Polio diagnostic criteria changed in 1955 to include residual paralysis 10 to 20 days after onset of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset.


Before the vaccine was developed, the diagnosis of polio required 24 or more hours of paralysis. I bet you were never taught this fact folks. 

Most states are facing confirmed or possible cases of polio-like illness. Wake up and draw your line in the sand ladies and gentlemen because the Kings army now dons whitecoats armed with syringes instead of 200 pounds of armor and flaming arrows.

This year, more than half of all US states have had confirmed or possible cases of acute flaccid myelitis, the polio-like illness that can cause paralysis and mostly affects children,


  1. #1 by Randy Ice PT, CCS on October 22, 2018 - 8:21 am


    I was born and raised in Fullerton. In 1952 when the house I moved into on the corner of Raymond and Sudene was about 5 houses away from the orange grove, I contracted “polio.” It was mild case although all these years later I might be coming down with post-polio syndrome as I have unexplained weakness below my knees. The kid two doors down came down with polio and I seem to remember my parents said he ended up in an iron lung somewhere. I bring this up as in retrospect I wonder if DDT was sprayed in the orange groves…….I used to see trailer/tanks in there when we would go play in the groves.

    When I first went to work at Rancho Los Amigos Hospital in 1972 there were still a few folks there in iron lungs who were polio victims……if that’s what it really was. I am now 69 y/o and have been an “out of the box” alternative approach cardiopulmonary physical therapist for 46 years, the last 27 in Murrieta California at Rancho Physical Therapy.

    Love your blog and will subscribe to it!

    Randy Ice PT, CCS

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