- height of the Great Pyramid without capstone; 139 metres
- height of the North Tower WTC 1; 417 m (139m x 3)
- height of the Chephren pyramid; 136 metres
- height of South Tower WTC 2; 415 metres (136m x 3)
Posted by Joe Imbriano in 5g, 60ghz dangers, FORCED VACCINATIONS, Government sponsored terrorism, Gun Control, joe imbriano on April 27, 2022
do we have a signal folks
yeah i don’t know what’s going on here let’s give it a moment
all right i don’t know if you can hear me but this is your host hi from the streets of fullerton
california and today is friday april 15 2022.
i want to give it just a moment here i don’t know what’s going on with the transmission but it appears we have a
little bit of difficulty on the connection are we up
well it looks like we haven’t see if you guys can hear me can i get a confirmation we’re on is everything working
looks like it’s really slow all right
okay well anyway i want to talk to you guys today about what’s going on in china
and uh you know everything that’s going on right now is really uh you know it’s a stage
being diverted and distracted and i don’t want to get caught up in the distractions although i have to
occasionally address these distractions and i’ve been laying low for a while just letting things play out you know
i’ve already talked about what’s going on in ukraine you can look up more of that information on my website
and once again this is your host joe and brianna the fullerton and former p.o box 4121 fullerton california 92834 on the
web at the fullerton informer.com wifidangers.com
5gdangers.com and vaxdangers.com and celltowerdangers.com and amongst other things folks but
all right without any further ado shall we get right into it
just a word from sponsor jesus christ he does
want you to understand that uh he’s knocking and all you got to do is answer the door he’s waiting all you got to do
is ask him to enter your life and to clean you up and if you can’t clean yourself up
that’s why he came he came to clean you up help you clean up and then make sure that you spent eternity
in paradise that he has prepared for all of us before the foundations of this
earth were laid all right
china is uh where all eyes need to be right now not ukraine folks because uh
what is happening in china is not being talked about or shown
in the media what is happening in ukraine right now is being embellished and overshown in
the media and to be honest with you a lot of what’s going on in ukraine on the media isn’t what’s going on in ukraine a
lot of the footage you’re seeing is not from ukraine okay and a lot of the footage that you’re not
seeing in china is really happening they’re not showing you what’s going on over there okay
china is the model ladies and gentlemen henry kissinger has been running the
casting couch in china for a very long time david rockefeller
made sure that we all understood that china is the model
and china is nothing more than an offshoot of bolshevik marxist communism
that gained a very strong foothold after world war ii
china is the model ladies and gentlemen what’s going on in shanghai right now there’s about 30 million people that
have been put under arrest and they’ve been made prisoners in their own homes
and they’ve lost every semblance of freedom and normality in their lives and
they’re actually now being trained to hate each other if they’ve tested positive for this thing right
you need to understand folks that this whole uh you know virus
uh outbreak uh contain uh epidemic pandemic whatever they want to call this stuff is nowhere near being
over okay china right now is undergoing a second round
of lockdowns in shanghai which is really at this point nothing
more than a very high level drill okay
what they’ve done is they’ve taken close to 30 million people for almost a month and not allowed any of them to leave their
homes there are people in china that are starving to death right now because they don’t have access to food
they’re people dying because they can’t get food some of them can’t get their medicines
that they’ve been forced to be addicted to what is happening is they are claiming
in china and this is a complete operation folks that there is an outbreak of some sort
of alleged contagion some variant if you will is what they’re
calling it and no one’s got any symptoms most of the uh
everybody’s got to get tested weekly in shanghai and if you test positive they come and take you away
on your smartphone lets them know that uh you’re hot so this the goon squad
shows up with the van and plastic white suits and gloves and takes you off to a quarantined center which is literally
nothing more than a prison and people are being chained inside
these places they’re not being told how long they’re going to be there the conditions inside
these places are absolute squalor right they smell the air is bad there’s no
sunlight you know they’re sharing sinks and bathrooms and walking around their bare
feet with you know piss on the floor and these things the food’s terrible
you know and they’re getting wi-fi you know all there’s all kinds of wi-fi in these places god knows what they’ve put
inside these places right but they’re literally picking people up and dragging them out of their homes
they’re also picking people up and dragging them out of their homes make their homes into quarantined
facilities in other words they’re taking people out of their homes kicking them out dragging them out and turning their
homes and apartment buildings into quarantine facilities and this is all
based on a testing program
edged virus that shows no symptoms these people that are testing positive by and
large are what is known as asymptomatic there’s nothing wrong with them the only reason they’re being dragged
away and locked up is because they test positive on a test
now that’s what happens to people when the government takes away your guns
okay because these people have no choice they cannot fight back
now if you’ll notice the way that they’re being treated
by the medical goom squads that are working with the police
are they’re basically total animals they’re being treated like livestock
now as they show you all of these heart-wrenching uh zelensky video game pictures
and i’m not look folks the whole thing in ukraine is a setup all right and you know 90 of what
they’re showing on the on the television is a bunch of bs folks pictures are from
you know other times and other events and you know zielinski’s playing a video game look at the guy he’s got his gaming
shirt on all the time right folks putin’s working for the deniers of jesus
christ he is a bolshevik marxist communist okay think about it
the guy’s on the payroll he’s doing what he’s told
so is north korea so is venezuela so is cuba so is the united states folks you just
don’t realize it yet because the one problem that the bolshevik marxist communists have with the united states
is our ability to say no right that’s because we have the first amendment
which guarantees the freedom to live our lives
and speak our minds because we have a right to a free press freedom of speech right
in this country and then it’s backed up by our ability to defend it with the second amendment
all right that’s a problem for the bolshevik marxist communist that’s why they’re emptying the jails in the united states
no cash bail is here in in in the hoodlumvilles right there’s people roaming the streets
like a bunch of animals robbing people armed with the guns that their stimulus money bought them
you don’t think this is all by design the deniers of jesus christ have placed
district attorneys in positions to empty the jails ladies and gentlemen
they want lawlessness and bedlam in the streets so they can take away all our rights to defend ourselves okay
that’s their plan but it’s not working because every time they have a mass shooting people go out and buy more guns
every time they try to bankrupt the firearms industry with the false flag event
people go and buy more ammunition the united states is a problem and that’s why the united states is going to
be slated for a very very hard lockdown
based on a very scary event that this last
military psyop operation for the past two and a half years was preparing the
well-oiled machinery to conduct and that is an epidemic
of something airborne that is going to cause respiratory distress and hemorrhaging
that is going to warrant the most dystopian transformation of the
united states that its citizens have ever experienced in their lives
and all eyes are on china right now because what is happening in china is what is going to happen here
unless we get out in front of what they’re planning to do which is what i have been doing
for so many years explaining what the weaponry is what the
symptoms of the weaponry is what the excuse me what the symptoms of
the exposure to the weaponry are and what the remedies to the solution are
the snake venom is not going to take away your ability to breathe folks and by the way the reason that people
only die in the hospital is because it doesn’t take much to stop your heart in a hospital okay
it doesn’t take much to kill you in a nursing home it doesn’t take much to kill you when you’re strapped to a gurney and your family can’t see you and
see what’s being done because it doesn’t take much to throw off your electrolytes to throw things
off in your body all right it’s a very very delicate balance
they can hook you up to an iv and they can all of a sudden just sedate you and they can tell you that well you know oh
well it’s time for organ donation right what’s going on in china is a drill for
the model and what they’re doing in china is they’re just seeing how 30 million
people that have no way to defend themselves and say no react to being treated like caged rats before they put
them into the fricking gas chamber because literally folks these people if the government in shanghai wants to
starve these people to death you know what they have to do they have to have a few robot 5g
controlled dogs running the street with drones and five or six policemen
and they could control you know 10 million people and keep them locked in their homes and starve to down you know why because the chinese people have been
worn down so much they’ve got no way to resist okay they’re on a total cashless
uh practically cashless social credit score dystopian orwellian
uh you know total matrix folks where you know if they get out of line criticize government they get dragged away and
they get their they get their cell phone shut off they can’t get on the subway they can’t buy food whatever okay that’s
where we’re heading the united states is the land of the
free in the home of the brave and they’ve been trying to turn us into the land of the pigs and the home
of the slave with the filthy degenerate scum that run the media okay they’ve
been trying to pervert and destroy this nation for a long time ever since they got a foothold after world war ii
over the television news and print media and they were long hard at work before
that in the newspapers and in the educational system and in the religious system and by the way i’m not going to
call today good friday because to be honest with you folks it isn’t a good day unless you’re on the wrong side okay
because what happened to jesus although it may have had to happen it was horrific and brutal and there’s
nothing good about it the only thing good was uh the day that he blasted out of that tomb and uh ever
since then when he started walking through walls and telling everybody they didn’t get me
and i might as well tell you this folks you know uh i as most of you know i was raised
catholic i was i went to catholic school all the way through high school that’s right jesuit trained but i’m not a
jesuit folks although the jesuit order around the schools i went to i didn’t know my parents put me there and god
blessed them for doing what they thought was right it was better than going to these government schools even though i got to
talk the same lies at least it was wrapped in a soft blanket instead of one that was dipped in manure okay
the bottom line is when you go into one of these catholic churches you will see a couple of things that
should lead you to believe that what you’re looking at inside there is the combination of
babylonian sun worship and christianity and paganism all
blended into one and one of the things is the trophy hanging over their altar that’s right that
that thing over the altar shows jesus nailed to a cross that’s the trophy folks that’s the trophy of the deniers of
jesus christ we got him okay that’s their trophy that’s their infiltration of christianity and then
came the schofield reference bible about 130 years ago to finish the job
but it’s not finished folks i don’t want to digress but listen
jesus isn’t dead ladies and gentlemen he’s alive and he reigns forever more and you know although what they did to
him although what was done to him happened
you need to understand that the grave couldn’t hold them the tomb couldn’t hold them the nails although they pierced the
hands they did you know you need to understand we’re eternal we’re eternal beings folks and you know they could
they could kill the body but they can’t kill the soul these people are sick in the head they’re nuts and they immerse us in all this filth
and lies in hopes that we’ll just become animals and lose all our rights because we’ll no longer be capable of having
rights because our constitution although it’s questionable who it was really designed for
was never designed for an immoral people it’s wholly inadequate to govern an immoral people and that’s why
we can lose our rights by basically forsaking our ability to
have those rights based on our behavior and that’s why the media and the movies have been turning us into animals and
the schools have been training us their animals and the government’s been treating us like we’re animals so we’ll accept the fact that we’re animals so
they can get away with doing what they want to us animals but that’s not going to happen
i’m sick of it okay and you should be too and every place you turn for answers is
lying to you look at them seriously folks look at what they’ve done look at china 30
million people trapped in their homes for a month and no one’s sick
they’re gonna do it here they why do you think they’ve got all these cell towers everywhere and all
these wi-fi hotspots everywhere and all these small cells on top of the street lights what do you think they’re doing
folks i mean for crying out loud you’re getting five bars in the basement of the parking structure
who needs all this they do because
their plan is to induce respiratory distress and hemorrhagic
symptoms that will be blamed on a virus
so they can do whatever they want to solve the problem that they create and blame it on
whatever pathogen they want so they can propose and implement any solution they damn well please
including killing off all the food supply and starving us to death
you do you think i’m kidding folks do you realize how much livestock was slaughtered with the mad
cow fraud and all this supposed bird flu stuff folks all they got to do is crank
up these ground-based uh rf systems and they can take the birds out of the sky and they can say it’s an outbreak and
most people will run for the store and buy diapers to put on their butt and their face
they’ll be freaking out [Music]
you know every one of these uh hollywood movies about these contagions and these outbreaks always involve three things
okay number one the existence of an alleged
manufactured uh cartoon character pathogen which is a virus is what they call them
it’s a construct okay and that it what it goes from one
species to another it jumps the species barrier right even though there isn’t
any such thing because there is no such thing and then number three it’s highly transmissible because it’s airborne
and there’s always a bird involved [Music] why is it
that the rats are always blaming the bats well i’ll tell you why folks number one they like to hide the deniers of
jesus christ always have other people do their dirty work for them they don’t get their hands dirty they con people into
shedding innocent blood and doing their filthy deeds right well here’s the deal folks
the goal with the bird deal is the food supply right if they can convince you
that it’s being transmitted by birds the justification to slaughter all the
poultry and livestock in the country will not only be
mandated by the government it will be celebrated by the people [Music]
sound familiar you know what they did in china how many
times where they slaughtered all of the chickens right [Music]
henry kissinger the casting couch director of china i don’t know how that that blob is still
alive but you know god is merciful before he casts that man’s soul into
hell he’s giving him a lot of time to repent and he’s running out of time
henry kisses you said if you control the food you control the people
right if you control the food you control the people
if you control the food you control the people that’s henry kissinger folks those are his words
now why would anyone want to control the food to control the people well that’s bolshevik marxist communist psychotic
psychopathic bloodthirsty murdering intellect for you that’s what it is
because their god requires a continued blood offering right
that’s right why do you think you know these uh these amulets and these little vials
around these hollywood stars necks or you know why do you think they have the red carpet right why do you think it’s
all blood folks it’s all blood and the one who paid it all shed at once
and it’s over it’s finished there will be no more sacrifice
these guys keep trying to run the sacrificial system and it’s never going to be enough well i
got news for all of you folks it is finished it was finished 2 000 years ago
and we’re not having it okay so you know they’re gonna they’re gonna get all the people on some sort of some
form of blood thinner all right uh that that form of blood thinner could be uh the meds i can’t even go into the
list of stuff that things your blood and makes you susceptible to hemorrhaging once they
crank up the microwave frequencies folks
you know it’s amazing how blind people are and you know i get all of these uh
you know these emails for people and it’s like can i tell you something
[Music] why is it that i have to prove anything to you people okay
you know i’m you why are you putting the burden of everything on me right i’m telling you what they’re gonna do and
then you reflexively collapse back into the arms of these psychopathic mind
control agents that have coddled you for so long and it’s almost like
it’s almost like you like their soft little blankie that’s got the the scalpel on your jugular more than
you like getting 200 volts on your backside getting you out of bed because you need to be woken up these
people are laying the groundwork for the most incredibly diabolical plan
to completely con and kill that humanity has ever seen and it’s gonna involve meds and technology
drugs meds and wireless folks and it’s all gonna work at once
do you know how you make someone hemorrhage i’ll go over this again you just get them on thinners whether it’s gonna be things like aspirin
or uh you know some sort of intravenous uh you know medication
folks the meds that are being pushed by the snake oil salesman like uh ivermectin
and hydroxychloroquine folks the the blood thinners your doctors got you on because you’re clotted up from
wearing sunglasses and i’m going to go over that sunglasses thing again folks yeah yeah sure the
king cobra venom here we go right king cobra is a malt liquor come on you guys
they drink it in the hood get off this joke will ya
i mean seriously your eyes take in light
that is that is supposed to be uh the full spectrum you’re supposed to be out in the sun getting sun through your eyes folks and what happens is
when the sun goes through your eyes it triggers a cascade of metabolic processes
that result in an event when you get ultraviolet light through your eyes from the sun
your body begins to convert the cholesterol in your bloodstream into co calciferol which is vitamin d
now if you cover your eyes with sunglasses or contact lenses or glasses or tinted
windows or being inside a building all day your cholesterol levels
your triglycerides okay your long and short fatty acid the
long and short chain fatty acids all the stuff’s going to float around in your bloodstream and it’s not going to get
converted into what it’s supposed to get converted into and then when you go into your shower
and breathe all the chlorine the chloramine the bromine and the fluorosilic acid that’s been put into
the water by the water utility under the guise of disinfecting the water supply
those halide compounds are gaseous and they’re inhaled they’re also absorbed
through your pores because people take hydrosterol compounds in your blood
cause the pitting and the hardening of your arteries that cause
cardiovascular disease sunglasses cause heart attacks folks not
bacon and eggs your body is full of animal fat because animal fat is the
same as human fat and your body makes it your brain’s made out of it your organs need it your hormones depend on it for
formation [Music] what have they done
they’ve taken your sunday now they want to take your breath away folks with the 60 gigahertz y gig right
that’s right they’re gonna put these beam forming wi-fi systems and 5g systems all over
the place so they can lock onto your air pods and put a bull’s-eye over your face and
look up beam forming 60 gigahertz and just look at what happens at 60
gigahertz folks the oxygen molecules absorb at 60 gigahertz
i’m not going to go into an introduction to spin chemistry i’m not going to go into a discussion on the ground state of
the electrons folks i’m not going to go into that i don’t need to they’ve chosen god’s
fresh air frequency to use their weaponry okay they’re going to take your breath away
with these uh radio frequency systems that are going to be called wi-fi y-gig and 5g
they’re going to use these microwave towers these cell towers to induce hemorrhaging because microwaves can cause bleeding folks
and that’s going to be exacerbated by all the the pills people are taking all the meds or people are on
and then they’re gonna say let’s zap the birds out of the air with the
ground-based uh doppler systems and let’s call it
the contagion has arrived how do you protect yourself from this folks you don’t have the weaponry in
your home you get rid of all your wi-fi devices all your wi-fi enabled devices and by the way i’m going to tell you something right now
i’m not going to even go into the mosquitoes that’s a whole nother thing all right there’s so many angles to all this and you could google joe and
brianna mosquitos vector look folks i’ve spoken about all of this publicly
get the weapons out of your house right now you know you got a laptop you’re working on because you’re working from
home from your employer you know every time you turn that on the thing turns on the bluetooth and the wi-fi shut it off
plug in ethernet cable folks get yourself a docking station get yourself hardwired connections in your
house shut you can buy a usb ethernet adapter for 12 bucks on ebay okay
you turn on your computer every day make sure even if it goes to sleep a lot of these
things are programmed to turn on wi-fi and bluetooth double transmission frequencies folks
two point four and five gigahertz some of these systems are using six gigahertz which is the iodine frequency
you understand listen to me
when you turn on your computer in the morning if you’re working from home make sure you shut off your bluetooth and your wi-fi don’t use a wireless headset
okay you need to understand these weapons and
by the time they get everything rolled out they have not perfected the 60 gigahertz oxygen depriving system yet
they’re behind folks you need to understand you cannot wear air pods that triangulate a target a bull’s eye over
your face now i got a bunch of emails from people saying hey how do we stop them from hitting us with these beams
right listen to me you know what a compact disc is
okay you could keep one of these right put this over your mouth okay and you
can breathe through it you move the surrounding bounce the beam back okay if you’re driving a car
have a bigger one in your car folks this is a laser disc these are dielectric surfaces folks these will scramble the
60 gigahertz okay they’ll reflect it all over the place send it back where it came from
but it’ll block if you feel yourself getting short of breath all right put something over your face and get out
of wherever you are you can’t you gotta reflect it back okay
all right as far as getting your blood to thicken
folks i’ll be honest with you every one of you should have a blender and be able to juice a bunch of cabbage
and spinach don’t don’t overdose on oxalates but you know if you start getting bloody noses and stuff you’ve got to get your
vitamin k levels up and i don’t care if you have to juice wheat grass get some chlorophyll in your body
you know you can take chlorella uh you know the greens you’ve got to get your iron levels up too folks and you can you
could do that with blackstrap molasses you can do that with the you know ferrous gluconate in the canned olives
you could do that with rib eye you could do that with organ meats you could do that with vegetables
you you could do it by getting a supplement which you know is the last resort like carbonal iron
okay you know root vegetables anything dark and green is good okay but you can’t
just live on vegetables folks you gotta have animal protein you gotta have animal fat you gotta have fruits you gotta
folks i eat everything i eat flowers i eat leaves i eat roots i eat organs i
eat fish eyeballs i eat everything okay you know why because everything is good for you in moderation all right
shanghai is a beta test for what they’re gonna do once they turn everything on they’re still drilling right now folks
uh china’s fully weaponized folks when they turn the towers on uh you’re gonna see it hit there first just like
everything starts there because that country has been controlled by henry kissinger’s
casting couch uh for a very long time and that’s their beta testing ground
folks all right so you need to understand that they have plans for that here that’s why that’s
why donald trump pushed so hard for the 5g remember trump was racing against china for 5g rollout remember
remember do you remember ladies and gentlemen when donald trump was pushing the 5g
roll out as a race against china do you remember when donald trump was rolling out the warp speed vaccine delivery
system with the military do you remember when donald trump
remember gave us the red flag laws do you remember he said we’re going to take your guns first and sort it out in the
courts later if they declare that you’re a threat to anyone they’re going to go take your guns away right you remember donald
trump said we’re going to have a national id card and he gave us the federal id do you remember
do you remember his biggest donor was sheldon adelson i don’t know to the tunes i don’t know
sheldon adelson threw a hundred million dollars into the election and sheldon adelson made all his money
from ripping people off in his filthy casinos okay that’s right so you know the casino
money parlayed trump’s campaign does that tell you anything
a bunch of phony republican trash right and you know i get such a these guys
these so-called conservatives unbelievable right yeah mar-a-lago doesn’t have trump’s
neighborhood doesn’t have 5g how about that how come my neighborhood can’t get it
all right anyway folks keep your eyes on shanghai not the snake
venom keep your eyes on shanghai not ukraine keep your eyes on shanghai not the gas prices keep your eyes on the
grocery store shelves because i want to tell you something when this happens in the united states the supply chain
will yes i do believe the earth is as flat as a pancake folks just go look at where does how does the water stay on it
you need to keep your eyes on what’s going on folks because i’ll be honest with you you could wake up tomorrow and
the stores could be empty in literally three hours okay you should probably be ready to
withstand at least six months to a year being holed up on your reservation
because it’s good if you’re not self-sufficient you better get self-prepared all right you don’t want
to be in a breadline for a vaccine you don’t want to be in a breadline for uh
you know getting robbed and beat up as soon as you spend seven hours in line and you go to your car and in a bunch of thugs with masks on
pistol whips you with the gun they got from their stimulus money right
don’t starve to death folks it’s totally avoidable do you know in the united states about 80 percent of all the food
ends up in the trash okay did you know that canned goods last far
beyond their expiration as long as they’re kept in a cool dry place did you know that you could take about a
thousand dollars over the course of six months and get enough food stored up to to hold
you out you know you can go to dollar tree or 99 they have stuff for 59 cents a can
all right i s you know what i couldn’t believe this i saw black eyed peas at a grocery outlet for 59 cents a can
all right 59 cents for a can of black eyed peas you know what that is that’s protein
folks you know what that is that’s fiber you know what that is it’s minerals you know what that is that’s got salt in it you know what it is that’s food folks
will keep you alive go out and buy a bunch of tasty sauces
don’t throw away your taco sauce whatever keep all this stuff folks because i’m going to tell you something a can of beans and a little bit of taco
sauce goes a long way you know when you’re hungry i remember you know i
might as well share this little story for you i had a dory skiff it’s one of these flat bottom wooden boats that they used
to use to run up on the beach on a newport where they go out and set their long lines and bring them in and and
pull up through the surf onto the beach i have this 21 foot dory skiff with 100 horsepower outboard on
and i’ll be honest with you folks i used to go out of newport or huntington out of catalina all by myself in the middle
of the night sometimes and i used to just drop anchor off avalon and just sleep on the boat well
uh one time i went out there and a buddy of mine on the marine band fired me up on my radio says hey joe i’m
coming out and he had a boat that he could sleep on and stuff so i stayed an extra night and waited for him
but i didn’t plan on staying out there i didn’t bring any food well he showed up and i couldn’t go
ashore because there weren’t any moorings ashore and the the taxi service wasn’t working
this was back i think in about 1993. anyway so it went on uh i went for
almost two days i had some water i had a pepsi i think and i didn’t have any food and this guy you know he had a can of
pork and beans and he had a little stove on his boat and so he pulled up next to me dropped
his anchor really close to me and i jumped in the water swam over to his boat got on his boat it was about 10 o’clock at night the next day that can
of pork and beans was so delicious okay and yeah there’s bpa in the can
liner you know what fine cans don’t have bpa in it but folks would you rather have a little bpa and a lot of beans or
nothing come on when you were hungry when you go hiking when you go camping you haven’t eaten
for two three days and you have something in a can that you would otherwise under normal circumstances not even touch in your pantry it’s like gold
okay folks come on man take what you’ve got right now and buy what you can right now
while you can buy it okay and look like i’ve said all along god
will protect us but you know he gave us two hands to use he gave us two thumbs
and two index fingers to use he gave us two middle fingers to use sometimes too folks
we’re not supposed to sit around and pray and have him do everything because the last time i checked when i got home
from work i have never seen the roof in my house open up and a rib eye and baked
potatoes with butter and sour cream has never descended on golden ropes onto a plate in front of me
now although someday that may happen when i get to heaven you gotta go and work and run a business
and make money and go hunt and fish or go to the store and prepare for your family and put stuff away for the rainy
day folks all right sardines whatever folks this stuff is
dirt cheap right now and hindsight’s not only going to be 20 20 it’s going to be laser sharp in the days ahead when the
stores are empty do you understand me
and by the way all your soda bottles or water bottles or plastic bottles fill them up with tap
water and stick them in the basement put them in the trunk fill up every single water bottle you
can because you’re going to need water to wash dishes with to cook with and get
yourself a gravity filtration system so you can filter it if something goes down folks
i mean seriously you know i know people that are spending two hundred dollars a month on their
phones okay do you know how much you could buy with 200 bucks at the 99 cent store
i’m just telling you right now you know what’s going on in china right now do you know what’s going on in shanghai right now there’s no food anywhere
you know why because those people have been trained to live for the moment
to live in a worker bee slave hive why because henry kissinger on his casting
couch utters these words if you control the food you control the
people if you control the food you can control
the people he who controls the food controls the people
they control the people because they control the food now
he’s working for the people that control the media that control the school they
control the hospital they control the government they control the banking system
because they print the money and they can buy anything they want all they have to do is print the money
and they can buy a politician they can buy military they can buy real estate they can buy water treatment they can
buy weapons they could buy anything they want because he who controls the printing
press controls everything
do i make myself absolutely clear ladies and gentlemen
well there’s a problem in the united states because the united states is a massive geographic
anomaly for the controllers and it happens to be inhabited by a
bunch of well-armed peasants who still have an attitude problem
and that’s why they’re doing everything they can to get us to self-destruct
they’ve been doing everything they can working overtime trying to pervert and ruin us with the music and the movies
and the magazines you know i guess i’m gonna keep going
i remember when i fell in love with my wife and uh you know they say it’s love at
first sight and well it may not have been love at first sight but when i first laid eyes on her i said boy what a
gal right and i remember the first time we actually went out and i she literally touched my hand
and the night we first kissed i might as well say the truth about this folks from that moment on i never wanted to
leave her side i wanted her with me 24 7. i could not go a day without being
with her okay i was in love it was an amazingly powerful interaction
and a compulsion if you will my wife had a magazine in her car
called cosmopolitan in about a month into the relationship
we were spending every minute possible together before work
after work even during work because we worked together and it got to the point where people
started telling her that it was a very toxic situation and i read this cosmopolitan magazine
and it went into the 10 signs of what to watch out for in a relationship
and every single thing that was near and dear to my heart
was a sign of a dangerous man and a dangerous relationship in the cosmopolitan magazine
when i look back at how that magazine literally tried to flip what god intended for good on its side
and to try to destroy the power of love and and the future family that we’ve created through god’s grace and power
and then i look at the degenerate filth that ran the magazine at the time
and i look at that person today i realize
that they will get what they deserve right and by the way what they will get is
eternal and what we will inherit is eternal
they’ve been working overtime folks trying to turn us into a bunch of
murdering pedophilic psychotic evil greedy bloodthirsty scum like them
and it will never work you want to know why because even though they have infested
the church with their scofield reference bible and their criminal seminaries
cranking out the hireling pickpocket pimps in the pulpit
we are legion folks because the power of jesus christ and the power of the holy spirit lives in us
and gives us wisdom and courage and eyes to see
christ has not entered into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven
itself now to appear in the presence of god for us nor yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest
entereth into the holy place every year with the blood of others for then must he often have suffered since the
foundation of the world look at the word foundation folks the world has a foundation it’s not spinning by the way
spinning tops don’t have a foundation but once now the end of the once down the end of the world and by the way this
is the book of hebrews talking about the end of the world the world is the word world is age folks the end of the age was at hand back then he appeared to put
away sin by the sacrifice of himself and it is appointed unto man once to die and
after this the judgment folks do not fall into the hands of an
angry god when you die these people
that hate him they would kill him again if they had the chance i mean there’s people out there that say
oh i’d do it again what was her name uh sarah something this comedian she wasn’t
funny i think the video has been removed from the internet i think it was sarah silverstein i think was her name talking
about oh yeah i killed jesus again yeah and she’s laughing about it silverman there you go sarah sullivan
i mean come on that’s horrible right you know what they’ll get it they’ll get it folks don’t worry about it we got to focus on
what they plan on doing to us and how to prepare okay we need to stay focused on how to
protect ourselves folks if someone is hemorrhaging you’ve got to get them out of the electromagnetic field you’ve got
to get them on something they’ll thicken up their blood like you know load them up with a bunch of vitamin k if you have
it it’s a good clot it helps with coagulation if you don’t have access to a hospital folks they’re going to turn on the
towers they’re going to take your breath away and they’re going to make you bleed out and they’re going to call it the ebola and they’re going to lock us down
and they’re going to shut down the supply chain and they’re going to make you prisoners in your homes and they’re gonna try to make us kill each other to
survive if you know that’s what their plan is i
suggest you tell everybody you know what to watch out for and not to turn on each other when that day comes
okay i’m gonna i’m gonna shut this off folks
there’s about eleven hundred of you in this chat i wanna thank you for tuning in right now i wanna ask you all
on this day to please look inward look outward look around you
look out for others and don’t be caught up in all of this sensational hype and diversions and get
ready for what’s coming all eyes on shanghai all hands on deck this is joe
and brianna the fullerton informer po box 4121 fullerton california 92834
joembriano777 gmail.com coming to you in the name of jesus
christ the name above all names the one who paid it all the one who could not be
held by the grave the one whose sinless sacrifice two thousand years ago makes
inheriting eternal life as easy as that take care folks
see you on the flip side
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Posted by Joe Imbriano in 5g, afm, Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, cell tower dangers, coronavirus, covid, forced sterilization, FORCED VACCINATIONS, Government sponsored terrorism, joe imbriano, radiation biology, radiation experiments on school children, Schools that kill, THE FIRMAMENT, THE FLAT EARTH, THE WAR ON GOD, The Way on April 21, 2021
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Government sponsored terrorism, The twighlight's last gleaming, THE WAR ON GOD, The Way on November 4, 2019
Desert sky, dream beneath the desert sky.
The rivers run but soon run dry.
We need new dreams tonight.
Desert rose, dreamed I saw a desert rose
Dress torn in ribbons and bows
Like a siren she calls (to me).
Sleep comes like a drug in God’s country
Sad eyes, crooked crosses, in God’s country
Set me alight, we’ll punch a hole right through the night.
Every day the dreamers die to see what’s on the other side.
She is liberty, and she comes to rescue me.
Hope, faith, her vanity
The greatest gift is gold.
Sleep comes like a drug in God’s country
Sad eyes, crooked crosses, in God’s country
Naked flame, she stands with a naked flame
I stand with the sons of Cain
Burned by the fire of love
Burned by the fire of love.
“I wanna feel sunlight on my face.
I see the dust-cloud
Disappear without a trace.
I wanna take shelter
From the poison rain
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name.”
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, false flags, Government sponsored terrorism, Hidden in plain view on October 3, 2019
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, false flags, Government sponsored terrorism, OROVILLE DAM UPDATE on May 28, 2019
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Government sponsored terrorism on May 21, 2019
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Government sponsored terrorism, Hidden in plain view, In honor and memorium of, The twighlight's last gleaming, The Way on February 21, 2019
All bombs were window dressing for the resonant frequency weapon that was used. There were no airplanes. The towers were built to recieve and the the day they were designed was the day they were destined to come down. You cannot have tens of millions of tons of debris vanish into thin air unless molecular dissassocition took place which it clearly did. The problem is they will do this again to a few cities and blame russia or china to get the US into WW3, draft all the alpha males, ship them off to die, and bring in the foreign troops. That is the plan. The cyclonic torsion field energy of the hurricane that was off the coast that morning was tapped and directed right to the 2 terminals of the battery called the twin towers. Thats right there was a massive hurricane right off the coast parked during the event. tesla technology has nothing to do with the rolling wifi survelance cancer cars but rather weaponry that is about to be used again to dustify anything they want and blame anyone they want for it.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Government sponsored terrorism, KELLY THOMAS, The twighlight's last gleaming on November 1, 2018
Former officers Wolfe and Cicinelli are suing for their jobs back and millions in backpay after they were fired over their involvement in the brutal murder of Kelly Thomas, an innocent unarmed homeless man that was beaten, bludgeoned and electrocuted by the Fullerton Police Department on July 5 2011. All of the officers were aquitted of all charges.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Government sponsored terrorism, In honor and memorium of, The twighlight's last gleaming on March 8, 2018
You talk about this on You Tube and your channel goes down for good. There are two distinct reasons folks. The government wants the American people to believe their propaganda films with crisis actors and the government wants us disarmed because they have such horrible things planned for us that they don’t want any resistance. Such things as a currency collapse, staged outbreaks of disease, forced relocations, confiscation of assets, bank accounts, property, retirement accounts, forced vaccinations, forced irradiation with the 5G systems and forced medical procedures are to name just a few of the sinister eugenics agendas on the table.
The government will kill children and run real shootings and frame a patsy, and they will run false flag Hollywood productions just like Sandy Hook.Watch this video that You Tube keeps taking down. I have tried to upload it several times and this is what happens. TOTAL CENSORSHIP. WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF?
It is amazing. The media including You Tube which is all run by the government, is beyond a joke, it is an outright criminal enterprise. The movie documents the extraordinary journey of Wolfgang Halbig, a former state trooper, teacher, insurance adjuster and most importantly, a professional school safety advisor on his quest for truth. This man sought basic public information from the officials of Newtown. What he found instead, was an illegal and impenetrable wall of secrecy. This makes you have to question what they are hiding and why the government wants us disarmed. That right there alone should send shivers up and down your spine if you really have one.
Here are the things that stood out for me from Dear Wolfgang, the Sandy Hook documentary, in case you didn’t get a chance to watch (self.conspiracy)
I want to be clear that none of this should be taken as a justification for harassing anyone. Not only is that unnecessary, but it’s counterproductive in that it creates a negative stereotype that further stifles discussion. Moreover, it is terribly wrong in the case that we are wrong– we should never presume to have certainty that we are right, and from there reason that the ends justify the means, because the downside is that we are missing something and we end up doing serious harm; and there are alternative ways with a much smaller potential for downside ( in this case, reasonable discourse with emphasis on facts and logic) of arriving at the intended goal. That has to be the path for something like this.
Trump suggests that we execute drug dealers to deal with our opiod epidemic. Do NOT fall for this shit. This policy would lead to low level offenders getting executed while the pharmaceutical execs who peddle pills by the millions into poor communities would continue getting rich. (self.conspiracy)
submitted by relevantlife
This was driving around San Diego, CA (imgur.com)
submitted by 12-23-1913
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Barry Levinson, Bruce Whitaker, Bruce Whitaker.com, Doug Chafee, Government sponsored terrorism, Greg Sebourn, Hidden in plain view, Jesus Silva, KELLY THOMAS, Public safety is becoming an oxymoron, The Fullerton Police department, The twighlight's last gleaming on February 26, 2018
“SANTA ANA — A corporal who trained two officers on trial in the fatal beating of a homeless man in Fullerton testified today that they acted mostly within the city’s policy when they dealt with the suspect.
Cpl. Stephen Rubio testified that ex-Officer Manuel Ramos may have strayed from policy when he used profanity as he spoke with Kelly Thomas prior to the deadly struggle at the Fullerton Transportation Center on July 5, 2011, but otherwise acted properly.
Rubio added that ex-Cpl. Jay Cicinelli used his stun gun properly, including when he deployed it as an “improvisational tool” for punching the transient in the head.
“In the video, I honestly don’t see anything out of policy there,” Rubio said when discussing Cicinelli striking Thomas with the butt of the gun.
Cicinelli was trained in how to keep a suspect from taking away his weapon, which defense attorneys claim Thomas was trying to do during the struggle, Rubio testified.
It wouldn’t be “practical” for Cicinelli to have discarded the weapon during the struggle if it wasn’t working because Thomas could have retrieved it, Rubio said. The “loud clacking” of the stun gun that can be heard on the video indicates it was not working as it should to subdue the suspect, he said.
When asked if Cicinelli was right to strike Thomas in the head with the stun gun, Rubio testified the police department’s policy “allows for the improvisation of a tool or weapon under certain circumstances.”
As for Ramos putting on latex gloves and then holding up his fists to Thomas before threatening to “(expletive) you up” if he didn’t follow orders, Rubio said the defendant properly used a “conditional threat.”
Rubio added, “The profanity is a little off color, a slight policy violation.”
Although the profanity was “unprofessional,” using the threat to avoid a physical fight was OK “for the greater good,” Rubio testified.
Assistant District Attorney Jim Tanizaki got Rubio to acknowledge that “improvised weapons” are OK under the department’s policy when “reasonable,” and that there’s an admonition against head strikes with an impact weapon.
Rubio also testified, under questioning by Tanizaki, that after the first deployment of a stun gun, a suspect must be given time to comply with orders because the immediate reaction to a Taser might be improperly construed as resistance.
When Tanizaki pressed Rubio on whether a suspect should be given more than one chance to comply, the corporal resisted.
Rubio testified that he recalled Cicinelli struck Thomas four to six times with the stun gun. But after he was shown the video in court, he revised his estimate to three times.
“I see his arm moving back in a circular motion, but I can’t tell if that’s a strike or not,” Rubio testified.
Officer Kenton Hampton can be seen on the video jumping away from the struggle, an “indication he got a bit of that Taser discharge,” Rubio testified.
Tanizaki questioned Rubio on whether Ramos’ threat to Thomas could be viewed as a provocative act.
“Do you agree words can foster and create an environment for confrontation?” the prosecutor asked.
“It’s possible,” Rubio responded.
Tanizaki also questioned Rubio about a part of the policy that discourages threats to mentally disabled suspects.
“With respect to individuals who are mentally disabled, aren’t you taught to avoid threats?” Tanizaki asked.
“Once again, it depends,” Rubio replied.
The prosecutor asked Rubio if he trained Ramos to not threaten mentally disabled suspects.
“I taught him to communicate with people effectively whether they were mentally ill or not,” Rubio said. “You try to treat everyone with calming language … That’s what we try to teach.”
Rubio also testified that blows to some parts of the head are less dangerous than others, and that the plastic stun gun would be “not as dangerous” as a police baton, or asp.
Retired FBI use-of-force expert John Wilson Jr. testified for the prosecution last week that Ramos and Cicinelli did not follow proper procedures. Wilson testified that Ramos “aggressively slapped” at Thomas and that he had reason to fear the police and run from them.
“I have problems with everything that happened after” Ramos put on the gloves and held up his fists to the homeless man, Wilson testified.
Wilson also testified that it was “not be good proper police procedure” for Cicinelli to strike Thomas with the butt of a stun gun.
Ramos is charged with second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter and Cicinelli is charged with involuntary manslaughter and excessive force.”
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, false flags, Government sponsored terrorism, Gun Control, The twighlight's last gleaming, THE WAR ON GOD on February 15, 2018
Jesus Christ made this statement on his last night on earth and believe me, when Jesus Christ made a statememt, you better listen up. Americans must never give up their right to bear arms. When we lose that right, we lose all of our rights. Why is it today that the very people who teach the Bible are telling people to turn in their guns? Do they not understand the brutal and barbaric history of the slaughter of the defenseless?
I do not know if in fact the Florida shooting is real, or if it was a deep state government run operation involving multiple shooters and a patsy. I tend to believe the latter. Governments kill their own people repeatedly to carry out their nefarious agendas. As a matter of fact, in many other instances, they have been caught red handed staging false flag fake events. Sandy Hook was a total fabrication complete with fake victims and crisis actors. To this day, the Vegas incident still has no official narrative. The Pulse nightclub was another theatrical false flag. Whether these events are even real or not, no crisis will ever go to waste and once again the door has been swung wide open to proposals of massive sweeping gun control legislation.
People have a basic fundamental right to self defense and the Son of God, Jesus Christ Himself confirmed this 2000 years ago in the Bible. Of course none of the worthless schools or phony churches will EVER teach any of you that but read Luke 22:36 and it’s right there.
So while we have to contend with the worthless schools and the phony churches hiding the truth of the Bible from the masses, we also have to deal with the evil people who hate the Bible and will stop at nothing to attempt to discredit it. Of course the same evil people that hate the Bible are the same ones that think the unborn are a blob of tissue.
Nothing would be more tragic than the killing of innocent children at school but let’s face it folks, we are already allowing children to be killed about 3,000 times a day right in their home, in their mothers womb, every day of the year in the United States right now and there is no denying this. Abortion doctors are muderers folks. They murder innocent, defenseless unborn children in what should the safest place in the world for them.
A government that sanctions murder of this degree will murder anyone they see fit to. The deep state has their dirty hands all over the recent mass killings in America and they are going to get a hell of alot worse and more frequent in the days ahead.
We know that guns can kill, as they are designed to kill and kill they do when they are used to kill. When considering gun control legislation, you need to be careful what you ask for. All discussion should be backropped by this simple fact, that democide, aka death by government was the leading cause of death in the 20th Century. Upwards of 150 million people were murdered by their own governments in the last 100 years and at the hands of NON RELIGIOUS dictators. Do you recognize some of these devils?
The first thing these men did was end private gun ownership.
The United States was bestowed with the right to have armed citizens under the 2nd Amendment and it was designed to protect us from the government. The problem is that the government has been working with the schools and the media for decades to end this right. What happens if a government turns its military on its own people?
We know that guns can kill, as they are designed to kill and kill they do when they are used to kill but guns can also keep and maintain a balance of power between a people and their rulers. That is still the case today in The United States. Can you imagine what the government would be able to do if they disarmed us entirely?
They could crash the economy and starve us to death and there would be nothing we could do.
They could round us up, imprison and intern us and there would be nothing we could do.
They could forcibly inject us with cancer viruses and sterilants and there would be nothing we could do, well they are already doing that.
They could just rape anyone they wanted to including your children and there would be nothing we could do.
They could confiscate your life savings and there would be nothing we could do.
They could forcibly relocate you and there would be nothing we could do.
They could falsly impison and torture you and there would be nothing we could do.
Because we have guns, they cannot do these things on a wide scale basis because we have the ability to fight back. The 2nd amendment is the enforcement provision of the US Constitution and they know this. Tyrants cannot handle being bound or restrained by laws so they have to find ways to do away with the ones that protect the people and pass ones that protect the tyrants.
Is it any wonder they want the guns taken away from us folks? So if they stage or even carry out a few school shootings and kill a dozen or so innocent children, that means nothing to those who are so inclined to kill, destroy and enslave.
Gun confiscation in the United States is on its way to becoming a reality folks unless we stop it. There is no compromising the 2nd amendment. Schools must arm the staff and protect the children period!
Instead the tyrants seek to disarm and play as dirty as possible to accomplish their goal. Yes the border is wide open as we allow tens of millions of undocumented aliens into the country, many of them violent criminals. That should be your first indication that our government is not in the business of protecting its people. It is the business of carrying out sinister agendas folks and like it or not that is the truth. Gun control leads to genocide and it will come to our shores unless we fight it and fight it to the death. How are they attempting to do this?
The first thing they all do is encourage the establishment of shooting galleries which are known to be the gun free zones found at all public schools. .
The second thing they do is demonize Biblical Christianity which has been the source of morality that has allowed the United States to self govern under the Constitution since its incepcion.
The third thing they do is impelement a war on decency through the media. Sumner Redstone controls CBS, Nickelodeon and MTV but he can barely speak now.
Look at just one the abject, vile, satanic, filth videos this degenerate old man runs on his channel that ruins children’s minds.
The fourth thing is to totally debase us. Freedom and firearms can not remain in the hands of people that have been turned into animals and the elite know this. That is why they continue to turn people into animals.
The fifth thing is to allow schools to teach children curriculum subersive to Biblical Christianity, death education curriculum subersive to morality, atheistic curriculum subersive to the human spirit, sexually deviant curriculum subersive to human decency, and radical leftist, marxist curriculum subersive to our American way of life.
The sixth thing is schools betray the children by setting themselves up as wide open killling fields and advertising the open season on innocent children all year long. They lock children in literal cages with no escape and advertise to the world that there will be no resistance to a massacre thereby ensuring one.
The seventh thing is media is then complicit in hyping these events by broadcasting footage of literal fake events such as Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs Church and other completely fabricated events providing the momentum which drives the tyrannical legislative encroachment on our most sacred of rights.
The eight thing finally folks, is we have the schools finishing the job pushing these children over the edge with the endless pressures to perform and the dangerous microwave exposures.
Killer cops suing for their jobs back,
Ed Royce ruined Fullerton with his lame, phony hacks who stack the council for decades,
$100-$200 million or more in missing money, yes the audit is coming, roads in ruin, corrupt politicians, corrupt police, corrupt officials, fat pigs at the trough, Fullerton heading into bankruptcy and taxes galore are coming and worse. Yes Barry and I have been telling you so and you say it isn’t so? Think again. All the crooked players came out to play Tuesday night like usual and so did we, to tell it like it is and to call them all out and introduce them to all of you for who they really are and what they have collectively done to destroy this community. We will continue until they build enough oversize jail cells to house them all in and they fix our roads. We want justice and we want our money back.
dan hughes, ED ROYCE, fullerton bankruptcy, Joe Felz Dan Hughes bruce whitaker jennifer fitzgerald, killer cops, shawn nelson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Dan Hughes, Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Government sponsored terrorism, Pat Mckinley on February 1, 2018
I never thought I would see the day that I would see a Fullerton Police Chief as bad as Pat Mckinley, you know the bedroom community commando who hired all the misfits that murdered Kelly Thomas. Pat Mckinley was the former LAPD officer that condoned the use of nunchucks to break protestors arms.
Well, we lived to see that day with Dan Hughes. Dan Hughes along with Pat Mckinley need to be excoriated and exposed for what they have truly done to Fullerton and its finances. Here they are in together outside the house of horrors and the den of thieves at the Fullerton Police department.
If you will all remember the grisly murder of Kelly Thomas. He was brutally beaten to death by several Fullerton Police Officers that Pat Mckinley hired and trained. Yes Pat Mckinley hired them all and trained them all. One of the officers had only one eye and was on a disability pension when Mckinley hired him. His name is Jay Cicinelli.
“I … hit him 20 times in the face with the Taser,” former Cpl. Jay Cicinelli can be heard telling other officers in the audio tape from a recorder from another officer on the scene.
Cicinelli later can be heard explaining: “I ran out … we ran out of options, so I got the end of my Taser and I probably … I just start smashing his face to hell. He’s on something, dude.”
Because of former Fullerton police chief Dan Hughes’s statements and actions where he terminated the officers and simultaneously also stated that NO department policies were violated during the beating death of Kelly Thomas, Dan Hughes set the stage for arguably, one of the most solid wrongful termination lawsuits in municipal history.
Dan Hughes department’s chief training officer also doubled down and confirmed that no policies were violated during the murder under oath at the trial. This training officer was then given the award of supervisor of the year by the FPOA. Truly sickening indeed.
So I guess the statements of these animals were within policy as well as their actions. Well we can thank Pat Mckinley personally and Dan Hughes for his decades in the department for for producing and fostering such a breed of ruthless and lawless scum.
One eyed “I smashed his face to hell.” Cicinelli , on the left with “see these fists.. they are about to fuck you up.” Ramos on the right
Since when are police officers supposed to threaten to inflict grave bodily harm, carry it out, brag about it, get away with murder and then sue for their jobs back? Only in corrupt Fullerton where the city government is corrupt as all hell folks. Yes with the help of a crooked DA who personally for the first time in a decade personally took and set the case up to fail as he stacked the jury, and threw the case and with the help of a satanic attorney that defended the actions of these animals, the fiscal left right hook is now coming at the Fullerton taxpayers as we speak. Right on schedule, the lawsuits from Joe Wolfe and Jay Cicinelli are in closed session discussion with more pig at the trough public employee labor negotiatons as they continue to rip off the taxpayers. Roads in ruin while the pigs never leave the trough folks even after they kill someone and get away with it.
The Kelly Thomas lawsuit has already cost the City of Fullerton at least 10 Million dollars. These wrongful termination lawsuits, when settled could cost upwards of 50 Million dollars or perhaps more. Even more are in the works. There are additional lawsuits that are in the hundreds of millions of dollars that the city is faced with. There are many police officers that are jumping ship and getting out while they can. The rest are crowding the trough conning the corrupt city council into signing onto more public employee taxpayer thievery while our roads fall apart under the weight of the insane traffic and the ten story buildings that they are going to try and get away with putting everywhere. Last meeting the crooks on the council gave another 12 million to the cops while the roads are total shit folks. Yes ladies and gentlemen, they all know the municipal bankruptcy is coming. They have known its been coming for years. Fullerton has unfunded pension and benefit liabilities in the hundreds of millions in addition to the lawsuits. They are all making their plans, jumping ship, spiking their pensions as the crooks on the council get ready to sell you parcel taxes, bond scams, and tax increases, yes their plans to screw us over as hard and as fast as they can folks. The question is what are you all going to do about it.
dan hughes, fullerton bankruptcy, Jay cicnelli, Joe Wolfe, Pat McKinley
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Government sponsored terrorism, radical feminist social engineering on October 25, 2017
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