Barry Levinson, the driving force of Fullerton’s sex offender ordinance discusses the despicable behavior of The Fullerton City Council in repealing Fullertons sex offender ordinance.


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  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on February 27, 2017 - 10:20 am

    I believe Anonymous is being sarcastic when stating he is in favor of allowing stalking and other serious actions against individuals to be allowed by society without any recourse for the innocent victims.

    Are freedoms do have limits. You can not scream fire in a crowded theatre.

    Question: How many times should society allow a pedophile to attack a child before putting that person behind bars for life?
    Is the answer one time, two times, three times or more?In the case of the person who inherited the house next door to me, Ca law allows a four time convicted child sex offense to be free to live his life with no restraints, no restrictions involving children. Should these monsters be given custody unsupervised in a divorce? Any judge who would grant that should be held accountable.

    • #2 by Anonymous on February 27, 2017 - 7:19 pm

      it must be tough to play a ball game with you when you move the goalposts so quickly!

    • #3 by Sarah Dominguez on February 28, 2017 - 12:12 am

      Answer: that is up to a judge to decide. Who is held accountable via the democratic process (re-election / re-call proceedings).

      If a repeat offender were clinically diagnosed with pedophilia or other parahilia and proven in a court proceeding to be a threat to society, he would have been civilly committed under WIC 6000.

      Question: how many times should society allow any criminal to victimize others before putting that person behind bars for life? A repeat drunk driver, wife beater, drug dealer, murderer, etc?

      Living next to you and whether you like it or not is not a consideration the judge should have to factor in his decision making.

      Now I am confused…. is this ordinance intended to protect children in parks, schools and day cares, or is it intended to get rid of the neighbor you loathe?

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