Archive for category joe imbriano

BANNED ON YOU TUBE 5G WHAT THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW! watch the whole thing Apr 2, 2018

ladies and gentlemen this is john briano i’m coming to you

after a lot of thought tonight

there are some really important things i want to talk to you about

it’s very serious things are very serious folks i don’t think anyone that’s paying

attention could disagree with that statement i simply feel that what we’re facing

is so overwhelming but as in everything

god always provides a means of escape before i go into discussion tonight i

want to go into prayer because it’s warranted

here’s what i’m about to talk to you tonight is very serious

you know there’s more there’s more life than our bodies and our property and our possessions

there’s the eternal things they’re very important but that doesn’t

mean that we’re so heavenly minded that we’re no earthly good and that’s the problem

with religion i want to go into prayer for just a

moment heavenly father in jesus name

may you give hope to those who are scared encouraged to those

who tremble and put fear in those who seek to do evil

and change the hearts and minds of those who are still willfully blind

and to the people that want the truth help their eyes open

for the people that hunger and thirst for righteousness may it prevail and father

your children were your children created in your image and we love you

and we thank you for what you’ve given us including this beautiful world that is still under the sway of the

devil may the people that i reach tonight understand

that the victory is ours and that we have the power

and that we have the truth on our side and we will prevail

in jesus name amen

ladies and gentlemen i want to talk to you about 5g tonight and i want to talk to you

about the frequencies that 5g is going to use but most importantly

i want to talk about the lies and the misinformation and the the untruths that are out there

you see folks a lot of people have no idea what’s going on with this

5g and make no bones about what’s coming

it’s a cull they’re setting up a kill grid and they’re setting up a complete

surveillance society i don’t know when this video will be

seen by many of you but today is march 31st 2018 and this is joe imbriano

the full lieutenant former and i’m coming to you from an undisclosed location

right now the information that i want to talk

about tonight is about 60 gigahertz and i want to talk to you about carbon

60. what’s in a number well there’s a lot

the wi-fi in your house right now there’s a good chance you’re watching this video through a wi-fi

delivery system operates on 2.4 gigahertz

that means that the electric electromagnetic field is oscillating about two and a half billion times a

second that’s the frequency at which the water molecules in your body

begin their rotation on their axis to try to keep up with this

field oscillation they chose the water molecule frequency specifically

for wi-fi and the fcc and world wide governments for that

matter have allowed for that specific frequency band to be unlicensed meaning

that anyone can broadcast on that frequency as long as the device complies with fcc

regulations in terms of harmful interference broadcast power etc

etc ladies and gentlemen they don’t open up a frequency ban unless they know it can

hurt you try getting the television license

try getting a radio license to broadcast on one of the channels on the fm dialer try getting a

radio a radio license to broadcast on one of the am stations try getting a television broadcasting

license you can’t get it folks but these frequencies that they’re

opening up the spectrum in are weaponized frequencies

and that’s the problem and they’re putting in the transmitters everywhere

now there is no 5g being rolled out right now in the

majority of the united states it is coming to a handful of cities

like san francisco parts of los angeles and austin texas that i know for sure it’s not there yet

though so if you’re seeing pictures on the internet of people saying that this is 5g

and these antennas are 5g antennas they’re not it’s not here yet ladies and gentlemen

it’s not here yet the gold rush has begun [Music]

the stakes have been driven into the ground but the mining has not begun

the antennas are not in position yet

what they have to do before they put the antennas in position is they have to get everything else out

of the way now the trees are a problem

because these signals are being broadcast in the millimeter

band part of the electromagnetic spectrum

they don’t penetrate very well they don’t travel very far

and that’s why if you look around and if you’ve been scratching your head lately as to why cities are cutting down

beautiful mature trees all over the united states

in the metropolitan areas it is in preparation

for the 5g rollout trees are a problem they block the

signal if you’ll notice all of the new developments in your city and

in any other city out there is all high density five six eight ten stories no trees

sure there’ll be a central area where there’ll be some grass but if you’ll notice

they’re going away from the foliage [Music]

if you’ll notice a lot of the trees are also being

burned up in fires

that are the result of a combination of weather modification

and directed energy weapon strikes i know for a fact based on my

observations from the footage and the pictures in from the fires in california

that those were not your normal fires [Music] the temperature at which things burned

was way too hot too many things got vaporized that had no business being vaporized

i’ve been around plenty of campfires and i know [Music] what happens when you put certain things

in a fire pit and i’ve been out to the desert we’ve burned a lot of things in the desert and i know how hot stuff can get

but you can’t vaporize a car you can’t vaporize a fireplace

folks they’re burning everyone off the land they’re driving everyone into the

compact cities and in the compact cities there will be

millimeter wave and microwave emissions everywhere

i was reading a document tonight from 1986 it’s a nasa document it’s about 300

pages and it talks about how they were going to be using sixty gigahertz for inner satellite communications

and there are some interesting statistics in this report

they were talking about how they would be able to broadcast 68 000

kilometers with 10 watts and yet we know for a fact that the

millimeter wave emissions at 60 gigahertz

are not gonna need just 10 watts they’re going to need a lot more power than 10 watts

and they only travel about 500 feet so how nasa can get 20

000 kilometers out of 10 watts the reason i’m bringing this up is

because there are lies everywhere and so much disinformation about all of this stuff

and i want you to understand something folks it doesn’t travel far

and it doesn’t penetrate well there are ways that they can get these emissions into

your home and through your walls with beam forming there are ways that you can

stop this you see these emissions are not only a

kill grid but it’s a complete surveillance medium

because they will be able to have 3d imagery of everything once this is completely rolled out

the millimeter wave deployment is being sold to you the new 5g is being sold to you

as an incredibly rapid download speed new

technological advancement and i keep hearing about how you’ll be able to download a two-hour movie

in like 30 seconds is it really that important for everybody to download a

movie on their stupid phone is it obvious to you that you’re being

fed a line or a croc to get you to accept what they want to sell you as a miracle

always be suspicious when they come out with some newfangled invention

that they tell you you have to have that you can’t live without and how it’s going to be so great for you

because these people that are making these decisions are very evil and they know what this

stuff does and they have studied it for decades

i’ve studied this extensively for years i understand what these admissions are

capable of doing that is why for years

i have fought and lobbied the school districts

and the municipalities and the cell towers and the cell tower

companies from full deployment in my city which is fullerton california

i can’t tell you how many evenings i spent at a city council meeting or at a school board meeting in an empty room talking to

people on a school board or a city council that ignored

everything i said they could care less about the truth in my statements

because most people in political office are extremely stupid and extremely

corrupt and that’s why they’ve been chosen for those positions and that’s why they’ve been installed in those positions

but that doesn’t detract from the necessity of activism and telling the truth i had to present

the information through the proper channels in hopes that it would sink in and action would

come that would be favorable in the best interest of the community

and the children well that is not the case ladies and gentlemen i was able to delay quite a bit of

deployment in the high schools but now it’s all in and we fought tooth and nail to stop the

5g rollout in the city of fullerton along with other cities has basically

given carte blanche to these wireless companies to come in and choose whatever pool they want to put these things on

whether it be a light pole on top of the led lights or power poles or whatever it’s coming

but there’s one thing as a christian that we never lose and that is hope

because even though we’re under a assault and even though we’re under attack there’s always a way out because god

always provides a way out you see there are ways that you can

shield your home and there are ways that you can shield your body

and i want to talk about how to protect your body from what’s coming

the people that are implementing these technologies at the very very top are eugenesis

and their goal is to hurt everybody into the compact cities

and slowly kill them off make them sick make them weak make them lazy

make them stupid make them corrupt

and make them their own that’s the plan and it’s being accomplished already

municipal water is treated with sodium fluoride with bromine bromine chloramine

chlorine and a myriad of other halide compounds that are called

disinfectants they have a license to poison your water pour in a goldfish tank and see what

happens but there’s a solution reverse osmosis filtration very inexpensive and

extremely efficient there’s also a war

on your bloodstream forced vaccinations

there’s a way out it’s a two-letter word called no don’t take the vaccines

if you have children the only way to avoid the vaccinations is to

homeschool your children homeschool your children none of the

vaccines have been tested for impairment or fertility for mutagenic potential or carcinogenic

potential no one in their right mind that just heard what i said should put those in

their children if you’re in a position where you can’t homeschool [Music]

pray about it and find a way to get it done [Music] or find a way to say no or find a doctor

that will write you a medical exemption because i’m telling you right now folks

they’ve had decades and decades to hone the technology the biotechnology

to put things in those shots they can kill you they can make you sick

they can make you sterile do your homework

there’s a problem with the food we know the food supply is extremely tainted and adulterated

but there are ways you can remain healthy you should eat things that grow on

plants and trees and that come from animals that come

from living things in their preferably their wild form

their natural state not the stuff in cans or boxes or

powders or mixes all of these things will make you sick

and that’s part of the plan the medical system is also a big part of this the allopathic medical system

has created a system by where they manage disease and cure nothing

and they mine your health until you’re dead they make all kinds of money off your

insurance policy run tests on you drug you give you more tests give you more pills give you more creams give you more injections

give you more false hope and it always ends up leaving you defenseless and sick and

dying the solution stay away from the doctors

if you have an automobile that doesn’t have any engine lights on check engine lights or warning lights on do you take it to the mechanic to see if there’s

anything wrong with the car of course not because if you do take it to a crooked mechanic

they’ll break something and say you need to have it fixed the medical system is like a crooked mechanic ladies and

gentlemen you go in there and there’s nothing wrong with you they’re still going to find a way to give you some sort of a

medication because they have designed all of their protocols to basically encompass

everybody that has a pulse and that is breathing to be in need of medication

they’ve lowered all the thresholds on things that are actually normal and trying to tell you that you’re sick and you need to take these pills or these

drugs it’s a scam folks it’s not about making money it’s that but it’s also about killing

people off don’t go to the doctors don’t take your children to the doctors

now microwave emissions they’re a problem you see this

microphone it’s got a wire on it hardwire all your connections in your home it’s not that

hard to do use aluminum screens on your windows

that blocks the signals from coming in the low e glass on some of the dual pane

windows also blocks the signals but not as effective as the aluminum screens you can use

rf shielding paint in your home it’s expensive it has to be done properly it has to be grounded

but it does block the signals these signals that come through your home 24 7

are damaging your health they affect fertility they affect the mitochondria

in your cells they affect your dna they affect your nervous system they

affect your circadian rhythm they affect your heart they affect your

heart rate they affect your mood they affect your ability to concentrate

they affect your cognitive functions they affect your brain waves they affect

your brain your body is an electrochemical

creation it must be treated as such

and it must be protected from unnatural electromagnetic fields that were being bombarded with

[Music] the current microwave levels in our environment are trillions of times the

background levels that our parents were exposed to as children

there were no microwave emissions 50 years ago in the environment

now they’re everywhere and what is coming is a new breed of radio frequency torture

radio frequency poisoning they’re increasing the frequency they’re going up the

ladder so to speak and they’re going to 60 gigahertz for the new wi-fi

this new wi-fi is called y gig and it’s coming

the goal is to continue with the towers in place and continue broadcasting on those

frequencies but they’re also going to be utilizing a new type of communication system

that’s going to involve the placement of small cellular antenna all over the place

on the public right-of-ways on top of schools light poles telephone poles

power poles public buildings you’re going to see these little boxes

they’re going to come in different shapes and different sizes but they’re basically going to look like

the top of a shoe box they’re going to be rectangular and

they’re going to be connected to poles or buildings

in your neighborhood outside your home frequencies that they’re going to be

broadcasting on will be in the millimeter wave spectrum these waves don’t travel far

like i said they don’t penetrate very well as far as the buildings they’re going to

force you to have some sort of a relay system in your home

to where you pick up the signal and rebroadcast it through your home and this is where we have them this is

one of the ways that you can defeat this you don’t have to go wireless in

your house you don’t have to have a relay system in your house and you don’t have to have a y

gig system in your home the 60 gigahertz frequency has been chosen

for a specific reason it is the frequency

of oxygen molecule absorption it’s the oxygen molecule frequency that

is the frequency that the oxygen molecules absorb the radio frequency energy

why is this so significant because it’s so demonic and it’s so evil

the oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each

other oxygen is a diatomic molecule

what we breathe are two oxygen molecules stuck together with these electrons

that they share when oxygen is hit with radio frequency

energy at sixty gigahertz it affects the orbital properties

of those shared electrons it is those shared electrons that bind

to the hemoglobin in our blood that is a magnetic compound

in our body in our blood cells hemoglobin is a very complex

magnetic compound it is a ferromagnetic compound

when you alter or interfere with the orbital spin properties of diatomic

oxygen’s electrons you interfere with the miraculous

gaseous exchange in our lungs where the oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream

and at the same time is being transported through our body the carbon dioxide and water vapor is being expelled from

our bloodstream into our lungs and breathed out it’s a miraculous

function that we don’t even think about it’s just happening constantly while we’re alive

they’re taking the ax to the trunk of the tree ladies and gentlemen oxygen is life

they’re going to be poisoning us with a frequency that affects the oxygen molecules and this is by design

by their own admission they tell us that these emissions don’t travel far and they don’t

penetrate very well and that requires that they locate these

microcell antenna about every 500 feet in the cities because the air

in the atmosphere will absorb and block the frequencies

why would they use that frequency if it doesn’t travel very far and there’s so many things

that will interfere with the wave propagation i’ll tell you why folks it’s a weapon

[Music] it’s part of the agenda to kill us off and make us sick

and by the way i believe the disease x that they’ve

been talking about will be a direct result of radio frequency exposure

for millimeter wave emissions that will be forced on the population

what’s really scary about the millimeter wave exposure is that there are no devices on the

market to test for its presence or its power level right now you can get

a pretty good rf meter for about two hundred dollars and you can go all the way up to eight

gigahertz and you can see what is being broadcast and at what power level

not with this new stuff so what do we do well we obviously have

to realize that when they try to tell us that there’s this new outbreak and they’ve just discovered this new outbreak and they don’t know what causes it and

it’s this new disease and they think they have a new vaccine for it don’t you take it ladies and gentlemen because it will be from the radiation

from these towers you need to find a way to shield your home and don’t bring these

dangerous communication systems into your home do not go for the y gig the y gig is a weaponized wi-fi system

it is coming the phones are all going to be using y gig for wi-fi communications all the new

wi-fi is going to be y gig 60 gigahertz that’s the oxygen molecule absorption frequency

listen to me ladies and gentlemen i’m urging you to listen to me this is extremely serious

now i have a bachelor’s degree in chemistry

from uci i have a bachelor’s degree in biological science from uci

i have all my textbooks from college i never gave one of them back i never

sold one of them i purchased them when i was in school and i kept every one of them and i still read them

and it is amazing when i look back through these books

what they did not teach us now i was a biological science major

that’s a life science discipline i had classes that

studied everything from cellular metabolism all the way up to how organs work that’s just how it is

that’s what they teach you and with chemistry how things fit together like an erector

set and some biochemistry to see how the erector set interacts with some of the

living organism and tissues but you know what they never taught us

ever magnetobiology that field of study

i have had to teach myself through the information

that i had to pursue from outside of the united states because magnetobiology is not a field of

study in any university in the united states it’s by design

i want to talk to you about your best defense against the coming 5g and these millimeter waves asides from

shielding your home and aside from not

bringing any new generation wireless systems into your home that utilize millimeter waves for

communication no y gig devices no 60 gigahertz wi-fi systems

you need to have an understanding of what natural compounds are readily available

for human consumption that will give you protection not 100 protection but enough to keep

you alive to where you won’t succumb to the illnesses that these systems are going

to induce in the population another thing that we are being

robbed of as vitamin d the chemical spraying in the upper atmosphere that blocks the sun and you

know exactly what i’m talking about some people call them chemtrails some people call it geoengineering but it’s really chemical spraying of metallic nano

compounds to affect the light frequency that’s coming from the sun [Music]

there is a war on vitamin d and that war in vitamin d is being waged

through the sale and marketing of sunglasses uv blocking contact lenses uv blocking

windows uv blocking sunscreen uv blocking eyeglasses uv blocking products

uv blocking window film ladies and gentlemen you have to have

uva and uvb to survive it has to enter through your eyes

and that triggers a process in your body where vitamin d is produced

you cannot absorb the synthetic vitamin d that they’re dumping in the toxic milk you must get sunlight exposure i don’t

care if you live in billings montana you need to go outside and look at the

at the sky and look into the daylight you must have at least an hour a day of

sunlight through your eyes i’m not telling you to stare at the sun i’m telling you to go outside in the

light vitamin d production is directly

impacted by millimeter wave exposure millimeter waves specifically 60

gigahertz also destroy your body’s ability to produce vitamin d

that’s another part of this agenda in addition these millimeter waves

affect your eyes ability to absorb uva and uvb as well as your skin’s

ability to produce melanin and vitamin d

your body is under attack from these emissions once they’re going to be rolled out

your defense against a radio frequency attack on your body

can be accomplished through the consumption of ferromagnetic materials

one of the best things you can take is a form of iron called carbonyl iron

in case you didn’t know it’s a microwave absorber and that’s what they paint the stealth

bomber with you see how radar works as they send out a beam of energy

and if it bounces back off an object and comes back to the transmitter

it maps out an image or a ping of an object so it detects it

radar absorbing ferromagnetic compounds such as carbonyl iron

are microwave absorbers

your brain [Music] has ferromagnetic

compounds in it as built-in protection your brain is full of a compound called

magnetite it absorbs at one of the highest

peaks at around 12 gigahertz and that’s the first generation of 5g that’s coming out you see they’re

going after the frequency that your brain

is designed to shield from but they’re going to really ramp up the amount

you must fight back with ample amounts of iron iron oxide carbonyl iron

your body produces magnetite through bacteria in symbiotic relation

with your body your brain is the computer

hard drive of your body and it is electrical chemical

system that is so complex that after all these

years of studying it we still don’t fully understand how it works but we do understand what’s in it and

what it’s comprised of and it’s comprised mainly of cholesterol

and that’s why you should never take cholesterol-lowering drugs because it gives you alzheimer’s and it lowers your brain function and it actually

shrinks your brain so while i’m on this don’t take any cholesterol reducing medications go for a walk and

get plenty of exercise keep eating bacon and eggs that’s not the problem one of the biggest problems with

cholesterol in in plaques in the arteries is actually from the chlorine inhalation

from showers and from municipal water so get a shower filter

and that’ll stop a lot of the pitting in your arteries because that’s what’s causing it now

there are fullerene compounds in addition to what i’ve just mentioned carbonyl iron

is a supplement you can purchase and i strongly recommend if you’re pregnant that you buy it because it will prevent your baby from having autism

because most of the autism today is a direct result of electromagnetic exposure

and the autism epidemic that we’re seeing is extremely prevalent in anemic

mothers the children do not have enough iron enough magnetite enough iron in the

blood-brain barrier to block the microwaves that are actually opening the blood-brain barriers

and allowing metals to get in there and once the microwaves hit these metals you have electrical discharges and in

some cases relatively high voltage even though the power levels coming from the sources are very low

and i’ll give you an example you have a typical microwave oven it may run 12 or 1300 watts

and it takes about 110 volts out of the wall to run that thing if you stick a fork in that microwave

oven understanding it’s a resonant cavity and it’s designed to magnify the waves

but you’ll still get enough electricity enough voltage off

the tip of that fork to result in what’s called the dielectric breakdown of air

close to a million volts come off the tip of that fork off 110 volt appliance

so if wi-fi is a watt and a half and there’s all kinds of these metallic nano compounds that are being sprayed on

us getting trapped in your brain because the microwave systems that are in place like the wi-fi

systems in your cell phone and the cell towers are actually opening your blood brain barrier letting the metals into your brain and trapping the metals in

there once those metals are trapped in the brain and they’re hit with these

emissions they arc and they cook and they destroy

and they overload the circuitry i’m oversimplifying it here but that’s what’s going on if you’re pregnant you need to take

carbonyl iron as a supplement that form of not ferrous sulfate carbonyl iron now

back to protection from the 60 gigahertz assault that’s headed

our way carbon 60.

it’s a fullerene compound and for lack of a better description picture

a soccer ball made out of

straws hollow a lattice with hexagon shapes in the face just

picture a soccer ball carbon 60 is something that you can take

as long as it’s in oil not in water

olive oil sunflower oil look it up it’s out there it’s for sale it’s cheap

it’s safe carbon 60 has remarkable pro properties

it has remarkable electromagnetic properties

although it’s carbon it doesn’t really act like carbon it welcomes electron it welcomes

electrons it is an electron acceptor

it’ll take what’s coming at it and it’ll absorb what’s coming at it

and it’ll diffuse what’s coming at it another thing that’s really amazing

about carbon 60 is its ability to encapsulate

metals in the body and unlike chelation carry it out of the body

and almost completely protect it from having any reactivity biologically speaking

while it’s being carried out whereas chelation you still have the metal sticking off the molecule

and it still has the ability to react with other biological compounds

in the body while it’s being carried out of the body but carbon 60 these fullerene compounds

work wonders with getting metals out of your body you see ladies and gentlemen we’re being

poisoned with metals intentionally if you look at what’s for sale in the stores the cookware is aluminum

the foil is aluminum the cans are aluminum and what’s falling out of the sky’s aluminum

the antiperspirant is aluminum the baking powder is aluminum

i can’t begin to emphasize enough how the intentional placement of metals into our body fits

into this i know you can’t stop breathing the air

but you can stop putting metals into your body stop drinking out of cans

stop using aluminum cookware stop using aluminum based antiperspirants stop using

baking powder that has aluminum in it read the labels read the ingredients

get the microwave emissions out of your home wi-fi opens up your blood-brain barrier

allows metals to get in there and then they get stuck in there and then they get hit with the radio

frequency fields that carry energy and they create voltage discharges inside your brain

that’s why if you have your cell phone up to your head for a long time you start feeling kind of foggy and you feel weird you know what i’m talking

about most of you probably don’t even know what it feels like to feel normal

it’s going to be one step at a time ladies and gentlemen i’ve covered a lot of ground here

i’m not so sure all this is going to sink in on the first go-around

but you must understand what i’m telling you and you must listen to what i’m telling you

and you must tell others what i’m telling you because you’re not going to hear this information anywhere else

because no one has the information because it’s not out

there this information is very complex and it’s been purposely

hidden [Music] now you also have people

that are in a movement supposedly against the wireless onslaught that are

purposely not discussing what i’ve just told you because they’re part of the system

and they’re making sure that no one understands the solutions they want you to be afraid they want you

to feel powerless they want you to feel paralyzed so you won’t respond and rescue yourself

one of the most beautiful things about being a christian is that we have hope and that god always provides a means of

escape and we have the wisdom to find it and that’s why i open this in prayer

because we need to seek his direction we need his wisdom we need his courage

and we need his son jesus christ because without the son we have no life

you see ladies and gentlemen the people that are doing this to us they worship the devil they worship

lucifer turn on the super bowl and watch the halftime show turn on mtv

and look at all the illuminati symbolism look at all the ritual sacrifice propaganda

the reenactment of the days of old where the demons were on the planet folks all the music

and all the movies are richly symbolic of things that are completely diametrically opposed to god

and the good things he has given us and provided us everything is being carried out in a ritualistic

fashion to hurt us and to kill us and to destroy

us look at everything ladies and gentlemen you think a lot of these things are for your pleasure they’re not

they are a dirty trick to deceive you and to destroy you you see 95 of the

united states is rural open space and they keep telling us that we’re

overpopulated that’s not true ladies and gentlemen they want you in a compact city

so they can control what you eat what you drink what you think what you breathe

what radio frequency you’re exposed to

and ultimately your soul

with the screens everywhere with a constant barrage of evil programming you to love and

accept it turn it off turn off your television

don’t listen to that music anymore if you want to continue listening to the music look up the lyrics and read them

and then come back and tell me if you want to listen to that music anymore

protect your children protect your children from the weaponized ipads that have a slot

antenna at the bottom that are actually sterilizing your children i’ve gone into this on previous videos but the ipad is a

weapon it is a fertility weapon it is designed to sterilize children

microwave emissions have been shown to

destroy ovarian reserves and rats if you go to apple 666 artemis

or you can see the studies i reference

and the symbolism the hours late ladies and gentlemen but

that doesn’t mean that the sun’s not going to rise again

because the beauty of it all is is that tomorrow is easter and yes i know you’re going to tell me

it’s a pagan holiday at least once a year folks we have to celebrate the resurrection of jesus

christ i don’t care what you want to call it i understand

that paganism was blended with christianity and that’s where we got the catholic church and that’s where we got all these

weird festivals i know all that but we must give thanks to god

for the victory over the grave and the courage to carry on

and the wisdom to guide our paths this is joe and brianna hoping that you

will take this information to heart whenever and wherever it may find you

in jesus name amen

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The Purpose Of Education #JoeImbriano


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