Barry Levinson

Susan Kang Schroeder
Chief of Staff
Orange County District Attorney

Hello Ms. Schroeder:

It has been a while since we last talked.  I hope you are doing well.
I have blogged that your office did the right thing by recently bringing charges against former City Manager Joe Felz and I commended your office for it.  No one should be above the law.
Implicit in your decision is the fact that our former Police Chief Danny Hughes (hours before he was retiring from his position), made not only a poor decision but a criminal decision in not directing his officers to arrest Joe Felz in the wee hours of November 9, 2016.  The facts are clear that Danny Hughes overruled normal Fullerton police procedure and the law, sending another officer of his own choosing to go to the scene after the fact to conduct a so-called sobriety test away from all the other officers on the scene.
Are you going to charge Danny Hughes with obstruction of justice and any other statute that he may have violated on November 9th?
That Joe Felz used his position of power in the city to escape arrest is one thing but the head of our law enforcement department to make it happen is actually worse in my opinion.  Our whole society is greatly damaged when the citizens loose confidence in the equal application of our laws.
Please let me know what your office plans will be on this matter.


Barry Levinson
Fullerton Resident
In my humble opinion not to take action against Danny Hughes would be a stain against the citizenry and against the tenets of justice.
I did get a response from Ms. Schroeder stating she could not talk about an ongoing investigation.  Well now that Joe Felz has been arraigned in a North Orange County Courthouse on April, 3 2017, it is time for our OCDA to take formal action against Danny Hughes.  We as a democratic people can not have confidence in our law enforcement and our justice system if those charged to enforce our laws and administer justice are not held to the same standards as everyday people.

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  1. #1 by sour grapes on April 8, 2017 - 7:42 pm

    Barry is a bully who should have went to jail for assaulting the ATT woman,.

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