Barry Levinson on Fullerton’s fuzzy pension math.

A Friday blast from the past that has even more relevance today with the taxpayers even further behind the eight ball several years later. The last council meeting offered the potential for the city to get behind openness and transparency in municipal labor negotiations. What happened?

Look gang, all balloons pop. The question on this one is who is gonna be around to see it, hear it, feel it,face it and worst of all, pay for it. Looks like the joke’s on you and your kids and the establishment hacks have the taxpayers roped and this particular one fit to be tied. Buddy boy Blankhead didn’t look to happy as it may have been way past his bedtime. He can sleep all he wants now that he can really stretch it out. So what is so wrong with a concerned citizen taking some of his own valuable time and expending a lot of his effort pointing out that the sky is really falling?

Have things only gotten worse under the Flurry, the Ritzgerald (is she a RHINO?), and the dog and pony show Chaffee controlled council? Has the hole for the taxpayers gotten deeper? What about C.O.I.N? Will the Tommy’s truck be back on Tuesday nights? Great questions. Shall I elaborate on what our gracious leaders have chosen to bequeath us and our children with through the leaded, smoked looking glass?
Stay tuned.

  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on May 30, 2014 - 2:25 pm

    It is very telling that when our council is confronted head on with a very large and real problem, a majority of them can so easily stick their heads in the sand and ignore both the messenger and the message.

    The above public comments I made several years ago provided each council member in writing my very accurate description of how the city’s unfunded pensions and unfunded retirement health care was, still is and will remain for many years to come a financial noose around the necks of every Fullerton taxpayer. It also gave specific steps that they could take to turn the sinking ship around.

    But did the majority of our city leaders care about that huge problem? You heard Mayor Bankhead at the time, continually interrupting me, cutting off my microphone several times and scolding me that I was not concerned enough with the council’s precious time. What Bankhead was really saying that the most important financial issue that still faces our city was not worth of 4 or 5 minutes of this retired man’s time. If that is not arrogance, ladies and gentlemen, I do not know the meaning of that word.

    At least Mr. Bankhead was finally retired from our council in 2012. Let us make darn sure that he remains retired. After all we the public do not want to waste his precious time with the real and ever growing financial problems facing this city in part thanks to his total lack of leadership while on our city council.

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