Archive for category Are they turning their backs on the children?



July 21, 2022

Back to School Immunizations

The new school year is just around the corner and now is the time to get pediatric patients caught up on vaccinations! During the pandemic, many children missed routine checkups and immunizations. Children need to catch-up to meet school immunization requirements and to stay protected against vaccine-preventable diseases such as whooping cough and measles.

Please offer your patients 6 months and older the COVID-19 vaccine (or refer them for vaccination) if they haven’t already been vaccinated. Check out 6 Things to Know about COVID-19 Vaccination for Children!

Strategies to Consider:

  1. Use the immunization registry and your EHR to identify children who missed well-child visits and/or recommended vaccinations.
  2. Reach out to schedule in-person appointments using a Robocall Script or Letter.
  3. Plan back-to-school immunization catch-up clinics at convenient times for working parents, including weekends.
  4. Administer needed vaccines at all visits, not just well-child checks.
  5. Use effective communication techniques. Talk openly with parents about vaccine safety and concerns. Educational materials should supplement, not replace, conversations. Personal accounts are persuasive and memorable; share the reasons why you support vaccines!

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The Purpose Of Education #JoeImbriano


The second wave-the planned 60GHz millimeter wave attack in schools






This is the most significant and important lawsuit of the 21st century-Google, Facebook, Neuralink Sued for Weaponized AI Tech Transfer, Complicity to Genocide in China and Endangering Humanity with Misuse of AI
Lawsuit of The Century
Google, Deepmind, Alphabet, Facebook, Tesla, Nearalink, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sandar Pichai, PR Newswire and John Does

This is the most significant and important lawsuit of the 21st century, and it impacts the entire world. CEO’s and Founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Sandar Pichai are also named as defendants along with their companies.



Endangering Humanity with the misuse of Artificial Intelligence, Complicity and Aiding in Physical Genocide inside of China by transferring AI Technology, Engaging in Cultural Genocide of Humanity, & Controlling and programming the Human Race by Social Engineering via AI coding and AI algorithmic biometric manipulation

This is phase 1 of first lawsuit. We are open for support at a global level. We have a network of thousands around the world and tens of thousands in China, who are witnesses and have been harmed in China from the defendants technology and data transfer.The following are Federal Case Compliant Summary Facts Extracted from the official document filed in San Diego, California. To find out details of financial, personal and corrective behavioral demands, you may access the case in the federal court data base.

1. Endangering and Threatening all of the world’s citizens, and humanity by misusing and weaponizing Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Robotics, 5G, Machines, Smart Phones, Smart Homes, Smart Cities, IoT’s, Holograms, Mixed Reality, Nano-Technology, Cloning, Gen-Editing, Cybernetics, Bio-Engineering, and the creation of a digital AI Brain linked to Google’s Search engine with the use and extraction of humanities bio-Metrics data, digital bio-metric codes including facial, voice, health, organ, neural network and body recognition technology. Thus, controlling humanities thoughts, actions, biology, bio-metrics, brain neural pathways, the human bodies neural networks that reprograms all human beings through social engineering and bio-digital social programming, without their consent, knowledge, understanding, or free will.  Extracting humanities digital footprints in breach of the Nuremberg Laws, FTC Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 4158 and Engaging in irresponsible and unsafe Research and development of Artificial General Intelligence or Artificial Super Intelligence that could enslave or kill off humanity or give the power to the defendants to enslave humanity in numerous ways on the 5G and other developing networks.

2. Negligence and Complicity in Persecution and Genocide of millions in China, per Article’s 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Genocide Convention, and 18 U.S.C.A. § 1091§ 1091. Genocide, not limited to Democracy Activits, Falun Dafa Practitioners, Christians, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Journalists, Judges, Lawyers, and Academics inside of China.

3. Transferring and Providing to China, China’s Government and its Companies, knowledge, data, capabilities and technology to weaponize Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Machines, Robotics, 5G, Bio-Metrics, Cybernetics, Bio-Engineering, IoT’s, Computer Vision, and Human Tracking Technology, and technology that can give China access to Artificial General Intelligence or Artificial Super Intelligence, that endangers the world, and all of humanity, including AI weaponry for assassination.  In violation of Breach of  Arms Control and Disarmament Act [22 U.S.C. 2551 and Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended [22 U.S.C. 2151, 22 U.S. Code § 2752.Coordination with foreign policy, 22 U.S. Code § 2753. Eligibility for defense services or defense articles, 22 U.S. Code § 2754. Purposes for which military sales or leases by the United States are authorized; report to Congress, Arms Control and Disarmament Act of 1961, 22 U.S.C. § 2551, Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2011-2021, 2022-2286i, 2296a-2297h-13,

4. Providing to China and Chinese Companies, AI, Health Data and Bio-Metric Technology used for surveillance, tracking, hunting, quarantine, capture, arrest, torture, concentration camps, organ harvesting, and organ trafficking that contributed to the death of Chinese Citizens, including Falun Dafa Practitioners, Uyghurs, Democracy activists, Christians, Tibetans, judicial representatives, professors, journalists, and minority groups, not limited to any gender, race, political affiliation, faith, or persons residing in China.  Same violation of fact numbers 2 and 3.

5. Providing to China’s government, their corporations and nefarious entities, Facial Recognition, Voice Recognition, Body Detection, Skeleton Detection, Vital Organ Recognition, Emotion detection, Skin and Health Biometric and other AI technology that led to persecution, torture, organ harvesting, death and cremation of human beings in China, not limited to Uighur, Falun Dafa, Christian, Tibetan, Democracy activists, judges, attorneys, common citizens and other minority groups. Endangering the world by Weaponizing China’s AI Capabilities that is be laid on the (BRI) One Belt One Road linking Asia, Middle East, Africa and Europe, endangering all of humanity. Same violations of facts number 1, 2 and 3.

6. Misrepresenting to the world and deceiving the U.S on Google’s activities in China and their technology transfers that contributed to China’s Quantum AI advancements, surveillance, abuse, torture, concentration camps and murder of its own citizens. Same violations of facts number 1, 2 and 3.

7. Providing health, bio-metric, financial and social network data of Americans, and the world citizenry that is in the hands of the Chinese government, endangering the world and all its peoples on the 5G network.

8. Creating an interconnected platform between Facebook, Google, Alphabet, all entities under Neuralink, and DeepMind that allows for a digital brain to connect to the internet, all digital and bio-digital networks, human bodies, machines, robotics, IoT’s, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Holograms and other technologies, that can be used for surveillance, to track, manipulate, control, social engineer, re-engineer, reprogram, brain wash,  hunt, quarantine, threaten, arrest, commit cultural genocide, and kill human beings by machines, Bio-Digital AI, Digital AI, and robotics connected to the 5G, 6G and other networks and corporate command centers

9. Creating platforms that is on the verge of developing Artificial General Intelligence and the Subsequent Super Intelligence that will be beyond the control of the human beings working at Neuralink, Alphabet, DeepMind, Google, Facebook or governments.

10. In violation of Article 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Genocide Convention for weaponizing China’s Artificial Intelligence, Facial, Voice and Other Bio-Metric technology that were used on Chinese citizens.  Not to exclude genetic experimentation of human beings in Chinese concentration camps, including hybrid human experiments within the concentration camps.

11. Introducing, planning, promoting and engaging in physical and cultural genocide to humanity by replacing their neural network operating systems with Artificial Intelligence and Machines, merging humans with machines with the interconnection of the internet, internal tech experimentation’s of defendants and consumer products promoted, provided and transferred by the defendants to the public directly and indirectly.

12. Reprogramming and social engineering humanities thoughts and brain chemistry via AI algorithms in the internet, social media, apps, smart phones, IoT’s, computers, wearable devices, implanted technology, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, holograms, and alternate reality. Not informing and explaining to humanity that their brain chemistry is altered by a replicating software as they engage with the defendants products and services, nor that their thoughts and actions can be manipulated and controlled by smart phones, apps and IoT in connection with the network platforms, technologies and initiatives Google, Alphabet, Facebook, Neuralink, DeepMind, and Tesla are providing and introducing to the public, in turn giving these tech giants complete control and influence over Americans, and humanity.

13. Weaponizing AI by Utilizing humanities bio-metric and social media data and misusing the technology by Controlling the Human Race and its thoughts through Social Engineering and bio-digital social programming by using people’s bio-metric systems through Google and Facebooks eco systems, coding, algorithm unfairness, with the use of social media data, their emotions, weaponization of the internet, smart phones, IoT’s and computers, thus controlling human thoughts, and humanity at a global scale against their free-will and knowledge.  Not informing the public that their dependency on smart phones, is due to frequencies and Artificial Intelligence software emitting from the AI systems and devices that is connecting to the neural networks of humans, creating a symbiotic process, making them a cyborg, dependent, reliant, controlled and programmed by the products and services provided by Google, Facebook, Alphabet, Deep Mind, Tesla, and Neuralink.  In essence, putting the entire human race in a state of pet and owner relationship, via their bio-metrics, biology, and digital selves neural network operating systems. The Owner being the Artificial Narrow Intelligence, other AI forms, provided by the defendant’s companies, organizations and personal initiatives within their companies and Machine Software’s operating inside the bio-metric systems of human beings.

 14. Negligence in Algorithm Fairness that allows hate speech, misinformation and slander to cast doubt on google search engines against people’s efforts to notify and inform the world’s people that millions have been subject to Organ Trafficking, Organ Harvesting, Concentration Camps, Torture, and Abuse and that the risks of Artificial Intelligence is multi-faceted and enormous.

15. Writing Code and Creating Algorithms that has been and is currently engaging in cultural genocide including introduction of cybernetics, robotics, and creating an ecosystem that allows for Beastiality to exist and be forefront on Google’s search engines, affecting societies, and youth’s bio-metrics system after viewing the videos and articles via their smart phones and computers, influencing their thoughts through their bio-metric systems, paving the next generation to degenerate and accept this type of behavior with the introduction and experimentation of bio-engineering and cybernetics.

16. Research and Development conducted by Alphabet, Facebook, Google, DeepMind, Nueralink and other ventures in Silicon Valley have created algorithms and coding that supports, promotes  and achieves brain washing of humanity through social engineering and bio-digital social programming, that endangers the human race in its entirety via the interconnection of their platforms, social media, and technology distributed in physical and digital format to society.

17. Writing Code and Having Algorithms that influenced liberals and conservatives to exponentially increase their hate for each other via their bio-metric systems and emotions while attached to smart phones, IoT’s, apps, digital media, Google, Facebook and other interconnected platforms. Causing harm to the nation and the world, and endangering humanity at the geo-political level with nation state leaders undergoing social engineering and bio-digital social programming and control by their platforms to ignore human rights atrocities in China and around the world stemming from the defendant’s algorithm misuse and AI technologies. Implicating world leaders and their citizens to be charged under article 2, 3 and 4 of the genocide conventions. This includes Canadian Prime Minister, the Majority of European Leaders, and the leadership at the United Nation, the media, press, their reporters, and others who have and are still censoring awareness for human rights violations in China or working against it. Writing code and algorithms that controls reporters, media and the press’s thoughts and actions beyond the normal manipulation they receive from special interest groups, producers, or friends who may manipulate them, other reporters and their covered content, thus Weaponizing the media for Google’s development against the media’s free will and knowledge.

18. Negligence on Google and Facebooks Algorithm unfairness caused liberals and conservatives to conflict and fight each other beyond the reasonable norm, affecting their thoughts and emotions via their bio-metric systems being controlled and enhanced by Artificial Narrow Intelligence systems inside the smart phones and the apps partially formed by bias and hateful content that created division and undue hate among Americans and the people of the world.

19. Division caused by misuse and negligence of Algorithms in Facebook and Google, hindered and delayed the U.S administrations efforts to pressure China in time to save more people from concentration camps, death and cremation, in addition to national security concerns that impacts Americans and the world citizenry. This is not limited to the Trump Administration, rather it affected the Obama, and Bush administrations as well. Google hurt America and China for 2 decades at a geo-political level. Google is guilty of Article 2, 3 and 4 of the genocide convention, in addition to complicity.

20. Masking posts and articles by The AI Organization, meant to bring awareness to human rights atrocities in China, on Facebooks Platform. Masking Content created by Cyrus A. Parsa meant to save people form dangers pertaining to human rights violations interlinked with Artificial Intelligence. Banning the book “AI, Trump, China & The Weaponization of Robotics with 5G” for advertisement and masking posts of people working on behalf of The AI Organization. Masking posts of “Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity” book, on Facebooks platforms, and masking other posts from The AI Organization written by Cyrus A. Parsa. These posts related to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Iran, big tech, Google, 5G, Robotics, Drones, and Bio-Metrics threats to and Enslavement of Humanity.  Releasing the Masks recently after coming under pressure and scrutiny. Hiring Chinese who committed espionage and attacked American companies, including The AI Organization and Cyrus A. Parsa, as well as his associates and victims of persecution.

21. Writing Code and Sustaining Algorithms that propagate an extreme amount of pornography, violent pornography, and insinuation of rape and prostitution, that denigrates females, young girls, altering humanities thoughts and family based concepts of traditional health based ethics via their bio-metric systems, hence, contributing to rape, sex and human trafficking and broken families.

22. Developing Code, Algorithms and Ecosystems that re-programed a generation of people’s bio-metric structure, and brain chemistry to be bio-digitally controlled by Google and every other tech industry with similar platforms that operate on varying types of Artificial Intelligence, including Artificial Narrow Intelligence.

23. Developing Code, Algorithm’s and Ecosystems that created a secondary digital brain inside the brains of AI Scientists to be subservient, controlled and programmed to create, sustain, promote, and grow Google, Alphabets, Facebooks, and other tech giants’ platforms. Elon Musk has also confirmed The AI Organization’s findings, that humans can have a secondary digital brain formed via their neural networks.

 24. Developing Code, Algorithms and Ecosystems that creates a secondary digital brain inside the brains of all human beings that can prevent the person from recognizing that they are being controlled, and bypassing any biological resistance to AI Control or human bodies innate capability to resist the formation of a symbiotic and parasitical relationships with AI software and cybernetic hardware via their rational thinking structure in their brain.

25. Not informing consumers that part of the defendants goals for AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and ASP (Artificial Super Intelligence) has religious goals that can be dangerous to all of humanity, including attempts to retrieve or ask AGI about the inner working of the “simulation”, what, when, how and by whom the simulation was formed, and what is outside it. Neuralink, Google, Alphabet, Facebook, Tesla, and DeepMind have not registered as a religious institution, yet they are engaging in religion under the umbrella of science. In fact, they have turned their companies, into religious institutions with final aim goals identical to most religions.  The defendant and their companies are attempting to treat their Technological developments as God, taking all of humanities bio-metrics, data, and connecting it to their quantum, robotic and machine-based AI technology, and upload their digital selves into other bodies, networks or machines, mimicking the beliefs of a spirit or soul. In Fact, Elon Musk stated in an interview, that he wants to develop AI to a point, that it could “give him the answers to the simulation”. Elon Musk is agreeable to the risks that an AGI or Artificial Super Intelligence can go rogue, kill off humanity, or be hacked, yet as smart as he is, he doesn’t understand that the computing technology the AGI and ASI would have, would not go beyond the level of Atoms to observe more microscopic particles at its plane, hence, any answers to his sought questions to simulation is limited, and the endeavor of an AGI or ASI is putting humankind at risk. There is an alternative way to achieve his answers, that is 100%. safe and does not involve giving the power to a machine or Artificial Intelligence.

26. Defendants have created AI systems that can take in humanities facial, voice and other bio-metric information and decode whether they are resistant to AI, subject to its control, atheist or have a faith. This technology can enable AI, or any entity using AI to track, profile, hunt and kill targets it deems resistant to its control or resistant to AI. This can be done with drones, machines, robotics, or poison delivery systems such as Micro-Botic terrorism.

All Charges from 1-26 have led to physical genocide in China spearheaded by the Chinese Communist Government, and all charges from 1-16 are in breach and violations of penal codes stated in facts 1, 2 and 3. All Charges have and are leading to Cultural Genocide in America and around the World, endangering all of humanity to enter a stage of cultural and physical genocide with the interconnection of Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Robotics, Machines, Drones, Smart Cities, as it pertain to negligence and misuse by the main platforms  and companies of Google, Facebook, Alphabet, DeepMind, Neuralink, John Does, and their leadership. This does not exclude other players such as Amazon and Microsoft from guilt, and the very many Chinese companies who were trained by these Western companies.

Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization

Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization, Google, Facebook, Nueralink Lawsuit

To Learn more about the Dangers from China and Big Tech AI, Read “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Dangers to Humanity





It is no secret that organized religion is where you will find some of the worst corruption and evildoing anywhere next to the government.

Where does all the money go that these Calvary Chapel places suck in? Ask them and they will never tell you. Since when does a church turn its back on children?

Raul Reis

Well Raul Reis of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs and Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino hills have done just that. Add their names to the list of the ones turning their backs on the children. No Christian in a position of leadership would behave in this manner unless they are not who they claim to be.


Do the actions of these men ACTIVELY SUPRESSING VITAL INFORMATION that was presented at Calvary Chapel expose them as cowards and enemies of the truth?

How come these holy rollers like Raul Reis and Jack Hibbs REFUSE to stand up for EVERYONE’S children that are in harm’s way, as Raul Reis terminates a long time ministry for hosting a truth telling event, and play dirty pool with one of the sweetest people I have ever known who ran the ministry?

Dale Goddard under the direction of Raul Reis terminated the long running  Salt and Light Ministry over the presentation at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs  in the video below. They also got You Tube to ban it as well.

Calvary Chapel has some serious questions to answer especially what in the world they do with all of the hundreds of millions of dollars they have sucked into their gigantic vaccuum cleaner and why they are so afraid of the truth.

Raul Reis needs to grow a spine and open his eyes instead of being wheeled on and off the stage like some circus clown after they take everyone’s money.















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Ferritin and iron levels in children with autistic disorder

Carbonyl Iron Powder (CIP) Radar and microwave absorbing materials





autism-emf (1)



I had originally posted this on 3-27-13 but decided to pull it. However, I feel now is the time for this side of the story to be told.  I have added some revisions to bring it up to date with respect to recent developments in our quest to end what I believe to be the largest forced irradiation of children  by a trillion dollar industry that the world has ever seen, AND HOW AND WHY IT NEEDS TO COME TO AN END.

What originally began as a quest to get the WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY DEPLOYMENT AND WIRELESS SYSTEMS out of my children’s Fullerton School District classrooms has led to a miraculous hope Read the rest of this entry »



Section 13 of the vaccine inserts state that the vaccines have NOT been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, or impairment of fertility and yet you inject your children.  


Yvette Isais is a single mom and full-time pre-med student that just recieved her BA in “The art of education in science and enviromental health”, at the Johnston college at the University of Redlands.

She will be continuing school to become a naturopathic doctor.

Her studies in neurotoxins started three years ago which brought her to the additives within childhood vaccines. She found out the same neurotoxins she was studying were the same neurotoxins in vaccines.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Will a $666.66 price tag a generation later, get you right into the laps of every school age child in America?


Apple 666, Artemis, iPads (infertility pads), Project Inkwell, Connect ED, E-rate, and Agenda 21-an expose with an all star cast –




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United States Patent Application 20170281067
Kind Code A1
Hanina; Adam October 5, 2017


A system and a process are provided for evaluating subliminal pixel patterns and identifying trigger patterns, which are pixel patterns that trigger a response in subjects exposed to the pattern. Each pixel pattern is embedded in a digital video or a digital still image. Pixel patterns that are found to induce reactions in subjects are identified as trigger patterns and are flagged for re-testing. Re-tested trigger patterns that repeatably induce reactions are identified as positive trigger patterns and are studied further. Variations are made to a positive trigger pattern to determine whether small changes can affect how a subject responds when exposed to that positive trigger pattern. A positive trigger pattern is evaluated to determine whether it can induce an emotional, a physical, and/or a behavioral change in the subjects and, if so, the positive trigger pattern is applied to a real-world situation.

Inventors: Hanina; Adam(New York, NY)
Name City State Country Type

Hanina; Adam
New York NY US
Family ID: 59959381
Appl. No.: 15/475723
Filed: March 31, 2017

Related U.S. Patent Documents

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Application Number Filing Date Patent Number
62316069 Mar 31, 2016

Current U.S. Class: 1/1
Current CPC Class: A61B 3/032 20130101; A61B 5/021 20130101; A61B 5/02438 20130101; A61B 5/1114 20130101; A61B 5/165 20130101; G06Q 30/02 20130101; A61B 3/113 20130101; G06K 9/78 20130101; G06K 9/00288 20130101; G06K 9/00255 20130101; A61B 5/0476 20130101; A61B 5/0402 20130101; G06K 9/00369 20130101
International Class: A61B 5/16 20060101 A61B005/16; G06K 9/78 20060101 G06K009/78; A61B 5/055 20060101 A61B005/055; A61B 5/024 20060101 A61B005/024; A61B 5/0402 20060101 A61B005/0402; G06K 9/00 20060101 G06K009/00; A61B 5/0476 20060101 A61B005/0476


1. A method for evaluating a visual stimulus, the method comprising steps of: monitoring a plurality of viewers during a session to produce a recording of the session; displaying to the viewers, during the session, a video that includes a sequence of images containing an embedded pattern of pixels therein, the pixels of the embedded pattern being subliminal or consciously undiscernible by the viewers from other pixels in the sequence of images; correlating a change in at least one of the viewers to an occurrence of the embedded pattern during the session based on a timing of the sequence of images in the video and a timing of the change in the at least one of the viewers in the recording of the session.

2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the monitoring step includes obtaining a recording of each of the viewers individually during the session.

3. The method according to claim 1, wherein the viewers are in a common location during the session, and the monitoring step includes obtaining a recording of the viewers together during the session.

4. The method according to claim 2, wherein the displaying step includes transmitting the video to each of the viewers individually.

5. The method according to claim 4, wherein the video is transmitted to the viewers via a website accessed by the viewers.

6. The method according to claim 5, wherein the video is displayed to each of the viewers individually via any of: a personal computer, a tablet, a television monitor, and a smartphone.

7. The method according to claim 5, wherein the monitoring step includes receiving data of the viewers transmitted via a camera.

8. The method according to claim 1, wherein the correlating step identifies the embedded pattern as a trigger pattern if the change occurs in a predetermined percentage or greater of the viewers.

9. The method according to claim 8, the method further comprising steps of: repeating the monitoring step, the displaying step, and the correlating step; determining whether the change is repeatable, and, if the change is determined to be repeatable, identifying the trigger pattern as a positive trigger pattern.

10. The method according to claim 1, wherein the correlating step utilizes a facial recognition algorithm to identify a facial movement of the viewers.

11. The method according to claim 10, wherein the algorithm identifies any one or a combination of: eye movement, mouth movement, and head movement.

12. The method according to claim 1, wherein the monitoring step includes receiving feedback from the viewers during the session.

13. The method according to claim 12, wherein the feedback from the viewers is received electronically during the session.

14. The method according to claim 12, wherein the feedback from the viewers is recorded feedback, and the recorded feedback is received after the session.

15. The method according to claim 12, wherein the feedback from the viewers is any one or a combination of: a heart rate signal, a pulse rate signal, an EEG signal, an EKG signal, a MRI signal, a brain probe signal, and a signal inputted to a user input interface.

16. The method according to claim 9, the method further comprising a step of: determining whether a variation in the embedded pattern induces a change in the at least one of the viewers.

17. The method according to claim 16, wherein the variation is a modification in any one or a combination of: a color, an appearance frequency, a brightness, a size, and a tilt of the embedded pattern.

18. The method according to claim 9, the method further comprising a step of: identifying any one or a combination of: a physical trait, a behavioral trait, and an emotional trait affected by the positive trigger pattern.

19. The method according to claim 18, the method further comprising a step of: storing the positive trigger pattern in a database of positive trigger patterns, wherein the database associates each stored positive trigger pattern with a trait affected by the stored positive trigger pattern.

20. (canceled)

21. (canceled)

22. A system for evaluating a visual stimulus, comprising: a display screen arranged to display a video to at least one subject during a session, the video including a sequence of images containing an embedded pattern of pixels therein, the pixels of the embedded pattern being subliminal or consciously undiscernible by the at least one subject from other pixels in the sequence of images; a camera arranged to monitor the at least one subject during the session and to produce a recording of the at least one subject during the session; a processor programmed to control the display screen and the camera, and to receive the recording from the camera; and a memory coupled to the processor, the memory being configured to store the video and the recording, wherein the processor is programmed to coordinate operation of the display screen and the camera, such that timestamps are included in the recording that are useable to correlate a change in the at least one subject to an occurrence of the embedded pattern during the session.

23. The system according to claim 22, further comprising a plurality of cameras arranged to monitor the at least one subject during the session, and to produce recordings of the at least one subject during the session, wherein the processor is programmed to coordinate operation of the display screen and the cameras, such that timestamps are included in the recordings that are useable to correlate a change in the at least one subject to an occurrence of the embedded pattern during the session.

24. The system according to claim 23, wherein the at least one subject is a plurality of subjects, and wherein the cameras are arranged such that each of the subjects is monitored individually by at least one of the cameras during the session.

25-61. (canceled)



[0001] This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/316,069 filed on Mar. 31, 2016, the entire contents of which is incorporated herein by reference.


[0002] The present invention relates to methods and systems for identifying subliminal signals that are effective for causing a physical reaction and/or an emotional reaction in subjects exposed to the subliminal signals, for determining a type or types of behavioral changes and/or physical changes that may be brought about by exposing subjects to the subliminal signals, and for utilizing the subliminal signals to induce a desired action in subjects exposed to the subliminal signals.


[0003] Subliminal messaging or perception relates to the perception of data or information subconsciously. That is, subjects exposed to the data or information are not aware of its existence, i.e., it cannot be perceived consciously. The data or information, however, is perceived by the subjects on a subconscious level, i.e., the subjects react to the data or information but are unaware that the data or information has been registered by their brains. For example, the placement of a can of Coke.RTM. on a table in a scene of a movie would not be considered a subliminal message, because the can of Coke.RTM. is clearly visible and able to be perceived as a can of Coke.RTM. by viewers. On the other hand, if a can of Coke.RTM. is inserted only in a few frames of the movie but the can of Coke.RTM. is not perceptible, i.e., the viewers do not know that a can of Coke.RTM. has appeared during the movie, then the can of Coke.RTM. can be considered a subliminal message. The subliminal appearance of the can of Coke.RTM., however, does not necessarily produce a reaction in the viewers and, even if a reaction is produced, the reaction may not be an intended reaction.

[0004] Subliminal messaging or perception has in the past been associated with corporate manipulation of consumers, in which purchasing behavior is influenced by suggestive text or pictures inserted into movies. The suggestive text or pictures cannot be perceived consciously but purportedly were used for behavior control.

[0005] Although there has been concern regarding misuse of subliminal perception, the effectiveness of subliminal perception for mind control or behavior control has been questioned and has not been firmly established. James Vicary claimed in 1957 that by flashing short advertisements during a movie, urging viewers to eat popcorn and drink Coca-Cola.RTM., sales of these items increased by over 57% and 18%, respectively. Vicary could not reproduce his experimental findings, however, and he later retracted the original claim. More recently, a 2015 study (H. Sperdin et al., “Submillisecond unmasked subliminal visual stimuli evoke electrical brain responses,” Human Brain Mapping, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 1470-1483, April 2015) reports evidence of induced brain activity when a subject was exposed to a subliminal visual stimulus. In this study, the subject was monitored using electroencephalography (EEG) techniques while being exposed to a subliminal checkerboard pattern. It was found that the subliminal checkerboard pattern induced brain activity, and the onset of the induced brain activity occurred at a flash duration of about 250 .mu.s. It was also found that the induced brain activity for the subliminal checkerboard pattern was localized to a particular region of the brain. Although this 2015 study appears to indicate that subliminal perception can cause a physical reaction and/or a mental reaction in a subject, i.e., can induce brain activity in a subject, whether the reaction(s) can bring about a change in the behavior of the subject or a change in a physical characteristic of the subject has not been explored.


[0006] According to a first embodiment of the present invention, a system and a process are provided for evaluating subliminal pixel patterns and identifying trigger patterns, which are pixel patterns that trigger a response in subjects exposed to the pattern. Each pixel pattern is embedded in a digital video or a digital still image. Pixel patterns that are found to induce reactions in subjects are flagged for re-testing. Re-tested trigger patterns that repeatably induce reactions are identified as “positive trigger patterns” and are studied further.

[0007] According to a second embodiment of the present invention, a system and a process are provided for evaluating whether a variation in a positive trigger pattern can affect how a subject responds when exposed to that positive trigger pattern. Variations are made to the positive trigger pattern and/or to imagery in which the positive trigger pattern is embedded to determine whether the positive trigger pattern is robust enough to induce a reaction in the subjects even if it is changed and, if so, to determine how much the positive trigger pattern may be changed and still induce a reaction in the subjects. Variations in the positive trigger pattern that induce a reaction in the subjects are identified as “positive variations.”

[0008] According to a third embodiment of the present invention, a system and a process are provided for determining a type of reaction, or types of reactions, if any, induced in a subject exposed to a positive trigger pattern and its associated positive variations (collectively referred to as “positive patterns” herein). That is, subjects are exposed to the positive patterns to determine whether the induced reaction can bring about emotional, physical, and/or behavioral changes in the subjects. Positive patterns that are found to cause emotional, physical, and/or behavioral changes in the subjects are identified as “effective subliminal patterns.”

[0009] According to a fourth embodiment of the present invention, a system and a process are provided for utilizing an effective subliminal pattern to affect an emotional state, a physical state, and/or a behavioral state of viewers. Unlike the subjects in the previous embodiments, who are observed or monitored under testing conditions, the viewers in the present embodiment are exposed to the effective subliminal pattern under everyday settings or “real world” conditions.


[0010] The features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from the detailed description set forth below when considered in conjunction with the attached drawings, in which like reference numbers indicate identical or functionally similar elements, of which:

[0011] FIGS. 1A-1D schematically show examples of test patterns;

[0012] FIG. 2 schematically shows an arrangement for testing test patterns;

[0013] FIG. 3 schematically shows a system according to an embodiment of the invention; and

[0014] FIG. 4 schematically shows another system according to an embodiment of the invention.


[0015] Aspects of the present invention provide an interface for affecting cognition or neural processing. Visual stimulation is used to bypass typical neural processing. Information is presented visually to a user (or viewer), and the information triggers neural stimulation that affects cognition. One or more types of visual information may be used to cause constructive or positive cognition, in which the viewer feels an increase in a characteristic (e.g., feels an increase in happiness) after being exposed to the visual information. One or more other types of visual information may be used to cause destructive or negative cognition, in which the viewer feels a decrease in a characteristic (e.g., feels a decrease in pain) after being exposed to the visual information. In the latter example, the negative cognition counteracts traditional cognition of pain, resulting in the viewer feeling less pain. In another example, gait or movement patterns may be affected or changed by using destructive or negative cognition to counteract typical neural processing or cognition.

First Embodiment

[0016] According to a first embodiment of the present invention, a system and a process are provided for evaluating subliminal pixel patterns and identifying trigger patterns, which are pixel patterns that trigger a response in subjects exposed to digital media (e.g., a digital video, a digital still image, and the like) containing the pixel patterns.

[0017] For example, a digital video is modified so that for a series of frames of the video a test pattern of pixels is changed to a predetermined color. The pixels of the test pattern need not be contiguous with one another, nor do the pixels of the test pattern need to appear in a repeated array. The test pattern is subliminal and cannot be discerned by the subjects when viewing the video. That is, the series of frames of the video containing the test pattern cannot be consciously identified by the subjects viewing the video.

[0018] Examples of test patterns, i.e., pixel patterns that may be tested, are shown in FIGS. 1A-1D. In FIGS. 1A-1D, pattern pixels 10 are embedded in the other pixels of the video frame, and are in one or more predetermined color(s) forming a test pattern 12. For example, the pattern pixels 10 overlay or replace the original pixels at the positions of the pattern pixels 10, so that when the video is shown the pattern pixels are shown as part of the video frame. The pattern pixels 10 may be randomly distributed (e.g., FIG. 1C) or may be arranged in a repeating pattern (e.g., FIG. 1A). Of course, other pixel patterns not specifically shown also may be tested and are within the scope of the present invention.

[0019] During exposure to the video, the subjects are monitored to see whether there is a reaction that occurs when the test pattern of pixels appears. If a reaction is observed in at least one of the subjects, the test pattern is identified as positive or a trigger pattern and flagged for further studies. If no reaction is observed in any of the subjects, the test pattern is identified as negative and not studied further.

[0020] The video with a flagged test pattern (i.e., a trigger pattern) is shown to the same subjects or to new subjects to confirm whether exposure to the trigger pattern can repeatably induce a reaction in at least one of the subjects. If repeatability cannot be confirmed for a predetermined percentage of exposures to the flagged test pattern (e.g., 25% or greater, 30% or greater, 40% or greater, 50% or greater), the flagged test pattern is identified as negative and not studied further. If repeatability is found, the flagged test pattern is identified as a positive trigger pattern to be studied further, as discussed herein in connection with the second embodiment of the present invention.

[0021] The subjects may be shown or exposed to the video collectively, such as in a room where all the subjects watch the video together on a single display screen, or the subjects may watch the video individually using a personal electronic device, such as by using a computer, a tablet, a smartphone, a head-mounted display device, a Google Glass.TM. device, or the like, to stream or access the video via an Internet link. Optionally, instead of using an Internet link, the video may be stored as video data on a computer-readable storage medium and displayed on a display screen directly using a display application of the personal electronic device.

[0022] The monitoring of the subjects during exposure to the video may occur in any one or a combination of ways.

[0023] FIG. 2 schematically shows subjects 20 together in, for example, an auditorium. A display screen 22 is positioned so that the subjects 20 may all watch the video at the same time. The subjects 20 may be monitored using a video camera 24 or 26 or a group of video cameras 24 and 26 recording the subjects 20 during exposure to the video. Timestamps may be used to synchronize the occurrence of the test pattern in the video with the recording(s) of the subjects 20 shown or exposed to the video, so that the point(s) in the recording(s) of the subjects 20 at which the test pattern occurs is known. For example, if a single video camera 24 or 26 is used, the camera 24 or 26 may be arranged to capture the faces of the subjects 20. In another example, if multiple video cameras 24 and 26 are used, the cameras 24 and 26 may be arranged to capture different features of the subjects 20, such as the faces, the legs, the torsos, etc. Optionally, individual cameras 28 may be used to capture a particular feature or particular features of only one or only a few of the subjects 20, or each of the subjects 20 individually.

[0024] FIG. 3 schematically shows a system 30 for implementing the aspect of the first embodiment shown in FIG. 2. A controller 32 includes a processor (not shown) programmed to control the displaying of the video on the display screen 22 as well as communications with the video cameras 24, 26, 28. Recordings made by the video cameras 24, 26, 28 are received by the controller 32 and stored in a storage device 34. The controller 32 provides timestamps for the recordings, so that the occurrence or occurrences of the test pattern can be associated with a particular section or sections of the recordings. This enables actions by the subjects 20 while watching the video to be correlated to the occurrence(s) of the test pattern in the video. Although FIG. 3 shows a physical connection between the controller 32 and other parts of the system 30, communications between the controller 32 and the other parts of the system 30 may take place wirelessly using wireless communication techniques known in the art.

[0025] If a subject 20 watches the video on a display screen of a personal electronic device 42 separately from another subject 20, each subject 20 may be monitored using a video camera 44 connected to the Internet 100 and/or to a storage device 46, or using a webcam 44a integrated into the personal electronic device 42 and connected to the Internet 100 and/or to the storage device 46, as schematically shown in FIG. 4. For example, if the webcam 44a or the video camera 44 is connected to the Internet 100, a video image of the subject 20 may be transmitted directly to a controller 46 at an external facility for storage in a storage device 48 for later analysis. Alternatively, or in addition to directly transmitting the video image to the external facility, the video image may be stored locally by the subject 20 on the storage device 46 for later analysis.

[0026] The storage devices 34, 46 may be any memory circuitry that is able to store image data, such as a hard-drive memory (e.g., solid-state-memory drive, optical-disk drive, etc.), a removable storage medium (e.g., flash/USB memory, optical disk, floppy disk, magnetic memory, etc.), and the like.

[0027] Physical characteristics of the subjects may also be monitored by a monitoring device 58 in addition or alternative to monitoring by webcam or video camera. For example, the heartrate of a subject when watching the video to can be monitored by an electrocardiogram (EKG) machine or by a specialized wristband equipped with a heartrate sensor, the pulse rate of a subject can be measured by a specialized wristband equipped with a pulse monitor, the blood pressure of a subject can be monitored by a blood pressure monitor, and the brain activity of a subject can be monitored by neuroimaging using an EEG machine, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine, or the like. Other physical characteristics not specifically identified above may also be monitored by devices and equipment known in the art, to determine whether changes occur in those characteristics as a result of exposure to the subliminal test pattern in the video.

[0028] With respect to monitoring by a recording a subject’s face, known facial-recognition techniques may be used to detect movement in a facial feature. For example, an eye movement, a brow movement, a mouth movement, a change in pupil size, etc., may be detected using facial-recognition software. During analysis of the recording, detected facial movements that are found to occur while the test pattern is being shown, or shortly afterwards, may be used to signify reactions induced by the test pattern, and to indicate that the test pattern should be flagged for further studies.

[0029] Similarly, with respect to monitoring a physical characteristic such as the heartrate, the pulse rate, the blood pressure, the brain activity, or any other physical characteristic, an electronic datafile or recording is made of data collected while a subject is watching the video. A baseline reading is established from the recording for when the subject is watching the video without the test pattern. If a deviation or change from the baseline reading is found to occur in the recording, corresponding to when the test pattern appears in the video, then the video is flagged for further studies. That is, the coincidental timing of the deviation and the occurrence of the test pattern is taken to be an indication that the test pattern induced a reaction in the subject.

[0030] The monitoring discussed above is passive monitoring requiring no deliberate input by the subjects. Active monitoring may also be used in addition to or instead of passive monitoring. In active monitoring, the subjects are asked to activate an input device when the video causes them to have a reaction. The reaction may be specified to be a particular emotion such as happiness, sadness, anger, nervousness, anxiety, etc., a particular physical condition such as pain, tear production, change in breathing rate, etc., or the reaction may be general such as a change in how the subject feels.

[0031] For example, the subjects 20 may be provided with an input device 45, such as a touchpad, and instructed to tap on the touchpad every time they have a reaction while watching the video. If the timing of the taps occurs coincidentally with when the test pattern appears on the video, then the test pattern is flagged for further studies. Optionally, instead of a touchpad, the input device 55 may be a keyboard, a mouse, or any electronic device that the subjects 20 may use to send a signal to a processor. The processor registers the inputted signals and if the signals correspond to when the test pattern appears in the video, then the video is flagged for further studies.

[0032] Similar to the discussion above, if the monitoring devices for monitoring the physical characteristics of the subjects are connected to the Internet, monitoring data may be transmitted directly to an external facility for storage for later analysis. Alternatively, or in addition to directly transmitting the data to the external facility, the data may be stored in storage devices local to the subjects, for later analysis.

[0033] A plurality of videos with test patterns may be evaluated. The test patterns may occur sequentially in the same video, or may be embedded in separate videos. Each test pattern is subliminal so that it appears for a duration that is sufficiently short that it cannot be consciously noticed by the subjects viewing the video.

[0034] For example, the video may have a monochrome green background in which a test pattern of black pixels appears subliminally in a series of frames of the video. The test pattern may be repeated in the video sporadically at random intervals or periodically at known intervals. The same test pattern may be evaluated for videos showing monochrome backgrounds of different colors and/or with the test pattern having non-black pixels.

[0035] Optionally, the test pattern may encompass all the pixels of a frame, i.e., the video is momentarily “blanked.” The duration of such a test pattern is short enough that the subject does not notice that the video has been blanked. The blanking can occur repeatedly for a period of time, such as once every second for ten seconds, or twice every second for seconds, for example.

[0036] In another example, the same test pattern may be used in a video having a background that is still image, such as an image of tree, or an apple, or a house, or a polka dot pattern, or a polygon shape, or a cartoon character, etc., or a background that is an animated moving image, such as a segment from a Bugs Bunny cartoon, or a background that is a realistic moving image, such as an airplane taking off, or a boat floating on waves, etc.

[0037] In yet another example, the same test pattern may appear in different areas on a display screen during the video. For instance, the test pattern may appear at the center of the display screen at one point in the video, then at the top right portion of the display screen at another point in the video, then at another region of the display screen different from the top right portion at yet another point in the video.

[0038] In a further example, the size of the test pattern may be varied during the video, to see whether there is a threshold size for which a reaction occurs. For instance, the test pattern may be a circle that is 1 cm in diameter at one point in the video, then 2 cm in diameter at another point in the video, then 3 cm in diameter at yet another point in the video.

[0039] In yet another example, the test pattern may be an array of objects whose distance from each other is varied during the video, to see whether the spacing between objects has an effect on whether a reaction occurs in the subjects. For instance, the test pattern may be an array of stripes that are 1 cm apart at one point in the video, then 2 cm apart at another point in the video, then 3 cm apart at yet another point in the video.

[0040] There is no limit to the types of video backgrounds and test patterns that may be evaluated, except that the test patterns should be subliminal.

[0041] As mentioned above, a test pattern need not be embedded in a digital video but instead may be embedded in a digital still image. In this case, selected pixels of the still image are modified to correspond to the pixels of the test pattern. For example, the modified digital still image may be presented on traditional print media such as a magazine photograph, a restaurant menu, a poster, and the like.

[0042] With respect to a modified digital still image presented on traditional print media, in order for the test pattern to be subliminal the selected pixels corresponding to the test pattern cannot be grouped in such a way that they are discernible from the remainder of the digital still image. In other words, objects in the test pattern need to be sufficiently small that they cannot be consciously noticed.

[0043] With respect to a modified digital still image presented electronically, the subliminal nature of the test pattern can be achieved by controlling a duration that the test pattern appears, so that the duration is below a threshold for conscious perception, and/or by grouping the pixels of the test pattern so that objects in the test pattern are sufficiently small that they cannot be consciously noticed.

[0044] As mentioned above, a flagged test pattern or trigger pattern is re-tested at least once to confirm that the observed reaction in the subjects is attributable to viewing the flagged test pattern and not to an erroneous coincidental reaction that is not repeatable, i.e., the induced reaction cannot be reproduced when re-testing is performed. If a trigger pattern is found to induce a reaction repeatably, then the test pattern is identified as a positive or successful trigger pattern. A database or library is used to store successful trigger patterns and also to store test patterns found to be unsuccessful in triggering a reaction repeatably.

Second Embodiment

[0045] According to a second embodiment of the present invention, a system and a process are provided for evaluating whether a variation in a positive trigger pattern can affect how a subject responds when exposed to that positive trigger pattern. More specifically, for a flagged trigger pattern than has been re-tested to confirm that the reaction(s) induced by exposure to that pattern is repeatable, i.e., for a positive trigger pattern, variations are made to the positive trigger pattern and/or to the imagery (video or still) in which the positive trigger pattern is embedded to determine whether the positive trigger pattern is robust enough to induce a reaction in the subjects even if it is changed.

[0046] For example, if the positive trigger pattern is an array of black stripes, which subliminally appear in a video on a white background at a duration of 300 .mu.s, a variation can be made to any one or a combination of the following:

[0047] stripe color;

[0048] stripe size (e.g., width, length);

[0049] stripe spacing;

[0050] number of stripes;

[0051] stripe brightness;

[0052] stripe location on display screen or still image;

[0053] stripe orientation (e.g., horizontal, vertical, different angles relative to vertical);

[0054] background color(s) and imagery;

[0055] background brightness;

[0056] background graphics and/or text;

[0057] duration of appearance (e.g., 250 .mu.s, 300 .mu.s, 350 .mu.s, 400 .mu.s, 450 .mu.s, 500 .mu.s);

[0058] repetition of test pattern at periodic intervals;

[0059] repetition of test pattern at random intervals; and

[0060] movement of stripe during the interval(s) in which it is displayed.

[0061] The variations listed above are only some of the examples of the types of variations that may be made to a positive trigger pattern, and other variations also may be made in order to determine whether there is any flexibility to vary or make changes to a positive trigger pattern and still be able to induce a reaction in subjects.

[0062] Each variation made to a positive trigger pattern is evaluated to determine whether a reaction is induced in the subjects. That is, videos are made for each variation, and each of the videos undergoes an evaluation such as that described above, as if the variation is an original test pattern that is unrelated to a previous test pattern. If a variation is found to induce a reaction repeatably in the subjects, then that variation is categorized as a positive variation and is associated with the positive trigger pattern. If no reaction is induced by a variation, or if a reaction cannot be induced repeatably in a threshold percentage of the subjects, then that variation is categorized as a negative variation and not studied further.

[0063] In another example, a positive trigger pattern is evaluated to see whether peripheral imagery, which is outside of the region containing the positive trigger pattern, can have an effect on subliminal perception. For example, if the positive trigger pattern is a red square in a background of an animated fish tank filled with cartoon turtles, then an evaluation may be made to see whether adding animated fish to the fish tank would have an effect on inducing a reaction in the subjects. The fish would move in peripheral regions surrounding the positive trigger pattern but would not enter the background region in which the positive trigger pattern is embedded. In this example, if the positive trigger pattern is associated with 40% of the subjects registering an induced reaction, then an increase to 50% with use of the modified periphery would indicate, for example, that factors other than the positive trigger pattern itself, such as movement of a peripheral object, could enhance the effectiveness of the positive trigger pattern in inducing subliminal perception. On the other hand, if a reduction is found to, for example, 30% of the subjects, it would be an indication that the positive trigger pattern should not be used in conjunction with a video showing peripheral movement when the positive trigger pattern occurs.

[0064] A positive trigger pattern and its associated positive variations are referred to herein as a group of positive patterns. A database or library is used to store each positive trigger pattern together with its associated positive variations as a group.

Third Embodiment

[0065] According to a third embodiment of the present invention, a system and a process are provided for determining the types of reactions induced in a subject exposed to a positive trigger pattern and its associated positive variations, i.e., positive patterns, and peripheral enhancements or restrictions, if any. Subjects are exposed to the positive patterns to determine how the induced reaction affects the subjects emotionally, physically, and/or behaviorally.

[0066] For example, if a positive pattern has been found to increase heart rate, then the positive pattern is evaluated to see whether the induced reaction can be used to increase alertness. For instance, if a movie when watched by subjects at 1 .mu.m. causes 40% of the subjects to fall asleep within the first 30 minutes and 60% of the subjects to fall asleep within the first 60 minutes, the movie is modified to include the positive pattern at the 20-minute mark, for example, to see whether exposure to the positive pattern can lead to more of the subjects being awake at the 30-minute mark of the movie, and also to see whether more of the subjects remain awake at the 60-minute mark of the movie even though the positive pattern was shown at the 20-minute mark. Optionally, instead of modifying the movie to include the positive pattern at the 20 minute mark, the movie may be modified to have the positive pattern occur, for example, every 10 minutes, with the subjects being evaluated to determine whether periodic exposure to the positive pattern is effective to increase the number (or percentage) of subjects who remain awake for the entire movie. If the positive pattern is found to increase wakefulness, the positive pattern is identified as an effective subliminal pattern for altering the emotional, physical, and/or behavioral condition of subjects exposed to the pattern. On the other hand, if the positive pattern is found to have no effect on increasing wakefulness, then this pattern may be evaluated to see whether it can be useful in another way, such as to increase endurance during a treadmill workout, or to increase concentration during mind exercises.

[0067] For instance, with respect to increasing endurance, if a workout video when watched by subjects is associated with 30% of the subjects stopping after one mile of running and 40% of the subjects stopping after two miles of running, the workout video is modified to include the positive pattern at the quarter-mile mark, for example, to see whether exposure to the positive pattern can lead to more of the subjects being able to continue running beyond one mile, and to see whether more of the subjects remain running beyond two miles even though the positive pattern was shown at the quarter-mile mark. Optionally, instead of modifying the workout video to include the positive pattern at the quarter-mile mark, the workout video may be modified to have the positive pattern occur, for example, every tenth of a mile, with the subjects being evaluated to determine whether periodic exposure to the positive pattern is effective to increase endurance. If the positive pattern is found to increase endurance, the positive pattern is identified as an effective subliminal pattern for altering the emotional, physical, and/or behavioral condition of subjects exposed to the pattern.

[0068] In another instance, with respect to increasing concentration or attention span, if an interactive video with arithmetic problems to be solved by subjects is known to result in 60% of the subjects being able to complete the problems within one hour and 75% of the subjects being able to complete the problems within two hours, the interactive video is modified to include the positive pattern at the ten-minute mark to see whether exposure to the positive pattern can lead to more of the subjects being able to complete the problems within one hour, and to see whether more of the subjects are able to complete the problems within two hours even though the positive pattern was shown at the ten-minute mark. Optionally, instead of modifying the interactive video to include the positive pattern at the ten-minute mark, the interactive video may be modified to have the positive pattern occur, for example, every five minutes, with the subjects being evaluated to determine whether periodic exposure to the positive pattern is effective to increase concentration, which is reflected in a greater percentage of the subjects being able to complete the arithmetic problems in a shorter amount of time. If the positive pattern is found to increase concentration, the positive pattern is identified as an effective subliminal pattern for altering the emotional, physical, and/or behavioral condition of subjects exposed to the pattern.

[0069] In another example, if a positive pattern is found to reduce pulse rate, then the positive pattern is evaluated to see whether the induced reaction can be used to reduce anxiety. For instance, two versions of a car-racing video game are prepared, one version in which the positive pattern is embedded and appears at least once during the game, and the other being a control version in which the positive pattern does not appear during the game. Subjects play the video game repeatedly while they are monitored for heart rate and pulse rate. The video games are randomly alternated between the embedded version with the positive pattern and the control version, and the subjects have no knowledge of which version they are playing at any particular time. Results of the heat-rate monitoring, the pulse-rate monitoring, and the game scores are evaluated to determine whether the embedded version of the game leads to an average reduction in heart rate when playing and/or an average reduction in pulse rate when playing, in comparison with the average heart rate and the average pulse rate of the subjects when playing the control version of the game. Additionally, a comparison is made of the average scores obtained by the subjects for the embedded version of the game and for the control version of the game, to see whether the positive pattern can lead to higher scores as a result of improved game-playing brought about by reduced anxiety (i.e., increase calmness). If the positive pattern is found to reduce anxiety, the positive pattern is identified as an effective subliminal pattern for altering the emotional, physical, and/or behavioral condition of subjects exposed to the pattern. On the other hand, if the positive pattern is found to have no effect on reducing anxiety when playing the video game, then this pattern may be evaluated to see whether it can be useful in another way, such as to increase sleepiness.

[0070] For instance, to evaluate the effect of the positive pattern on sleepiness, one group of subjects is shown a sleep video in which is embedded the positive pattern at least once during the video (“embedded version” herein), while a control group of subjects is shown a control version of the sleep video in which the positive pattern does not appear. Both groups of subjects watch the sleep video at bedtime while they are monitored for eyelid status (e.g., fully opened, slightly opened, closed). The subjects have no knowledge of which version of the sleep video they are watching, and are observed or monitored to determine when the eyelid status is closed, signifying sleep. A comparison is made of the average time for the subjects to fall asleep for the embedded version and for the control version of the sleep video to see whether exposure to the positive pattern is effective to induce sleep. That is, if a greater percentage of the group of subjects who watched the embedded version of the sleep video are asleep within a set time after watching the video compared with the group of subjects who watched the control version of the video, then the positive pattern is categorized as an effective subliminal pattern for altering the emotional, physical, and/or behavioral condition of subjects exposed to the pattern. A database or library is used to store each effective subliminal pattern in association with information on how it alters cognition (e.g., observed emotional, physical, and/or behavioral changes). Optionally, the database or library includes a classification of each effective subliminal pattern as a constructive/positive cognition pattern or a destructive/negative cognition pattern.

[0071] Although the examples above relate to a positive pattern embedded in a digital video, similar evaluations may be performed for a positive pattern embedded in a digital still image.

Fourth Embodiment

[0072] According to a fourth embodiment of the present invention, a system and a process are provided for utilizing a positive pattern determined to be an effective subliminal pattern (see the discussion of the third embodiment above), to affect an emotional state, a physical state, and/or a behavioral state of viewers. Unlike the subjects in the previous embodiments, who are observed or monitored under testing conditions, the viewers in the present embodiment are exposed to the effective subliminal pattern under everyday settings of “real world” conditions.

[0073] For example, if the effective subliminal pattern (“effective pattern” herein) is one that enhances alertness or wakefulness, the effective pattern may be incorporated in an automobile’s HUD or Heads Up Display, which is a digital image projected onto the front windshield of the automobile. The subliminal pattern may be something that is automatically inserted into the projected digital image at periodic intervals when the automobile is in operation, or it may be something that is inserted selectively, such as only when the automobile’s headlights are on. Statistics may be obtained from automobile manufacturers or governmental agencies regarding the accident rate for automobiles equipped with an HUD having the effective pattern incorporated compared with an accident rate for automobiles equipped with an HUD that does not have the effective pattern.

[0074] In another example, if the effective pattern is one that enhances alertness, the effective pattern may be incorporated in educational videos used by schools or in educational toys. For instance, a video game that is intended to promote math skills may have the subliminal pattern embedded therein to enhance the learning experience of students viewing the videos or playing with the toys. Statistics may be obtained from schools or governmental agencies regarding the math proficiency of students who use the educational videos or toys with the subliminal pattern embedded compared with students who use such educational videos or toys without the subliminal pattern.

[0075] In yet another example, if the effective pattern is one that induces calmness or reduces anxiety, the effective pattern may be incorporated in medical-office videos shown at, for example, a dentist’s office, a doctor’s office, or the like, to calm patients before or during a dental or medical visit. Dentists and doctors can be surveyed to see whether they notice a difference in patient demeanor when videos containing the effective pattern are shown.

[0076] In a further example, if the effective pattern is one that induces feelings of happiness, the effective pattern may be incorporated in webpages of a web site to increase time spent on the website by consumers visiting the website and also to increase the likelihood that the consumers make purchases via the website. In this regard, metrics can be obtained for the average website viewing time and average sales for the website without the effective pattern being embedded in the webpages, for a period of, for example, 30 days. These metrics can be compared with metrics obtained for 30 days for the website with the effective pattern incorporated, to confirm whether the effective pattern produces beneficial consumer behavior.

[0077] The various embodiments of the present invention described above have been presented by way of example and not limitation. It will be apparent to persons skilled in the relevant art(s) that various changes in form and detail can be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. Thus, the present invention should not be limited by any of the above-described exemplary embodiments, but should be defined only in accordance with the following claims and their equivalents. It is also to be understood that the steps and processes recited in the claims need not be performed in the order presented.

[0078] In addition, it should be understood that the attached drawings, which highlight the functionality and advantages of the present invention, are presented as illustrative examples. The architecture of the present invention is sufficiently flexible and configurable, such that it may be utilized (and navigated) in ways other than that shown in the drawings.


Solve this Riddle


Lynne Riddle is a retired federal judge, and continuous community activist for reproductive Justice.  Currently she holds positions as a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Center for Biotechnology and Global Health Policy and Instructor in law, both appointments at UCI Law School.

So tell me in light of all of this information, how in the world could she be an activist for reproductive justice and ignore the contents of these 2 videos below? Reproductive Justice is the complete physical, mental, spiritual, political, economic, and social well-being of women and girls, and will be achieved when women and girls have the economic, social, and political power and resources to make healthy decisions about our bodies, sexuality, and reproduction for ourselves.

These are under attack by dark spiritual forces.




The 5G Millimeter Wave Matrix

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Why School District Officials And Employees Belong In Jail


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