REMINDER: COVID-19 vaccines are available to the public at no cost. The California Department of Justice, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of California, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General have received credible allegations that some providers have charged patients as much as $45 in out-of-pocket fees to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Let me be clear: COVID-19 vaccines are available at no charge to all who qualify. If you know or suspect that any healthcare provider or pharmacy is improperly charging for the COVID-19 vaccine, please report to 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) or www.Medicare.Gov/Medicarecomplaintform. You can also file a complaint with the California Attorney General’s office at More here:


Perfect name for anti vax

Craig G.…yeah!!!😝

Thanks for the PSA but you should consider closing this thread to comments. Any post here about masks or vaccines tends to turn ugly. Quickly.

It looks like it already started while I was literally in the middle of typing my post.

George P. Thanks for info, helpful to know

Everyone do what ever you want for yourself. Let others do what ever they want. It isn’t your business what others do.

If everyone made it their business to do their part, we’d have only 60k dead and not 600k dead, with similar percentages to Japan and South Korea. Instead we got what we got.

Thank you!!

George Platt It’s amazing how so many people don’t get the “public” part of public health. Awash in selfishness and a personal freedom ideology, they are blind to the concept of common good, public duty, and responsible citizenship. So much for America being more than just a bunch of entitled lazy individuals just doing whatever they want.

Dan Rothman it’s truly sad what has happened to us over the past 4 years.

George P. Past president did try to shut down travel from China in beginning and he was attacked for suggesting. Just wondering

Patty R. What does that have to do with people doing the right thing (masks, distancing, vaccines)?

George P. It has factors that could have helped stop the spread.(edited)

Mask bullies and vax bullies are simply the beta males celebrating that they finally get to masquerade as heroic while shaming others for not being virtuous enough. If only they had an actual life and something to do other than being a gigantic cu nt.

Unfortunately, what others decide to do or not do effects us all.

Mark D., exactly…

Mark D. speaking of cults…

Sean l. I feel like I’m talking to a failing student. Did you struggle in school by chance? Have you ever in your life read a top tier newspaper such as the NY Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The LA Times, etc.? You seem to be very poorly informed. So about your points, first of all, not everyone has had Covid and has those antibodies. Secondly, it’s not all about you (sorry to disappoint you). Third, not all masks are dirty. I happen to wear a new N95 every day. Five layers of non-woven material. Highly effective. Sorry to hear that you’ve been wearing a dirty mask. Somebody should have told you that there were other options. No wonder you’ve got some issues with masks.(edited)

Dan R. Dude, I’ve been wondering if this was a meet up for all the people that didn’t retain anything in ANY science class, or just flat out failed.

I’m vaccinated and don’t care to force my opinion on others. That said, those who don’t get vaccinated shouldn’t complain about things still being closed and mask policies. Be a part of the solution not the problem.

Sonny M. That’s funny!

Lisa P. Well said Lisa, but the rub is that they clearly don’t understand the solution. In fact many of them don’t even think there’s a problem. Alternative reality kind of thing I guess.

Agree. They rely on a few of us to solve the situation (since they don’t believe it’s a problem) for them so they can burn their masks and get back to “normal”.

Dan R. Its also a clear indication that they don’t continue to seek knowledge about the world around them. Pretty sure I actually slapped myself in the face when I saw what people were putting gas in. I can’t be the only one to wonder how so many people have made it past their early 20s.

Barbara H. yeah -thats what happens when we had a cult environment for the past 4 years — still cultists just different subject…

Lisa P. Right, and to me that means they are freeloaders. They want the problem to go away but are not willing to make any sacrifices to make that happen. They want all of the benefits and none of the responsibilities, inconveniences, and hardships. Imagine if these people faced bigger adversities. They’d wilt.

Is there a way to allow notifications like the telling about where to get vaccines and block all the ignorant posts that follow?

yes, there is, and I don’t know why they opened this up for responses.

Andra M. yes I know that. The agency put out a PSA to alert people to something about the vaccine. There’s no need for posting political opinions, particularly not very smart ones. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, they are not entitled to posting on any post on nextdoor.

George Platt You are hilarious with your comment, seeing that you have commented like 10 times…hypocrit much?

No, I am not a narcissist and wouldn’t have commented complaining that they shouldn’t have opened it up for comment, but hey, you had an “obligation” to prove everyone wrong. I was looking for more info to see if people were posting where the vaccine sites were located, otherwise, I would have just scrolled on by and not seen your comments. And, don’t flatter yourself, you didn’t burst my bubble.

Ki Schwan sure you were, yet you felt obligated to comment on my post. You still could have scrolled on by yourself. It goes both ways you know!(edited)

Why do simple notifications like the one that started this thread always seem to make people feel obliged to spew hate and political opinions? Get a life guys! Read the notice and move on.

John A. you might want to ask tRump–why he did such a good job of dividing the country ..

Terry B. And we are better now? Just wondering.

Terry Burchynsky, your comment takes the cake!!!😱

Terry Burchynsky 🤦♀️🤦♀️

I’m done with this post the country has gone into a hellhole in that last 100 days not worth getting my bp up over it!! Good night neighbors 🙏 one last thing you won’t be disappointed go to he will make you laugh your a$$ off(edited)

Just curious, what kind of job and education do you have? (Something makes me want to randomly guess yoga instructor or hairdresser because those are the professions I’ve observed in the past that produce people similar to you, but obviously I could be wrong.) I’d like to make that information part of the study I do about you, along with the interview. Just fascinating. Can’t wait to learn about your upbringing, etc.(edited)

Bwaaaaahahaha! Let’s see… Covid 19 is now under control enough for us being able to go without masks. The economy is humming along nicely. The rescue checks have helped millions of people. Things are so much better in just one hundred days.

David G. Amen and hallelujah. The biggest pathogen of all was gone after 1/20 and now it’s a new beautiful bright future. (But I can’t wait to see the former fellow locked up. I heard his cellmate is going to be a preppy entitled congressman from Florida. So much for Democrats being the ones who are child molesters! Good riddance GOP.)


Actually it is if it puts my health at risk- you folks seem to think that one of your “rights” is the right to expose me to something that has already killed a number of my friends… FYI that isn’t how rights work

You have the right to live your life as you want. We have the right to live our lives as we want!!! We’re not under communist rule yet!!!

Do I have the right to put salmonella in your lunch?

Karen M. YET? is the answer but the problem is we all need to work together and be on the same page about this? If we need to get back to any kind of normal people will need to just do what right for yourself and others. We are to hit yellow tier by mid week hoping it happens? maybe it will maybe it will not? if people do not care about other and do what right for the community it will not and we will just stay in this mess.

I’ll wait until it’s FDA approved

You won’t have to wait long. It will be soon.

I have seen stands around San Clemente,CA snd elsewhere offering instant Covid vaccines for $75-150!! Big signs posted in side streets alleys here z. Saw one a few blocks from my residence that was in a vacant lot off Delmar !

I will not go there Vaccines’ are free and you should never pay for any of it I be report those places right away?

Let’s stop the arguing until all the missing pets are found. 🤨

Sure is a lot of finger pointing and YOU this and that… Everyone here is entitled to their own opinion and interest. Why the need to impose your personal belief – these people are your neighbors. Just because there is another point of view, just stop. What do we have in common? Parents, grandparents, sisters, and brothers. How about lifting each other up? Maybe think of another’s experience and how would you sit and have a polite conversation, in a way to convince or share what you think is a great idea. Would you go to war and defend this country for your neighbor? Regardless of their thoughts or positions on something? My son was deployed 3 times, and to hear/read this hate that divides in incredibly sad… Use your thoughts of humanity and inclusion be the one to stop the name calling.

Blake B. Thank him for serving, so appreciated

I’m waiting ’til they offer a lifetime $5,000. monthly payment to me (20 years worth in advance). Then I’ll be a guinea pig.(edited)

So sorry to hear that. Did she have any preconditions?

Brian, your crocodile tears don’t work here. Where was your oh so concerned feigned compassion and outrage when Trump’s indecision and ineffectiveness ravaged this country and murdered over 500,000 American Citizens!?(edited)

Not only that Roy but there’s no evidence that what Brian is presenting is real, and even if it’s real, there’ no evidence that a causal relationship has been confirmed. With over one hundred million people vaccinated, if a few thousand mostly elderly people didn’t coincidentally die over those months, now that would be news! Then we could say the vaccines not only worked for Covid but for everything else too!(edited)

Let me know if you need a ride to the vaccine center for your experimental mRNA shot

Dan R. Get vaccinated !!!

Dan R. Yes, and if Covid denier’s (grotesque and inhamane) math is used, the infinitesimally small number of people allegedly dying from a vaccine is only 0.000000000000000000000000000000001% of the population, so (insert mafia accent) Do worry about it! Nothing to see here. Go back to worshipping flawed and failed Trump.(edited)

Brian Nadeau Happy to fill your car with sick people suffering from Covid ailments. Will you be providing them food and lodging at your house too?

Brian N. Already did. Whole family. We believe in science and education and public health and the common good. We don’t believe in conspiracy theories and we don’t peruse fringe news sources and we don’t turn to medical charlatans (or social media!) for advice. In other words, we are Biden voters.(edited)

Dan R. Good for you, your body is now artificially producing spike proteins. Enjoy

Dan R. Lol, Data Analysis is a science too buddy

Roy M. Did you ever imagine you’d be having these kinds of conversations with actual adults who presumably went to school? It’s mind-boggling. Not to mention a bit disappointing and concerning. I mean, after all, a country does need to have a certain amount of intellectual wherewithal in order to prosper. China is pumping out legions of engineers every year while half of our population are mired in pursuing dead-end conspiracy theories. We are definitely screwed.

Roy Mendoza No, I offered to take you to get the mRNA shot developed by billionaires who think the earth is overpopulated

Brian N. Show us the data buddy.

Brian N. Exactly, my body is indeed producing harmless spike proteins, and they’ll disappear as my body at the same time learns how to fight off that protein so if the virus enters my body it will know how to render it harmless. This kind of science is a marvel of human ingenuity. By the way, one technical correction. They are not “artificial”. Their origin is from the coronavirus. Sorry to inform you that spike proteins are not made on 3D printers. You can learn about the mRNA vaccines at and How did you enjoy those artificial colors and flavors in your food today by the way? Watch out, they might do you in.

Brian N. Uber driver? Or Lyft?

Brian N. We know you are working for the FSB. You don’t know how we know. But we know.

Brian N. We also know how they are paying you. Are you sure you want to continue being on their payroll? As for ferrets, it’s the virus that causes lung damage. If you think that the vaccine does that, show us the proof buddy. I won’t be holding my breath because nothing you say has any backing from any legitimate sources. It’s a given with you based on your past pattern. But anyway we’ll still give you a chance to show the proof from a reputable source (not from conspiratorial bizzaroworld).(edited)

Brian Nadeau You’re suggesting you know what billionaires think!? Hahaha!(edited)

Roy Mendoza They write papers which people can read where they lay out their programs.

Vandana Gupta Fake news, stop spreading lies.

John H. Truth hurts

Sean, is your mother’s name Evelyn?

This thread got me thinking about something. Who fills all the jobs in America that actually require having a brain to do the work? Just wondering because we seem to have a shortage of people with brains if this thread is any indication. All the rubbish about vaccine harm and public health being about everyone doing whatever they want is really some pretty dumb stuff. I’d love to see some of these people trying to have a conversation with the quintessential Harvard-educated epidemiologist. That would be quite entertaining! Not that said epidemiologist would even want to waste time engaging in such a conversation, but anyway it would be quite something to see. Oh also, a question: Does anybody know when stupid became the new smart in the US? I must have missed that memo.(edited)

Go get your vaccine buddy

Brian N. Are you suffering from Alzheimer’s?

Brian Nadeau Yes, more people die every day because of diabetes than have allegedly died from any Covid vaccine.

You really have to wonder what leads people to such dark corners of the conspiracy world. Trauma? Neglect? Self-doubt? Boredom? Miswiring? It’s a real puzzler.

Brian Nadeau Oh yes, it’s the big, bad mass media boogeyman again! Do you have to sleep at night with a light on too? When you’re more consumed with unfounded FEARS than founded FACTS, you’ll be afflicted with the high anxiety you’re experiencing, which is much worse for your health than the vaccine.

Roy Mendoza I sleep like a log, I feel great, healthy and strong. When I was a boy in school here in OC where I have lived since birth, I knew that the enemies of the USA would one day find a way to destroy our American society, and I pledged my allegiance and loyalty to this culture and this society ….and the time has come

Brian Nadeau I am also OC born and raised, but I don’t grotesquely wave it around like some sacrosanct exclusive privilege that suggests my thoughts are superior or inherently more right than others who weren’t born here. That’s not how American society was designed or intended to be, especially here in Orange County where many spectacular and freedom loving immigrants from all over the world deliberately call home, and bless our economy and country with their talents and love of democracy. This isn’t difficult to understand. I’ve known it since before I was born. It’s in my USA DNA. As for your imagined enemies, that’s just more baseless crazy talk, plain and simple.(edited)

Roy Mendoza LOL, I can tell your political views have been shaped by Billionaires who want to end the USA

Brian Nadeau Wait a minute. You’re worried about people controlling the population, yet Trump directly contributed to over 500,000 Innocent American Citizens dying because of his ineptitude!? His delay, dismissal and failure to act has further contributed to millions of deaths worldwide. Hypocrite.

Walgreens in mission viejo request your insurance card before they give you the covid vaccine.

But you can get a vaccine without an insurance card, at least at many places.

I think they MIGHT be gathering informational data – like how many getting vaxxed have insurance? The lady in front of me at Rite Aid didn’t have insurance and got vaxxed right next to me (I did show my insurance card).

Just be happy there getting it?

Since I have learned nearly 50% of the population are uneducated jerks or just simply hate democracy. I’m good with them not getting immune 👍

I thinking you got that wrong? that percent is higher and with you not saying your getting it just put you right in there? Just get use to be treated as a second-class citizen and stay away from other as well

This thread is nuts 😳 Randomly came across it and was like omg these comments are crazy!(edited)

I know I wouldn’t want neighbors that talk this way. Wow!! It’s gone on too long. They need to close it. 🙏

Andra M. Talk about “neighbors that talk this way”, I’d like to say that we didn’t know we had neighbors who “share” the utterly unhinged fringe quack science stuff you peddle, but unfortunately we already knew because you are not the only one. How about keeping that conspiratorial nonsense off of NextDoor?(edited)

Dan R. Thx beta

Just a question if the mask works why don’t the people who are afraid keep wearing it? Why make everyone comply with it? Seems simple to me.

So you literally really don’t understand that mask wearing is an effective contagion control measure in a pandemic and not about fear? Wow. Back to school for you.

Dan R. Thx beta

I just want to thank the people in here who trust the media and the govt. I work for the media and my friend works for the govt. Your complicitness contributes to our job security. Keep drinking the kool-aid. Cheers🥂

Dan R. I guess id be mad at everyone in newport too if I lived on the fv/hb border 😅 🚽💩🕳(edited)