radiation on calcium ion efflux and ODC activity in chronically exposed rat brain” | Paulraj R, Behari J, Rao AR | 1999 |
“The Influence of Temperature During Electric and Magnetic Field Induced Alteration of Calcium Ion Release from In Vitro Brain Tissue” | Blackman et al. | 1991 |
“Effects of ELF fields on calcium-ion efflux from brain tissues” | Blackman et al. | 1982 |
“Influence of Electromagnetic Fields on the Efflux of Calcium Ions from Brain Tissue In Vitro” | Blackman et al. | 1988 |
“Power Density, Field Density and Carrier Frequency Determinants of RF Energy-Induced Calcium Ion Efflux from Brain Tissue” | Joines, W.T, and Blackman, C.F. | 1980 |
“Sensitivity in Calcium Binding in Cerbral Tissue to Weak Electric Fields Oscillating at Low Frequency” | Bawin, S.M. and W.R. Adey | 1976 |
“Effects of low level 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on Ca2+ efflux and ODC activity in chronically exposed developing rat brain” | Paul Raj R, Behari J. Rao AR | 1999 |
“Microwave-evoked brainstem potentials in cats” | Lin JC, Meltzer RJ, Redding FK | 1979 |
“Blood-brain Barrier Permeability in Rats Exposed to Electromagnetic Fields Used in Wireless Communication” | Persson, Salford, Brun | 1997 |
“Radiofrequency and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field effects on the blood-brain barrier” | Nittby, H., Grafstrom G., Eberhardt J. L., Malmgren L., Brun A., Persson B. R. R. and Salford L. G. | 2008 |
“Permeability of the blood-brain barrier induced by 915 MHz electromagnetic radiation, continuous wave and modulated at 8, 16, 50, and 200 Hz” | Salford LG, Brun A, Sturesson K, Eberhardt JL, Persson BR | 1994 |
“Diurnal Patterns in Brain Biogenic Amines of Rats Exposed to 60-Hz Electric Fields” | Stodolnik-Baranska, W. et al. | 1973 |
“Cellular phone electromagnetic field effects on bioelectric activity of human brain” | Lebedeva NN, Sulimov AV, Sulimova OP, Kotrovskaya TI, Gailus T, | 2000 |
“Single vs. repeated microwave exposure: effects on benzodiazepine receptors in the brain of the rat” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1992 |
“Can Mobile Phone Emissions Affect Auditory Functions of Cochlea or Brain Stem?” | Sievert, U., Eggert, S., Pau, H.W. | 2005 |
“Effects of exposure to low level radiofrequency fields on acetylcholine release in hippocampus of freely moving rats” | Bioelectromagnetics 23:249-255 | 2002 |
“The Possible Role of Radiofrequency Radiation in the Development of Uveal Melanoma” | Stang et al. | 2001 |
“The possible role of radiofrequency radiation in the development of uveal melanoma” | Stang A, Anastassiou G, Ahrens W, Bromen K, Bornfeld N, Jockel KH | 2001 |
“Potential Hazards of Hertizan Radiation and Tumors” | Zaret, M | 1977 |
“Effect of low-energy and high-peak-power nanosecond pulses of microwave radiation on malignant tumors” | Devyatkov ND, Pletnyov SD, Betskii OV, Faikin VV | 2001 |
“The Production of Tumor Necrosis Factor in Cells of Tumor-Bearing Mice After Total-Body Microwave Irradiation and Antioxidant Diet” | Novoselova EG, Ogay VB, Sorokina OV, Glushkova OV, Sinotova OA, Fesenko EE. | 2004 |
“Effect of centimeter microwaves and the combined magnetic field on the tumor necrosis factor production in cells of mice with experimental tumors” | Novoselova EG, Ogai VB, Sorokina OV, Novikov VV, Fesenko EE | 20 |
There thousands more ladies and gentlemen.

Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze on his pro classroom wireless evangelism tour up in Glendale California.
According to a 30 year old section of the California Education Code, it is illegal to expose children to a Class 2B Carcinogen in schools. I believe that the school district personnel responsible for this need to go to jail for what they are involved in. Maybe that is why Superintendent Dr. George Giokaris decided to forgo wireless in the Fullerton Joint Union High School District and hard wire the campuses.
Here is Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeretis of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, and Merry Callahan, health advocate, presenting updated information on the health impacts from EMF radiation to the Portland Oregon School Board from September of 2013. Two brilliant 3-minute talks exposing the FABLE of the harmlessness of WiFi, a form of radiation no less dangerous than nuclear fallout, causing autism, diabetes 2, and cardiovascular disease, a form of radiation that Roman Schulze says is safe. Stay tuned as there is much more to come as we continue to end the largest radiation experiment on children that the world has ever known and we continue to expose the people like Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze that at all costs, are hell bent on making sure it continues.
I wonder what one does with this information? I wonder what one does with the information in the article below this post? READ THIS-
Published on Oct 7, 2013
- Martin Pall presentation entitled, Microwave electromagnetic fields do not work by heating. They produce health effects by VGCC activation.
More information Martin L. Pall , Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, The Tenth Paradigm Research Group ,martin_pall@wsu.edu
With the media blackout on the wireless agenda like nothing I have ever seen in my entire life, thank God that the traffic on this site continues to grow. Folks there are an awful lot of eyes on this debacle in our little neck of the woods. Yes, we are up against a trillion dollar industry and now being joined by the educrat lackeys who are taking your tax money to bed with the media who will never let you in on what is about to be rolled out right before your very eyes right here. It is time to let you know that there is more to this story than what you are being spoon fed folks. Here is your tax money at work and boy is there more to this than meets the eye.
With the almost totally exclusive contracts in the schools

Fullerton’s high priest in the cult of Mac- Superintendent Robert Pletka handing out communion-6000 ipads
and Apple gets to deploy their devices in the laps of our children at school all day
It is all at the behest of people like yours truly
Obama’s ” Connect ED” scheme with his pal at the FCC ,Tom Weeler, will have EVERY CLASSROOM IN THE NATION WIRELESS IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS

My favorite pen stroke in office was to overturn the Mexico City Policy because I love unborn children and babies. There is a reason for not including in vitro in my new health plan.
The education superhighway to hell-tech execs pledge BILLIONS FOR CLASSROOM WIFI-ubiquitous Wi-Fi NO LESS
Apple has pledged $100 million in the form of iPads, desktop and laptop computers, and other educational tools to President Obama’s ConnectED initiative that seeks to connect 99 percent of America’s students to wireless high-speed internet.

Wireless microwave radiation forced exposure from the cradle to the grave for this generation. It ought not be so.
So what is the goal of the proliferation of these wireless devices?
It can’t be good for the children yet we send them off everyday with a lunch and a kiss so they can irradiate their reproductive organs
as people like these install wireless networks in all of our schools

LAUSD’s billion dollar raccoon eyed Deasy -So Cal’s number two king of wireless classrooms behind Pletka as he legislates from the bench without his black robe. Not sleeping well these days? EASY DEASY, cuz kids are coming to your board meetings with teachers complaining about nosebleeds, insomnia, bleeding from their ears and all kinds of problems that your staff refuses to file incident reports on.

Orange County Department of Education Superintendent Al Mijares—Hey Al, whatcya been doing with all of those emails we been sending to the board for the last year and a half? They never got them? Why did you pull wireless of the shelf at the last board meeting? Is it because you read my email about the ed code violations?

Greg Duyvetter Superintendent of schools for The Catholic Diocese of Orange who refuses to turn off the wireless in all of Orange County’s Catholic schools -Hey Greg, you should have stuck to your singing gig over at St Barbara’s. Hey, you still tight with father Harris over at my Alma mater Mater Dei. I always wondered why his office was all the way at the end of the hall.

FSD Superintendent Robert Pletka drunk on wireless technology and high on common core-He could stop this if he wanted to.

Fullertons very own Dr. Roman Schulze’s show on the road in Glendale-“wifi safe” with the Captain from Executive Environmental who cooks the RF reports to order for the district.

Glendale Unified Trustee Mary Boger- on the Fullerton Informer-“..junk science, bullying and fear mongering.”
GLENDALE UNIFIED’S VERY OWN MARY BOGER ON THE FULLERTON INFORMER JUNK SCIENCE, BULLYING AND FEAR MONGERING « The Fullerton Informer https://thefullertoninformer.com/glendale-usds-very-own-mary-boger-on-the-fullerton-informer-junk-science-bullying-and-fear-mongering/

The irradiating brass on stage-Janny Meyer FSD trustee, State Superintendent Tom Torlakson, Fullerton council member Doug Chaffee and hiding in the back row enter through the side door Orange County Superintendent of schools for $300,000 plus per year-Al Mijares–Hey Janny your car is still running with the keys in the ignition and Tom don’t forget your wearing your glasses. Doug, we don’t care what you have to say because your three minutes were up in the parking lot.
While people like this ignore the warnings in Sacramento

Torlakson and Silva just couldn’t do the right thing so they just had the stool pigeon write the apology. –

Planned Parenthood’s Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva-who scores a whopping zero on the pro life voting score card. Oh but she loves the veterans so much that she wants to give them a cemetery while they drop like flies at the VA.
Sharon did it ever occur to you that Planned Parenthood just might go out of business if we don’t stop the wireless sterilization of children in the schools? No pregnancy means no abortions which means no body parts and no dinero for your proud eugenicist monster sponsor that is a creation from the pit of hell. Some people will do anything for money. http://maplight.org/california/legislator/1719-sharon-quirk-silva
Check out this Orwellian diatribe on calling baby killing “smart pro women’s public health policies” Planned Parenthood’s centerfold model-Sharon Quirk Silva

Senator Bob Huff-How empty can a suit get? No response, no concern no comment on the plight of the children.

Autism conference host where the solution is a room full of drug pushers and vaccine inventors while he and his cohorts totally ignore the wireless connection to the epidemic. No respect I tell ya.
http://autism.senate.ca.gov/informationalhearings 9-13-13
In Washington

US House of Rep Ed Royce (R) Empty suit? Well since you asked? May I present to you NDAA signator Ed Royce who continues ignoring every email ever sent to him on the plight of the children. Oh but he beats the war drum so loud you need noise cancelling headphones.
Locally in town wireless for all the kids

Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children. I still don’t get the bow tie.

Ignores repeated emails about the wireless connection to Autism and to top it off his charity group donates money for wirelesss technology to the FSD and blocks me from Facebook

Michelle Garden-“the leader of Acacia” is a strong advocate for wireless technology in the Fullerton school district and is the wife of Dr. Roman Schulze. ” My husband just enjoys arguing his well-researched point…it is sport for him” – See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/#comment-25501
If I were Dr. Roman Schulze, I think I would find another hobby.

Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children eventually resulting in me removing my eldest child from her school. She just smiles at everything.

She looks like my neighbor, pretty trippy. Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children and continues to direct money into technology with the fundraising efforts district wide.

Acacia elementary principal Karen Whisnant, who has a PHD in placation in my opinion, and is an ardent wireless technology supporter who personally refused and directed my children’s teachers to refuse, on multiple occasions, written information on the dangers of classroom microwave radiation including at a PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE. She has also called the police on parents for handing out fliers on the sidewalk trying to warn parents of the dangers. My other three children were subsequently removed from the school.
Lets look at some local connections to the Apple mother ship.
Fisler principal Trang Lai

Ignores everything we ever sent her and continues on the path of forced microwave exposure for the children on the west side.
Ted Lai

Is this the apple connection for the FSD? Is this the husband of Fisler principal Trang Lai? Hey we can read.
Prior to joining Apple, Ted Lai was most recently the Director of Technology & Media Services at Fullerton School District, home of Robert C. Fisler School (a 1:1 laptop Apple Distinguished School) and Valencia Park Elementary (a 1:1 mobile device Apple Distinguished Program).
Lest we forget Jan Weiner from Cal State Fullerton as she chimed in from her Autism offices on campus next to the freeway-here is the story on that nice dialogue she engaged in to ensure the irradiation of school children continues – https://thefullertoninformer.com/jan-weiner-speaks/
Yeah, they may be listening but they sure as heck are not paying attention.
Gail Lyons, who taught my kids Sunday school classes over at EV Free lent a deaf ear to my board meeting presentation, written materials and emails.
Kevin Hobby ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.
Ron Todd ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.
Alicia Maciel ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.

The more things change, the more they remain the same. EV Free Fullerton-Home to Mike Erre, Jennifer Fitzgerald on Sunday’s and occasionally to Pletlka’s crowd for shin digs when summer winds down or when they just need some paint jobs for the dilapidated school buildings that a couple hundred million a year in school district tax money can’t take care of .
My dad told me that you will know a tree by its fruit, so did Jesus.

EV FREE FULLERTON’S SENIOR PASTOR MIKE ERRE “We got some Ipad today guys and let me just say I know how much you love it because you email me overwhelmingly and you ask for more ipad, and so as a man who wants to honor the wishes of (pause) people cuz I always…….” Mike Erre 9-14-14 from the pulpit. –
You know, statements like that should not be coming out of the mouth of a so called Christian pastor in a Christian church from the pulpit during a Sunday morning service while he is thumbing through the Word of God, especially in light of all of the information that he has been provided with on this issue including the satanic roots Apple has- http://apple666.org/ . Not to mention the battle raging over the wireless in the schools that he is no stranger to. as EV Free Fullerton is host to many a shindig for the establishment in town. Ironically, as a matter of fact, after many failed attempts to reach him, with NO responses, this is what we get-
Mail Delivery Subsystem
Aug 13,2014
to me
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain evfreefullerton.com by mail.fefcful.org. [].
The error that the other server returned was:
550 Blocked
– See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/fullertons-doctor-roman-schulze-says-wifi-is-safe/#comment-94976

GO TO 4:40-watch for yourself and tell me what this has to do with The Gospel of Luke
In the meantime,people like this man who pose as a philanthropist and savior of the poor ,ram vaccines and wireless down our kids throats everywhere else like in their bedrooms because the wireless transmitters in the Xbox never shut off even if you power it off unless you unplug the unit. The wireless controllers spend all the time irradiating their laps by design-read up on the satanization and sterilization of your children right here-http://apple666.org
see more on the video game component to the sterilization of our children here
So what is the goal?
Girls are born with their eggs but not mosquitos.
Humans are looked upon as animals by people like
So with the hots for your children’s bloodstreams not able to satisfy him, what does he do? He gets into the education business.

He gets into the vaccine business with a billion dollar charity.
TO UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION HEADQUARTERS IN SEATTLE, YOU MUST READ THIS-https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/
No shots, no school, no problem, no kidding?
He gets into the wireless common core roll out
Common core is being rolled out all over the USA and it is being delivered in a wireless environment. Project Inkwell of which our VERY own Fullerton Trustee Hilda Sugarman IS A member
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.

That thing will be in his lap tonight, under his pillow tonight, and back in his lap again tomorrow at school…and the band played on.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
Hilda Sugarman
1401 W Valencia Dr. Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 447-7410
(Please be sure to include your e-mail address if a response is requested.)
Born and educated in San Francisco Hilda attended Lowell High School, UC Berkeley and San Francisco State. Hilda literally married the boy up the block, Michael.
Hilda taught a few years while her husband was training. Her teaching experiences were in Hunters’ Point, Harlem, and Washington, DC. She loved it.
Mike, her husband, is an Internist/Rheumatoligist here in Fullerton. He is also President of the St. Jude Heritage Medical Group. They have two sons, Jason and Steven. The boys attended Richman, Laguna Road, Parks and Sunny Hills High Schools in Fullerton. Hilda was PTA President and Site Council President of these schools and President of Fullerton PTA Council. She also was team mom for the sport teams of the boys and sat on the Boards of the Fullerton Rangers, Boy Scouts and Golden Hill Little League. Mom Hilda has chaperoned trips to Washington, DC, Sacramento, US High School Select athletes to Russia, and Little League Players to their World Series. When the boys left for college, Hilda was on their college parent groups and even acted as a team mom. But that wasn’t the same as working here in Fullerton.
In 1996 Hilda was elected to the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees. She led the successful Bond Drive for improving school facilities. Some know her as a force for 21st century education and implementation of schools of choice in the Fullerton School District. Hilda serves on the Orange County School Board Committee. She also is an active member of the All the Arts for All the Kids Foundation, the Fullerton Excellence in Education Foundation, and the Assistance League of Fullerton. Nationally she serves on the Curriki Foundation and Project Inkwell.
The one thing that each of these activities have in common is their focus on children. Improving the quality of life and education of children is her passion.
THE technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
see how the arts is a trojan horse for wireless ladies and gentlemen
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.

The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
This is all part of Agenda 21 ladies and gentlemen and it knows no borders
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
What do wireless emissions do to human reproduction? Scientists tell us that it causes infertility. I would like for us to instead consult the designers and artists of this 5billion dollar corporate headquarters.
APPLE HEADQUARTERS IN CUPERTINO-dubbed the building that will “save us all”
Schematic of the Cupertino campus layout-pretty insightful if you ask me.

Sperm talking “Man its a good thing I never made it in because my buddy in the upper right corner is getting electrocuted in there..”
Another schematic from the Cupertino campus layout.
Now this is a schematic of a human egg being fertilized by a sperm-note the similarities-
So with all the money in the world and all the tea in China, why are they spending 5 billion dollars on a facility that is designed to simulate failed conception?
This is a more detailed schematic of Apple’s Cupertino headquarters-note the unmistakable similarity to the human fertiliation process except this one does not undergo cell division
What is going on here? It is fertiliztion
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
500 million is still too many?
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
Where the hell did everybody go?
Folks get these things out of your childrens’ laps and better yet, get them out of the wireless classrooms.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
These are school district employees on school property on the clock acting out some bizarre ritual-
Don’t bank your lineage on these people who apparently see nothing wrong with aiming a toy gun on school property at an effigy of someone carrying a case with a Christian symbol on it.
The white shirted one says it is all safe as he takes his show on the road to irradiate the school children while on this blog he makes fun of the “man in the sky”
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
while the vampire is running the blood bank at The FCC
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The unmitigated public health disaster in the making.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
Before wireless in schools
After wireless in schools
the target

Why are there so many attempts in life by evil people to wreck what I hold so dearly and carefully for that magic moment?
the weapon

Ipads emit more microwave radiation than cell phones. Cell phone use is voluntary among adults and most certainly not for 8-10 hours per day in their laps. Ipads in school, well that is another story. Once the kids are addicted to them at home, well kiss the sunlight exposure and normal sleep patterns goodbye. As for their progeny someday, please revert back the mid section of this article.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The deployment

The antenna is right on his zipper, or for the girls, right on their ovaries emitting microwave radiation levels trillions of times background levels when the device is WiFi enabled .
The frequencies
The power levels are – ten to the fourteenth power above normal background levels at 2.4 GHz which is the frequency at which the maximum dielectric loss of water begins. What a convenient coincidence.
Your children in school:

Your request to turn off wireless systems in the Fullerton School District is “respectfully denied”-Robert Pletka
The stuff doesn’t belong here.

The Earth has ZERO atmospheric opacity to Microwaves because they are almost totally non-existent in nature.
How exposure guidelines were developed
What they think of you and I
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.

Martin Pall presentation entitled, Microwave electromagnetic fields do not work by heating. They produce health effects by VGCC activation.
More information Martin L. Pall , Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, The Tenth Paradigm Research Group ,martin_pall@wsu.edu
Scientists and Medical Doctors Advise Against
Wy and Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, USA. Chronic, such as all-day, school exposure, is more likely than short and intermittent exposure, such as cell phone use, to produce harmful health effects, and is likely to do so at lower exposure levels. Children are more vulnerable to RF/MW radiation because of the susceptibility of their developing nervous systems. Children are largely unable to remove themselves from exposures to harmful substances in their environments. Their exposure is involuntary. There is a major legal difference between an exposure that an individual chooses to accept and one that is forced upon a person, especially a dependent, who can do nothing about it. WiFi must be banned from school deployment. Professor Lukas H. Margaritis, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology and Radiobiology, Dept of Cell Biology and Biophysics, University of Athens, Greece. Having done experiments on cellular model systems we have found an effect from electromagnetic radiation from WiFi. I have strongly suggested for years now that they should be used only if absolutely necessary in the home and not at all in schools. There is no reason for having WiFi in schools since there is an alternative – wired connections which are safer and faster. Dr Mae-Wan Ho, PhD, FRSA, Director of the Institute of Science in Society, London, UK. It is very important for schools and other public places frequented by children to be free of Wi-Fi. The evidence on ‘non-thermal’ biological effects of electromagnetic fields is now indisputable and children are many times more at risk than adults.
Dr Norbert Hankin, PhD, Environmental Scientist, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, Environmental Protection Agency, USA. The growing use of wireless communications by children and by schools will result in prolonged long-term exposure of developing children to low-intensity pulse modulated radiofrequency radiation.Recent studies involving short-term exposures have demonstrated that subtle effects on brain functions can be produced by low-intensity pulse modulated radiofrequency radiation. Some research involving rodents has shown adverse effects on short-term and long-term memory. The concern is that if such effects may occur in young children, then even slight impairment of learning ability over years of education may negatively affect the quality of life that could be achieved by these individuals, when adults.Dr Annie Sasco, MD, PhD, Director, Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention, INSERM (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale) Research Unit, School of Public Health, Victor-Segalen Bordeaux 2 Université, France. Formerly International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Unit Chief of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention. If we want to wait for final proof, at least in terms of cancer, it may still take 20 years and the issue will become that we will not have unexposed population to act as control. We may never have the absolute final proof. But we have enough data to go ahead with a precautionary principle to avoid exposures (radiofrequencies) which are unnecessary if our goal is to reduce somewhat the burden of cancer in the years to come and other chronic diseases.Dr Stelios A. Zinelis, BA, MD, Hellenic Cancer Society, Cefallonia, Greece We should not subject and force electromagnetic radiation on school children. Technology can be applied by a wired connection. Effects of the electromagnetic radiation have been well documented and should not be ignored. The past has taught as many lessons, for example asbestos. Dr Belyaev Dr.Sc., Head Research Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Science, Slovak Republic; Associate Professor in Toxicological Genetics, Faculty of Natural Science, Stockholm University, Sweden. To my opinion, which is based on 25-year research of non-thermal effects of microwaves, usage of Wi-Fi and cell/mobile/smart phones in the classroom should be either forbidden or reduced as much as possible. I believe that the majority of scientists with long lasting experience in this scientific field are of the same opinion. Several national authorities have already advised limiting usage of mobile communication by children.Dr Samuel Milham MD, MPH, Epidemiology and Public Health, Formerly Washington State Department of Health, USA. Wireless technologies have no place in schools. I strongly recommend that where they exist, they be replaced by fiber-optic cable and hard wiring.Professor Dr. Franz Adlkofer, MD, Chairman of Pandora – Foundation for Independent Research. While the use of mobile phones is the result of people’s free choice, their exposure to W-LAN and other wireless applications is mostly compulsory. Especially concerned are children in schools where this technology has been given preference to wired computers. Since our knowledge on possible adverse effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields is still rather poor, it is obvious that at present the biggest biophysical experiment of mankind is under way – with an uncertain outcome.In May 2011, the uncertainty has been strengthened by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’. This decision was mainly based on the results of epidemiological studies that observed after long-term (>10 years) and intensive use of mobile phones an increased risk for brain tumors exactly at the side of the head at which the mobile phone was used. The results from animal experiments, although of minor significance, supported the decision. Not discussed, however, was research that shows changes in the structure and functions of genes. Had they been included in the evaluation, the classification would not have been ‘possibly carcinogenic’ but rather ‘probably carcinogenic’.The general public is confronted with two different views, one represented by politics and industry and one by the growing number of independent researchers. Ordinary people have either no idea of the probably adverse effects of radiofrequency radiation or have full confidence in the exposure limits that according to their governments reliably protect from risk to the health. They do not know that the exposure limits are based on pseudo-science thought to create the necessary legal frame for a telecommunication industry that wants to make use of the new technology without being hampered by medical considerations.For a medical doctor like me, the conclusion from the present state of knowledge must be that a precautionary approach is overdue and must not be delayed anymore.Dr Alfonso Balmori, PhD, Biologist, Researcher on effects of electromagnetic fields on wildlife, Valladolid, Spain. The ongoing invasion of radiation caused by Wi-Fi transmitters and other radiofrequency sources represents a denial of scientific evidence and extreme myopia. It is absurd when cable can be used with much greater speeds that schools choose to do so by air. Moreover health must take priority over access to information. Wi-Fi systems are being senselessly installed, even for young children. Society is performing an extremely dangerous and suicidal experiment with them. In it are included not only the children of those who are convinced that electromagnetic radiation is harmful but also the children of the promoters of such systems, both politicians and those who work in the communications industry and also the scientists who deny the evidence. The problems of depression, attention deficit and insomnia in children are increasing worldwide at an alarming rate. Dr Vini G. Khurana, MBBS, BSc (Med), PhD, FRACS, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Australian National University Medical School; Currently Visiting Attending Neurosurgeon, Royal Melbourne Hospital. The concerns raised regarding the unnecessary and prolonged exposure of children to near-field radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from mobile phones, wireless laptops and nearby Wi-Fi transmitters in schools are shared by many.A precautionary approach is realistically achieved without compromising convenience and safety.There are good grounds for adopting such an approach in children, particularly in the context of the WHO’s recent classification of RF-EMR as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, and the fact that children may be more susceptible to any adverse health effects of RF-EMR owing to their thinner scalp and skull, increased brain water content, lower brain volume, and rapidly developing neural connections.Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe, BM, Emergency Room Registrar, Medical Advisor ES-UK Radiofrequency radiation was classified last year (2011) as a class 2B carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)/World Health Organization (WHO). This means that Global Health Authorities are concerned that this kind of radiation (used by many kinds of household wireless devices) may cause cancer. There are several convincing mechanisms via which cellular disruption is taking place and all bodily systems are potentially vulnerable. All persons should, in my opinion, take precaution to reduce their exposure to unnatural radiation, including that from non-ionizing, non-thermal sources such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, cordless landlines and many others. This advice is particularly important for parents and Education Authorities when creating home and school environments because children are more vulnerable to this kind of radiation.Science has repeatedly and clearly demonstrated adverse effects of artificial electromagnetic fields on biological systems. It is far too late for timely intervention, but failure to act now with conviction and protect our children could lead to a national health disaster.Dr Olle Johansson, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, and Professor, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Wireless communication is now being implemented in our daily life in a very fast way. At the same time, it is becoming more and more obvious that the exposure to the electromagnetic fields used by these systems not only may induce acute thermal effects to living organisms, but also non-thermal effects, the latter often after longer exposures. This has been demonstrated in a very large number of studies and includes cellular DNA-damage, disruptions and alterations of cellular functions like increases in intracellular stimulatory pathways and calcium handling, disruption of tissue structures like the blood-brain barrier, impact on vessel and immune functions, association to cancer, and loss of fertility.Wireless systems, such as Wi-Fi routers and cell/mobile/smart phones, cannot be regarded as safe in schools, but must be deemed highly hazardous and unsafe for the children as well as for the staff.Dr Martin Blank, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, USA. Just because we allow microwaves, doesn’t mean that Wi-Fi at the same frequency should be allowed into all classrooms. There is now sufficient scientific data about the biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF), and in particular about radiofrequency (RF) radiation, to argue for adoption of precautionary measures. We can state unequivocally that EMF can cause single and double strand DNA breakage at exposure levels that are considered safe under the FCC guidelines in the USA.EMF have been shown to cause other potentially harmful biological effects, such as leakage of the blood brain barrier that can lead to damage of neurons in the brain, increased micronuclei (DNA fragments) in human blood lymphocytes, all at EMF exposures well below the limits in the current FCC guidelines. Probably the most convincing evidence of potential harm comes from living cells themselves when they start to manufacture stress proteins upon exposure to EMF. The stress response occurs with a number of potentially harmful environmental factors, such as elevated temperature, changes in pH, toxic metals, etc. This means that when stress protein synthesis is stimulated by radiofrequency or power frequency EMF, the body is telling us in its own language that RF exposure is potentially harmful.It is obvious that the safety standards must be revised downward to take into account the non-thermal as well as thermal biological responses that occur at much lower intensities. Since we cannot rely on the current standards, it is best to act according to the precautionary principle. The precautionary approach appears to be the most reasonable for those who must protect the health and welfare of the public and especially its most vulnerable members, children of school-age.Professor Dr. Oleg Grigoriev, PhD, Director of the Russian Centre for Electromagnetic Safety and Vice-Chairman of the RCNIRP. Dr. of Medical Science, Chairman of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RCNIRP); member of International Advising Committee on WHO EMF Project. Our committee is against the use of Wi-Fi systems in schools. The reason is that it forms a very complex form of electromagnetic field, but in this case the probability of biological effect is higher than when the same total dose is created by one source of unmodulated electromagnetic field. This pattern is for non-thermal electromagnetic fields. There are very good studies that have shown that prolonged exposure to low-intensity radio waves in children disturbed cognitive function, and we trust this research.Dr Magda Havas, PhD, Associate Professor, Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Ontario, Canada. I am a scientist researching the adverse health outcomes of electromagnetic radiation exposure, including from sources such as WI-FI networks and cell towers. I conducted a study that showed immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability associated with microwave exposure to a frequency of 2.4 GHz at levels well below (0.5 percent) federal guidelines. The reactions include heart irregularities, a rapid heart rate, up-regulation of the sympathetic nervous system, and down-regulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.It is important that children be exposed to the important education, life experiences, and social structures that public education offers, but they must not be risking their health to do so! Children must not be exposed to a constant background of pulsed microwave radiation from WI-FI (or other sources) while at school.The Internet is an important learning device that should not be taken away. I simply urge that its access be made available through wires rather than Wi-Fi.Professor Dr. Christos Georgiou, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Patras, Greece Every child has the non-negotiable, obvious right to a healthy and safe school environment.Governments and school boards can no longer trust the wireless communication industry’s monotonous slogan that Wi-Fi and cell phones are safe. In May 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified microwave radiation, emitted by such wireless devices, as a possible carcinogen. WHO could no longer ignore the scientific and social pressure from numerous studies, which have shown that WiFi/cell phone radiation penetrates the body, affects cell membranes, makes cells lose their ability to function properly over time, and disturbs the body’s normal metabolism causing numerous abnormalities and diseases.Children are especially vulnerable to microwave radiation because their nervous system and especially the brain are still developing. Moreover, their skulls are thinner and smaller than those of the adults, so the radiation penetrates their brains more freely and deeply.Microwave radiation displays in children life threatening short and long term effects: the short term effects are experienced as headaches, dizziness, nausea, vertigo, fatigue, visual and auditory distortion (voices change volume, ringing ears), abnormal heart rates (racing heart rate or tachycardia, erratic heart rates), memory loss, attention deficit (trouble concentrating while in class), skin rash, hyperactivity, anxiety, autism, depression, night sweats, insomnia (microwaves affect melatonin levels), learning impairment, behavioral changes etc; the long term effects are expressed as stress, a weakened immune system, seizures, epilepsy, high blood pressure, brain damage, diabetes, fibromyalgia, infertility, birth defects, DNA damage, leukemia, cancer, etc.Professor Dr. Alvaro Augusto A. de Salles, PhD, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. I believe that responsible governments should act firmly to avoid the use of mobile/smart phones and Wi-Fi in schools. The main reasons are due to the scientific evidence already available in the international literature (e.g., Bioinitiative report, Pathophysiology 2009, Interphone report, Hardell’s group papers, etc) showing health risks even at low level exposure to the non-ionizing radiation (NIR), the 2011 IARC/WHO possible carcinogenic (2 B) classification of the NIR and because due to different reasons, the children are more susceptible to this radiation.Then the “Precautionary Principle” should effectively be used in this subject and instead of wireless connection, other fixed connections such as twisted pairs, coaxial cables, optical fiber, etc should be available for each student, avoiding therefore exposure during several hours to the NIR.If serious and responsible decisions are not taken in due time, the price in terms of future generations public health can be very high.Professor Dr. Nesrin Seyhan, Medical Faculty and Chair of Biophysics Department, Gazi University, Turkey; WHO EMF International Advisory Committee; Panel Member NATO RTA Human Factors and Medicine. Dr. Seyhan, founder of the Gazi Non-Ionizing Protection Center (GNRK), always opposes radiofrequency sources near schools. She believes that potential adverse health effects from the children’s use of Wi-Fi and cell/mobile/smart phone would be greater than with respect to adults. She also recommends that children younger than 16-years-old should not have their own mobile phone.
Other studies which have shown harmful effects of non-ionising electromagnetic radiation include (this is not comprehensive):
“Mobile phone related-hazards and subjective hearing and vision symptoms in the Saudi population” | Meo SA, Al-Drees AM | 2005 |
“Cellular phone effects on otoacoustic emissions” | Grisanti G, Parlapiano C, Tamburello CC, Tine G, Zanforlin L | 1998 |
“Assessment of Potential Effects of Electromagnetic Fields of Mobile Phones on Hearing” | Uloziene, Uloza, Gradauskiene, Saferis | 2005 |
“Hearing level and intensive use of mobile phones” | Sebastian Gil E, Marco Algarra J. | 2005 |
“Vestibular schwannoma, tinitus and cellular telephones” | Hardell L, Mild KH, Sandstrom M, Carlberg M, Hallquist A, Pahlson A | 2003 |
“Mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan” | T. Takebayashi, S. Akiba, Y. Kikuchi, et al. | 2007 |
“Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma Risk in Japan” | Takebayashi, Akiba, Kikuchi, Taki, et al. | 2006 |
“Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries” | Schoemaker M. J., Swerdlow A. J., Ahlbom A., et al. | 2005 |
“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma” | Lonn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M | 2004 |
“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma” | Lonn, Ahlbom, Hall, Fetching, et al. | 2004 |
“Cellular Telephone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma” | Christensen,Schuz,Kosteljanetz,et al. | 2004 |
“Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma” | Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K | 2005 |
“A Study of the Effects of Cellular Telephone Microwave Radiation on the Auditory System in Healthy Men” | Mora, Crippa, Mora, Dellepiane | 2006 |
“Experimental study and mechanism analysis on bioeffects by nanosecond electromagnetic pulses” | Wang BY, Yang JB, Guo QG, Xu RM, Liu CJ, Zhang H, Zou FD, Wang ZS | 1997 |
“Bioeffects induced by exposure to microwaves are mitigated by superposition of ELF noise” | Litovitz TA, Penafiel LM, Farrel JM, Krause D, Meister R, Mullins JM | 1997 |
“The modification of the effect of microwave radiation on the biochemical processes in anaphylactic shock by using exposure to a weak and perturbed geomagnetic field” | Podkovkin VG | 1993 |
“Development and form of shortwave thermal zones in an agar body” | ALBRECHT, W. | 1935 |
“Repeated exposure to low-level extremely low frequency-modulated microwaves” | Vorobyov V, Pesic V, Janac B, Prolic Z. | 2004 |
“Working with Visual Display Units” | Robinette et al. | 1980 |
“Children’s Health and Environment: A Review of Evidence: A Joint Report from the European Environmental Agency and The World Health Organization” | World Health Organization | 2002 |
“Agar-Bridge System for Exposing Cell Cultures to Electric Fields” | Theriault | 1994 |
“Modification of lethal radiation injury in mice by postradiation exposure to low-intensity centimeter-band radio frequency waves” | Akoev IG, Mel’nikov VM, Usachev AV, Kozhokaru AF | 1994 |
“Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)” | International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection | 0 |
“The Impulse UHF Field in Experimental and Clinical Practice” | ABRIKOSOV, I. A. | 1954 |
“The Action of a Pulsed Electric UHF Field on the Organism” | ABRIKOSOV, I. A. | 1955 |
“The role of coherence time in the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity” | Litovitz TA, Krause D, Penafiel M, Elson EC, Mullins JM | 1993 |
“Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease” | inNL, Pal’tsev IuP, Iasnetsov VV | 1994 |
“Effect of a magnetic field on carboxydismutase” | AKOYUNOGLOU, G. | 1964 |
“Mortality of chicken embryos exposed to EMFs from mobile phones” | Youbicier-Simo BJ, Lebecq JC, Bastide M | 1998 |
“Micronucleus induction after whole-body microwave irradiation of rats” | Trosic I, Busljeta I, Kasuba V, Rozgaj R | 2002 |
“Study on health effects of the shortwave transmitter station of Schwarzenburg, Bern, Switzerland” | E.S. Altpeter, T.H. Krebs | 1995 |
“The microwave syndrome—further aspects of a Spanish study, in: Proceedings of the Third InternationalWorkshop on Bioelectromagnetic Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Kos, Greece” | G. Oberfeld, et al | 2004 |
“Electromagnetic absorption in the human head and neck for mobile telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz, IEE Trans” | O.P. Gandhi, G. Lazzi, C.M. Furse | 1996 |
“Amplitude Windows and Transiently Augmented Transcription from Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields” | Litovitz et al. | 1997 |
“Fetal and neonatal responses following maternal exposure to mobile phones” | Rezk A. Y., Abdulqawi K., Mustafa R. M., Abo El-Azm T. M. and Al-Inany H. | 2008 |
“Microwave enhanced kinetics observed in ORD studies of a protein” | Bohr H, Bohr J | 2000 |
“Perturbations of plant leaflet rhythms caused by electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation” | Ellingsrud S, Johnsson A | 1993 |
“Does The Skrunda Radio Location Station Diminish the Radial Growth of Pine Trees?” | Balodis et al | 1996 |
“Environmental-health aspects of pulse-modulated microwaves” | Neshev NN, Kirilova EI | 1996 |
“Some present problems and a proposed experimental phantom for SAR compliance testing of cellular telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz” | O.P. Gandhi, G. Kang | 2002 |
“Effects of mobile phone radiation on UV-induced skin tumourigenesis in ornithine decarboxylase transgenic and non-transgenic mice” | Heikkinen P, Kosma VM, Alhonen L, Huuskonen H, Komulainen H, Kumlin T, Laitinen JT, Lang S, Puranen L, Juutilainen J | 2003 |
“Role of modulation on the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity in L929 cells” | Penafiel LM, Litovitz T, Krause D, Desta A, Mullins JM | 1997 |
“Analysis of RF exposure in the head tissues of children and adults” | J. Wiart, A. Hadjem, M.F. Wong | 2008 |
“Biological effect from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards” | L. Hardell, C. Sage | 2008 |
“The effect of electromagnetic waves on the growth of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar.” | Aksoy U, Sahin S, Ozkoc S, Ergor G | 2005 |
“SIMS study of the calcium-deprivation step related to epidermal meristem production induced in flax by cold shock or radiation from a GSM telephone” | Tafforeau M, Verdus M-C, Norris V, White G, Demarty M, Thellier M, Ripoll C. | 2002 |
“Risk evaluation of potential environmental hazards from low frequency electromagnetic field exposure using sensitive in vitro methods” | A project funded by the European Union under the programme Quality of Life and Management of Living | 2004 |
“Effect of EMF on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) and the level of malonyldialdehyde (MDA)” | Stopczyk D, Gnitecki W, Buczynski A, Markuszewski L, Buczynski J | 2002 |
“Interactions of RF radiation-induced hyperthermia and 2-methoxyethanol teratogenicity in rats” | Nelson BK, Conover DL, Krieg EF Jr, Snyder DL, Edwards RM | 1997 |
“SCE-Frequencies Following Exposure to Magnetic Fields” | Tornqvist, S. et al. | 1986 |
“Interaction of low level modulated RF radiation with Na+¯ K+-ATPase” | Behari J, Kunjilwar KK, and Pyne S | 1998 |
“Extremely Low Frequency Fields Environmental Health Criteria Monograph 238″ | World Health Organization | 2007 |
“Effects of Pulse Microwave Exposure on Mitochondrial Marker Enzyme and Energy Metabolism in Mouse Brain (1)” | Chiang H | 1999 |
“The Effects of Low-Energy 60-Hz EMF Upon the Growth Related Enzyme ODC” | Takashima, S. et al. | 1979 |
“Effects of co-exposure to ELF magnetic fields and benzene or benzene metabolites determined in vitro by the alkaline comet assay” | Morettia M, Villarinia, Simonuccib S, Fatigonia C, Scassellati-Sforzolinia G, Monarcaa S, Pasquinia R, Angeluccic M, Strappinic M | 2005 |
“Effect of Isothermal Radiofrequency Barrier Induced by 915 MHz Electromagnetic Radiation, Continuous Wave and Modulated at 8, 16, 50, and 200 Hz” | Cleary, Du, Cao, Liu, McCrady | 1994 |
“Frequency-dependent alterations in enolase activity in Escherichia coli caused by exposure to electric and magnetic fields” | Dutta SK, Verma M, Blackman CF | 1994 |
“Thermal effects of 200 megacycles (cw) irradiation as related to shape, location, and orientation in the field” | ADDINGTON, C. H., OSBORN, C., SWARTZ, G., FISCHER, F. P., & SARKEES, Y.T. | 1959 |
“Public Exposure levels from WiFi systems, 10/12/2007″ | Philips, A. | 2007 |
“The Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation from the Skrunda Radio Location Station on Spirodela Polyrhiza Schleiden Cultures” | Magone | 1996 |
“Effect of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on permeability of unilamellar liposomes to 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein” | Saalman E, Norden B, Arvidsson L, Hamnerius Y, Hojevik P, Connell KE, Kurucsev T, | 1991 |
“Preliminary evaluation of nanoscale biogenic magnetite-based ferromagnetic transduction mechanisms for mobile phone bioeffects” | Cranfield C, Wieser HG, Al Madan J, Dobson J | 2003 |
“Comparison of symptoms experienced by users of analogue and digitalmobile phones: a Swedish-Norwegian epidemiological study” | Haugsdal B, Hauger E, Mild KH, Oftedal G, Sandstrom M, Wilen J, Tynes T | 1998 |
“Epidemiological Studies of Radiofrequency Radiation: Current Status and Areas of Concern” | Goldsmith | 1996 |
“Erythropoietic changes in rats after 2.45 GJz nonthermal irradiation” | Busljeta I, Trosic I, Milkovic-Kraus S. | 2004 |
“Erythropoietic dynamic equilibrium in rats maintained after microwave irradiation” | Trosic I, Busljeta I. | 2006 |
“Qualitative enzyme histochemistry and microanalysis reveals changes in ultrastructural distribution of calcium and calcium-activated ATPases after microwave irradiation of the medial habenula” | Kittel A, Siklos L, Thuroczy G, Somosy Z | 1996 |
“Changes in serum alkaline phosphatase activity during in vitro exposure to AM EMF of ultrahigh frequency (2375 MHz) in guinea pigs | Pashovkina MS, Akoev IG | 2000 |
“Effects of Weak Amplitude Modified Microwave Fields on Calcium Efflux” | Seegal, R.F. | 1989 |
“Exposure of frog hearts to CW or amplitude-modulated VHF fields: selective efflux of calcium ions at 16 Hz” | Schwartz JL, House DE, Mealing GA | 1990 |
“Reverse-micelle model: pH, electromagnetic field and inhibitor enzyme interaction” | Chattopadhyay SK, Toews KA, Butt S, Barlett R, Brown HD | 1997 |
“Influence of 400, 900, and 1900 MHz electromagnetic fields on Lemna minor growth and peroxidase activity” | Tkalec M, Malaric K, Pevalek-Kozlina B. | 2005 |
“Effect of a 915-MHz simulated mobile phone signal on c function in man” | A. Preece, et al. | 1999 |
“Study on the effects of microwave irradiation on ultramicrostructure of hypothalamus in mice” | Yao GD, Chiang H | 1985 |
“Cellular Telephone Use and Time Trends in Brain Tumor Mortality from 1969 to 2002″ | Roosli, Michel, Keuhni, Spoerri | 2007 |
“Microwave-induced thermoelastic pressure wave propagation in the cat brain” | Lin JC, Su JL, Wang Y | 1988 |
“Calculation of Change in Brain Temperatures Due to Exposure to a Mobile Phone” | Van Leeuwen, Lagendijk, Van Leersum | 1999 |
“Temporal bisection in rats: the effects of high-peak-power pulsed microwave irradiation” | Raslear TG, Akyel Y, Bates F, Belt M, Lu ST | 1993 |
“Suppression of evoked and spontaneous field potentials by radiofrequency radiation in rat hippocampal slices” | Tattersell JEH, Nettell JJ, Wood SJ | 1998 |
“Interaction of microwaves and a temporally incoherent magnetic field on spatial learning in the rat” | Lai H. | 2004 |
“Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: Estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep and heart rate” | Huber R, Schuderer J, Graf T, Jutz K, Borbely AA, Kuster N, Achermann P | 2003 |
“Effects of exposure to a 900MHz electromagnetic field on the dentate gyrus: a stereological and histopathological study” | Odaci E., Bas O. and Kaplan S. | 2008 |
“Ginkgo biloba prevents mobile phone-induced oxidative stress in rat brain” | A. Ilhan, A. Gurel, F. Armutcu, S. Kamisli, M. Iraz, O. Akyol, S. Ozen | 2004 |
“Digital cellphone field exposures, in utero, alter ODC and polyamine levels in fetal rat brains” | Cain CD, Ghaffari M, Jones RA, Byus CV, Adey WR | 1999 |
“Fetal rat brain ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity and polyamine levels following exposures to Iridium cell phone fields in late pregnancy” | Adey WR | 2000 |
“06-methylguanini E-DNA-methyltransgerase activity and ODC activity in brains” | Cain CD, Ghaffari M, Jones RA, Archambeau J, Adey WR | 1998 |
“Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones” | Salford L. G., Brun A. E., Eberhardt J. L., Malmgren L. and Persson B. R. R. | 2003 |
“Effects of microwave exposure at various power densities on mitochondrial enzymes in mouse brain” | Chiang H, Yao GD, Zhou SY | 1984 |
“Melatonin modulates 900 Mhz microwave-induced lipid peroxidation changes in rat brain” | H.Koylu, H. Mollaoglu, F.N. Ozguner | 2006 |
“1800 MHz electromagnetic field effects on melatonin release from isolated pineal glands” | Sukhotina I, Streckert JR, Bitz AK, Hansen VW, Lerchl A | 2006 |
“The effects of radiofrequency radiation on long term potentiation in rat hippocampal slices” | Scott IR, Tattersall JEH | 1999 |
“Effects of low-level microwave irradiation on hippocampal and frontal cortical choline uptake are classically conditionable” | Lai H, Horita A, Chou CK, Guy AW | 1987 |
“The effect of low level continuous 2.45 GHz waves on enzymes of developing rat brain” | Paulraj R, Behari J | 2002 |
“The effects of 3000 MHz microwave irradiation on electroencephalic energy and energy metabolism in mouse brain” | Pu JS, Chen J, Yang YH, Bai YQ | 1997 |
“Effects of low intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on electrical activity in rat hippocampal slices” | Tattersall JE, Scott IR, Wood SJ, Nettell JJ, Bevir MK, Wang Z, Somasiri NP, Chen X. | 2001 |
“A Role for the Magnetic Field in the Radiation-Induced Efflux of Calcium Ions from Brain Tissue in Vitro” | Szmigielski, S. et al. | 1987 |
“Effects of Modulated RF Energy on the EEGs of Mammalian Brains” | Sienkiewicz, Saunders and Kowalczuk | 1991 |
“Electromagnetic interference of GSM mobile phones with the implantable deep brain stimulator, ITREL-III” | Kainz W, Alesch F, Chan DD | 2003 |
“Corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist blocks microwave- induced decreases in high-affinity choline uptake in the rat brain” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1990 |
“Intracerebroventricular injection of mu- and delta-opiate receptor antagonists block 60 Hz magnetic field-induced decreases in cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat” | Lai H, Carino MA | 1998 |
“Effects of Weak Amplitude Modulated Microwave Fields on Calcium Eflux on Awake Cat Cerebral Cortex | Bawin, S.M. and W.R. Adey | 1976 |
“Intraseptal microinjection of beta-funaltrexamine blocked a microwave induced decrease of hippocampal cholinergic activity in the rat” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1994 |
“Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease in central cholinergic activity in the rat” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1992 |
“Effect of amplitude-modulated radio frequency radiation on cholinergic system of developing rats” | Kunjilwar KK, Behari J | 1993 |
“Low-level microwave irradiations affect central cholinergic activity in the rat” | Lai H, Horita A, Chou CK, Guy AW | 1987 |
“Weak Electric Gradients Change the Ionic and Transmitter Fluxes in Cortex” | Kaczmarek and Adey | 1974 |
“IRIDIUM exposure increases c-fos expression in the mouse brain only at levels which likely result in tissue heating” | Morrissey JJ, Raney S, Heasley E, Rathinavelu P, Dauphinee M, Fallon JH | 1999 |
“Iridium exposure increase c-fos expression in the mouse brain” | Morrissey JJ, Rauey S, Heasley E, Rathinavelua P, Dauphinee M, Fallon JH | 1999 |
“The Anatomical Distribution of Cerebral Giomas in Mobile Phone Users” | Ali Khan, O’Brien, Kelly, Phillips, et al. | 2003 |
“Electron Microscope Observation on Rat Cerebellum and Hippocampus After Exposure to 60-Hz Electric Fields” | Schwartz et al. | 1990 |
“60 Hz Magnetic fields and Central Cholinergic Activity: Effects of Exposure Intensity and Duration” | Lai H, Carino MA | 1998 |
“Low-level microwave irradiation and central cholinergic activity: a doseresponse study” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1989 |
“Low-level microwave irradiation and central cholinergic systems” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1989 |
“Astocytoma Risk Related to Job Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields” | Reuter | 1987 |
“The Efflux of 45Ca2+ and 3H-Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Fron Cat Cerebral Cortex” | Kaczmarek and Adey | 1973 |
“In Vitro Study of Microwave Effects on Calcium Efflux in Rat Brain Tissue | Bawin and Adey | 1976 |
“Possible Mechanisms of Weak Electromagnetic Field Coupling with Brain Tissue” | Bawin, Sheppard and Adey | 1978 |
“Induction of Calcium-ion Efflux From Brain Tissue by Radiofrequency Radiation: Effects of Modulated Frequency and Field Strength” | Blackman et al. | 1979 |
“Effect of Amplitude Modulated 147 MHz Radiofrequency on Calcium Ion Efflux from Avian Brain Tissue” | Albert, Bray, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Watson | 1987 |
“Effect of amplitude modulated RF radiation on calcium ion efflux and ODC activity in chronically exposed rat brain” | Paulraj R, Behari J, Rao AR | 1999 |
“The Influence of Temperature During Electric and Magnetic Field Induced Alteration of Calcium Ion Release from In Vitro Brain Tissue” | Blackman et al. | 1991 |
“Effects of ELF fields on calcium-ion efflux from brain tissues” | Blackman et al. | 1982 |
“Influence of Electromagnetic Fields on the Efflux of Calcium Ions from Brain Tissue In Vitro” | Blackman et al. | 1988 |
“Power Density, Field Density and Carrier Frequency Determinants of RF Energy-Induced Calcium Ion Efflux from Brain Tissue” | Joines, W.T, and Blackman, C.F. | 1980 |
“Sensitivity in Calcium Binding in Cerbral Tissue to Weak Electric Fields Oscillating at Low Frequency” | Bawin, S.M. and W.R. Adey | 1976 |
“Effects of low level 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on Ca2+ efflux and ODC activity in chronically exposed developing rat brain” | Paul Raj R, Behari J. Rao AR | 1999 |
“Microwave-evoked brainstem potentials in cats” | Lin JC, Meltzer RJ, Redding FK | 1979 |
“Blood-brain Barrier Permeability in Rats Exposed to Electromagnetic Fields Used in Wireless Communication” | Persson, Salford, Brun | 1997 |
“Radiofrequency and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field effects on the blood-brain barrier” | Nittby, H., Grafstrom G., Eberhardt J. L., Malmgren L., Brun A., Persson B. R. R. and Salford L. G. | 2008 |
“Permeability of the blood-brain barrier induced by 915 MHz electromagnetic radiation, continuous wave and modulated at 8, 16, 50, and 200 Hz” | Salford LG, Brun A, Sturesson K, Eberhardt JL, Persson BR | 1994 |
“Diurnal Patterns in Brain Biogenic Amines of Rats Exposed to 60-Hz Electric Fields” | Stodolnik-Baranska, W. et al. | 1973 |
“Cellular phone electromagnetic field effects on bioelectric activity of human brain” | Lebedeva NN, Sulimov AV, Sulimova OP, Kotrovskaya TI, Gailus T, | 2000 |
“Single vs. repeated microwave exposure: effects on benzodiazepine receptors in the brain of the rat” | Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW | 1992 |
“Can Mobile Phone Emissions Affect Auditory Functions of Cochlea or Brain Stem?” | Sievert, U., Eggert, S., Pau, H.W. | 2005 |
“Effects of exposure to low level radiofrequency fields on acetylcholine release in hippocampus of freely moving rats” | Bioelectromagnetics 23:249-255 | 2002 |
“The Possible Role of Radiofrequency Radiation in the Development of Uveal Melanoma” | Stang et al. | 2001 |
“The possible role of radiofrequency radiation in the development of uveal melanoma” | Stang A, Anastassiou G, Ahrens W, Bromen K, Bornfeld N, Jockel KH | 2001 |
“Potential Hazards of Hertizan Radiation and Tumors” | Zaret, M | 1977 |
“Effect of low-energy and high-peak-power nanosecond pulses of microwave radiation on malignant tumors” | Devyatkov ND, Pletnyov SD, Betskii OV, Faikin VV | 2001 |
“The Production of Tumor Necrosis Factor in Cells of Tumor-Bearing Mice After Total-Body Microwave Irradiation and Antioxidant Diet” | Novoselova EG, Ogay VB, Sorokina OV, Glushkova OV, Sinotova OA, Fesenko EE. | 2004 |
“Effect of centimeter microwaves and the combined magnetic field on the tumor necrosis factor production in cells of mice with experimental tumors” | Novoselova EG, Ogai VB, Sorokina OV, Novikov VV, Fesenko EE | 20 |
There thousands more ladies and gentlemen.
<li>Martin Pall presentation entitled, <a href=”https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33504620/2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf”>Microwave electromagnetic fields do not work by heating. They produce health effects by VGCC activation</a>.</li>
More information <strong><a href=”http://www.smb.wsu.edu/faculty-trainees-and-staff/emeritus-faculty”>Martin L. Pall , Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University</a>, </strong> <a href=”http://www.thetenthparadigm.org/mcs09.htm”>The Tenth Paradigm Research Group</a> ,<a href=”mailto:martin_pall@wsu.edu”>martin_pall@wsu.edu</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10389435_728017100598148_3972682459259689306_n.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4043″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10389435_728017100598148_3972682459259689306_n-300×224.jpg” alt=”I think Hughes ought to know about this” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> I think Chief Hughes ought to know about this
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ipad-in-palm-beach.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4381 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ipad-in-palm-beach-300×199.jpg” alt=”ipad-in-palm-beach” width=”300″ height=”199″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/are-ipads-safe-in-the-laps-of-school-children-why-are-women-getting-breast-cancer-from-keeping-cell-phones-in-their-bras/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/are-ipads-safe-in-the-laps-of-school-children-why-are-women-getting-breast-cancer-from-keeping-cell-phones-in-their-bras/</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/is-this-your-child/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/is-this-your-child/</a>
With the media blackout on the wireless agenda like nothing I have ever seen in my entire life, thank God that the traffic on this site continues to grow. Folks there are an awful lot of eyes on this debacle in our little neck of the woods. Yes, we are up against a trillion dollar industry and now being joined by the educrat lackeys who are taking your tax money to bed with the media who will never let you in on what is about to be rolled out right before your very eyes right here. It is time to let you know that there is more to this story than what you are being spoon fed folks. Here is your tax money at work and boy is there more to this than meets the eye.
<a href=”http://iframewidth=854height=510src=//www.youtube.com/embed/2OGWDoD8XMUframeborder=0allowfullscreen/iframe”><iframe src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/2OGWDoD8XMU” width=”400″ height=”510″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”></iframe></a><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10675676_825551687479314_626165308818470095_n.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4219 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10675676_825551687479314_626165308818470095_n-300×252.jpg” alt=”10675676_825551687479314_626165308818470095_n” width=”300″ height=”252″ /></a>
With the almost totally exclusive contracts in the schools <a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-24.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4237 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-24.jpg” alt=”images (24)” width=”300″ height=”168″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-23.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4239 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-23.jpg” alt=”images (23)” width=”252″ height=”200″ /></a> Fullerton’s high priest in the cult of Mac- Superintendent Robert Pletka handing out communion-6000 ipads
and Apple gets to deploy their devices in the laps of our children at school all day
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3991 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg” alt=”images (11)” width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> A potential victim of classroom wireless technology
It is all at the behest of people like yours truly
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3993 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg” alt=”images (12)” width=”225″ height=”225″ /></a>
Obama’s ” Connect ED” scheme with his pal at the FCC ,Tom Weeler, will have EVERY CLASSROOM IN THE NATION WIRELESS IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/14.01.28-SOTU.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4353 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/14.01.28-SOTU-300×180.jpg” alt=”14.01.28-SOTU” width=”300″ height=”180″ /></a> My favorite pen stroke in office was to overturn the Mexico City Policy because I love unborn children and babies. There is a reason for not including in vitro in my new health plan.
The education superhighway to hell-tech execs pledge BILLIONS FOR CLASSROOM WIFI-ubiquitous Wi-Fi NO LESS
<a href=”http://www.educationsuperhighway.org/uploads/1/0/9/4/10946543/ceo_letter_to_fcc_on_wheeler_e-rate_plan.pdf”>http://www.educationsuperhighway.org/uploads/1/0/9/4/10946543/ceo_letter_to_fcc_on_wheeler_e-rate_plan.pdf</a>
Apple has pledged $100 million in the form of iPads, desktop and laptop computers, and other educational tools to President Obama’s ConnectED initiative that seeks to connect 99 percent of America’s students to wireless high-speed internet.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-26.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4354 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-26.jpg” alt=”images (26)” width=”232″ height=”217″ /></a> Can you keep a secret? The Manchurian Candidate can.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/28_nato_14.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4356 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/28_nato_14-300×200.jpg” alt=”28_nato_14″ width=”300″ height=”200″ /></a> To the most high -September Morning<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/494295927.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4355 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/494295927-200×300.jpg” alt=”494295927″ width=”200″ height=”300″ /></a> the emissions, the helix, the addiction and the agenda<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-92.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4362 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-92.jpg” alt=”download (9)” width=”265″ height=”190″ /></a> Wireless microwave radiation forced exposure from the cradle to the grave for this generation. It ought not be so.
So what is the goal of the proliferation of these wireless devices?
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3995 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic-300×204.jpg” alt=”skull-vs-ipad-basic” width=”300″ height=”204″ /></a>
It can’t be good for the children yet we send them off everyday with a lunch and a kiss so they can irradiate their reproductive organs
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3620 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg” alt=”33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/download-3.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3987 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/download-3.jpg” alt=”download (3)” width=”275″ height=”183″ /></a> The microwave transmitters are in direct proximity to their reproductive organs
as people like these install wireless networks in all of our schools
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Deasy-comment-on-education-politics-e1409779700793.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4382 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Deasy-comment-on-education-politics-e1409779700793-300×225.jpg” alt=”Deasy-comment-on-education-politics-e1409779700793″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a> LAUSD’s billion dollar raccoon eyed Deasy -So Cal’s number two king of wireless classrooms behind Pletka as he legislates from the bench without his black robe. Not sleeping well these days? EASY DEASY, cuz kids are coming to your board meetings with teachers complaining about nosebleeds, insomnia, bleeding from their ears and all kinds of problems that your staff refuses to file incident reports on.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-7.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4240 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-7.jpg” alt=”download (7)” width=”159″ height=”199″ /></a> Orange County Department of Education Superintendent Al Mijares—Hey Al, whatcya been doing with all of those emails we been sending to the board for the last year and a half? They never got them? Why did you pull wireless of the shelf at the last board meeting? Is it because you read my email about the ed code violations?<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/DrNedDoffoney2small_000.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3744 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/DrNedDoffoney2small_000.jpg” alt=”DrNedDoffoney2small_000″ width=”107″ height=”139″ /></a> forced WiFi for all with a big fat bloated bond to boot-Chancellor of the NOCCD Ned Doffney<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/06-2013-1112-N06934.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3641 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/06-2013-1112-N06934.jpg” alt=”06-2013-1112-N06934″ width=”200″ height=”250″ /></a> Petaluma superintendent Steve Bolman- children need to be irradiated as I call the cops on you
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sheehan_Dr._Richard_17crop.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4384″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sheehan_Dr._Richard_17crop.jpg” alt=”Glendale Unified’s Dr. Richard M. Sheehan” width=”200″ height=”276″ /></a> Glendale Unified’s chief irradiator Dr. Richard M. Sheehan-We like you better with your glasses on.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/greg_dhuyvetter.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3624 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/greg_dhuyvetter.jpg” alt=”greg_dhuyvetter” width=”120″ height=”150″ /></a> Greg Duyvetter Superintendent of schools for The Catholic Diocese of Orange who refuses to turn off the wireless in all of Orange County’s Catholic schools -Hey Greg, you should have stuck to your singing gig over at St Barbara’s. Hey, you still tight with father Harris over at my Alma mater Mater Dei. I always wondered why his office was all the way at the end of the hall.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/pletka_r_120x150.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3608″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/pletka_r_120x150.jpg” alt=”FSD Superintendent Robert Pletka-He could stop this if he wanted to.” width=”120″ height=”150″ /></a> FSD Superintendent Robert Pletka drunk on wireless technology and high on common core-He could stop this if he wanted to.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13.png”><img class=”wp-image-3966 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13-300×224.png” alt=”image001 (13)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> Fullertons very own Dr. Roman Schulze’s show on the road in Glendale-“wifi safe” with the Captain from Executive Environmental who cooks the RF reports to order for the district.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Boger_Mary.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4348 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Boger_Mary-225×300.jpg” alt=”Boger_Mary” width=”225″ height=”300″ /></a> Glendale Unified Trustee Mary Boger- on the Fullerton Informer-“..junk science, bullying and fear mongering.”
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/GLENDALE-UNIFIED’S-VERY-OWN-MARY-BOGER-ON-THE-FULLERTON-INFORMER-JUNK-SCIENCE-BULLYING-AND-FEAR-MONGERING-«-The-Fullerton-Informer1.htm”>GLENDALE UNIFIED’S VERY OWN MARY BOGER ON THE FULLERTON INFORMER JUNK SCIENCE, BULLYING AND FEAR MONGERING « The Fullerton Informer</a> <a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/glendale-usds-very-own-mary-boger-on-the-fullerton-informer-junk-science-bullying-and-fear-mongering/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/glendale-usds-very-own-mary-boger-on-the-fullerton-informer-junk-science-bullying-and-fear-mongering/</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10653551_10203588286766206_6936232162675107274_n-300×225.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4241 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10653551_10203588286766206_6936232162675107274_n-300×225.jpg” alt=”10653551_10203588286766206_6936232162675107274_n-300×225″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a> The irradiating brass on stage-Janny Meyer FSD trustee, State Superintendent Tom Torlakson, Fullerton council member Doug Chaffee and hiding in the back row enter through the side door Orange County Superintendent of schools for $300,000 plus per year-Al Mijares–Hey Janny your car is still running with the keys in the ignition and Tom don’t forget your wearing your glasses. Doug, we don’t care what you have to say because your three minutes were up in the parking lot.
While people like this ignore the warnings in Sacramento
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sharon-Quirk-Silva-and-Tom-Torlakson-300×196.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4349″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sharon-Quirk-Silva-and-Tom-Torlakson-300×196.jpg” alt=”Torlakson and Silva just couldn’t do the right thing so they just had the stool pigeon write the apology. – ” width=”300″ height=”196″ /></a> Torlakson and Silva just couldn’t do the right thing so they just had the stool pigeon write the apology. –
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-19.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3299 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-19.jpg” alt=”images (19)” width=”213″ height=”160″ /></a> Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva- Mr Imbriano, you were not on the guest list
<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/</a></p>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1719.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4405″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1719.jpg” alt=”Planned Parenthoods Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva” width=”100″ height=”130″ /></a> Planned Parenthood’s Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva-who scores a whopping zero on the pro life voting score card. Oh but she loves the veterans so much that she wants to give them a cemetery while they drop like flies at the VA.
Sharon did it ever occur to you that Planned Parenthood just might go out of business if we don’t stop the wireless sterilization of children in the schools? No pregnancy means no abortions which means no body parts and no dinero for your proud eugenicist monster sponsor that is a creation from the pit of hell. Some people will do anything for money. http://maplight.org/california/legislator/1719-sharon-quirk-silva
Check out this Orwellian diatribe on calling baby killing “smart pro women’s public health policies” <a href=”http://www.ppactionca.org/voter-resources/sharon-quirk-silva-2014.html”>Planned Parenthood’s centerfold model-Sharon Quirk Silva</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-25.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4242 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-25.jpg” alt=”images (25)” width=”244″ height=”207″ /></a> Senator Bob Huff-How empty can a suit get? No response, no concern no comment on the plight of the children.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-11.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4342 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-11-300×70.jpg” alt=”download (11)” width=”300″ height=”70″ /></a> Autism conference host where the solution is a room full of drug pushers and vaccine inventors while he and his cohorts totally ignore the wireless connection to the epidemic. No respect I tell ya.
<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”http://autism.senate.ca.gov/informationalhearings”>http://autism.senate.ca.gov/informationalhearings</a> 9-13-13</p>
<p style=”text-align: center;”>HERE IS WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN THE AUTISM EPIDEMIC</p>
<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/</a></p>
In Washington
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-8.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4243 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-8.jpg” alt=”download (8)” width=”152″ height=”180″ /></a> US House of Rep Ed Royce (R) Empty suit? Well since you asked? May I present to you NDAA signator Ed Royce who continues ignoring every email ever sent to him on the plight of the children. Oh but he beats the war drum so loud you need noise cancelling headphones.
Locally in town wireless for all the kids
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-19.png”><img class=”wp-image-4245 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-19-300×169.png” alt=”image001 (19)” width=”300″ height=”169″ /></a> Huge cash donor to wireless classroom technology-silent on our attemtps to reach him
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-18.png”><img class=”wp-image-4244 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-18-300×165.png” alt=”image001 (18)” width=”300″ height=”165″ /></a> Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children. I still don’t get the bow tie.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-20.png”><img class=”wp-image-4246 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-20-300×172.png” alt=”image001 (20)” width=”300″ height=”172″ /></a> Ignores repeated emails about the wireless connection to Autism and to top it off his charity group donates money for wirelesss technology to the FSD and blocks me from Facebook
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-21.png”><img class=”wp-image-4247 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-21-300×224.png” alt=”image001 (21)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> Michelle Garden-“the leader of Acacia” is a strong advocate for wireless technology in the Fullerton school district and is the wife of Dr. Roman Schulze. ” My husband just enjoys arguing his well-researched point…it is sport for him” – See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/#comment-25501
<p style=”text-align: center;”>If I were Dr. Roman Schulze, I think I would find another hobby.</p>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-23.png”><img class=”wp-image-4256 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-23-300×181.png” alt=”image001 (23)” width=”300″ height=”181″ /></a> Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children eventually resulting in me removing my eldest child from her school. She just smiles at everything.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-22.png”><img class=”wp-image-4248 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-22-300×174.png” alt=”image001 (22)” width=”300″ height=”174″ /></a> She looks like my neighbor, pretty trippy. Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children and continues to direct money into technology with the fundraising efforts district wide.
MAY I INTRODUCE <a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/shapeimage_1.png”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4388 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/shapeimage_1-300×52.png” alt=”shapeimage_1″ width=”300″ height=”52″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-101.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4385 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-101.jpg” alt=”download (10)” width=”255″ height=”197″ /></a> Acacia elementary principal Karen Whisnant, who has a PHD in placation in my opinion, and is an ardent wireless technology supporter who personally refused and directed my children’s teachers to refuse, on multiple occasions, written information on the dangers of classroom microwave radiation including at a PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE. She has also called the police on parents for handing out fliers on the sidewalk trying to warn parents of the dangers. My other three children were subsequently removed from the school.
Lets look at some local connections to the Apple mother ship.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/shapeimage_1-1.png”><img class=”wp-image-4390 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/shapeimage_1-1-300×280.png” alt=”shapeimage_1 (1)” width=”300″ height=”280″ /></a> Home to probably the highest RF classroom readings in the state
Fisler principal Trang Lai
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Trang-Lai.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4391 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Trang-Lai-224×300.jpg” alt=”Trang Lai” width=”224″ height=”300″ /></a> Ignores everything we ever sent her and continues on the path of forced microwave exposure for the children on the west side.
Ted Lai
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/tedlaishadowed.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4389″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/tedlaishadowed.jpg” alt=”Is this the apple connection for the FSD? Is this the husband of Fisler principal Trang Lai?” width=”101″ height=”120″ /></a> Is this the apple connection for the FSD? Is this the husband of Fisler principal Trang Lai? Hey we can read.
<strong><em>Prior to joining Apple, Ted Lai was most recently the Director of Technology & Media Services at Fullerton School District, home of Robert C. Fisler School (a 1:1 laptop Apple Distinguished School) and Valencia Park Elementary (a 1:1 mobile device Apple Distinguished Program).</em></strong>
Lest we forget Jan Weiner from Cal State Fullerton as she chimed in from her Autism offices on campus next to the freeway-here is the story on that nice dialogue she engaged in to ensure the irradiation of school children continues – <strong>https://thefullertoninformer.com/jan-weiner-speaks/</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/j_weiner2.jpg”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-4402 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/j_weiner2.jpg” alt=”j_weiner2″ width=”211″ height=”158″ /></a>
Yeah, they may be listening but they sure as heck are not paying attention.
Gail Lyons, who taught my kids Sunday school classes over at EV Free lent a deaf ear to my board meeting presentation, written materials and emails.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484372_wnp187.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4395 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484372_wnp187.jpg” alt=”1278766484372_wnp187″ width=”187″ height=”125″ /></a>
Kevin Hobby ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484373_wnp187.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4396 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484373_wnp187.jpg” alt=”1278766484373_wnp187″ width=”187″ height=”125″ /></a>
Ron Todd ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484445_wnp187.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4397 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1278766484445_wnp187.jpg” alt=”1278766484445_wnp187″ width=”187″ height=”125″ /></a>
Alicia Maciel ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1356611942302_wnp175.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4398 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1356611942302_wnp175.jpg” alt=”1356611942302_wnp175″ width=”175″ height=”226″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ev-free-fullerton-300×300.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4392 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ev-free-fullerton-300×300.jpg” alt=”ev-free-fullerton-300×300″ width=”300″ height=”300″ /></a> The more things change, the more they remain the same. EV Free Fullerton-Home to Mike Erre, Jennifer Fitzgerald on Sunday’s and occasionally to Pletlka’s crowd for shin digs when summer winds down or when they just need some paint jobs for the dilapidated school buildings that a couple hundred million a year in school district tax money can’t take care of .
My dad told me that you will know a tree by its fruit, so did Jesus.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/image001-24.png”><img class=”wp-image-4300 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/image001-24-215×300.png” alt=”“We got some Ipad today guys and let me just say I know how much you love it because you email me overwhelmingly and you ask for more ipad, and so as a man who wants to honor the wishes of (pause) people cuz I always…….” Mike Erre 9-14-14 from the pulpit. – ” width=”215″ height=”300″ /></a> EV FREE FULLERTON’S SENIOR PASTOR MIKE ERRE “We got some Ipad today guys and let me just say I know how much you love it because you email me overwhelmingly and you ask for more ipad, and so as a man who wants to honor the wishes of (pause) people cuz I always…….” Mike Erre 9-14-14 from the pulpit. –
You know, statements like that should not be coming out of the mouth of a so called Christian pastor in a Christian church from the pulpit during a Sunday morning service while he is thumbing through the Word of God, especially in light of all of the information that he has been provided with on this issue including the satanic roots Apple has- <a href=”http://apple666.org/” rel=”nofollow”>http://apple666.org/</a> . Not to mention the battle raging over the wireless in the schools that he is no stranger to. as EV Free Fullerton is host to many a shindig for the establishment in town. Ironically, as a matter of fact, after many failed attempts to reach him, with NO responses, this is what we get-
<strong>Mail Delivery Subsystem
Aug 13,2014</strong>
to me
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
<a href=”mailto:mike.erre@evfreefullerton.com”>mike.erre@evfreefullerton.com</a>
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain evfreefullerton.com by mail.fefcful.org. [].
<strong>The error that the other server returned was:
550 Blocked</strong>
– See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/fullertons-doctor-roman-schulze-says-wifi-is-safe/#comment-94976
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-2.png”><img class=”wp-image-4340 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-2-222×300.png” alt=”image001 (2)” width=”222″ height=”300″ /></a> 4:40 SECONDS INTO THE SERMON AS HE FLIPS THROUGH SCRIPTURE PREPARING TO TAKE A SHOT AT THE MESSENGER EXPOSING THIS SATANIC STERILIZATION AGENDA-FORGIVE THEM FATHER FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO
<p style=”text-align: center;”> GO TO 4:40-watch for yourself and tell me what this has to do with The Gospel of Luke</p>
In the meantime,people like this man who pose as a philanthropist and savior of the poor ,ram vaccines and wireless down our kids throats everywhere else like in their bedrooms because the wireless transmitters in the Xbox never shut off even if you power it off unless you unplug the unit. The wireless controllers spend all the time irradiating their laps by design-read up on the satanization and sterilization of your children right here-<a href=”http://apple666.org”>http://apple666.org</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/10155708_10202182003574449_1361734268974358709_n-218×3001.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3277 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/10155708_10202182003574449_1361734268974358709_n-218×3001.jpg” alt=”10155708_10202182003574449_1361734268974358709_n-218×300″ width=”218″ height=”300″ /></a> THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE
<p style=”text-align: center;”><strong><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/”>see more on the video game component to the sterilization of our children here</a></strong></p>
So what is the goal?
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3279 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-12.jpg” alt=”download (12)” width=”258″ height=”195″ /></a>
Girls are born with their eggs but not mosquitos.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4115 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300.jpg” alt=”10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n” width=”279″ height=”300″ /></a>
Humans are looked upon as animals by people like
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Bill-Gates-Vaccines.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4118 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Bill-Gates-Vaccines-300×230.jpg” alt=”Bill-Gates-Vaccines” width=”300″ height=”230″ /></a> METALLIC NANO TECH LADEN VACCINES ACTIVATED BY WIRELESS EMISSIONS- PATENTED TECHNOLOGY
So with the hots for your children’s bloodstreams not able to satisfy him, what does he do? He gets into the education business.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/12505_10152343153446961_1228315018389040583_n-1.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4116 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/12505_10152343153446961_1228315018389040583_n-1-300×200.jpg” alt=”12505_10152343153446961_1228315018389040583_n (1)” width=”300″ height=”200″ /></a> BILL GATES FROM THE BEDROOM WITH THE XBOX, TO THE BLOODSTREAMS WITH THE VACCINES, AND NOW TO THE WIRELESS CLASSROOMS WITH COMMON CORE
He gets into the vaccine business with a billion dollar charity.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/gates-foundation-campus1.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3162 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/gates-foundation-campus1-300×215.jpg” alt=”gates-foundation-campus” width=”300″ height=”215″ /></a>
TO UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION HEADQUARTERS IN SEATTLE, YOU MUST READ THIS-<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/</a>
No shots, no school, no problem, no kidding?
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-32.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4304 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-32.jpg” alt=”download-32″ width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> 35-45 SHOTS BY AGE FIVE-HOW CAN THEY MISS?
He gets into the wireless common core roll out
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-19.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4220 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-19.jpg” alt=”images (19)” width=”222″ height=”227″ /></a>
<em><strong>Common core is being rolled out all over the USA and it is being delivered in a wireless environment. Project Inkwell of which our VERY own Fullerton Trustee Hilda Sugarman IS A member</strong></em>
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/obama-connected-2.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4358 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/obama-connected-2-300×210.jpg” alt=”obama-connected-2″ width=”300″ height=”210″ /></a> That thing will be in his lap tonight, under his pillow tonight, and back in his lap again tomorrow at school…and the band played on.
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<h2 style=”text-align: center;”>Hilda Sugarman</h2>
<h4 style=”text-align: center;”>Member</h4>
<img class=”member-img wp-post-image aligncenter” src=”http://www.fullertonsd.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/member4.jpg” alt=”member4″ width=”148″ height=”165″ />
1401 W Valencia Dr. Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 447-7410
<a href=”mailto:hilda_sugarman@fullertonsd.org”>hilda_sugarman@fullertonsd.org</a>
(Please be sure to include your e-mail address if a response is requested.)
Born and educated in San Francisco Hilda attended Lowell High School, UC Berkeley and San Francisco State. Hilda literally married the boy up the block, Michael.
Hilda taught a few years while her husband was training. Her teaching experiences were in Hunters’ Point, Harlem, and Washington, DC. She loved it.
Mike, her husband, is an Internist/Rheumatoligist here in Fullerton. He is also President of the St. Jude Heritage Medical Group. They have two sons, Jason and Steven. The boys attended Richman, Laguna Road, Parks and Sunny Hills High Schools in Fullerton. Hilda was PTA President and Site Council President of these schools and President of Fullerton PTA Council. She also was team mom for the sport teams of the boys and sat on the Boards of the Fullerton Rangers, Boy Scouts and Golden Hill Little League. Mom Hilda has chaperoned trips to Washington, DC, Sacramento, US High School Select athletes to Russia, and Little League Players to their World Series. When the boys left for college, Hilda was on their college parent groups and even acted as a team mom. But that wasn’t the same as working here in Fullerton.
In 1996 Hilda was elected to the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees. She led the successful Bond Drive for improving school facilities. Some know her as a force for 21st century education and implementation of schools of choice in the Fullerton School District. Hilda serves on the Orange County School Board Committee. She also is an active member of the All the Arts for All the Kids Foundation, the Fullerton Excellence in Education Foundation, and the Assistance League of Fullerton.<em><strong> Nationally she serves on the Curriki Foundation and Project Inkwell.</strong></em>
The one thing that each of these activities have in common is their focus on children. Improving the quality of life and education of children is her passion.
<em><strong>THE technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<span class=”shadow”><img src=”http://www.fullertonsd.org/wp-content/themes/fullerton-school-district/images/content-shadow.png” alt=”” /></span>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-91.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4308 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-91.jpg” alt=”FSD Trustee Hilda Sugarman” width=”144″ height=”180″ /></a> FSD Trustee Hilda Sugarman School Board Member of Project Inkwell.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/hilda-sugarmans-dystopic-vision-of-wireless-ipads-every-single-child-will-have-one-247/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/hilda-sugarmans-dystopic-vision-of-wireless-ipads-every-single-child-will-have-one-247/</a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/cc20d5a5de4b0d0927696501c2bc4384.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4221 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/cc20d5a5de4b0d0927696501c2bc4384-194×300.jpg” alt=”cc20d5a5de4b0d0927696501c2bc4384″ width=”194″ height=”300″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/</a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4323 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41-300×225.jpg” alt=”project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-4″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
see how the arts is a trojan horse for wireless ladies and gentlemen
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1957612_563636937065143_1101998087_n_zps26c57105.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4324 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1957612_563636937065143_1101998087_n_zps26c57105-231×300.jpg” alt=”1957612_563636937065143_1101998087_n_zps26c57105″ width=”231″ height=”300″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3999 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1-297×300.jpg” alt=”unnamed (1)” width=”297″ height=”300″ /></a>
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/21-inkwell.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4325 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/21-inkwell-300×200.jpg” alt=”21-inkwell” width=”300″ height=”200″ /></a> Do these people know what they are part of?
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/image001-15.png”><img class=”wp-image-4166 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/image001-15-300×237.png” alt=”image001 (15)” width=”300″ height=”237″ /></a> FSD SUPERINTENDENT ROBERT PLETKA-FULLERTON’S CULT OF MAC HIGH PRIEST HANDING OUT COMMUNION-6000 MORE IPADS
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<strong>This is all part of Agenda 21 ladies and gentlemen and it knows no borders</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-11.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4329 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-11.jpg” alt=”images (11)” width=”251″ height=”201″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Al-Gore-Agenda-21-And-Population-Control-250×183.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4311 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Al-Gore-Agenda-21-And-Population-Control-250×183.jpg” alt=”Al-Gore-Agenda-21-And-Population-Control-250×183″ width=”250″ height=”183″ /></a>
OPEN YOUR EYES FOLKS<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-13.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4331 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-13-300×150.jpg” alt=”images (13)” width=”300″ height=”150″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4323 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41-300×225.jpg” alt=”project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-4″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>THIS IS THE GOAL OF THE ELITE
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/agricultural-grass_w725_h544.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3928 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/agricultural-grass_w725_h544-300×225.jpg” alt=”agricultural-grass_w725_h544″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/iclei.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4332 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/iclei-218×300.jpg” alt=”iclei” width=”218″ height=”300″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-14.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4333 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-14.jpg” alt=”images (14)” width=”246″ height=”205″ /></a> I can do it with my eyes closed as long as I am flanked by princess Leah
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4330 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-12.jpg” alt=”images (12)” width=”160″ height=”160″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<h3> What do wireless emissions do to human reproduction? Scientists tell us that it causes infertility. I would like for us to instead consult the designers and artists of this 5billion dollar corporate headquarters.</h3>
APPLE HEADQUARTERS IN CUPERTINO-dubbed the building that will “save us all”
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-8.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3253 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-8.jpg” alt=”download (8)” width=”276″ height=”183″ /></a> The ego has landed in Cupertino
Schematic of the Cupertino campus layout-pretty insightful if you ask me.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/image001.png”><img class=”wp-image-3256 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/image001-300×188.png” alt=”image001″ width=”300″ height=”188″ /></a> Sperm talking “Man its a good thing I never made it in because my buddy in the upper right corner is getting electrocuted in there..”
Another schematic from the Cupertino campus layout.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×6631.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3249 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×6631-280×300.jpg” alt=”apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663″ width=”280″ height=”300″ /></a> what a bizarre layout for Apple’s HQ
Now this is a schematic of a human egg being fertilized by a sperm-note the similarities-
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/sperm.gif”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3250 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/sperm-300×218.gif” alt=”sperm” width=”300″ height=”218″ /></a>
So with all the money in the world and all the tea in China, why are they spending 5 billion dollars on a facility that is designed to simulate failed conception?
This is a more detailed schematic of Apple’s Cupertino headquarters-note the unmistakable similarity to the human fertiliation process except this one does not undergo cell division
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-3.png”><img class=”wp-image-3259 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-3.png” alt=”apple-3″ width=”1024″ height=”729″ /></a> cell division-to divide or not to divide-that is the question-Apples Cupertino HQ layout
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-campus-2-pic6.png”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-4623 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-campus-2-pic6.png” alt=”apple-campus-2-pic6″ width=”590″ height=”386″ /></a>
What is going on here? It is fertiliztion
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-6-300×161.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4621 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-6-300×161.jpg” alt=”images-6-300×161″ width=”300″ height=”161″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/CorticalRxn.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4620″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/CorticalRxn-228×300.jpg” alt=” Schematic diagram showing formation of the fertilization envelope.” width=”228″ height=”300″ /></a> Schematic diagram showing formation of the fertilization envelope.
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3999 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1-297×300.jpg” alt=”unnamed (1)” width=”297″ height=”300″ /></a> 21st century learning-we tried to warn all of you-poor kids
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3993 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg” alt=”images (12)” width=”225″ height=”225″ /></a>What is the goal?
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/byod6.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3614 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/byod6-300×225.jpg” alt=”byod6″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3620 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg” alt=”33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/download-4.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-2768 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/download-4.jpg” alt=”download (4)” width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> The Georgia guidestones
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<strong>500 million is still too many?</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-81.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4302 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-81.jpg” alt=”download (8)” width=”275″ height=”183″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<strong>Where the hell did everybody go?</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Windows-8-Wallpaper-18.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3550 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Windows-8-Wallpaper-18-300×187.jpg” alt=”Windows-8-Wallpaper-18″ width=”300″ height=”187″ /></a><strong>Apple 666? Never right?</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-9.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4303 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-9.jpg” alt=”images (9)” width=”247″ height=”204″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3248 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663-280×300.jpg” alt=”apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663″ width=”280″ height=”300″ /></a> apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-1-666.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4224 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-1-666-266×300.jpg” alt=”apple-1-666″ width=”266″ height=”300″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/378capple-1-advertisement.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4225 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/378capple-1-advertisement-300×224.jpg” alt=”378capple-1-advertisement” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-6.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4226 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-6.jpg” alt=”download (6)” width=”260″ height=”194″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-20.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4227 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-20.jpg” alt=”images (20)” width=”225″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/180px-apple_first_logo.png”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4233 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/180px-apple_first_logo.png” alt=”180px-apple_first_logo” width=”180″ height=”262″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/666.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4234 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/666-300×288.jpg” alt=”666″ width=”300″ height=”288″ /></a>
<em><strong>Folks get these things out of your childrens’ laps and better yet, get them out of the wireless classrooms.</strong></em>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<em><strong>These are school district employees on school property on the clock acting out some bizarre ritual-</strong></em>
Don’t bank your lineage on these people who apparently see nothing wrong with aiming a toy gun on school property at an effigy of someone carrying a case with a Christian symbol on it.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10365322_426283017509417_3302972050798639405_o.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4034″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10365322_426283017509417_3302972050798639405_o-224×300.jpg” alt=”This one gets her orders from on high.” width=”224″ height=”300″ /></a> This one gets her orders from on high.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10369039_426319127505806_7852473517392937338_o.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4033″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10369039_426319127505806_7852473517392937338_o-224×300.jpg” alt=”Straight to the heart I tell ya” width=”224″ height=”300″ /></a> Straight to the heart I tell ya<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10392330_426270320844020_1279251681744232029_n-1.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4023 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10392330_426270320844020_1279251681744232029_n-1-300×224.jpg” alt=”10392330_426270320844020_1279251681744232029_n (1)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> But FSD Supertintendent Bob Pletka is a nice guy<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10419473_426272904177095_1698855657885312930_n-2.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4024 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10419473_426272904177095_1698855657885312930_n-2-225×300.jpg” alt=”10419473_426272904177095_1698855657885312930_n (2)” width=”225″ height=”300″ /></a> I’m back in black, yes I’m baaack in black…<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/2012-10-09-total_fertility_rate2-thumb.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4011 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/2012-10-09-total_fertility_rate2-thumb-300×195.jpg” alt=”2012-10-09-total_fertility_rate2-thumb” width=”300″ height=”195″ /></a> In case you haven’t noticed, that graph is heading to zero
The white shirted one says it is all safe as he takes his show on the road to irradiate the school children while on this blog he makes fun of the “man in the sky”
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wireless-classrooms-are-they-safe/#comment-18046″>https://thefullertoninformer.com/wireless-classrooms-are-they-safe/#comment-18046</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13.png”><img class=”wp-image-3966 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13-300×224.png” alt=”image001 (13)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze seated at right
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
while the vampire is running the blood bank at The FCC
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3612 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images.jpg” alt=”images” width=”294″ height=”171″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
The unmitigated public health disaster in the making.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images-22.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3616 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images-22.jpg” alt=”images (2)” width=”263″ height=”191″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
Before wireless in schools
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-3.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3290 size-full aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-3.jpg” alt=”images-3″ width=”280″ height=”180″ /></a>
After wireless in schools
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Windows-8-Start-Screen.jpg”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-3163 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Windows-8-Start-Screen-300×187.jpg” alt=”They stick this in your face when you turn on the device.” width=”300″ height=”187″ /></a>
the target
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/egg_cell.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3157 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/egg_cell-300×225.jpg” alt=”egg_cell” width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a> where we all began ourselves before the age of the wireless agenda<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/o-TRACY-BECKERMAN-facebook.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4236 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/o-TRACY-BECKERMAN-facebook-300×150.jpg” alt=”o-TRACY-BECKERMAN-facebook” width=”300″ height=”150″ /></a> Why are there so many attempts in life by evil people to wreck what I hold so dearly and carefully for that magic moment?
the weapon
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3995 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic-300×204.jpg” alt=”skull-vs-ipad-basic” width=”300″ height=”204″ /></a> Ipads emit more microwave radiation than cell phones. Cell phone use is voluntary among adults and most certainly not for 8-10 hours per day in their laps. Ipads in school, well that is another story. Once the kids are addicted to them at home, well kiss the sunlight exposure and normal sleep patterns goodbye. As for their progeny someday, please revert back the mid section of this article.
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-8.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3263 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-8.jpg” alt=”images (8)” width=”299″ height=”168″ /></a> note the location of the WiFi antenna
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
The deployment
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3991 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg” alt=”images (11)” width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> The antenna is right on his zipper, or for the girls, right on their ovaries emitting microwave radiation levels trillions of times background levels when the device is WiFi enabled .
The frequencies
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/1335970217744_ipadsar.png”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3981 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/1335970217744_ipadsar-293×300.png” alt=”1335970217744_ipadsar” width=”293″ height=”300″ /></a>
The power levels are – ten to the fourteenth power above normal background levels at 2.4 GHz which is the frequency at which the maximum dielectric loss of water begins. What a convenient coincidence.
Your children in school:
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/1.13509_G3520249-Laboratory_rats-SPL.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3221 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/1.13509_G3520249-Laboratory_rats-SPL-300×199.jpg” alt=”1.13509_G3520249-Laboratory_rats-SPL” width=”300″ height=”199″ /></a> Your request to turn off wireless systems in the Fullerton School District is “respectfully denied”-Robert Pletka
The stuff doesn’t belong here.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-10.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4309 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-10.jpg” alt=”download (10)” width=”283″ height=”178″ /></a> The Earth has ZERO atmospheric opacity to Microwaves because they are almost totally non-existent in nature.
How exposure guidelines were developed
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-7.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3974 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-7.jpg” alt=”images (7)” width=”228″ height=”221″ /></a> HEY YOU DUMMY, DON’T MOVE OR THE WATER MIGHT SPILL
What they think of you and I
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4229 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300.jpg” alt=”10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300″ width=”279″ height=”300″ /></a> I guess we are right up there with mosquitoes according to Bill and Melinda Gates of hell
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
Martin Pall presentation entitled, <a href=”https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33504620/2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf”>Microwave electromagnetic fields do not work by heating. They produce health effects by VGCC activation</a>.
More information <strong><a href=”http://www.smb.wsu.edu/faculty-trainees-and-staff/emeritus-faculty”>Martin L. Pall , Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University</a>, </strong> <a href=”http://www.thetenthparadigm.org/mcs09.htm”>The Tenth Paradigm Research Group</a> ,<a href=”mailto:martin_pall@wsu.edu”>martin_pall@wsu.edu</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf”>2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597</a>
<a href=”http://www.saferemr.com/”>http://www.saferemr.com/</a>
<a href=”https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B14R6QNkmaXuXzhFeDVFcmh2RHc/edit”>https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B14R6QNkmaXuXzhFeDVFcmh2RHc/edit</a>
<a href=”http://wifiinschools.com/experts.html”>http://wifiinschools.com/experts.html</a>
<a href=”http://wifiinschools.com/studiesreports.html”>http://wifiinschools.com/studiesreports.html</a>
<a href=”http://wifiinschools.com/videos-dna-damage.html”>http://wifiinschools.com/videos-dna-damage.html</a>
<h2><strong>Scientists and Medical Doctors Advise Against
</strong><strong>W</strong><strong>y and Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, USA. </strong>Chronic, such as all-day, school exposure, is more likely than short and intermittent exposure, such as cell phone use, to produce harmful health effects, and is likely to do so at lower exposure levels. Children are more vulnerable to RF/MW radiation because of the susceptibility of their developing nervous systems. Children are largely unable to remove themselves from exposures to harmful substances in their environments. Their exposure is involuntary. There is a major legal difference between an exposure that an individual chooses to accept and one that is forced upon a person, especially a dependent, who can do nothing about it. WiFi must be banned from school deployment. <strong>Professor Lukas H. Margaritis, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology and Radiobiology, Dept </strong><strong>of Cell Biology and Biophysics, University of Athens, Greece. </strong>Having done experiments on cellular model systems we have found an effect from electromagnetic radiation from WiFi. I have strongly suggested for years now that they should be used only if absolutely necessary in the home and not at all in schools. There is no reason for having WiFi in schools since there is an alternative – wired connections which are safer and faster. <strong>Dr Mae-Wan Ho, PhD, FRSA, Director of the Institute of Science in Society, London, UK. </strong><strong> </strong>It is very important for schools and other public places frequented by children to be free of Wi-Fi. The evidence on ‘non-thermal’ biological effects of electromagnetic fields is now indisputable and children are many times more at risk than adults.</h2>
<div class=”paragraph”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”><span style=”font-size: medium;”>
<strong> </strong><strong>Dr Norbert Hankin, PhD, Environmental Scientist, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, </strong><strong>Environmental Protection Agency, USA. </strong></span></span></span><strong> </strong>The growing use of wireless communications by children and by schools will result in prolonged long-term exposure of developing children to low-intensity pulse modulated radiofrequency radiation.Recent studies involving short-term exposures have demonstrated that subtle effects on brain functions can be produced by low-intensity pulse modulated radiofrequency radiation. Some research involving rodents has shown adverse effects on short-term and long-term memory. The concern is that if such effects may occur in young children, then even slight impairment of learning ability over years of education may negatively affect the quality of life that could be achieved by these individuals, when adults.<strong>Dr Annie Sasco, MD, PhD, Director, Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention, INSERM (Institut </strong><strong>national de la santé et de la recherche médicale) Research Unit, School of Public Health, </strong><strong>Victor-Segalen Bordeaux 2 Université, France. Formerly International Agency for Research </strong><strong>on Cancer (IARC) Unit Chief of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention. </strong>If we want to wait for final proof, at least in terms of cancer, it may still take 20 years and the issue will become that we will not have unexposed population to act as control. We may never have the absolute final proof. But we have enough data to go ahead with a precautionary principle to avoid exposures (radiofrequencies) which are unnecessary if our goal is to reduce somewhat the burden of cancer in the years to come and other chronic diseases.<strong>Dr Stelios A. Zinelis, BA, MD, Hellenic Cancer Society, Cefallonia, Greece </strong>We should not subject and force electromagnetic radiation on school children. Technology can be applied by a wired connection. Effects of the electromagnetic radiation have been well documented and should not be ignored. The past has taught as many lessons, for example asbestos.<strong> </strong><strong>Dr Belyaev Dr.Sc., Head Research Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of </strong><strong>Science, Slovak Republic; Associate Professor in Toxicological Genetics, Faculty of Natural Science, Stockholm University, Sweden. </strong>To my opinion, which is based on 25-year research of non-thermal effects of microwaves, usage of Wi-Fi and cell/mobile/smart phones in the classroom should be either forbidden or reduced as much as possible. I believe that the majority of scientists with long lasting experience in this scientific field are of the same opinion. Several national authorities have already advised limiting usage of mobile communication by children.<strong>Dr Samuel Milham MD, MPH, Epidemiology and Public Health, Formerly Washington State Department of Health, USA. </strong>Wireless technologies have no place in schools. I strongly recommend that where they exist, they be replaced by fiber-optic cable and hard wiring.<strong>Professor Dr. Franz Adlkofer, MD, Chairman of Pandora – Foundation for Independent </strong><strong>Research. </strong><strong> </strong>While the use of mobile phones is the result of people’s free choice, their exposure to W-LAN and other wireless applications is mostly compulsory. Especially concerned are children in schools where this technology has been given preference to wired computers. Since our knowledge on possible adverse effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields is still rather poor, it is obvious that at present the biggest biophysical experiment of mankind is under way – with an uncertain outcome.In May 2011, the uncertainty has been strengthened by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’. This decision was mainly based on the results of epidemiological studies that observed after long-term (>10 years) and intensive use of mobile phones an increased risk for brain tumors exactly at the side of the head at which the mobile phone was used. The results from animal experiments, although of minor significance, supported the decision. Not discussed, however, was research that shows changes in the structure and functions of genes. Had they been included in the evaluation, the classification would not have been ‘possibly carcinogenic’ but rather ‘probably carcinogenic’.The general public is confronted with two different views, one represented by politics and industry and one by the growing number of independent researchers. Ordinary people have either no idea of the probably adverse effects of radiofrequency radiation or have full confidence in the exposure limits that according to their governments reliably protect from risk to the health. They do not know that the exposure limits are based on pseudo-science thought to create the necessary legal frame for a telecommunication industry that wants to make use of the new technology without being hampered by medical considerations.For a medical doctor like me, the conclusion from the present state of knowledge must be that a precautionary approach is overdue and must not be delayed anymore.<strong>Dr Alfonso Balmori, PhD, Biologist, Researcher on effects of electromagnetic fields on </strong><strong>wildlife, Valladolid, Spain. </strong><strong> </strong>The ongoing invasion of radiation caused by Wi-Fi transmitters and other radiofrequency sources represents a denial of scientific evidence and extreme myopia. It is absurd when cable can be used with much greater speeds that schools choose to do so by air. Moreover health must take priority over access to information. Wi-Fi systems are being senselessly installed, even for young children. Society is performing an extremely dangerous and suicidal experiment with them. In it are included not only the children of those who are convinced that electromagnetic radiation is harmful but also the children of the promoters of such systems, both politicians and those who work in the communications industry and also the scientists who deny the evidence. The problems of depression, attention deficit and insomnia in children are increasing worldwide at an alarming rate.<strong> </strong><strong>Dr Vini G. Khurana, MBBS, BSc (Med), PhD, FRACS, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, </strong><strong>Australian</strong><strong> National University Medical School</strong><strong>; Currently Visiting Attending Neurosurgeon, </strong><strong>Royal</strong><strong> Melbourne Hospital</strong><strong>. </strong><strong> </strong>The concerns raised regarding the unnecessary and prolonged exposure of children to near-field radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from mobile phones, wireless laptops and nearby Wi-Fi transmitters in schools are shared by many.A precautionary approach is realistically achieved without compromising convenience and safety.There are good grounds for adopting such an approach in children, particularly in the context of the WHO’s recent classification of RF-EMR as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, and the fact that children may be more susceptible to any adverse health effects of RF-EMR owing to their thinner scalp and skull, increased brain water content, lower brain volume, and rapidly developing neural connections.<strong>Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe, BM, Emergency Room Registrar, Medical Advisor ES-UK </strong>Radiofrequency radiation was classified last year (2011) as a class 2B carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)/World Health Organization (WHO). This means that Global Health Authorities are concerned that this kind of radiation (used by many kinds of household wireless devices) may cause cancer. There are several convincing mechanisms via which cellular disruption is taking place and all bodily systems are potentially vulnerable. All persons should, in my opinion, take precaution to reduce their exposure to unnatural radiation, including that from non-ionizing, non-thermal sources such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, cordless landlines and many others. This advice is particularly important for parents and Education Authorities when creating home and school environments because children are more vulnerable to this kind of radiation.Science has repeatedly and clearly demonstrated adverse effects of artificial electromagnetic fields on biological systems. It is far too late for timely intervention, but failure to act now with conviction and protect our children could lead to a national health disaster.<strong>Dr Olle Johansson, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, and Professor, The </strong><strong>Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. </strong>Wireless communication is now being implemented in our daily life in a very fast way. At the same time, it is becoming more and more obvious that the exposure to the electromagnetic fields used by these systems not only may induce acute thermal effects to living organisms, but also non-thermal effects, the latter often after longer exposures. This has been demonstrated in a very large number of studies and includes cellular DNA-damage, disruptions and alterations of cellular functions like increases in intracellular stimulatory pathways and calcium handling, disruption of tissue structures like the blood-brain barrier, impact on vessel and immune functions, association to cancer, and loss of fertility.Wireless systems, such as Wi-Fi routers and cell/mobile/smart phones, cannot be regarded as safe in schools, but must be deemed highly hazardous and unsafe for the children as well as for the staff.<strong>Dr Martin Blank, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, College of </strong><strong>Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, USA. </strong>Just because we allow microwaves, doesn’t mean that Wi-Fi at the same frequency should be allowed into all classrooms. There is now sufficient scientific data about the biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF), and in particular about radiofrequency (RF) radiation, to argue for adoption of precautionary measures. We can state unequivocally that EMF can cause single and double strand DNA breakage at exposure levels that are considered safe under the FCC guidelines in the USA.EMF have been shown to cause other potentially harmful biological effects, such as leakage of the blood brain barrier that can lead to damage of neurons in the brain, increased micronuclei (DNA fragments) in human blood lymphocytes, all at EMF exposures well below the limits in the current FCC guidelines. Probably the most convincing evidence of potential harm comes from living cells themselves when they start to manufacture stress proteins upon exposure to EMF. The stress response occurs with a number of potentially harmful environmental factors, such as elevated temperature, changes in pH, toxic metals, etc. This means that when stress protein synthesis is stimulated by radiofrequency or power frequency EMF, the body is telling us in its own language that RF exposure is potentially harmful.It is obvious that the safety standards must be revised downward to take into account the non-thermal as well as thermal biological responses that occur at much lower intensities. Since we cannot rely on the current standards, it is best to act according to the precautionary principle. The precautionary approach appears to be the most reasonable for those who must protect the health and welfare of the public and especially its most vulnerable members, children of school-age.<strong>Professor Dr. Oleg Grigoriev, PhD, Director of the Russian Centre for Electromagnetic Safety </strong><strong>and Vice-Chairman of the RCNIRP. Dr. of Medical Science, Chairman of the Russian National </strong><strong>Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RCNIRP); member of International Advising </strong><strong>Committee on WHO EMF Project. </strong>Our committee is against the use of Wi-Fi systems in schools. The reason is that it forms a very complex form of electromagnetic field, but in this case the probability of biological effect is higher than when the same total dose is created by one source of unmodulated electromagnetic field. This pattern is for non-thermal electromagnetic fields. There are very good studies that have shown that prolonged exposure to low-intensity radio waves in children disturbed cognitive function, and we trust this research.<strong>Dr Magda Havas, PhD, Associate Professor, Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent </strong><strong>University</strong><strong>, Ontario, Canada</strong><strong>. </strong>I am a scientist researching the adverse health outcomes of electromagnetic radiation exposure, including from sources such as WI-FI networks and cell towers. I conducted a study that showed immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability associated with microwave exposure to a frequency of 2.4 GHz at levels well below (0.5 percent) federal guidelines. The reactions include heart irregularities, a rapid heart rate, up-regulation of the sympathetic nervous system, and down-regulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.It is important that children be exposed to the important education, life experiences, and social structures that public education offers, but they must not be risking their health to do so! Children must not be exposed to a constant background of pulsed microwave radiation from WI-FI (or other sources) while at school.The Internet is an important learning device that should not be taken away. I simply urge that its access be made available through wires rather than Wi-Fi.<strong>Professor Dr. Christos Georgiou, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Patras, Greece </strong>Every child has the non-negotiable, obvious right to a healthy and safe school environment.Governments and school boards can no longer trust the wireless communication industry’s monotonous slogan that Wi-Fi and cell phones are safe. In May 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified microwave radiation, emitted by such wireless devices, as a possible carcinogen. WHO could no longer ignore the scientific and social pressure from numerous studies, which have shown that WiFi/cell phone radiation penetrates the body, affects cell membranes, makes cells lose their ability to function properly over time, and disturbs the body’s normal metabolism causing numerous abnormalities and diseases.Children are especially vulnerable to microwave radiation because their nervous system and especially the brain are still developing. Moreover, their skulls are thinner and smaller than those of the adults, so the radiation penetrates their brains more freely and deeply.Microwave radiation displays in children life threatening short and long term effects: the short term effects are experienced as headaches, dizziness, nausea, vertigo, fatigue, visual and auditory distortion (voices change volume, ringing ears), abnormal heart rates (racing heart rate or tachycardia, erratic heart rates), memory loss, attention deficit (trouble concentrating while in class), skin rash, hyperactivity, anxiety, autism, depression, night sweats, insomnia (microwaves affect melatonin levels), learning impairment, behavioral changes etc; the long term effects are expressed as stress, a weakened immune system, seizures, epilepsy, high blood pressure, brain damage, diabetes, fibromyalgia, infertility, birth defects, DNA damage, leukemia, cancer, etc.<strong>Professor Dr. Alvaro Augusto A. de Salles, PhD, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal </strong><strong>University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. </strong><strong> </strong>I believe that responsible governments should act firmly to avoid the use of mobile/smart phones and Wi-Fi in schools. The main reasons are due to the scientific evidence already available in the international literature (e.g., Bioinitiative report, Pathophysiology 2009, Interphone report, Hardell’s group papers, etc) showing health risks even at low level exposure to the non-ionizing radiation (NIR), the 2011 IARC/WHO possible carcinogenic (2 B) classification of the NIR and because due to different reasons, the children are more susceptible to this radiation.Then the “Precautionary Principle” should effectively be used in this subject and instead of wireless connection, other fixed connections such as twisted pairs, coaxial cables, optical fiber, etc should be available for each student, avoiding therefore exposure during several hours to the NIR.If serious and responsible decisions are not taken in due time, the price in terms of future generations public health can be very high.<strong>Professor Dr. Nesrin Seyhan, Medical Faculty and Chair of Biophysics Department, Gazi </strong><strong>University</strong><strong>, Turkey</strong><strong>; WHO EMF International Advisory Committee; Panel Member NATO RTA </strong><strong>Human Factors and Medicine. </strong>Dr. Seyhan, founder of the Gazi Non-Ionizing Protection Center (GNRK), always opposes radiofrequency sources near schools. She believes that potential adverse health effects from the children’s use of Wi-Fi and cell/mobile/smart phone would be greater than with respect to adults. She also recommends that children younger than 16-years-old should not have their own mobile phone.</div>
Other studies which have shown harmful effects of non-ionising electromagnetic radiation include (this is not comprehensive):
<table cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″>
<td valign=”top”><strong>TITLE</strong></td>
<td valign=”top”><strong>AUTHORS</strong></td>
<td valign=”top”><strong>DATE</strong></td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile phone related-hazards and subjective hearing and vision symptoms in the Saudi population”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Meo SA, Al-Drees AM</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Cellular phone effects on otoacoustic emissions”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Grisanti G, Parlapiano C, Tamburello CC, Tine G, Zanforlin L</td>
<td valign=”top”>1998</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Assessment of Potential Effects of Electromagnetic Fields of Mobile Phones on Hearing”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Uloziene, Uloza, Gradauskiene, Saferis</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Hearing level and intensive use of mobile phones”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Sebastian Gil E, Marco Algarra J.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Vestibular schwannoma, tinitus and cellular telephones”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Hardell L, Mild KH, Sandstrom M, Carlberg M, Hallquist A, Pahlson A</td>
<td valign=”top”>2003</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan”</td>
<td valign=”top”>T. Takebayashi, S. Akiba, Y. Kikuchi, et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2007</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma Risk in Japan”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Takebayashi, Akiba, Kikuchi, Taki, et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2006</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Schoemaker M. J., Swerdlow A. J., Ahlbom A., et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lonn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lonn, Ahlbom, Hall, Fetching, et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Cellular Telephone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Christensen,Schuz,Kosteljanetz,et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“A Study of the Effects of Cellular Telephone Microwave Radiation on the Auditory System in Healthy Men”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Mora, Crippa, Mora, Dellepiane</td>
<td valign=”top”>2006</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Experimental study and mechanism analysis on bioeffects by nanosecond electromagnetic pulses”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Wang BY, Yang JB, Guo QG, Xu RM, Liu CJ, Zhang H, Zou FD, Wang ZS</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Bioeffects induced by exposure to microwaves are mitigated by superposition of ELF noise”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Litovitz TA, Penafiel LM, Farrel JM, Krause D, Meister R, Mullins JM</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The modification of the effect of microwave radiation on the biochemical processes in anaphylactic shock by using exposure to a weak and perturbed geomagnetic field”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Podkovkin VG</td>
<td valign=”top”>1993</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Development and form of shortwave thermal zones in an agar body”</td>
<td valign=”top”>ALBRECHT, W.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1935</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Repeated exposure to low-level extremely low frequency-modulated microwaves”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Vorobyov V, Pesic V, Janac B, Prolic Z.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Working with Visual Display Units”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Robinette et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1980</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Children’s Health and Environment: A Review of Evidence: A Joint Report from the European Environmental Agency and The World Health Organization”</td>
<td valign=”top”>World Health Organization</td>
<td valign=”top”>2002</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Agar-Bridge System for Exposing Cell Cultures to Electric Fields”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Theriault</td>
<td valign=”top”>1994</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Modification of lethal radiation injury in mice by postradiation exposure to low-intensity centimeter-band radio frequency waves”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Akoev IG, Mel’nikov VM, Usachev AV, Kozhokaru AF</td>
<td valign=”top”>1994</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)”</td>
<td valign=”top”>International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection</td>
<td valign=”top”>0</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The Impulse UHF Field in Experimental and Clinical Practice”</td>
<td valign=”top”>ABRIKOSOV, I. A.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1954</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The Action of a Pulsed Electric UHF Field on the Organism”</td>
<td valign=”top”>ABRIKOSOV, I. A.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1955</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The role of coherence time in the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Litovitz TA, Krause D, Penafiel M, Elson EC, Mullins JM</td>
<td valign=”top”>1993</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease”</td>
<td valign=”top”>inNL, Pal’tsev IuP, Iasnetsov VV</td>
<td valign=”top”>1994</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effect of a magnetic field on carboxydismutase”</td>
<td valign=”top”>AKOYUNOGLOU, G.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1964</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mortality of chicken embryos exposed to EMFs from mobile phones”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Youbicier-Simo BJ, Lebecq JC, Bastide M</td>
<td valign=”top”>1998</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Micronucleus induction after whole-body microwave irradiation of rats”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Trosic I, Busljeta I, Kasuba V, Rozgaj R</td>
<td valign=”top”>2002</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Study on health effects of the shortwave transmitter station of Schwarzenburg, Bern, Switzerland”</td>
<td valign=”top”>E.S. Altpeter, T.H. Krebs</td>
<td valign=”top”>1995</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The microwave syndrome—further aspects of a Spanish study, in: Proceedings of the Third InternationalWorkshop on Bioelectromagnetic Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Kos, Greece”</td>
<td valign=”top”>G. Oberfeld, et al</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Electromagnetic absorption in the human head and neck for mobile telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz, IEE Trans”</td>
<td valign=”top”>O.P. Gandhi, G. Lazzi, C.M. Furse</td>
<td valign=”top”>1996</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Amplitude Windows and Transiently Augmented Transcription from Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Litovitz et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Fetal and neonatal responses following maternal exposure to mobile phones”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Rezk A. Y., Abdulqawi K., Mustafa R. M., Abo El-Azm T. M. and Al-Inany H.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2008</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Microwave enhanced kinetics observed in ORD studies of a protein”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Bohr H, Bohr J</td>
<td valign=”top”>2000</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Perturbations of plant leaflet rhythms caused by electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Ellingsrud S, Johnsson A</td>
<td valign=”top”>1993</td>
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<td valign=”top”>20</td>
There thousands more ladies and gentlemen.
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<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/are-ipads-safe-in-the-laps-of-school-children-why-are-women-getting-breast-cancer-from-keeping-cell-phones-in-their-bras/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/are-ipads-safe-in-the-laps-of-school-children-why-are-women-getting-breast-cancer-from-keeping-cell-phones-in-their-bras/</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/is-this-your-child/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/is-this-your-child/</a>
With the media blackout on the wireless agenda like nothing I have ever seen in my entire life, thank God that the traffic on this site continues to grow. Folks there are an awful lot of eyes on this debacle in our little neck of the woods. Yes, we are up against a trillion dollar industry and now being joined by the educrat lackeys who are taking your tax money to bed with the media who will never let you in on what is about to be rolled out right before your very eyes right here. It is time to let you know that there is more to this story than what you are being spoon fed folks. Here is your tax money at work and boy is there more to this than meets the eye.
<a href=”http://iframewidth=854height=510src=//www.youtube.com/embed/2OGWDoD8XMUframeborder=0allowfullscreen/iframe”><iframe src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/2OGWDoD8XMU” width=”400″ height=”510″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”></iframe></a><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10675676_825551687479314_626165308818470095_n.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4219 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10675676_825551687479314_626165308818470095_n-300×252.jpg” alt=”10675676_825551687479314_626165308818470095_n” width=”300″ height=”252″ /></a>
With the almost totally exclusive contracts in the schools <a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-24.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4237 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-24.jpg” alt=”images (24)” width=”300″ height=”168″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-23.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4239 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-23.jpg” alt=”images (23)” width=”252″ height=”200″ /></a> Fullerton’s high priest in the cult of Mac- Superintendent Robert Pletka handing out communion-6000 ipads
and Apple gets to deploy their devices in the laps of our children at school all day
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3991 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg” alt=”images (11)” width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> A potential victim of classroom wireless technology
It is all at the behest of people like yours truly
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3993 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg” alt=”images (12)” width=”225″ height=”225″ /></a>
Obama’s ” Connect ED” scheme with his pal at the FCC ,Tom Weeler, will have EVERY CLASSROOM IN THE NATION WIRELESS IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/14.01.28-SOTU.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4353 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/14.01.28-SOTU-300×180.jpg” alt=”14.01.28-SOTU” width=”300″ height=”180″ /></a> My favorite pen stroke in office was to overturn the Mexico City Policy because I love unborn children and babies. There is a reason for not including in vitro in my new health plan.
The education superhighway to hell-tech execs pledge BILLIONS FOR CLASSROOM WIFI-ubiquitous Wi-Fi NO LESS
<a href=”http://www.educationsuperhighway.org/uploads/1/0/9/4/10946543/ceo_letter_to_fcc_on_wheeler_e-rate_plan.pdf”>http://www.educationsuperhighway.org/uploads/1/0/9/4/10946543/ceo_letter_to_fcc_on_wheeler_e-rate_plan.pdf</a>
Apple has pledged $100 million in the form of iPads, desktop and laptop computers, and other educational tools to President Obama’s ConnectED initiative that seeks to connect 99 percent of America’s students to wireless high-speed internet.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-26.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4354 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-26.jpg” alt=”images (26)” width=”232″ height=”217″ /></a> Can you keep a secret? The Manchurian Candidate can.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/28_nato_14.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4356 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/28_nato_14-300×200.jpg” alt=”28_nato_14″ width=”300″ height=”200″ /></a> To the most high -September Morning<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/494295927.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4355 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/494295927-200×300.jpg” alt=”494295927″ width=”200″ height=”300″ /></a> the emissions, the helix, the addiction and the agenda<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-92.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4362 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-92.jpg” alt=”download (9)” width=”265″ height=”190″ /></a> Wireless microwave radiation forced exposure from the cradle to the grave for this generation. It ought not be so.
So what is the goal of the proliferation of these wireless devices?
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3995 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic-300×204.jpg” alt=”skull-vs-ipad-basic” width=”300″ height=”204″ /></a>
It can’t be good for the children yet we send them off everyday with a lunch and a kiss so they can irradiate their reproductive organs
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3620 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg” alt=”33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/download-3.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3987 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/download-3.jpg” alt=”download (3)” width=”275″ height=”183″ /></a> The microwave transmitters are in direct proximity to their reproductive organs
as people like these install wireless networks in all of our schools
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Deasy-comment-on-education-politics-e1409779700793.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4382 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Deasy-comment-on-education-politics-e1409779700793-300×225.jpg” alt=”Deasy-comment-on-education-politics-e1409779700793″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a> LAUSD’s billion dollar raccoon eyed Deasy -So Cal’s number two king of wireless classrooms behind Pletka as he legislates from the bench without his black robe. Not sleeping well these days? EASY DEASY, cuz kids are coming to your board meetings with teachers complaining about nosebleeds, insomnia, bleeding from their ears and all kinds of problems that your staff refuses to file incident reports on.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-7.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4240 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-7.jpg” alt=”download (7)” width=”159″ height=”199″ /></a> Orange County Department of Education Superintendent Al Mijares—Hey Al, whatcya been doing with all of those emails we been sending to the board for the last year and a half? They never got them? Why did you pull wireless of the shelf at the last board meeting? Is it because you read my email about the ed code violations?<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/DrNedDoffoney2small_000.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3744 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/DrNedDoffoney2small_000.jpg” alt=”DrNedDoffoney2small_000″ width=”107″ height=”139″ /></a> forced WiFi for all with a big fat bloated bond to boot-Chancellor of the NOCCD Ned Doffney<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/06-2013-1112-N06934.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3641 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/06-2013-1112-N06934.jpg” alt=”06-2013-1112-N06934″ width=”200″ height=”250″ /></a> Petaluma superintendent Steve Bolman- children need to be irradiated as I call the cops on you
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sheehan_Dr._Richard_17crop.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4384″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sheehan_Dr._Richard_17crop.jpg” alt=”Glendale Unified’s Dr. Richard M. Sheehan” width=”200″ height=”276″ /></a> Glendale Unified’s chief irradiator Dr. Richard M. Sheehan-We like you better with your glasses on.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/greg_dhuyvetter.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3624 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/greg_dhuyvetter.jpg” alt=”greg_dhuyvetter” width=”120″ height=”150″ /></a> Greg Duyvetter Superintendent of schools for The Catholic Diocese of Orange who refuses to turn off the wireless in all of Orange County’s Catholic schools -Hey Greg, you should have stuck to your singing gig over at St Barbara’s. Hey, you still tight with father Harris over at my Alma mater Mater Dei. I always wondered why his office was all the way at the end of the hall.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/pletka_r_120x150.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3608″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/pletka_r_120x150.jpg” alt=”FSD Superintendent Robert Pletka-He could stop this if he wanted to.” width=”120″ height=”150″ /></a> FSD Superintendent Robert Pletka drunk on wireless technology and high on common core-He could stop this if he wanted to.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13.png”><img class=”wp-image-3966 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13-300×224.png” alt=”image001 (13)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> Fullertons very own Dr. Roman Schulze’s show on the road in Glendale-“wifi safe” with the Captain from Executive Environmental who cooks the RF reports to order for the district.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Boger_Mary.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4348 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Boger_Mary-225×300.jpg” alt=”Boger_Mary” width=”225″ height=”300″ /></a> Glendale Unified Trustee Mary Boger- on the Fullerton Informer-“..junk science, bullying and fear mongering.”
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/GLENDALE-UNIFIED’S-VERY-OWN-MARY-BOGER-ON-THE-FULLERTON-INFORMER-JUNK-SCIENCE-BULLYING-AND-FEAR-MONGERING-«-The-Fullerton-Informer1.htm”>GLENDALE UNIFIED’S VERY OWN MARY BOGER ON THE FULLERTON INFORMER JUNK SCIENCE, BULLYING AND FEAR MONGERING « The Fullerton Informer</a> <a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/glendale-usds-very-own-mary-boger-on-the-fullerton-informer-junk-science-bullying-and-fear-mongering/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/glendale-usds-very-own-mary-boger-on-the-fullerton-informer-junk-science-bullying-and-fear-mongering/</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10653551_10203588286766206_6936232162675107274_n-300×225.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4241 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10653551_10203588286766206_6936232162675107274_n-300×225.jpg” alt=”10653551_10203588286766206_6936232162675107274_n-300×225″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a> The irradiating brass on stage-Janny Meyer FSD trustee, State Superintendent Tom Torlakson, Fullerton council member Doug Chaffee and hiding in the back row enter through the side door Orange County Superintendent of schools for $300,000 plus per year-Al Mijares–Hey Janny your car is still running with the keys in the ignition and Tom don’t forget your wearing your glasses. Doug, we don’t care what you have to say because your three minutes were up in the parking lot.
While people like this ignore the warnings in Sacramento
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sharon-Quirk-Silva-and-Tom-Torlakson-300×196.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4349″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Sharon-Quirk-Silva-and-Tom-Torlakson-300×196.jpg” alt=”Torlakson and Silva just couldn’t do the right thing so they just had the stool pigeon write the apology. – ” width=”300″ height=”196″ /></a> Torlakson and Silva just couldn’t do the right thing so they just had the stool pigeon write the apology. –
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-19.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3299 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-19.jpg” alt=”images (19)” width=”213″ height=”160″ /></a> Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva- Mr Imbriano, you were not on the guest list
<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/</a></p>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1719.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4405″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1719.jpg” alt=”Planned Parenthoods Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva” width=”100″ height=”130″ /></a> Planned Parenthood’s Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva-who scores a whopping zero on the pro life voting score card. Oh but she loves the veterans so much that she wants to give them a cemetery while they drop like flies at the VA.
Sharon did it ever occur to you that Planned Parenthood just might go out of business if we don’t stop the wireless sterilization of children in the schools? No pregnancy means no abortions which means no body parts and no dinero for your proud eugenicist monster sponsor that is a creation from the pit of hell. Some people will do anything for money. http://maplight.org/california/legislator/1719-sharon-quirk-silva
Check out this Orwellian diatribe on calling baby killing “smart pro women’s public health policies” <a href=”http://www.ppactionca.org/voter-resources/sharon-quirk-silva-2014.html”>Planned Parenthood’s centerfold model-Sharon Quirk Silva</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-25.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4242 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-25.jpg” alt=”images (25)” width=”244″ height=”207″ /></a> Senator Bob Huff-How empty can a suit get? No response, no concern no comment on the plight of the children.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-11.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4342 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-11-300×70.jpg” alt=”download (11)” width=”300″ height=”70″ /></a> Autism conference host where the solution is a room full of drug pushers and vaccine inventors while he and his cohorts totally ignore the wireless connection to the epidemic. No respect I tell ya.
<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”http://autism.senate.ca.gov/informationalhearings”>http://autism.senate.ca.gov/informationalhearings</a> 9-13-13</p>
<p style=”text-align: center;”>HERE IS WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN THE AUTISM EPIDEMIC</p>
<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/</a></p>
In Washington
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-8.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4243 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-8.jpg” alt=”download (8)” width=”152″ height=”180″ /></a> US House of Rep Ed Royce (R) Empty suit? Well since you asked? May I present to you NDAA signator Ed Royce who continues ignoring every email ever sent to him on the plight of the children. Oh but he beats the war drum so loud you need noise cancelling headphones.
Locally in town wireless for all the kids
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-19.png”><img class=”wp-image-4245 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-19-300×169.png” alt=”image001 (19)” width=”300″ height=”169″ /></a> Huge cash donor to wireless classroom technology-silent on our attemtps to reach him
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-18.png”><img class=”wp-image-4244 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-18-300×165.png” alt=”image001 (18)” width=”300″ height=”165″ /></a> Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children. I still don’t get the bow tie.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-20.png”><img class=”wp-image-4246 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-20-300×172.png” alt=”image001 (20)” width=”300″ height=”172″ /></a> Ignores repeated emails about the wireless connection to Autism and to top it off his charity group donates money for wirelesss technology to the FSD and blocks me from Facebook
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-21.png”><img class=”wp-image-4247 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-21-300×224.png” alt=”image001 (21)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> Michelle Garden-“the leader of Acacia” is a strong advocate for wireless technology in the Fullerton school district and is the wife of Dr. Roman Schulze. ” My husband just enjoys arguing his well-researched point…it is sport for him” – See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/#comment-25501
<p style=”text-align: center;”>If I were Dr. Roman Schulze, I think I would find another hobby.</p>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-23.png”><img class=”wp-image-4256 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-23-300×181.png” alt=”image001 (23)” width=”300″ height=”181″ /></a> Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children eventually resulting in me removing my eldest child from her school. She just smiles at everything.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-22.png”><img class=”wp-image-4248 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-22-300×174.png” alt=”image001 (22)” width=”300″ height=”174″ /></a> She looks like my neighbor, pretty trippy. Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children and continues to direct money into technology with the fundraising efforts district wide.
MAY I INTRODUCE <a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/shapeimage_1.png”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4388 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/shapeimage_1-300×52.png” alt=”shapeimage_1″ width=”300″ height=”52″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-101.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4385 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-101.jpg” alt=”download (10)” width=”255″ height=”197″ /></a> Acacia elemen
<strong><em>Prior to joining Apple, Ted Lai was most recently the Director of Technology & Media Services at Fullerton School District,
550 Blocked</strong>
– See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/fullertons-doctor-roman-schulze-says-wifi-is-safe/#comment-94976
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-2.png”><img class=”wp-image-4340 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image001-2-222×300.png” alt=”image001 (2)” width=”222″ height=”300″ /></a> 4:40 SECONDS INTO THE SERMON AS HE FLIPS THROUGH SCRIPTURE PREPARING TO TAKE A SHOT AT THE MESSENGER EXPOSING THIS SATANIC STERILIZATION AGENDA-FORGIVE THEM FATHER FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO
<p style=”text-align: center;”> GO TO 4:40-watch for yourself and tell me what this has to do with The Gospel of Luke</p>
In the meantime,people like this man who pose as a philanthropist and savior of the poor ,ram vaccines and wireless down our kids throats everywhere else like in their bedrooms because the wireless transmitters in the Xbox never shut off even if you power it off unless you unplug the unit. The wireless controllers spend all the time irradiating their laps by design-read up on the satanization and sterilization of your children right here-<a href=”http://apple666.org”>http://apple666.org</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/10155708_10202182003574449_1361734268974358709_n-218×3001.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3277 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/10155708_10202182003574449_1361734268974358709_n-218×3001.jpg” alt=”10155708_10202182003574449_1361734268974358709_n-218×300″ width=”218″ height=”300″ /></a> THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE
<p style=”text-align: center;”><strong><a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/”>see more on the video game component to the sterilization of our children here</a></strong></p>
So what is the goal?
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3279 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-12.jpg” alt=”download (12)” width=”258″ height=”195″ /></a>
Girls are born with their eggs but not mosquitos.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4115 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300.jpg” alt=”10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n” width=”279″ height=”300″ /></a>
Humans are looked upon as animals by people like
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Bill-Gates-Vaccines.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4118 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Bill-Gates-Vaccines-300×230.jpg” alt=”Bill-Gates-Vaccines” width=”300″ height=”230″ /></a> METALLIC NANO TECH LADEN VACCINES ACTIVATED BY WIRELESS EMISSIONS- PATENTED TECHNOLOGY
So with the hots for your children’s bloodstreams not able to satisfy him, what does he do? He gets into the education business.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/12505_10152343153446961_1228315018389040583_n-1.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4116 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/12505_10152343153446961_1228315018389040583_n-1-300×200.jpg” alt=”12505_10152343153446961_1228315018389040583_n (1)” width=”300″ height=”200″ /></a> BILL GATES FROM THE BEDROOM WITH THE XBOX, TO THE BLOODSTREAMS WITH THE VACCINES, AND NOW TO THE WIRELESS CLASSROOMS WITH COMMON CORE
He gets into the vaccine business with a billion dollar charity.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/gates-foundation-campus1.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3162 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/gates-foundation-campus1-300×215.jpg” alt=”gates-foundation-campus” width=”300″ height=”215″ /></a>
TO UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION HEADQUARTERS IN SEATTLE, YOU MUST READ THIS-<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/</a>
No shots, no school, no problem, no kidding?
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-32.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4304 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-32.jpg” alt=”download-32″ width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> 35-45 SHOTS BY AGE FIVE-HOW CAN THEY MISS?
He gets into the wireless common core roll out
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-19.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4220 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-19.jpg” alt=”images (19)” width=”222″ height=”227″ /></a>
<em><strong>Common core is being rolled out all over the USA and it is being delivered in a wireless environment. Project Inkwell of which our VERY own Fullerton Trustee Hilda Sugarman IS A member</strong></em>
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/obama-connected-2.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4358 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/obama-connected-2-300×210.jpg” alt=”obama-connected-2″ width=”300″ height=”210″ /></a> That thing will be in his lap tonight, under his pillow tonight, and back in his lap again tomorrow at school…and the band played on.
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<h2 style=”text-align: center;”>Hilda Sugarman</h2>
<h4 style=”text-align: center;”>Member</h4>
<img class=”member-img wp-post-image aligncenter” src=”http://www.fullertonsd.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/member4.jpg” alt=”member4″ width=”148″ height=”165″ />
1401 W Valencia Dr. Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 447-7410
<a href=”mailto:hilda_sugarman@fullertonsd.org”>hilda_sugarman@fullertonsd.org</a>
(Please be sure to include your e-mail address if a response is requested.)
Born and educated in San Francisco Hilda attended Lowell High School, UC Berkeley and San Francisco State. Hilda literally married the boy up the block, Michael.
Hilda taught a few years while her husband was training. Her teaching experiences were in Hunters’ Point, Harlem, and Washington, DC. She loved it.
Mike, her husband, is an Internist/Rheumatoligist here in Fullerton. He is also President of the St. Jude Heritage Medical Group. They have two sons, Jason and Steven. The boys attended Richman, Laguna Road, Parks and Sunny Hills High Schools in Fullerton. Hilda was PTA President and Site Council President of these schools and President of Fullerton PTA Council. She also was team mom for the sport teams of the boys and sat on the Boards of the Fullerton Rangers, Boy Scouts and Golden Hill Little League. Mom Hilda has chaperoned trips to Washington, DC, Sacramento, US High School Select athletes to Russia, and Little League Players to their World Series. When the boys left for college, Hilda was on their college parent groups and even acted as a team mom. But that wasn’t the same as working here in Fullerton.
In 1996 Hilda was elected to the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees. She led the successful Bond Drive for improving school facilities. Some know her as a force for 21st century education and implementation of schools of choice in the Fullerton School District. Hilda serves on the Orange County School Board Committee. She also is an active member of the All the Arts for All the Kids Foundation, the Fullerton Excellence in Education Foundation, and the Assistance League of Fullerton.<em><strong> Nationally she serves on the Curriki Foundation and Project Inkwell.</strong></em>
The one thing that each of these activities have in common is their focus on children. Improving the quality of life and education of children is her passion.
<em><strong>THE technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<span class=”shadow”><img src=”http://www.fullertonsd.org/wp-content/themes/fullerton-school-district/images/content-shadow.png” alt=”” /></span>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-91.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4308 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-91.jpg” alt=”FSD Trustee Hilda Sugarman” width=”144″ height=”180″ /></a> FSD Trustee Hilda Sugarman School Board Member of Project Inkwell.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/hilda-sugarmans-dystopic-vision-of-wireless-ipads-every-single-child-will-have-one-247/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/hilda-sugarmans-dystopic-vision-of-wireless-ipads-every-single-child-will-have-one-247/</a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/cc20d5a5de4b0d0927696501c2bc4384.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4221 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/cc20d5a5de4b0d0927696501c2bc4384-194×300.jpg” alt=”cc20d5a5de4b0d0927696501c2bc4384″ width=”194″ height=”300″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/”>https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/</a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4323 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41-300×225.jpg” alt=”project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-4″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
see how the arts is a trojan horse for wireless ladies and gentlemen
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1957612_563636937065143_1101998087_n_zps26c57105.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4324 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1957612_563636937065143_1101998087_n_zps26c57105-231×300.jpg” alt=”1957612_563636937065143_1101998087_n_zps26c57105″ width=”231″ height=”300″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3999 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1-297×300.jpg” alt=”unnamed (1)” width=”297″ height=”300″ /></a>
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/21-inkwell.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4325 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/21-inkwell-300×200.jpg” alt=”21-inkwell” width=”300″ height=”200″ /></a> Do these people know what they are part of?
<strong>The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php</strong>
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<strong>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/image001-15.png”><img class=”wp-image-4166 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/image001-15-300×237.png” alt=”image001 (15)” width=”300″ height=”237″ /></a> FSD SUPERINTENDENT ROBERT PLETKA-FULLERTON’S CULT OF MAC HIGH PRIEST HANDING OUT COMMUNION-6000 MORE IPADS
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<strong>This is all part of Agenda 21 ladies and gentlemen and it knows no borders</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-11.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4329 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-11.jpg” alt=”images (11)” width=”251″ height=”201″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Al-Gore-Agenda-21-And-Population-Control-250×183.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4311 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Al-Gore-Agenda-21-And-Population-Control-250×183.jpg” alt=”Al-Gore-Agenda-21-And-Population-Control-250×183″ width=”250″ height=”183″ /></a>
OPEN YOUR EYES FOLKS<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-13.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4331 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-13-300×150.jpg” alt=”images (13)” width=”300″ height=”150″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4323 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-41-300×225.jpg” alt=”project-inkwell-journal-1223782079327458-8-thumbnail-4″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>THIS IS THE GOAL OF THE ELITE
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/agricultural-grass_w725_h544.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3928 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/agricultural-grass_w725_h544-300×225.jpg” alt=”agricultural-grass_w725_h544″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/iclei.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4332 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/iclei-218×300.jpg” alt=”iclei” width=”218″ height=”300″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-14.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4333 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-14.jpg” alt=”images (14)” width=”246″ height=”205″ /></a> I can do it with my eyes closed as long as I am flanked by princess Leah
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4330 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-12.jpg” alt=”images (12)” width=”160″ height=”160″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<h3> What do wireless emissions do to human reproduction? Scientists tell us that it causes infertility. I would like for us to instead consult the designers and artists of this 5billion dollar corporate headquarters.</h3>
APPLE HEADQUARTERS IN CUPERTINO-dubbed the building that will “save us all”
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-8.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3253 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/download-8.jpg” alt=”download (8)” width=”276″ height=”183″ /></a> The ego has landed in Cupertino
Schematic of the Cupertino campus layout-pretty insightful if you ask me.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/image001.png”><img class=”wp-image-3256 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/image001-300×188.png” alt=”image001″ width=”300″ height=”188″ /></a> Sperm talking “Man its a good thing I never made it in because my buddy in the upper right corner is getting electrocuted in there..”
Another schematic from the Cupertino campus layout.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×6631.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3249 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×6631-280×300.jpg” alt=”apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663″ width=”280″ height=”300″ /></a> what a bizarre layout for Apple’s HQ
Now this is a schematic of a human egg being fertilized by a sperm-note the similarities-
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/sperm.gif”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3250 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/sperm-300×218.gif” alt=”sperm” width=”300″ height=”218″ /></a>
So with all the money in the world and all the tea in China, why are they spending 5 billion dollars on a facility that is designed to simulate failed conception?
This is a more detailed schematic of Apple’s Cupertino headquarters-note the unmistakable similarity to the human fertiliation process except this one does not undergo cell division
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-3.png”><img class=”wp-image-3259 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-3.png” alt=”apple-3″ width=”1024″ height=”729″ /></a> cell division-to divide or not to divide-that is the question-Apples Cupertino HQ layout
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-campus-2-pic6.png”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-4623 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-campus-2-pic6.png” alt=”apple-campus-2-pic6″ width=”590″ height=”386″ /></a>
What is going on here? It is fertiliztion
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-6-300×161.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4621 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-6-300×161.jpg” alt=”images-6-300×161″ width=”300″ height=”161″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/CorticalRxn.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4620″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/CorticalRxn-228×300.jpg” alt=” Schematic diagram showing formation of the fertilization envelope.” width=”228″ height=”300″ /></a> Schematic diagram showing formation of the fertilization envelope.
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3999 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/unnamed-1-297×300.jpg” alt=”unnamed (1)” width=”297″ height=”300″ /></a> 21st century learning-we tried to warn all of you-poor kids
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3993 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-12.jpg” alt=”images (12)” width=”225″ height=”225″ /></a>What is the goal?
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/byod6.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3614 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/byod6-300×225.jpg” alt=”byod6″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3620 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251.jpg” alt=”33984_479084712158056_1011868072_n-1-300×2251″ width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/download-4.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-2768 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/download-4.jpg” alt=”download (4)” width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> The Georgia guidestones
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<strong>500 million is still too many?</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-81.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4302 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-81.jpg” alt=”download (8)” width=”275″ height=”183″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<strong>Where the hell did everybody go?</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Windows-8-Wallpaper-18.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3550 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Windows-8-Wallpaper-18-300×187.jpg” alt=”Windows-8-Wallpaper-18″ width=”300″ height=”187″ /></a><strong>Apple 666? Never right?</strong>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-9.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4303 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-9.jpg” alt=”images (9)” width=”247″ height=”204″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3248 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663-280×300.jpg” alt=”apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan-620×663″ width=”280″ height=”300″ /></a> apple-headquarters-cupertino-spaceship-plan
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-1-666.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4224 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/apple-1-666-266×300.jpg” alt=”apple-1-666″ width=”266″ height=”300″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/378capple-1-advertisement.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4225 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/378capple-1-advertisement-300×224.jpg” alt=”378capple-1-advertisement” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-6.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4226 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-6.jpg” alt=”download (6)” width=”260″ height=”194″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-20.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4227 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/images-20.jpg” alt=”images (20)” width=”225″ height=”225″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/180px-apple_first_logo.png”><img class=”size-full wp-image-4233 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/180px-apple_first_logo.png” alt=”180px-apple_first_logo” width=”180″ height=”262″ /></a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/666.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4234 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/666-300×288.jpg” alt=”666″ width=”300″ height=”288″ /></a>
<em><strong>Folks get these things out of your childrens’ laps and better yet, get them out of the wireless classrooms.</strong></em>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<em><strong>These are school district employees on school property on the clock acting out some bizarre ritual-</strong></em>
Don’t bank your lineage on these people who apparently see nothing wrong with aiming a toy gun on school property at an effigy of someone carrying a case with a Christian symbol on it.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10365322_426283017509417_3302972050798639405_o.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4034″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10365322_426283017509417_3302972050798639405_o-224×300.jpg” alt=”This one gets her orders from on high.” width=”224″ height=”300″ /></a> This one gets her orders from on high.<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10369039_426319127505806_7852473517392937338_o.jpg”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-4033″ src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10369039_426319127505806_7852473517392937338_o-224×300.jpg” alt=”Straight to the heart I tell ya” width=”224″ height=”300″ /></a> Straight to the heart I tell ya<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10392330_426270320844020_1279251681744232029_n-1.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4023 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10392330_426270320844020_1279251681744232029_n-1-300×224.jpg” alt=”10392330_426270320844020_1279251681744232029_n (1)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> But FSD Supertintendent Bob Pletka is a nice guy<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10419473_426272904177095_1698855657885312930_n-2.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4024 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10419473_426272904177095_1698855657885312930_n-2-225×300.jpg” alt=”10419473_426272904177095_1698855657885312930_n (2)” width=”225″ height=”300″ /></a> I’m back in black, yes I’m baaack in black…<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/2012-10-09-total_fertility_rate2-thumb.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4011 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/2012-10-09-total_fertility_rate2-thumb-300×195.jpg” alt=”2012-10-09-total_fertility_rate2-thumb” width=”300″ height=”195″ /></a> In case you haven’t noticed, that graph is heading to zero
The white shirted one says it is all safe as he takes his show on the road to irradiate the school children while on this blog he makes fun of the “man in the sky”
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wireless-classrooms-are-they-safe/#comment-18046″>https://thefullertoninformer.com/wireless-classrooms-are-they-safe/#comment-18046</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13.png”><img class=”wp-image-3966 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/image001-13-300×224.png” alt=”image001 (13)” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></a> Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze seated at right
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
while the vampire is running the blood bank at The FCC
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3612 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images.jpg” alt=”images” width=”294″ height=”171″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
The unmitigated public health disaster in the making.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images-22.jpg”><img class=”size-full wp-image-3616 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/images-22.jpg” alt=”images (2)” width=”263″ height=”191″ /></a>
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
Before wireless in schools
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-3.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3290 size-full aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-3.jpg” alt=”images-3″ width=”280″ height=”180″ /></a>
After wireless in schools
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Windows-8-Start-Screen.jpg”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-3163 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Windows-8-Start-Screen-300×187.jpg” alt=”They stick this in your face when you turn on the device.” width=”300″ height=”187″ /></a>
the target
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/egg_cell.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3157 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/egg_cell-300×225.jpg” alt=”egg_cell” width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a> where we all began ourselves before the age of the wireless agenda<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/o-TRACY-BECKERMAN-facebook.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4236 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/o-TRACY-BECKERMAN-facebook-300×150.jpg” alt=”o-TRACY-BECKERMAN-facebook” width=”300″ height=”150″ /></a> Why are there so many attempts in life by evil people to wreck what I hold so dearly and carefully for that magic moment?
the weapon
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3995 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/skull-vs-ipad-basic-300×204.jpg” alt=”skull-vs-ipad-basic” width=”300″ height=”204″ /></a> Ipads emit more microwave radiation than cell phones. Cell phone use is voluntary among adults and most certainly not for 8-10 hours per day in their laps. Ipads in school, well that is another story. Once the kids are addicted to them at home, well kiss the sunlight exposure and normal sleep patterns goodbye. As for their progeny someday, please revert back the mid section of this article.
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-8.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3263 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/images-8.jpg” alt=”images (8)” width=”299″ height=”168″ /></a> note the location of the WiFi antenna
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
The deployment
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3991 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-11.jpg” alt=”images (11)” width=”259″ height=”194″ /></a> The antenna is right on his zipper, or for the girls, right on their ovaries emitting microwave radiation levels trillions of times background levels when the device is WiFi enabled .
The frequencies
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/1335970217744_ipadsar.png”><img class=”size-medium wp-image-3981 aligncenter” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/1335970217744_ipadsar-293×300.png” alt=”1335970217744_ipadsar” width=”293″ height=”300″ /></a>
The power levels are – ten to the fourteenth power above normal background levels at 2.4 GHz which is the frequency at which the maximum dielectric loss of water begins. What a convenient coincidence.
Your children in school:
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/1.13509_G3520249-Laboratory_rats-SPL.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3221 size-medium” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/1.13509_G3520249-Laboratory_rats-SPL-300×199.jpg” alt=”1.13509_G3520249-Laboratory_rats-SPL” width=”300″ height=”199″ /></a> Your request to turn off wireless systems in the Fullerton School District is “respectfully denied”-Robert Pletka
The stuff doesn’t belong here.
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-10.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4309 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/download-10.jpg” alt=”download (10)” width=”283″ height=”178″ /></a> The Earth has ZERO atmospheric opacity to Microwaves because they are almost totally non-existent in nature.
How exposure guidelines were developed
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-7.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3974 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/images-7.jpg” alt=”images (7)” width=”228″ height=”221″ /></a> HEY YOU DUMMY, DON’T MOVE OR THE WATER MIGHT SPILL
What they think of you and I
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-4229 size-full” src=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300.jpg” alt=”10400028_10152327387651961_541135591840913878_n-279×300″ width=”279″ height=”300″ /></a> I guess we are right up there with mosquitoes according to Bill and Melinda Gates of hell
<em><strong>The technology must be wireless-</strong></em>http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
<li>Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. <em><strong>The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.</strong></em></li>
Martin Pall presentation entitled, <a href=”https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33504620/2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf”>Microwave electromagnetic fields do not work by heating. They produce health effects by VGCC activation</a>.
More information <strong><a href=”http://www.smb.wsu.edu/faculty-trainees-and-staff/emeritus-faculty”>Martin L. Pall , Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University</a>, </strong> <a href=”http://www.thetenthparadigm.org/mcs09.htm”>The Tenth Paradigm Research Group</a> ,<a href=”mailto:martin_pall@wsu.edu”>martin_pall@wsu.edu</a>
<a href=”https://thefullertoninformer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597.pdf”>2014-0224-Martin-Pall-35597</a>
<a href=”http://www.saferemr.com/”>http://www.saferemr.com/</a>
<a href=”https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B14R6QNkmaXuXzhFeDVFcmh2RHc/edit”>https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B14R6QNkmaXuXzhFeDVFcmh2RHc/edit</a>
<a href=”http://wifiinschools.com/experts.html”>http://wifiinschools.com/experts.html</a>
<a href=”http://wifiinschools.com/studiesreports.html”>http://wifiinschools.com/studiesreports.html</a>
<a href=”http://wifiinschools.com/videos-dna-damage.html”>http://wifiinschools.com/videos-dna-damage.html</a>
<h2><strong>Scientists and Medical Doctors Advise Against
</strong><strong>W</strong><strong>y and Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, USA. </strong>Chronic, such as all-day, school exposure, is more likely than short and intermittent exposure, such as cell phone use, to produce harmful health effects, and is likely to do so at lower exposure levels. Children are more vulnerable to RF/MW radiation because of the susceptibility of their developing nervous systems. Children are largely unable to remove themselves from exposures to harmful substances in their environments. Their exposure is involuntary. There is a major legal difference between an exposure that an individual chooses to accept and one that is forced upon a person, especially a dependent, who can do nothing about it. WiFi must be banned from school deployment. <strong>Professor Lukas H. Margaritis, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology and Radiobiology, Dept </strong><strong>of Cell Biology and Biophysics, University of Athens, Greece. </strong>Having done experiments on cellular model systems we have found an effect from electromagnetic radiation from WiFi. I have strongly suggested for years now that they should be used only if absolutely necessary in the home and not at all in schools. There is no reason for having WiFi in schools since there is an alternative – wired connections which are safer and faster. <strong>Dr Mae-Wan Ho, PhD, FRSA, Director of the Institute of Science in Society, London, UK. </strong><strong> </strong>It is very important for schools and other public places frequented by children to be free of Wi-Fi. The evidence on ‘non-thermal’ biological effects of electromagnetic fields is now indisputable and children are many times more at risk than adults.</h2>
<div class=”paragraph”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”><span style=”font-size: medium;”>
<strong> </strong><strong>Dr Norbert Hankin, PhD, Environmental Scientist, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, </strong><strong>Environmental Protection Agency, USA. </strong></span></span></span><strong> </strong>The growing use of wireless communications by children and by schools will result in prolonged long-term exposure of developing children to low-intensity pulse modulated radiofrequency radiation.Recent studies involving short-term exposures have demonstrated that subtle effects on brain functions can be produced by low-intensity pulse modulated radiofrequency radiation. Some research involving rodents has shown adverse effects on short-term and long-term memory. The concern is that if such effects may occur in young children, then even slight impairment of learning ability over years of education may negatively affect the quality of life that could be achieved by these individuals, when adults.<strong>Dr Annie Sasco, MD, PhD, Director, Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention, INSERM (Institut </strong><strong>national de la santé et de la recherche médicale) Research Unit, School of Public Health, </strong><strong>Victor-Segalen Bordeaux 2 Université, France. Formerly International Agency for Research </strong><strong>on Cancer (IARC) Unit Chief of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention. </strong>If we want to wait for final proof, at least in terms of cancer, it may still take 20 years and the issue will become that we will not have unexposed population to act as control. We may never have the absolute final proof. But we have enough data to go ahead with a precautionary principle to avoid exposures (radiofrequencies) which are unnecessary if our goal is to reduce somewhat the burden of cancer in the years to come and other chronic diseases.<strong>Dr Stelios A. Zinelis, BA, MD, Hellenic Cancer Society, Cefallonia, Greece </strong>We should not subject and force electromagnetic radiation on school children. Technology can be applied by a wired connection. Effects of the electromagnetic radiation have been well documented and should not be ignored. The past has taught as many lessons, for example asbestos.<strong> </strong><strong>Dr Belyaev Dr.Sc., Head Research Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of </strong><strong>Science, Slovak Republic; Associate Professor in Toxicological Genetics, Faculty of Natural Science, Stockholm University, Sweden. </strong>To my opinion, which is based on 25-year research of non-thermal effects of microwaves, usage of Wi-Fi and cell/mobile/smart phones in the classroom should be either forbidden or reduced as much as possible. I believe that the majority of scientists with long lasting experience in this scientific field are of the same opinion. Several national authorities have already advised limiting usage of mobile communication by children.<strong>Dr Samuel Milham MD, MPH, Epidemiology and Public Health, Formerly Washington State Department of Health, USA. </strong>Wireless technologies have no place in schools. I strongly recommend that where they exist, they be replaced by fiber-optic cable and hard wiring.<strong>Professor Dr. Franz Adlkofer, MD, Chairman of Pandora – Foundation for Independent </strong><strong>Research. </strong><strong> </strong>While the use of mobile phones is the result of people’s free choice, their exposure to W-LAN and other wireless applications is mostly compulsory. Especially concerned are children in schools where this technology has been given preference to wired computers. Since our knowledge on possible adverse effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields is still rather poor, it is obvious that at present the biggest biophysical experiment of mankind is under way – with an uncertain outcome.In May 2011, the uncertainty has been strengthened by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’. This decision was mainly based on the results of epidemiological studies that observed after long-term (>10 years) and intensive use of mobile phones an increased risk for brain tumors exactly at the side of the head at which the mobile phone was used. The results from animal experiments, although of minor significance, supported the decision. Not discussed, however, was research that shows changes in the structure and functions of genes. Had they been included in the evaluation, the classification would not have been ‘possibly carcinogenic’ but rather ‘probably carcinogenic’.The general public is confronted with two different views, one represented by politics and industry and one by the growing number of independent researchers. Ordinary people have either no idea of the probably adverse effects of radiofrequency radiation or have full confidence in the exposure limits that according to their governments reliably protect from risk to the health. They do not know that the exposure limits are based on pseudo-science thought to create the necessary legal frame for a telecommunication industry that wants to make use of the new technology without being hampered by medical considerations.For a medical doctor like me, the conclusion from the present state of knowledge must be that a precautionary approach is overdue and must not be delayed anymore.<strong>Dr Alfonso Balmori, PhD, Biologist, Researcher on effects of electromagnetic fields on </strong><strong>wildlife, Valladolid, Spain. </strong><strong> </strong>The ongoing invasion of radiation caused by Wi-Fi transmitters and other radiofrequency sources represents a denial of scientific evidence and extreme myopia. It is absurd when cable can be used with much greater speeds that schools choose to do so by air. Moreover health must take priority over access to information. Wi-Fi systems are being senselessly installed, even for young children. Society is performing an extremely dangerous and suicidal experiment with them. In it are included not only the children of those who are convinced that electromagnetic radiation is harmful but also the children of the promoters of such systems, both politicians and those who work in the communications industry and also the scientists who deny the evidence. The problems of depression, attention deficit and insomnia in children are increasing worldwide at an alarming rate.<strong> </strong><strong>Dr Vini G. Khurana, MBBS, BSc (Med), PhD, FRACS, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, </strong><strong>Australian</strong><strong> National University Medical School</strong><strong>; Currently Visiting Attending Neurosurgeon, </strong><strong>Royal</strong><strong> Melbourne Hospital</strong><strong>. </strong><strong> </strong>The concerns raised regarding the unnecessary and prolonged exposure of children to near-field radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from mobile phones, wireless laptops and nearby Wi-Fi transmitters in schools are shared by many.A precautionary approach is realistically achieved without compromising convenience and safety.There are good grounds for adopting such an approach in children, particularly in the context of the WHO’s recent classification of RF-EMR as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, and the fact that children may be more susceptible to any adverse health effects of RF-EMR owing to their thinner scalp and skull, increased brain water content, lower brain volume, and rapidly developing neural connections.<strong>Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe, BM, Emergency Room Registrar, Medical Advisor ES-UK </strong>Radiofrequency radiation was classified last year (2011) as a class 2B carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)/World Health Organization (WHO). This means that Global Health Authorities are concerned that this kind of radiation (used by many kinds of household wireless devices) may cause cancer. There are several convincing mechanisms via which cellular disruption is taking place and all bodily systems are potentially vulnerable. All persons should, in my opinion, take precaution to reduce their exposure to unnatural radiation, including that from non-ionizing, non-thermal sources such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, cordless landlines and many others. This advice is particularly important for parents and Education Authorities when creating home and school environments because children are more vulnerable to this kind of radiation.Science has repeatedly and clearly demonstrated adverse effects of artificial electromagnetic fields on biological systems. It is far too late for timely intervention, but failure to act now with conviction and protect our children could lead to a national health disaster.<strong>Dr Olle Johansson, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, and Professor, The </strong><strong>Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. </strong>Wireless communication is now being implemented in our daily life in a very fast way. At the same time, it is becoming more and more obvious that the exposure to the electromagnetic fields used by these systems not only may induce acute thermal effects to living organisms, but also non-thermal effects, the latter often after longer exposures. This has been demonstrated in a very large number of studies and includes cellular DNA-damage, disruptions and alterations of cellular functions like increases in intracellular stimulatory pathways and calcium handling, disruption of tissue structures like the blood-brain barrier, impact on vessel and immune functions, association to cancer, and loss of fertility.Wireless systems, such as Wi-Fi routers and cell/mobile/smart phones, cannot be regarded as safe in schools, but must be deemed highly hazardous and unsafe for the children as well as for the staff.<strong>Dr Martin Blank, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, College of </strong><strong>Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, USA. </strong>Just because we allow microwaves, doesn’t mean that Wi-Fi at the same frequency should be allowed into all classrooms. There is now sufficient scientific data about the biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF), and in particular about radiofrequency (RF) radiation, to argue for adoption of precautionary measures. We can state unequivocally that EMF can cause single and double strand DNA breakage at exposure levels that are considered safe under the FCC guidelines in the USA.EMF have been shown to cause other potentially harmful biological effects, such as leakage of the blood brain barrier that can lead to damage of neurons in the brain, increased micronuclei (DNA fragments) in human blood lymphocytes, all at EMF exposures well below the limits in the current FCC guidelines. Probably the most convincing evidence of potential harm comes from living cells themselves when they start to manufacture stress proteins upon exposure to EMF. The stress response occurs with a number of potentially harmful environmental factors, such as elevated temperature, changes in pH, toxic metals, etc. This means that when stress protein synthesis is stimulated by radiofrequency or power frequency EMF, the body is telling us in its own language that RF exposure is potentially harmful.It is obvious that the safety standards must be revised downward to take into account the non-thermal as well as thermal biological responses that occur at much lower intensities. Since we cannot rely on the current standards, it is best to act according to the precautionary principle. The precautionary approach appears to be the most reasonable for those who must protect the health and welfare of the public and especially its most vulnerable members, children of school-age.<strong>Professor Dr. Oleg Grigoriev, PhD, Director of the Russian Centre for Electromagnetic Safety </strong><strong>and Vice-Chairman of the RCNIRP. Dr. of Medical Science, Chairman of the Russian National </strong><strong>Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RCNIRP); member of International Advising </strong><strong>Committee on WHO EMF Project. </strong>Our committee is against the use of Wi-Fi systems in schools. The reason is that it forms a very complex form of electromagnetic field, but in this case the probability of biological effect is higher than when the same total dose is created by one source of unmodulated electromagnetic field. This pattern is for non-thermal electromagnetic fields. There are very good studies that have shown that prolonged exposure to low-intensity radio waves in children disturbed cognitive function, and we trust this research.<strong>Dr Magda Havas, PhD, Associate Professor, Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent </strong><strong>University</strong><strong>, Ontario, Canada</strong><strong>. </strong>I am a scientist researching the adverse health outcomes of electromagnetic radiation exposure, including from sources such as WI-FI networks and cell towers. I conducted a study that showed immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability associated with microwave exposure to a frequency of 2.4 GHz at levels well below (0.5 percent) federal guidelines. The reactions include heart irregularities, a rapid heart rate, up-regulation of the sympathetic nervous system, and down-regulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.It is important that children be exposed to the important education, life experiences, and social structures that public education offers, but they must not be risking their health to do so! Children must not be exposed to a constant background of pulsed microwave radiation from WI-FI (or other sources) while at school.The Internet is an important learning device that should not be taken away. I simply urge that its access be made available through wires rather than Wi-Fi.<strong>Professor Dr. Christos Georgiou, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Patras, Greece </strong>Every child has the non-negotiable, obvious right to a healthy and safe school environment.Governments and school boards can no longer trust the wireless communication industry’s monotonous slogan that Wi-Fi and cell phones are safe. In May 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified microwave radiation, emitted by such wireless devices, as a possible carcinogen. WHO could no longer ignore the scientific and social pressure from numerous studies, which have shown that WiFi/cell phone radiation penetrates the body, affects cell membranes, makes cells lose their ability to function properly over time, and disturbs the body’s normal metabolism causing numerous abnormalities and diseases.Children are especially vulnerable to microwave radiation because their nervous system and especially the brain are still developing. Moreover, their skulls are thinner and smaller than those of the adults, so the radiation penetrates their brains more freely and deeply.Microwave radiation displays in children life threatening short and long term effects: the short term effects are experienced as headaches, dizziness, nausea, vertigo, fatigue, visual and auditory distortion (voices change volume, ringing ears), abnormal heart rates (racing heart rate or tachycardia, erratic heart rates), memory loss, attention deficit (trouble concentrating while in class), skin rash, hyperactivity, anxiety, autism, depression, night sweats, insomnia (microwaves affect melatonin levels), learning impairment, behavioral changes etc; the long term effects are expressed as stress, a weakened immune system, seizures, epilepsy, high blood pressure, brain damage, diabetes, fibromyalgia, infertility, birth defects, DNA damage, leukemia, cancer, etc.<strong>Professor Dr. Alvaro Augusto A. de Salles, PhD, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal </strong><strong>University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. </strong><strong> </strong>I believe that responsible governments should act firmly to avoid the use of mobile/smart phones and Wi-Fi in schools. The main reasons are due to the scientific evidence already available in the international literature (e.g., Bioinitiative report, Pathophysiology 2009, Interphone report, Hardell’s group papers, etc) showing health risks even at low level exposure to the non-ionizing radiation (NIR), the 2011 IARC/WHO possible carcinogenic (2 B) classification of the NIR and because due to different reasons, the children are more susceptible to this radiation.Then the “Precautionary Principle” should effectively be used in this subject and instead of wireless connection, other fixed connections such as twisted pairs, coaxial cables, optical fiber, etc should be available for each student, avoiding therefore exposure during several hours to the NIR.If serious and responsible decisions are not taken in due time, the price in terms of future generations public health can be very high.<strong>Professor Dr. Nesrin Seyhan, Medical Faculty and Chair of Biophysics Department, Gazi </strong><strong>University</strong><strong>, Turkey</strong><strong>; WHO EMF International Advisory Committee; Panel Member NATO RTA </strong><strong>Human Factors and Medicine. </strong>Dr. Seyhan, founder of the Gazi Non-Ionizing Protection Center (GNRK), always opposes radiofrequency sources near schools. She believes that potential adverse health effects from the children’s use of Wi-Fi and cell/mobile/smart phone would be greater than with respect to adults. She also recommends that children younger than 16-years-old should not have their own mobile phone.</div>
Other studies which have shown harmful effects of non-ionising electromagnetic radiation include (this is not comprehensive):
<table cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″>
<td valign=”top”><strong>TITLE</strong></td>
<td valign=”top”><strong>AUTHORS</strong></td>
<td valign=”top”><strong>DATE</strong></td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile phone related-hazards and subjective hearing and vision symptoms in the Saudi population”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Meo SA, Al-Drees AM</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Cellular phone effects on otoacoustic emissions”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Grisanti G, Parlapiano C, Tamburello CC, Tine G, Zanforlin L</td>
<td valign=”top”>1998</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Assessment of Potential Effects of Electromagnetic Fields of Mobile Phones on Hearing”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Uloziene, Uloza, Gradauskiene, Saferis</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Hearing level and intensive use of mobile phones”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Sebastian Gil E, Marco Algarra J.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Vestibular schwannoma, tinitus and cellular telephones”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Hardell L, Mild KH, Sandstrom M, Carlberg M, Hallquist A, Pahlson A</td>
<td valign=”top”>2003</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan”</td>
<td valign=”top”>T. Takebayashi, S. Akiba, Y. Kikuchi, et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2007</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma Risk in Japan”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Takebayashi, Akiba, Kikuchi, Taki, et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2006</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Schoemaker M. J., Swerdlow A. J., Ahlbom A., et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lonn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lonn, Ahlbom, Hall, Fetching, et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Cellular Telephone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Christensen,Schuz,Kosteljanetz,et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“A Study of the Effects of Cellular Telephone Microwave Radiation on the Auditory System in Healthy Men”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Mora, Crippa, Mora, Dellepiane</td>
<td valign=”top”>2006</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Experimental study and mechanism analysis on bioeffects by nanosecond electromagnetic pulses”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Wang BY, Yang JB, Guo QG, Xu RM, Liu CJ, Zhang H, Zou FD, Wang ZS</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Bioeffects induced by exposure to microwaves are mitigated by superposition of ELF noise”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Litovitz TA, Penafiel LM, Farrel JM, Krause D, Meister R, Mullins JM</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The modification of the effect of microwave radiation on the biochemical processes in anaphylactic shock by using exposure to a weak and perturbed geomagnetic field”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Podkovkin VG</td>
<td valign=”top”>1993</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Development and form of shortwave thermal zones in an agar body”</td>
<td valign=”top”>ALBRECHT, W.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1935</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Repeated exposure to low-level extremely low frequency-modulated microwaves”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Vorobyov V, Pesic V, Janac B, Prolic Z.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Working with Visual Display Units”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Robinette et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1980</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Children’s Health and Environment: A Review of Evidence: A Joint Report from the European Environmental Agency and The World Health Organization”</td>
<td valign=”top”>World Health Organization</td>
<td valign=”top”>2002</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Agar-Bridge System for Exposing Cell Cultures to Electric Fields”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Theriault</td>
<td valign=”top”>1994</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Modification of lethal radiation injury in mice by postradiation exposure to low-intensity centimeter-band radio frequency waves”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Akoev IG, Mel’nikov VM, Usachev AV, Kozhokaru AF</td>
<td valign=”top”>1994</td>
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<td valign=”top”>International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection</td>
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<td valign=”top”>ABRIKOSOV, I. A.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1954</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The Action of a Pulsed Electric UHF Field on the Organism”</td>
<td valign=”top”>ABRIKOSOV, I. A.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1955</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The role of coherence time in the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Litovitz TA, Krause D, Penafiel M, Elson EC, Mullins JM</td>
<td valign=”top”>1993</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease”</td>
<td valign=”top”>inNL, Pal’tsev IuP, Iasnetsov VV</td>
<td valign=”top”>1994</td>
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<td valign=”top”>AKOYUNOGLOU, G.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1964</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Mortality of chicken embryos exposed to EMFs from mobile phones”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Youbicier-Simo BJ, Lebecq JC, Bastide M</td>
<td valign=”top”>1998</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Micronucleus induction after whole-body microwave irradiation of rats”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Trosic I, Busljeta I, Kasuba V, Rozgaj R</td>
<td valign=”top”>2002</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Study on health effects of the shortwave transmitter station of Schwarzenburg, Bern, Switzerland”</td>
<td valign=”top”>E.S. Altpeter, T.H. Krebs</td>
<td valign=”top”>1995</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The microwave syndrome—further aspects of a Spanish study, in: Proceedings of the Third InternationalWorkshop on Bioelectromagnetic Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Kos, Greece”</td>
<td valign=”top”>G. Oberfeld, et al</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Electromagnetic absorption in the human head and neck for mobile telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz, IEE Trans”</td>
<td valign=”top”>O.P. Gandhi, G. Lazzi, C.M. Furse</td>
<td valign=”top”>1996</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Amplitude Windows and Transiently Augmented Transcription from Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Litovitz et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Fetal and neonatal responses following maternal exposure to mobile phones”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Rezk A. Y., Abdulqawi K., Mustafa R. M., Abo El-Azm T. M. and Al-Inany H.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2008</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Microwave enhanced kinetics observed in ORD studies of a protein”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Bohr H, Bohr J</td>
<td valign=”top”>2000</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Perturbations of plant leaflet rhythms caused by electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Ellingsrud S, Johnsson A</td>
<td valign=”top”>1993</td>
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<td valign=”top”>Balodis et al</td>
<td valign=”top”>1996</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Environmental-health aspects of pulse-modulated microwaves”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Neshev NN, Kirilova EI</td>
<td valign=”top”>1996</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Some present problems and a proposed experimental phantom for SAR compliance testing of cellular telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz”</td>
<td valign=”top”>O.P. Gandhi, G. Kang</td>
<td valign=”top”>2002</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effects of mobile phone radiation on UV-induced skin tumourigenesis in ornithine decarboxylase transgenic and non-transgenic mice”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Heikkinen P, Kosma VM, Alhonen L, Huuskonen H, Komulainen H, Kumlin T, Laitinen JT, Lang S, Puranen L, Juutilainen J</td>
<td valign=”top”>2003</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Role of modulation on the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity in L929 cells”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Penafiel LM, Litovitz T, Krause D, Desta A, Mullins JM</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Analysis of RF exposure in the head tissues of children and adults”</td>
<td valign=”top”>J. Wiart, A. Hadjem, M.F. Wong</td>
<td valign=”top”>2008</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Biological effect from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards”</td>
<td valign=”top”>L. Hardell, C. Sage</td>
<td valign=”top”>2008</td>
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<td valign=”top”>Aksoy U, Sahin S, Ozkoc S, Ergor G</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
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<td valign=”top”>Tafforeau M, Verdus M-C, Norris V, White G, Demarty M, Thellier M, Ripoll C.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2002</td>
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<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effect of EMF on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) and the level of malonyldialdehyde (MDA)”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Stopczyk D, Gnitecki W, Buczynski A, Markuszewski L, Buczynski J</td>
<td valign=”top”>2002</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Interactions of RF radiation-induced hyperthermia and 2-methoxyethanol teratogenicity in rats”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Nelson BK, Conover DL, Krieg EF Jr, Snyder DL, Edwards RM</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
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<td valign=”top”>Tornqvist, S. et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1986</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Interaction of low level modulated RF radiation with Na+¯ K+-ATPase”</td>
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<td valign=”top”>1998</td>
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<td valign=”top”>World Health Organization</td>
<td valign=”top”>2007</td>
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<td valign=”top”>Chiang H</td>
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<td valign=”top”>2003</td>
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<td valign=”top”>Odaci E., Bas O. and Kaplan S.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2008</td>
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<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
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<td valign=”top”>1987</td>
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<td valign=”top”>Sienkiewicz, Saunders and Kowalczuk</td>
<td valign=”top”>1991</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Electromagnetic interference of GSM mobile phones with the implantable deep brain stimulator, ITREL-III”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Kainz W, Alesch F, Chan DD</td>
<td valign=”top”>2003</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist blocks microwave- induced decreases in high-affinity choline uptake in the rat brain”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW</td>
<td valign=”top”>1990</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Intracerebroventricular injection of mu- and delta-opiate receptor antagonists block 60 Hz magnetic field-induced decreases in cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lai H, Carino MA</td>
<td valign=”top”>1998</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effects of Weak Amplitude Modulated Microwave Fields on Calcium Eflux on Awake Cat Cerebral Cortex</td>
<td valign=”top”>Bawin, S.M. and W.R. Adey</td>
<td valign=”top”>1976</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Intraseptal microinjection of beta-funaltrexamine blocked a microwave induced decrease of hippocampal cholinergic activity in the rat”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW</td>
<td valign=”top”>1994</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease in central cholinergic activity in the rat”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW</td>
<td valign=”top”>1992</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effect of amplitude-modulated radio frequency radiation on cholinergic system of developing rats”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Kunjilwar KK, Behari J</td>
<td valign=”top”>1993</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Low-level microwave irradiations affect central cholinergic activity in the rat”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lai H, Horita A, Chou CK, Guy AW</td>
<td valign=”top”>“In Vitro Study of Microwave Effects on Calcium Efflux in Rat Brain Tissue</td>
<td valign=”top”>Bawin and Adey</td>
<td valign=”top”>1976</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Possible Mechanisms of Weak Electromagnetic Field Coupling with Brain Tissue”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Bawin, Sheppard and Adey</td>
<td valign=”top”>1978</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Induction of Calcium-ion Efflux From Brain Tissue by Radiofrequency Radiation: Effects of Modulated Frequency and Field Strength”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Blackman et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1979</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effect of Amplitude Modulated 147 MHz Radiofrequency on Calcium Ion Efflux from Avian Brain Tissue”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Albert, Bray, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Watson</td>
<td valign=”top”>1987</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effect of amplitude modulated RF radiation on calcium ion efflux and ODC activity in chronically exposed rat brain”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Paulraj R, Behari J, Rao AR</td>
<td valign=”top”>1999</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The Influence of Temperature During Electric and Magnetic Field Induced Alteration of Calcium Ion Release from In Vitro Brain Tissue”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Blackman et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1991</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effects of ELF fields on calcium-ion efflux from brain tissues”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Blackman et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1982</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Influence of Electromagnetic Fields on the Efflux of Calcium Ions from Brain Tissue In Vitro”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Blackman et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1988</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Power Density, Field Density and Carrier Frequency Determinants of RF Energy-Induced Calcium Ion Efflux from Brain Tissue”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Joines, W.T, and Blackman, C.F.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1980</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Sensitivity in Calcium Binding in Cerbral Tissue to Weak Electric Fields Oscillating at Low Frequency”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Bawin, S.M. and W.R. Adey</td>
<td valign=”top”>1976</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effects of low level 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on Ca2+ efflux and ODC activity in chronically exposed developing rat brain”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Paul Raj R, Behari J. Rao AR</td>
<td valign=”top”>1999</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Microwave-evoked brainstem potentials in cats”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lin JC, Meltzer RJ, Redding FK</td>
<td valign=”top”>1979</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Blood-brain Barrier Permeability in Rats Exposed to Electromagnetic Fields Used in Wireless Communication”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Persson, Salford, Brun</td>
<td valign=”top”>1997</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Radiofrequency and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field effects on the blood-brain barrier”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Nittby, H., Grafstrom G., Eberhardt J. L., Malmgren L., Brun A., Persson B. R. R. and Salford L. G.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2008</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Permeability of the blood-brain barrier induced by 915 MHz electromagnetic radiation, continuous wave and modulated at 8, 16, 50, and 200 Hz”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Salford LG, Brun A, Sturesson K, Eberhardt JL, Persson BR</td>
<td valign=”top”>1994</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Diurnal Patterns in Brain Biogenic Amines of Rats Exposed to 60-Hz Electric Fields”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Stodolnik-Baranska, W. et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>1973</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Cellular phone electromagnetic field effects on bioelectric activity of human brain”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lebedeva NN, Sulimov AV, Sulimova OP, Kotrovskaya TI, Gailus T,</td>
<td valign=”top”>2000</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Single vs. repeated microwave exposure: effects on benzodiazepine receptors in the brain of the rat”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW</td>
<td valign=”top”>1992</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Can Mobile Phone Emissions Affect Auditory Functions of Cochlea or Brain Stem?”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Sievert, U., Eggert, S., Pau, H.W.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2005</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effects of exposure to low level radiofrequency fields on acetylcholine release in hippocampus of freely moving rats”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Bioelectromagnetics 23:249-255</td>
<td valign=”top”>2002</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The Possible Role of Radiofrequency Radiation in the Development of Uveal Melanoma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Stang et al.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2001</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The possible role of radiofrequency radiation in the development of uveal melanoma”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Stang A, Anastassiou G, Ahrens W, Bromen K, Bornfeld N, Jockel KH</td>
<td valign=”top”>2001</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Potential Hazards of Hertizan Radiation and Tumors”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Zaret, M</td>
<td valign=”top”>1977</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effect of low-energy and high-peak-power nanosecond pulses of microwave radiation on malignant tumors”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Devyatkov ND, Pletnyov SD, Betskii OV, Faikin VV</td>
<td valign=”top”>2001</td>
<td valign=”top”>“The Production of Tumor Necrosis Factor in Cells of Tumor-Bearing Mice After Total-Body Microwave Irradiation and Antioxidant Diet”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Novoselova EG, Ogay VB, Sorokina OV, Glushkova OV, Sinotova OA, Fesenko EE.</td>
<td valign=”top”>2004</td>
<td valign=”top”>“Effect of centimeter microwaves and the combined magnetic field on the tumor necrosis factor production in cells of mice with experimental tumors”</td>
<td valign=”top”>Novoselova EG, Ogai VB, Sorokina OV, Novikov VV, Fesenko EE</td>
<td valign=”top”>20</td>
There thousands more ladies and gentlemen.
What did Adam and Eve do wrong?
You just bought these for your children for Christmas:
It will spend more time with your child than you will:
look where the WiFi antenna is located:
In the classroom and at home, WiFi mode is utilized:
Why is the antenna placed where it would be emitting pulse modulated wireless microwave radiation at levels trillions of times the normal background levels right smack dab in direct proximity to the sensitive developing reproductive areas of our children?
Your school and PTA are pushing for these:
You find yourself supporting fundraising at the school for more:
And for years these will be transmitting pulse modulated microwave radiation in DIRECT CONTACT WITH:
At home by your choice as a parent:
And forced on your children at school:
Robert Pletka FSD superintendent:
“Your request that the district turn off wireless connectivity and remove IPads from your children’s respective classrooms….is respectfully DENIED.” 11-1-2013 letter to Joe Imbriano.
What does all this mean?
Fullerton School teacher
When you add all of this up, is this what we get?
And by the way, who is watching, listening, tracking, and developing algorithms and dossiers on you and your children through the black box trap doors from afar?
Cant get into school without these right?
No shots No school? Right?
Now you see the city and its people:
Now you don’t:
Notice now how everyone is gone, and to where, you can use your imagination. The three arches above appear to be a resurrected monument of sorts with a striking resemblance to the original location of these funny looking buildings over at The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that remind me of horseshoe magnets. Is it mission accomplished with the 3 arches representing the three 6 story buildings at the Gates foundation headquarters erected upright in their utopian world without people in the above photo of what Seattle may look like someday?
Let’s have another look at this picture.
What is with the Sun and the little ball next to it? Is the needle symbolic of the force vaccination program’s successes?
Red and yellow make orange. Google is getting ready to blanket the entire planet in microwave emissions from space. http://gizmodo.com/wsj-google-spending-1-billion-on-satellites-to-cover-1584675816 Looks like Google paints with all the colors of the wind.
So Google will blanket the planet in WiFi with 180 satellites- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2646039/Googles-plans-world-domination-Search-giant-launch-180-satellites-bring-internet-access-ENTIRE-planet.html
180 satellites- 3 x 60= 180 and just for good measure they may double the number to 360 -there are your 3 sixes again.
Google’s venture is being led by Greg Wyler, founder of satellite-communications start-up O3b Networks, and depending on the network’s final design, the group may double the number of proposed satellites.
So where does that leave all of us? But really now, where did everybody go?
Dr Roman Schulze seen here presenting to the Glendale Unified School District on how WiFi is safe for the kids.

Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze on his pro classroom wireless evangelism tour up in Glendale California.
According to a 30 year old section of the California Education Code, it is illegal to expose children to a Class 2B Carcinogen in schools. I believe that the school district personnel responsible for this need to go to jail for what they are involved in. Maybe that is why Superintendent Dr. George Giokaris decided to forgo wireless in the Fullerton Joint Union High School District and hard wire the campuses.
Here is Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeretis of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, and Merry Callahan, health advocate, presenting updated information on the health impacts from EMF radiation to the Portland Oregon School Board from September of 2013. Two brilliant 3-minute talks exposing the FABLE of the harmlessness of WiFi, a form of radiation no less dangerous than nuclear fallout, causing autism, diabetes 2, and cardiovascular disease, a form of radiation that Roman Schulze says is safe. Stay tuned as there is much more to come as we continue to end the largest radiation experiment on children that the world has ever known and we continue to expose the people like Fullerton’s Dr. Roman Schulze that at all costs, are hell bent on making sure it continues.
I wonder what one does with this information? I wonder what one does with the information in the article below this post? READ THIS-
Published on Oct 7, 2013
- Martin Pall presentation entitled, Microwave electromagnetic fields do not work by heating. They produce health effects by VGCC activation.
More information Martin L. Pall , Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, The Tenth Paradigm Research Group ,martin_pall@wsu.edu
With the media blackout on the wireless agenda like nothing I have ever seen in my entire life, thank God that the traffic on this site continues to grow. Folks there are an awful lot of eyes on this debacle in our little neck of the woods. Yes, we are up against a trillion dollar industry and now being joined by the educrat lackeys who are taking your tax money to bed with the media who will never let you in on what is about to be rolled out right before your very eyes right here. It is time to let you know that there is more to this story than what you are being spoon fed folks. Here is your tax money at work and boy is there more to this than meets the eye.
With the almost totally exclusive contracts in the schools

Fullerton’s high priest in the cult of Mac- Superintendent Robert Pletka handing out communion-6000 ipads
and Apple gets to deploy their devices in the laps of our children at school all day
It is all at the behest of people like yours truly
Obama’s ” Connect ED” scheme with his pal at the FCC ,Tom Weeler, will have EVERY CLASSROOM IN THE NATION WIRELESS IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS

My favorite pen stroke in office was to overturn the Mexico City Policy because I love unborn children and babies. There is a reason for not including in vitro in my new health plan.
The education superhighway to hell-tech execs pledge BILLIONS FOR CLASSROOM WIFI-ubiquitous Wi-Fi NO LESS
Apple has pledged $100 million in the form of iPads, desktop and laptop computers, and other educational tools to President Obama’s ConnectED initiative that seeks to connect 99 percent of America’s students to wireless high-speed internet.

Wireless microwave radiation forced exposure from the cradle to the grave for this generation. It ought not be so.
So what is the goal of the proliferation of these wireless devices?
It can’t be good for the children yet we send them off everyday with a lunch and a kiss so they can irradiate their reproductive organs
as people like these install wireless networks in all of our schools

LAUSD’s billion dollar raccoon eyed Deasy -So Cal’s number two king of wireless classrooms behind Pletka as he legislates from the bench without his black robe. Not sleeping well these days? EASY DEASY, cuz kids are coming to your board meetings with teachers complaining about nosebleeds, insomnia, bleeding from their ears and all kinds of problems that your staff refuses to file incident reports on.

Orange County Department of Education Superintendent Al Mijares—Hey Al, whatcya been doing with all of those emails we been sending to the board for the last year and a half? They never got them? Why did you pull wireless of the shelf at the last board meeting? Is it because you read my email about the ed code violations?

Greg Duyvetter Superintendent of schools for The Catholic Diocese of Orange who refuses to turn off the wireless in all of Orange County’s Catholic schools -Hey Greg, you should have stuck to your singing gig over at St Barbara’s. Hey, you still tight with father Harris over at my Alma mater Mater Dei. I always wondered why his office was all the way at the end of the hall.

FSD Superintendent Robert Pletka drunk on wireless technology and high on common core-He could stop this if he wanted to.

Fullertons very own Dr. Roman Schulze’s show on the road in Glendale-“wifi safe” with the Captain from Executive Environmental who cooks the RF reports to order for the district.

Glendale Unified Trustee Mary Boger- on the Fullerton Informer-“..junk science, bullying and fear mongering.”
GLENDALE UNIFIED’S VERY OWN MARY BOGER ON THE FULLERTON INFORMER JUNK SCIENCE, BULLYING AND FEAR MONGERING « The Fullerton Informer https://thefullertoninformer.com/glendale-usds-very-own-mary-boger-on-the-fullerton-informer-junk-science-bullying-and-fear-mongering/

The irradiating brass on stage-Janny Meyer FSD trustee, State Superintendent Tom Torlakson, Fullerton council member Doug Chaffee and hiding in the back row enter through the side door Orange County Superintendent of schools for $300,000 plus per year-Al Mijares–Hey Janny your car is still running with the keys in the ignition and Tom don’t forget your wearing your glasses. Doug, we don’t care what you have to say because your three minutes were up in the parking lot.
While people like this ignore the warnings in Sacramento

Torlakson and Silva just couldn’t do the right thing so they just had the stool pigeon write the apology. –

Planned Parenthood’s Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva-who scores a whopping zero on the pro life voting score card. Oh but she loves the veterans so much that she wants to give them a cemetery while they drop like flies at the VA.
Sharon did it ever occur to you that Planned Parenthood just might go out of business if we don’t stop the wireless sterilization of children in the schools? No pregnancy means no abortions which means no body parts and no dinero for your proud eugenicist monster sponsor that is a creation from the pit of hell. Some people will do anything for money. http://maplight.org/california/legislator/1719-sharon-quirk-silva
Check out this Orwellian diatribe on calling baby killing “smart pro women’s public health policies” Planned Parenthood’s centerfold model-Sharon Quirk Silva

Senator Bob Huff-How empty can a suit get? No response, no concern no comment on the plight of the children.

Autism conference host where the solution is a room full of drug pushers and vaccine inventors while he and his cohorts totally ignore the wireless connection to the epidemic. No respect I tell ya.
http://autism.senate.ca.gov/informationalhearings 9-13-13
In Washington

US House of Rep Ed Royce (R) Empty suit? Well since you asked? May I present to you NDAA signator Ed Royce who continues ignoring every email ever sent to him on the plight of the children. Oh but he beats the war drum so loud you need noise cancelling headphones.
Locally in town wireless for all the kids

Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children. I still don’t get the bow tie.

Ignores repeated emails about the wireless connection to Autism and to top it off his charity group donates money for wirelesss technology to the FSD and blocks me from Facebook

Michelle Garden-“the leader of Acacia” is a strong advocate for wireless technology in the Fullerton school district and is the wife of Dr. Roman Schulze. ” My husband just enjoys arguing his well-researched point…it is sport for him” – See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/insert-foot-in-mouth/#comment-25501
If I were Dr. Roman Schulze, I think I would find another hobby.

Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children eventually resulting in me removing my eldest child from her school. She just smiles at everything.

She looks like my neighbor, pretty trippy. Ignores emails and board meeting presentations on how dangerous these classrooms are for children and continues to direct money into technology with the fundraising efforts district wide.

Acacia elementary principal Karen Whisnant, who has a PHD in placation in my opinion, and is an ardent wireless technology supporter who personally refused and directed my children’s teachers to refuse, on multiple occasions, written information on the dangers of classroom microwave radiation including at a PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE. She has also called the police on parents for handing out fliers on the sidewalk trying to warn parents of the dangers. My other three children were subsequently removed from the school.
Lets look at some local connections to the Apple mother ship.
Fisler principal Trang Lai

Ignores everything we ever sent her and continues on the path of forced microwave exposure for the children on the west side.
Ted Lai

Is this the apple connection for the FSD? Is this the husband of Fisler principal Trang Lai? Hey we can read.
Prior to joining Apple, Ted Lai was most recently the Director of Technology & Media Services at Fullerton School District, home of Robert C. Fisler School (a 1:1 laptop Apple Distinguished School) and Valencia Park Elementary (a 1:1 mobile device Apple Distinguished Program).
Lest we forget Jan Weiner from Cal State Fullerton as she chimed in from her Autism offices on campus next to the freeway-here is the story on that nice dialogue she engaged in to ensure the irradiation of school children continues – https://thefullertoninformer.com/jan-weiner-speaks/
Yeah, they may be listening but they sure as heck are not paying attention.
Gail Lyons, who taught my kids Sunday school classes over at EV Free lent a deaf ear to my board meeting presentation, written materials and emails.
Kevin Hobby ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.
Ron Todd ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.
Alicia Maciel ignored the presentation at the board meeting as well written materials and emails.

The more things change, the more they remain the same. EV Free Fullerton-Home to Mike Erre, Jennifer Fitzgerald on Sunday’s and occasionally to Pletlka’s crowd for shin digs when summer winds down or when they just need some paint jobs for the dilapidated school buildings that a couple hundred million a year in school district tax money can’t take care of .
My dad told me that you will know a tree by its fruit, so did Jesus.

EV FREE FULLERTON’S SENIOR PASTOR MIKE ERRE “We got some Ipad today guys and let me just say I know how much you love it because you email me overwhelmingly and you ask for more ipad, and so as a man who wants to honor the wishes of (pause) people cuz I always…….” Mike Erre 9-14-14 from the pulpit. –
You know, statements like that should not be coming out of the mouth of a so called Christian pastor in a Christian church from the pulpit during a Sunday morning service while he is thumbing through the Word of God, especially in light of all of the information that he has been provided with on this issue including the satanic roots Apple has- http://apple666.org/ . Not to mention the battle raging over the wireless in the schools that he is no stranger to. as EV Free Fullerton is host to many a shindig for the establishment in town. Ironically, as a matter of fact, after many failed attempts to reach him, with NO responses, this is what we get-
Mail Delivery Subsystem
Aug 13,2014
to me
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain evfreefullerton.com by mail.fefcful.org. [].
The error that the other server returned was:
550 Blocked
– See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/fullertons-doctor-roman-schulze-says-wifi-is-safe/#comment-94976

GO TO 4:40-watch for yourself and tell me what this has to do with The Gospel of Luke
In the meantime,people like this man who pose as a philanthropist and savior of the poor ,ram vaccines and wireless down our kids throats everywhere else like in their bedrooms because the wireless transmitters in the Xbox never shut off even if you power it off unless you unplug the unit. The wireless controllers spend all the time irradiating their laps by design-read up on the satanization and sterilization of your children right here-http://apple666.org
see more on the video game component to the sterilization of our children here
So what is the goal?
Girls are born with their eggs but not mosquitos.
Humans are looked upon as animals by people like
So with the hots for your children’s bloodstreams not able to satisfy him, what does he do? He gets into the education business.

He gets into the vaccine business with a billion dollar charity.
TO UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION HEADQUARTERS IN SEATTLE, YOU MUST READ THIS-https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/
No shots, no school, no problem, no kidding?
He gets into the wireless common core roll out
Common core is being rolled out all over the USA and it is being delivered in a wireless environment. Project Inkwell of which our VERY own Fullerton Trustee Hilda Sugarman IS A member
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.

That thing will be in his lap tonight, under his pillow tonight, and back in his lap again tomorrow at school…and the band played on.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
Hilda Sugarman
1401 W Valencia Dr. Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 447-7410
(Please be sure to include your e-mail address if a response is requested.)
Born and educated in San Francisco Hilda attended Lowell High School, UC Berkeley and San Francisco State. Hilda literally married the boy up the block, Michael.
Hilda taught a few years while her husband was training. Her teaching experiences were in Hunters’ Point, Harlem, and Washington, DC. She loved it.
Mike, her husband, is an Internist/Rheumatoligist here in Fullerton. He is also President of the St. Jude Heritage Medical Group. They have two sons, Jason and Steven. The boys attended Richman, Laguna Road, Parks and Sunny Hills High Schools in Fullerton. Hilda was PTA President and Site Council President of these schools and President of Fullerton PTA Council. She also was team mom for the sport teams of the boys and sat on the Boards of the Fullerton Rangers, Boy Scouts and Golden Hill Little League. Mom Hilda has chaperoned trips to Washington, DC, Sacramento, US High School Select athletes to Russia, and Little League Players to their World Series. When the boys left for college, Hilda was on their college parent groups and even acted as a team mom. But that wasn’t the same as working here in Fullerton.
In 1996 Hilda was elected to the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees. She led the successful Bond Drive for improving school facilities. Some know her as a force for 21st century education and implementation of schools of choice in the Fullerton School District. Hilda serves on the Orange County School Board Committee. She also is an active member of the All the Arts for All the Kids Foundation, the Fullerton Excellence in Education Foundation, and the Assistance League of Fullerton. Nationally she serves on the Curriki Foundation and Project Inkwell.
The one thing that each of these activities have in common is their focus on children. Improving the quality of life and education of children is her passion.
THE technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
see how the arts is a trojan horse for wireless ladies and gentlemen
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.

The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
This is all part of Agenda 21 ladies and gentlemen and it knows no borders
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
What do wireless emissions do to human reproduction? Scientists tell us that it causes infertility. I would like for us to instead consult the designers and artists of this 5billion dollar corporate headquarters.
APPLE HEADQUARTERS IN CUPERTINO-dubbed the building that will “save us all”
Schematic of the Cupertino campus layout-pretty insightful if you ask me.

Sperm talking “Man its a good thing I never made it in because my buddy in the upper right corner is getting electrocuted in there..”
Another schematic from the Cupertino campus layout.
Now this is a schematic of a human egg being fertilized by a sperm-note the similarities-
So with all the money in the world and all the tea in China, why are they spending 5 billion dollars on a facility that is designed to simulate failed conception?
This is a more detailed schematic of Apple’s Cupertino headquarters-note the unmistakable similarity to the human fertiliation process except this one does not undergo cell division
What is going on here?
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
500 million is still too many?
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
Where the hell did everybody go?
Folks get these things out of your childrens’ laps and better yet, get them out of the wireless classrooms.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
These are school district employees on school property on the clock acting out some bizarre ritual-
Don’t bank your lineage on these people who apparently see nothing wrong with aiming a toy gun on school property at an effigy of someone carrying a case with a Christian symbol on it.
The white shirted one says it is all safe as he takes his show on the road to irradiate the school children while on this blog he makes fun of the “man in the sky”
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
while the vampire is running the blood bank at The FCC
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The unmitigated public health disaster in the making.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
Before wireless in schools
After wireless in schools
the target

Why are there so many attempts in life by evil people to wreck what I hold so dearly and carefully for that magic moment?
the weapon

Ipads emit more microwave radiation than cell phones. Cell phone use is voluntary among adults and most certainly not for 8-10 hours per day in their laps. Ipads in school, well that is another story. Once the kids are addicted to them at home, well kiss the sunlight exposure and normal sleep patterns goodbye. As for their progeny someday, please revert back the mid section of this article.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.
The deployment

The antenna is right on his zipper, or for the girls, right on their ovaries emitting microwave radiation levels trillions of times background levels when the device is WiFi enabled .
The frequencies
The power levels are – ten to the fourteenth power above normal background levels at 2.4 GHz which is the frequency at which the maximum dielectric loss of water begins. What a convenient coincidence.
Your children in school:

Your request to turn off wireless systems in the Fullerton School District is “respectfully denied”-Robert Pletka
The stuff doesn’t belong here.

The Earth has ZERO atmospheric opacity to Microwaves because they are almost totally non-existent in nature.
How exposure guidelines were developed
What they think of you and I
The technology must be wireless-http://www.projectinkwell.org/manifesto.php
The AORTA1 Education Platform
Other external interests and goals notwithstanding, we are in agreement that the AORTA Education Platform describes the first step toward enabling our vision for education in this century:
- Provide adequate bandwidth and Internet access to all schools, calculated on a per – student basis. The last, in-class distribution of this bandwidth must be wireless.

Other studies which have shown harmful effects of non-ionising electromagnetic radiation include (this is not comprehensive):
– See more at: https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-wireless-agenda-purloining-their-fecundity-the-next-generation-betrayed-enslaved-and-ending-up-depraved/#comment-85739
#1 by Anonymous on October 15, 2013 – 8:12 pm