Archive for category Pam Keller
Vince Buck and the Cal State Fullerton cabal that continues to ruin Fullerton California
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Pam Keller, Sharon Kennedy, Vince Buck, Who's who in Fullerton politics on April 26, 2018
It’s not just their undying support for the public safety unions, they are also in the metaphorical hip pocket of the Teachers and Professors that use groups with civic minded sounding names like “Neighbors United For Fullerton” to advance their thinly veiled agenda to support local candidates that will be supportive of ever expaninding government involvement in our lives. Not to be outdone, the latest pet project of the left in town is the homeless problem in search of government funding to solve. Forget the Open borders radicals at Cal State Fullerton that want to charge you 8 bucks for parking so they, the very ones who exacerbate the homeless problem with the policies they advocate for want to give you a solution this weekend.
Vince Buck, the Observer, Cal Sate Fullerton, La Raza, La Mecha, La Recoquista or any other Marxist Soros windup toy will NEVER tell you the following fact.
Illegal aliens put downward pressure on wages, upward pressure on rents, take jobs, educations, benefits and housing away from Americans as well as contribute to the sex trafficking rings right here in Orange County. This is a major contributing factor to homelessness. Deal with reality if you wish to attend their event this weekend.
Vince Buck is a real gem of the left and his cronies undying support of Fullerton’s sanctuary city policy virtually ensure overfilled classrooms full of illegal aliens invading our neighborhoods, schools and our community that will eventually result in higher pay and earlier retirement packages for local school teachers. Its just what they want, and they do what they can to get it. Its all about the daily attendance revenue and the free luch students bring in more dough for the districts and colleges. Guess who pays for the free lunch? We do not Vince or his socialist lackeys.
Consider that Vince Buck and his little cofee clutch, “Neighbors United For Fullerton” or NUFF, labels themselves as a local political group who professes to be non-partisan. Webster’s dictionary defines non-partisan as:
free from party affiliation, bias, or designation.
I have done a little of my own research into just who and what NUFF is, and have come to far different conclusions about who and what NUFF REALLY is, as opposed to whom they say they are.
Firstly, there is the connection with the Fullerton Observer, who also professes to be non-partisan. That of course is long time political commentator that pontificates instead of really analyzes local politicians, “Vince” Buck.
Vince Buck is a NUFF member. Who else are NUFF members? You would think with a name like “Neighbors United For Fullerton” that this would be a group of neighbors who hoped that their collective voices would be better heard, yet in reality, I noticed that most, if not all, off the names that I’ve found ran through the state of California’s “Transparent California” website, have come back showing NUFF members as Teachers and Professors that advocate for candidates in local elections that will give them generous raises and retirement packages, for sub-par Teachers and Professors…
CSUF Professor Vince Buck’s “Rate My Professor” ratings…
CSUF Professor Vince Buck’s over $1,500 a week ($76K per year) retirement from CSUF:
OC Register news article referencing Vince Buck as a Fullerton Library Trustee and NUFF member from 1/8/2008…
I guess the real problem I have is that NUFF, who claims to be non-partisan, is consistently supportive of Fullerton City Council candidates which are also supported simultaneousy by the Democrats of North Orange County such as Doug Chaffee:
( key and full list of donors such as SQS,Pam Keller,Vice Buck, Fullerton Observer, and NUFF)
Karen Haluza
Also note how Pam Keller’s campaign contributions from the 2006 Fullerton City Council election, clearly showing a $2,500 contribution from supposedly non-partisan group, NUFF, or Neighbors United For Fullerton…which I believe in reality it is the covert arm of the educators in this community, subversively funneling money to Democratic candidates such as Keller,Flory, and SQS, Chaffee, etc…
Pam Keller’s payment back to NUFF…
Pam’s contribution to fellow Democrat, Doug Chaffee…
Pam’s 2006 contributors, including the Democratic Party of Orange…
I think that it’s also noteworthy to see how the Fullerton Observer’s editor, Sharon Kennedy, perjures herself under oath in this Superior Court declaration , by stating that the Fullerton Observer is non-partisan, and non-sectarian.
I’ll grant them the last one, but the first is a blatant lie as the Fullerton Observer’s definitely supportive with their coverage of Democratic candidates, such as Chaffee, Sharon Quirk Silva and Pam Keller, and obviously slanted in their coverage of Republicans such as Norby, Nelson, Whitaker, and even Chris Thompson.
30 year FJUSD Trustee, Bob Singer’s list of endorsements listing includes NUFF, Vince Buck, Fullerton Observer, Jan Flory, Jennifer Fitzgerald, SQS, and the Democratic party…
Ladies and gentlemen, Nuff already of the Keller, Buck, Kennedy, La Raza clan that is fine with the roads full of potholes and drivers with fake id’s. Time to reclaim Foolerton back to its rightful owners, US!
Gretchen Cox, the Fitzgerald sycophant doubles down on protecting corruption
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Gretchen Cox, Pam Keller on June 23, 2017
Fullerton is in dire straights financially with our infrastructure in ruin. Dirty Agenda 21 deal after dirty deal gets passed by the council shortchanging the residents twice a month on TV. We have the worst roads in Orange County, with police, and fire overtime pay skyrocketing, a corrupt police department that has learned nothing from the past, high rise developers chomping at the bit, all but losing their patience, a bought and paid for city council, and a city hall crowd that is so scared of the truth that it has to enlist the help of anyone that they can get their hands on to run interference.

Is Pringle about to dump Fitzgerald because we have derailed all the ten story buildings that he wanted her to ram through on the clowncil?
So what is in it for these establishment water boys and girls? Well they get to have some thinly veneered phony friendships and they get to go to the phony establishment happy parties.
Well lately, this ardent Fitzpringle sycophant and lackey, Gretchen Cox, who for years among other things, has ignored a 5 million dollar finding of fiscal mismanagement and potential malfeasance on the Park and Recreation commission brought forward by former commissioner Barry Levinson, has been rearing her head trying to bury the facts about all the aforementioned getting exposed with a bunch of fluff and calling truth tellers who expose corruption “bullies”, “malcontents”, “flat earthers” ,”tin foilers”, and the like. Heck it is easier to believe the earth is flat than to believe Fullerton is run by honest people. Just look around.

Cox in a rare moment on Park and Rec trying to shut Barry Levinson up as he exposed the Five million dollar shortfall to the taxpayers with the American Golf contract. Bruce Whitaker fired Barry for exposing this and other items like calling out the commission and council for approving blank contracts.
We expose the real bullies like those that did this. Where was Gretchen when the real “bullies” did this to a totally innocent man?
Of course it looks like she has teamed up with the self declared queen of the limousine liberal establishment, FPOA attack dog Pam Keller who defended the killer cops.

Keller moments before obsessing with me as she got within one inch of my face with her cell phone camera.
Hey forget the potholes, the holes in the budget, the blank contracts the council approves, the blank grant applications, the downtown bar owners that cozy up with and parlay the patsies on the council that allowed to write the district election maps as they suck us dry and ruin our community, forget the massive development they tried to ram through, the multi-million dollar overtime scam, the busted water mains, the killer cops, the crooked cops, the deranged cops and the just stupid cops, the dead trees, neglected parks, gopher holes all over the ball fields, dead grass, the bums all over the place, the building code violations found on multiple municipal projects, the run down shopping centers turning into homeless encampments whose owners were promised the high density payday development bonanza by the crooked city hall insiders that never came thanks to us and of course the abuse and ripoffs by city employees, because we work for them right? Well, not exactly but Gretchen and Pam certainly do. I expect Jan Flory to join in any day now. I hear the divorce business is slow because of the all the scumbags who have trained everyone not to get married anymore.
Good news about Fullerton
from Fullerton Hills
“Are you sick of and bored to death by the ” fraternity” of chronic malcontents that plague our city by endless complaining on every subject at most city meetings, unsubstantiated accusations of malfeasance and general mis-information, rants and bullying on their blogs?
I am, so come check out the “Fullerton First” group on Facebook! I started it to give the normal people a place to post and share info. about good things happening in town. Feel free to comment or post about anything, any activity, any people, teams or groups that you think are doing something fun, something interesting or just good things for the city. You can do so and not be afraid of being insulted or bullied by the naysayers and flat-earthers and conspiracy theorists. We can and will, however, call THEM out from time to time, as needed. But not too much… I’d like this to mostly be a positive place to highlight our wonderful town.
Come join Fullerton First and let’s encourage a positive spin on the town we live in!”
Setting The Record Straight Concerning the Articles About Me in the Fullerton Observer’s Early November 2014 Edition by Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Pam Keller, Sharon Kennedy on December 18, 2015
The following article was printed on page 2 in the Mid-December 2015 Fullerton Observer, which is edited by Sharon Kennedy.
Setting The Record Straight Concerning the Articles About Me in the Fullerton Observer’s Early November 2014 Edition by Barry Levinson
NUFF OF THIS ALREADY this Neighbors United For Fullerton
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Pam Keller, Vince Buck, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 11, 2015
Here is an article that came in from our friend FULLERTON LOVER. Looks like its time for some more of Fullerton’s famous…
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