Archive for category Fullerton politics
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism, In honor and memorium of, The twighlight's last gleaming on November 14, 2014
60 reviews by citizens after THE FPD MADE CONTACT WITH THEM
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I hope they wake up…it would be better for our city
Step #2 File Formal Complaints don’t let them intimidate you like Micheal S. Corona did to me once (Former Head Police Chief Tyrant Orange County, Ca)… a formal complaint is a good complaint… you are making a paper trail…
Step #3 Make Lots of money and then sue the crap out of them with your organization and attorneys… sue them so frigging hard that they are afraid to eat a donuts in public… In a litigious fascist society you must destroy a Tyrant where he feels it… In his wallet not with force
Step #4 Never under any circumstances divulge any information what so ever to a Tyrant you know nothing however your attorney knows everything and would be glad to help… Nothing you ever say to an officer can help you in a court of law
Step#5 A Tyrant is big and powerful and gets away with things for only so long… Use Vigilance Never give up… All tyrants have one thing in common… they fall, every last one. They fall because the G-D of our Universe despises tyrants and will empower people just when a Tyrant feels the most pride and power. (see world history)
Study the Fullerton Police Department to learn more about Tyranny a really great example in modern American society…
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on November 9, 2014
I REPORT YOU DECIDE-by Barry Levinson
California Policy Center working with Civic Partner, a firm that collects and analyzes municipal finance data, has ranked over 490 California cities and counties with respect to their bankruptcy risk.
That report contains the complete list. To compile the ranking, they collected and analyzed audited financial statements published by most cities and counties in California. Local governments typically produce audited financial statements if they issue municipal bonds or if they receive more than $500,000 in federal grants annually.
Cities and counties with default probability scores much higher than 0.1% have substantially elevated risk. Where does the City of Fullerton rank among the 492 cities and counties listed in this comprehensive study?
Winner winner chicken dinner.
It ranks first (i.e. highest probability of Default/Bankruptcy) among all cities in Orange County with a risk factor of .27%.
So the next time a city official tells you that Fullerton is in good financial shape, please remember this study.…/
Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on November 7, 2014
by Barry Levinson
Not surprisingly when I spoke at Fullerton city council Tuesday night (October 7, 2014) about the federal lawsuit recently filed against a former FPD detective for actions starting in late 2012 through well into 2013, Police Chief Dan Hughes kept looking away from me or had his head down.
Maybe he was embarrassed or upset that once again the alleged depravity of another one of his long-time officers and his department as well was exposed to the citizens of this city at a city council meeting.
Here you have former detective Ronald Bair, a defendant in a federal civil case of alleged crimes including sexual crimes committed under color of authority. In addition, the lawsuit alleges that his FPD bosses inappropriately handled the compliant filed against that Fullerton police detective by the female plaintiff with the Fullerton Police Department. What is worse is that it all allegedly happened under the newly “reformed” Fullerton Police Department. However, Mayor Doug Chaffee, Councilwoman Fitzgerald and Flory I guess, do not have a problem with this alleged commission of multiple acts of depravity, bullying, perjury, abuse and sexual abuse under FPD authority against this woman. This woman was in a shelter for abused women.
No not a question or statement or even a whimper from Doug, Jennifer, or Jan at the last council meeting on that topic. I wonder if all the participants in the last Women’s Conference they attended would appreciate their total silence on this matter.
Also. they have been eerily silent on the well publicized allegations by several arrested Kelly Thomas protesters (10 I believe) who said that an FPD officer taunted them with the potentially deadly physical threat that they would have their F#@CKING FACES SMASHED IN. This goes way back to January 18, 2014. Ladies and gentlemen, also not a whimper on this subject from Police Chief Hughes, Councilmembers Fitzgerald and Flory either, since it was agendized by Councilmember Whitaker 4 or 5 months ago. Where is their collective concern about those 10 people both men and women?
But what Ms. Fitzgerald and Ms. Flory felt morally compelled to talk about on the city council dais was my alleged behavior prior to the completion of a so-called police investigation. I know I have done nothing wrong except upset Joe Felz, Dan Hughes, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jan Flory and Doug Chaffee with my continued attention to the shortcomings of this city government. As the old saying goes, “you do not mess with mother nature”. It goes doubly that you do not mess with this city government. I was told by the two detectives that an assault compliant was filed with the police allegedly taking place in the lobby of city hall during the August 19, 2014 Fullerton council meeting. I can say categorically that I did not touch, threaten, gesture or impede the progress of this person. The complaint is false and baseless. I do not know for sure the exact language of the complaint because the City Attorney, the City Manager and the Police Chief all refused to provide me with a copy of this complaint filed against me by a contractor of the city. The person is not a constituent as Ms. Flory stated at the last council meeting.
I would like to point out that Ms. Fitzgerald has always been a staunch supporter of former Police Chief Pat McKinley and current Police Chief Dan Hughes.
That is also true for Ms. Flory, Mr. Felz, Mr. Hughes and Mr. Chaffee.
I do not recall any of them ever making any negative comments about the conduct of those 6 officers involved in the Kelly Thomas beating death. They all protect the police department and its leadership.
Ms. Fitzgerald and her allies are trying very hard in my opinion to silence me by character assassination.
My family and I have been subjected to harassment and intimidation by the city carried out by its police department for the past several months. This I believe is a grave misuse of police resources. (Remember 6 officers going to Pasadena to arrest one local person, A. J. Redkey for a non-violent misdemeanor.)
I also believe that Ms. Fitzgerald has a conflict of interest by being a Fullerton council member and at the same time being Vice President for a very influential Southern California government consultant firm. I call for her to either step down from the council or quit her Vice President position with that consultant firm. She can’t serve two opposing masters in my opinion.
She frequently states that she”loves” Fullerton but apparently hates people like me, whose only crime is that I tell the truth. Again, where is her outrage over the civil lawsuit I discussed earlier filed against former Fullerton Detective Ronald Bair and the female plaintiff’s very, very serious allegations of corruption in the Fullerton Police Department itself?
In my opinion, the city is run like a very closed and secretive club for the betterment of the members of that club and their friends only.
This is very, very sad. I have spent almost 5 years working very hard to make this city a better place for the citizens of Fullerton. The more I have learned and the more I have paid close attention to the actions of our city government the more sickened and disgusted I have become however. I pledge to continue to stand up for truth and my fellow Fullertonians. I urge continued support for Councilmember Whitaker and I urge the reelection of Mayor Pro-Tem Sebourn as the first steps to taking back our city.
I would suggest that Ms. Fitzgerald and Ms. Flory both have a whole lot of explaining to do to the Fullerton public for their totally inappropriate and strictly politically driven behavior. Ms. Fitzgerald and her allies have gone way too far even for them this time.
Do Ms. Fitzgerald and Ms. Flory who also attacked me at council, believe that action should be taken against me or for that matter anyone before there is any proof that anything inappropriate even happened? Even before the so-called police investigation of this baseless complaint against me is completed.
Does Mayor Chaffee who supported Council Member Fitzgerald in requesting that the City Council agendize a discussion to consider removing me from the Parks and Recreation Committee (where I now serve as Chairman appointed by Council member Bruce Whitaker) believe that he too should be judge, jury and executioner without any charges being brought against me? I guess the answer is yes. After all it was the mean and vindictive Council member Doug Chaffee who went out of his way to slander me back at the December 18, 2012 council meeting when the council was ratifying several direct appointments including my own. Mayor Chaffee at that meeting said the following: “I’m sorry I would not support Mr. Levinson. I have reports that he has been very disruptive and is not a good choice? Ladies and gentlemen that was pure character assassination in the form of slandering my good name with no attempt to back up his scurrilous comments about me.
If there were any truth to Mr. Chaffee’s statement would my fellow Park and Recreation Committee members unanimously vote to make me Chair of that committee a month or two later?
Ms. Flory as an attorney knows that their actions are reckless, outrageous and very possibly a violation of my civil rights. Both these council members joined in on the ongoing harassment, intimidation and violation of my civil rights. The fact is that Ms. Flory, as an attorney should no better. Is any of this fair and objective ladies and gentlemen? The answer is obviously no.
This so-called investigation is now almost 2 months old and still not completed although City Manager Joe Felz told Councilmember Whitaker that the investigation would be completed by the end of September 2013. This phony complaint investigation should have been completed in a day (August 20) by reviewing the city’s videotape or in a week (August 27) by the long route by interviewing witnesses. It took the police, exactly four weeks before they attempted to make any contact with me in person or by phone. The day they (2 detectives) first came to my house unannounced was September 16, the day of the council meeting. They waited until the next council meeting 3 weeks later on October 7 to contact a witness I provided to the city. If this is not intentional intimidation and harassment, I do not know what would constitute that claim in my opinion. Our Orange County District Attorney and the Federal Bureau of Investigation should investigate the city’s tactics as well.
I believe this intimidation and harassment has two purposes. The first purpose is to try to keep me away from these important council meetings right before the November elections. The second purpose is pure character assassination because they are very concerned that I might choose to run for council in 2016 or beyond.
I remember in 2012, Ms. Flory spoke before the council and told Councilmember Kiger that his mother obviously did not breast-feed him. What a crass and totally inappropriate comment to make to anyone about one’s mother? Later that year she defeated Travis Kiger by 29 votes. Therefore, I am not surprised that both Ms. Fitzgerald and Ms. Flory are once again lowering themselves to this level.
I can honestly say that I have consistently stood up for all Fullertonians since 2010. I hope now you will take the time to stand up for me and the rights of all citizens to be treated in a fair and even handed way by our city. I would again suggest that Councilmember Fitzgerald has a choice she needs to make very soon. Either Ms. Fitzgerald stops being a highly paid, political consultant as Vice President of Pringle and Associates with all that it entails or she resigns her position on the council. Like I stated above, she can’t serve two very different masters to the best of her ability with two very different agendas.
I urge all of you who live in Southern California to attend the next Fullerton City Council meeting. It takes place on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 starting at 6:30 PM. Ladies and gentlemen make no mistake that this is a political witch-hunt against me because I was a political opponent of both Ms. Flory and Ms. Fitzgerald in the November 2012 council election and I have the courage to partake of my 1st Amendment rights under the United States Constitution.
Approximately 7,500 Fullerton citizens believed in me enough to cast their precious vote for me in that election. I ask that as many of you as possible come to the next Fullerton city council meeting on Tuesday October 21 at 6:30pm to express you outrage over this obvious misuse and abuse of power by our leaders. I would also urge that you call City Manager Joe Felz 714-738-6310 or email him at; City Police Chief Dan Hughes at 714-738-6825 or 714-738-6840; Councilmembers Jennifer Fitzgerald and Jan Flory at 714-738-6311 or email them at to express your outrage and demand that this injustice perpetrated against my family and me be stopped immediately.
God bless and I pray for a time real soon that Fullerton can once again be proud of its city government. Please remember the following:
That all evil needs to triumph are for good men (and women) to do nothing. Edmond Burke.
The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it. George Orwell.
Thank you all for your attention.
Barry Levinson
Parks and Recreation Chair and
Former Candidate for Fullerton City Council
Folks trying to get Zina Gleason’s positions on issues has been, let’s just say, a tad difficult, especially when it comes to what I believe to be the crown jewel of this election- CARRYING OVER THE FORCED CLASSROOM WIRELESS MICROWAVE RADIATION EXPOSURE MODEL FROM THE FSD INTO THE HIGH SCHOOLS. She won’t answer any emails and deletes Facebook posts containing questions about the wireless issue.
So why is it that she appears to love the fence so much?
Why does she love many fences like the bond loving fence?
Fawley’s follies-The Union Puppet and the union hacks on the front lines
There is a strange phenomenon taking place where the red Fawley signs go up. The opponents signs go down. Fawley is a union trifecta while she makes no bones about it being all in the family.
She openly supports the irresponsible Read the rest of this entry »
Sex Ed Sharon Quirk Silva, her pit of hell planned parenthood endorsement and her cronies.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Eugenics, Fullerton politics, Hidden in plain view, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on October 31, 2014
Just about everything in this election can be summarized as pure and simple boil over from The Fullerton School District’s technology plan that is at COMPLETE ODDS WITH The Fullerton Joint Union High School District. THE CANDIDATES JUST WON’T PUBLICLY TALK ABOUT IT.
You see folks, under the direction Robert Pletka with the support of the board members Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, the lamestream media, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on October 20, 2014
The Observer is a local leftist paper that is about as bent on this towns leftist limousine big government liberal status quo as you can get. I believe that as of late however, it appears to be treading into some very dangerous territory with its printing of what I believe to be libelous and slanderous statements penned by Pam Keller and published by Sharon Kennedy herself that were intended to support the framing and incarceration of two totally innocent community activists, Mr. Barry Levinson and Mr. Alfredo Gutierrez by you guessed-Fullerton police chief Danny Boy Hughes. Read the rest of this entry »
Fullerton California Campaign Central I report, you decide. By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Who's who in Fullerton politics on October 6, 2014
Fullerton California Campaign Central
I report, you decide. By Barry Levinson
League of Women Voters Fullerton Candidate Forum, Thursday October 2.
Attendees: G. Sebourn, D. Chaffee, B. Chaffee, J. Rands, S. Paden, R. Alvarez and
L. Bennett
I rated the candidates by using both my knowledge of the issues and the candidates.
I considered whether they answered the question fully and directly; whether they
answered honestly, and how well they presented their points.
This is my rating order.
Greg Sebourn
Jane Rands
Sean Paden
Bill Chaffee
Larry Bennett
Doug Chaffee, Rick Alvarez tied for last
Greg Sebourn answered the questions directly. Both his content and his delivery
were good. I believed he gave each question some real thought before he gave his
answers. In other words, his answers did not seem rehearsed or pre-planned. That
is a good thing. We want our leaders to thoughtfully answer questions and not give
rote answers.
Grade: A-
Jane Rands also answered the questions directly. I thought it was her best
performance to date. I did disagree with a few of her comments but overall thought
she did a good job with the issues and her presentation as well.
Grade: B+
Sean Paden also answered the questions directly. His content was good but his
delivery was bad. He discussed the pension problem, which was the highlight of his
presentation. However, on one question he forgot to turn on his microphone so we
missed his first few sentences of his answer. Overall he was hard to follow because
he spoke to fast and did not speak loud enough.
Grade: C+
B. Chaffee did his best and answered all questions honestly. He is a nice man but not
qualified enough to be a good council member in my opinion.
Grade: D+
The last three candidates were very disappointing to me.
L. Bennett is a smooth talker and tries to sell himself as a real conservative who
will be a good steward of our finances. Yet he was the campaign manager for the
NO on Recall Campaign in 2012 and a staunch supporter of McKinley, Bankhead
and Jones who helped get us into this financial mess. Two of them (Bankhead and
Jones) voted for the huge police and fire pension spike back in 2002 and McKinley
got a huge bump in his pension thanks to that vote which was retroactive for all
active safely employees. That pension spike allows safety employees to retire with
90% of their last year’s pay after 30 years of service as early as 50 years of age.
McKinley hired some bad cops in my opinion that have already cost the taxpayers
approximately 2 million dollars and going higher.
Bennett kept his comments very vague. For example, he mentions the need for
pension and retire health care reform but is totally silent on how he intends to
accomplish this goal. He also does not tell us what pension reform will look like. He
also repeatedly in his campaign has mentioned that he is a consensus builder. I have
a real problem with that claim. As stated above, it was Larry Bennett who was the
campaign chairman for the No on Recall in 2012. This was a very contentious and
divisive issue, regardless of what side you were on. It was certainly not a consensus
building process.
Grade: D-
R. Alvarez gets a failing grade for two reasons. First for making at least one huge
misleading statement and two for failing either in this forum or on his campaign
website to even mention the biggest financial problem facing Fullerton taxpayers,
which is the $182,000,000 unfunded pension liability and the unfunded retiree
health insurance liability. His misleading statement concerned his position on
the Downtown Core and Corridor Project (DCCSP). He stated that he has “serious
concerns” about the DCCSP. Ladies and Gentlemen, R. Alvarez voted to approve the
DCCSP as a member of the Planning Commission just a few short months ago despite
his “serious concerns”. Enough said on that issue.
Grade: F
D. Chaffee also gets a failing grade for misinforming the public. He stated in his
closing arguments, which ladies and gentlemen are prepared remarks the following:
He said he is “supported by the Orange County League of Woman Voters”. The
moderator had to remind the audience at the end of the forum that the League is
opinion he had a hard time coming up with the answer to why he deserves to get
reelected. Looking forward to participating in Love Fullerton Day next May did not
strike me as a really good reason to vote for or reelect any candidate.
Grade: F
Why the FJUHSD crosses the line and why The Voters Within The Fullerton Joint Union High School District Should Vote “No” On Measure I
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Fullerton politics, Hidden in plain view, Who's who in Fullerton politics on October 4, 2014
Why The Voters Within The Fullerton Joint Union
High School District Should Vote “No” On Measure I,
a $175,000,000 Bond Issue.
Throughout this year I received three color brochures from the Fullerton Joint Union High School District (FJUHSD).
Each brochure mentioned that they are considering a new bond issue. Finally on
August 5th, the school board voted to place this $175,000,000 25-year
bond on the November 4, 2014 ballot. The added cost to the taxpayer
will be $19 per $100,000 of assessed property value. If your home is
assessed for $500,000, your added tax burden will be $95 per year for
25 years. Taxpayers must remember that the $175,000,000 price tag is
the principal value of the bond. We the taxpayers are on the hook for all
the interest as well, which easily doubles the total cost.
It was irresponsible that the board waited until the very last minute to
make its’ decision to place this bond before the voters. Taxpayers will
be saddled with this increase in property taxes for decades, while the
voters have only three short months to consider this huge bond issue.
What the district will not voluntarily mention is that we the taxpayers
will still be paying off the last FJUHSD bond approved in 2002 for
another 13 years.
Marilyn Buchi |
Andy Montoya |
Robert N. Hathaway |
Barbara Kilponen |
Robert Singer Ph.D. |
The bond will be repaid over a 25-year period. However, the list of
things that the school district wants to use the bond money for are both
long-term and short-term projects. Finance 101 states that it is bad
economic policy to finance short-term projects with long-term money.
For example, a prudent person would not take out a 25-year loan to
finance the purchase of a new computer with a useful life of only 3 or 4
A responsible board would have proposed this bond issue at least 3-6
months earlier in the year. It seems the board purposely waited until
the very last moment to spring this very large bond issue on the public.
A school board more concerned with transparency and openness would not have waited so long.
They still have not provided the public with
the details we will need to make an informed decision. According to one
current board member, the board members themselves have not been
given a specific accounting on how the money will be divided by school
and by project. Good governance requires better, and we the people
demand better from every member of this board and from our
Under Superintendent’s Bond Resolution Remarks – August 2014,
Superintendent Giokaris states the following, in part:
“Bond financed projects will address facilities needs for repairs,
upgrades, and improvements in the following areas if approved by the
voters.” He goes on to state: “During the economic crisis that began in
2008/2009 and still continues, the District’s operating budget was
reduced by $14 million each year. While we have managed with 11%
fewer dollars to improve our programs and student achievement, there
is no money left to address facilities needs.”
The Superintendent is inferring that much of that $14 million yearly
reduction in the FJUHSD operating budget was taken from facilities,
including the repairs and maintenance the district now wants to
complete with part of the bond proceeds. If I do a little old fashioned
math, you will see that as much as $84 million ($14 million x 6 years)
has been diverted away from facility repair and maintenance. Now the
district wants the taxpayers to bail them out and to help cover up their
poor financial management for the last six years. I say to voters within
the FJUHSD, that we should not reward the district for their poor
decisions. Let the district acknowledge that they made poor choices in
the past and that going forward they will now live within their means.
Please note that the FJUHSD has one of the highest average payrolls of
any school district in Orange County.
There are 13 Bond Money Project Areas that are identified in the
Sample Ballot and Voter Information Pamphlet. For example one project
category is Competitive Athletic Facilities and Physical Education, which
includes to “Renovate/modernize/expand/upgrade existing facilities
district-wide”. Under Gymnasiums it includes painting. Under Sports
fields/tracks it includes all weather tracks, new and/or artificial turf.
Under Baseball/softball fields it includes field/infield renovation, newgrass and/or artificial turf.
None of the items that I have just mentioned
will last 25 years or more. Clearly repairs should have been done on a
regularly scheduled basis as part of a well thought out maintenance
plan. But your tax dollars to repay the new bond issue will be spent on
repairs and maintenance as well as long-term improvements. Why is this
important to bring up to the reader? The simple answer is that while
some of these repairs and maintenance projects will only last 5 or 10
years, we the taxpayer will be paying for it for 25 years. Does that mean
the board will come back again in another 10 years or so to ask for more
tax money to repair these items once again? Why has the district failed
to set aside the proper amount of annual funds to take care of the usual
repair and maintenance items that are very predictable?
The Superintendent states as I mentioned previously that there was a $14
million reduction in the district’s operating budget for the last 6 plus
years. Why hasn’t the district made the proper adjustments to take care
of these repair and maintenance needs of the district during that
time frame? The taxpayers deserve answers to these questions
While the school board is blindly following the new and unproven
Common Core requirements from state bureaucrats with virtually no
parental involvement or consent, the board at the same time wants a
boatload more of our hard-earned tax dollars.
I ask of you, as taxpayers, citizens and parents:
Does it sound fair that the same school board who is marching in
stride with state-wide bureaucrats to take away our local control of
our schools is asking us to give them hundreds of millions more of
our hard-earned tax dollars?
Does the fact that they either do not have or have not shared with the
public any detailed accounting of how the money will be spent by
school or by project seem open and transparent?
Does it make good fiscal sense that they have listed many projects
whose useful life will be long gone a decade or two before we finally
pay for the bond itself?
Does it make any sense that we the taxpayers should bail out the
district for their poor financial management of the school budgets for
the last six years?
The only logical answer to these questions is “No”.
Vote “No” on Measure I, the $175,000,000 FJUHSD bond issue.
From: George Giokaris <>;
Subject: RE: Campaigning on School Property
Sent: Tue, Oct 7, 2014 12:08:56 AM
Dear Mr.I did not invite Mayor Chaffee to the meeting and I did not ask him to advocate support for the bond. I know that to do so is a violation of District and legal guidelines. Neither Mayor Chaffee or I knew that each other would be at the meeting, and neither of us knew what the other person was planning to say at the meeting. Thank you for writing me and asking for a clarification.Attached is the factual information that I passed out and discussed, which is also posted on the District’s Website. District legal counsel has advised that the attached information is factual and neutral.If PTA members are using school facilities and equipment for phone banking, they are doing so in violation of District and legal guidelines. Phone banking is taking place at private businesses in Brea, Fullerton and La Habra. If you have any information that phone banking is taking place at District schools, please let me know immediately so it can be stopped.Again, thank you for contacting me.Respectfully,George GiokarisC: Board of Trustees
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 1:43 PM
To: George Giokaris
Subject: Campaigning on School PropertyDr. Giokaris,I heard something quite disturbing today and wanted to get your side of the story. What I heard would demonstrate a massive lapse in judgement which I just cannot fathom coming from you. I heard that you had Doug Chaffee advocating support for the bond on the Troy High School campus today and that you have PTA members using school facilities and equipment for phone banking and campaign organizing. Please let me know if any of this is true.Sincerely,
“Hello Indians!
I hope everyone has had a great start to their year and have settled in nicely to all that the Tribe has to offer. Attached to this email are some documents to help you understand Measure I that you will see on your ballot on November 4th. Please take a moment to look over the general information and the more specific information to FUHS. While not all the work needed at the school will get done if this measure is passed, a lot will be. This means that no matter the project, every student will benefit from the scope of work that is completed under this measure. Thank you for all you do for the school, your students and as always, Go Tribe!
Rani Goyal
By my reading of page 2 of this fact sheet from the California School Boards Association, even CSBA interprets using the email list as crossing the line, and CSBA is probably one of the friendliest groups to the idea of school districts sending out school bond literature.
On page 1, CSBA notes there are three categories of activities designated by the State Supreme Court regarding public resources on election issues:
- Permissible informational activities
- Impermissible campaign activities
- Unclear activities which require further analysis based on the “style, tenor and timing” of the activity
Even if we generously interpret this document as falling in the “unclear activities” category (if we accept for the sake of argument that the email/attachment never expressly advocates). However, using the email list just two weeks before the election certainly causes “style, tenor and timing” problems.
A more reasonable interpretation that it’s impermissible campaign activities. That entire “The Why” section and possibly the last bullet of “District’s Facilities Needs” are express advocacy by my reading.
Under Education Code Section 7054, it appears either the FPPC or the DA could bring an enforcement issue against the district for this.
Fullerton’s downtown skid row: Dan Hughes and Joe Felz failing Fullerton and thier Fascist solution asking for the beginning of the end of the first and fourth amendments.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Hidden in plain view, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on September 22, 2014
Want to catch just one more look into her eyes after dinner? Why go anywhere else? Why wait for the Vegas bullet train to roll into town? Downtown’s got it all north of the tracks after dark ladies and gentlemen. What is your forte, aggressive pan handling, street circuses, drugs for sale, pot smoking with the pungent odor of skunk bud? Maybe you have a taste for the underage with fake ID’s. How about the scantily clad? Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism on September 5, 2014
I Report You Decide. By Barry Levinson
I Report You Decide.
A friend of mine recently made a very profound comment to me.
He said you could tell how corrupt a city is by the condition of
the infrastructure. Well if that is a correct statement ladies and
gentlemen, Fullerton ranks way up there on the corruption meter. Our
roads, our sewers and water lines are in terrible shape.
Several months ago, Republican former State Assemblyman Chris
Norby was taken into custody after the FPD came to his house as
a result of a domestic dispute. A typical he said, she said, but they
arrested only Mr. Norby anyway. Later they had to drop all charges
because there was insufficient evidence.
In my opinion, why would the FPD want to arrest someone with no
real evidence of any crime being committed? I leave it to all of you to
answer that simple question.
Well yours truly has certainly ruffled enough feathers in this town,
with my speaking out for justice for Kelly Thomas and real reform
of the FPD. I have recently been very vocal about the Downtown
Core and Corridor Project proposal calling it both a huge attempted
power grab by our City Manager, Joe Felz and a move that would
be extremely undemocratic. I have consistently reported that the
percentage of the Operating Fund Budget has to be reduced from the
approximately 80% level for salaries and benefits if this city is going
to make real strides in improving our infrastructure.
No ladies and gentlemen, as George Orwell stated many years ago
and it applies even more today, “In a time of universal deceit – telling
the truth is a revolutionary act.”
I have consistently spoken the truth and will continue to do so.
Dishonest people have and will resort to the use of personal attacks,
when the facts are not on their side. The only difference is that now
all of you know another one of their dirty little secrets.
Fullerton California Campaign Central-I report you decide-By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics on August 30, 2014
Fullerton California Campaign Central
As a prelude to my upcoming comments on the literature put out by each of the candidates, I decided to check their websites.
All but Bill Chaffee have listed websites for their campaigns.
I will be reporting on the content of their websites in the weeks to
come. Here are their links to their websites as follows:
For now I want you to know that 5 of the 6 websites are up and running.
We noted that currently Sean Paden’s website is not yet available.
We will let you know when or if that status changes for Paden.
Barry Levinson
The strange dichotomy of Dan Hughes
To most Fullerton residents, the names Dan Hughes and Barry Levinson ring a bell. Dan Hughes is our current police chief who some say is simply Pat Mckinley with a smile. Others revere him as the much needed solution to the problems plaguing The FPD.
Barry Levinson, is a Fullerton resident who is a rare breed indeed. He is a civic minded individual who has the guts to tell it like it is and repeatedly ask the hard questions that most political slimeskins in this town wouldn’t dare to touch with a ten foot pole. Personally, the most perplexing questions that I still have, directly relate to Dan Hugh’s comments about the 33 minute and 33 seconds of video where Kelly Thomas was left for dead in the gutter after he was brutally beaten by officers of The FPD. Last night the issue was revisited with no exception.
In my opinion Fullerton is not healed from anything. No, the cancer is now in stage IV and the treatment plan costs are going to run into orbit from the Kelly Thomas murder, the fallout from the sham trial and the precarious termination of the officers.
The current Flory, Chaffee and Fitzgerald council members, in my opinion, still have their little happy parties and fluff gimmicks while holding the resident taxpayers in derision with their voting records. Meanwhile, Bruce and Greg struggle to keep the ship steered in the right direction in rough seas. Who will rise to the occasion in November? Will Barry? Perhaps yours truly?
At this point it is anyone’s guess. One thing is certain and that is Fullerton needs leaders and not lapdogs. Maybe whoever decides to throw their hat into the ring could use a refresher course on what courage really is and how to ask the hard questions. Weak, spineless, slimy politicians are what got us where we are. I say the hell with them and who needs them? Unless we can muster some real contenders coupled with some real civilian police oversight, we might as well leave the vampires in charge of the blood bank, lock our doors and stay home in November. I personally could care less about a few bucks added to my water bill every two months or a stinkin’ pothole if I still have to worry about getting beaten to death for not playing doctor with some deranged cop or framed like an picture at an Aaron Brother’s 1/2 cent sale.
Here is the clip
Go to 28:20 and see for yourself. Here is what he has written and with his permission the following is published:
By Barry Levinson | It is important to remind our city officials, the press and our community that our “new” police chief was our “old” captain who was the direct supervisor of officers Ramos, Cincinelli, Wolfe, Hampton, Craig and Blatney.
Anyone who is familiar with police work knows that the real training of officers comes not from the training officer but from their direct superior, on a day-in and day-out basis. That would have been then-Captain Dan Hughes. Therefore, I am disappointed that Chief Hughes has never expressed his regret that he obviously failed to train those 6 men adequately.
I have given Dan Hughes’ comments about his viewing the video over 400 times much thought and analysis. First, the video was 33 minutes and 33 seconds in length. It would have taken him over 222 hours to view that video 400 times. Should we believe that he spent five-and-a-half-plus 40-hour weeks reviewing the video while on duty, or even at home?
What about the actual comments he made concerning the contents of the video itself. His contention was that those police officers acted properly as seen on the video.
There are only two possible explanations for his comments.
The first reason is that he really believes that those six officers under his direct command were doing their jobs as he trained them or,
Second, he believed that the video would never be released to the public and so he felt safe siding with his men.
The first possibility shows that he is as guilty as any of those officers for not knowing the proper boundaries for police behavior. That is downright frightening.
The other possibility shows his willingness to mislead the public for his own benefit. This is not behavior that inspires confidence and trust.
But yet he terminated officers Ramos, Cincinelli and Wolfe presumably based on their actions that very night. What is the public to believe? The Acting Chief Hughes’s statements that after viewing that video over 400 times taking over 222 hours to complete, that he saw nothing wrong? Or the other Chief Hughes who terminated those three officers for their conduct that very night. Which Dan Hughes are we to believe?
Finally, when will the press, the public and every one of our council members, demand that he explain those glaring contradictions?
Barry Levinson
Great questions Barry. Let’s see if we ever get our answers.
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