Barry Levinson-My Thoughts on the Fullerton City Council’s Unanimous Vote Passing a Resolution Supporting Proposition 13 and Other Recent Local Developments



The FUJHSD has placed a $175 million bond issue on the

November ballot. The NOCCCD has placed a $574 million

bond issue for North Orange County on the November ballot.

The city of Fullerton when it has the chance to pass

meaningful public labor negotiation reform says no thanks

but we can sure pass a sham C.O.I.N. ordinance instead.

Finally, the city is attempting to ram down our throats a

huge undemocratic power grab by City Manager Joe Felz.

Another really bad idea from the same city that allowed the

bars in downtown Fullerton to expand exponentially in the

90′s and then at the turn of the century shackled the city’s

taxpayers with a huge retroactive pension increase for our

police and firemen that will eventually cost the taxpayer’s

10′s of millions of dollars under the guise that it would cost

the Fullerton taxpayers nothing at all.

Now don’t we all feel much better that our council passed a

meaningless resolution in support of Prop 13. I would not be

poking fun at this resolution if the majority of our council

were doing a good job with making policy that would create

a financially healthy and open city government. But the fact

is they have not even come close to that goal. In fact the

majority of the council I believe does not even have that goal

for the city and its citizens.

We need much better on our council and we better start

demanding much better from our council. If we do not

have the right mix of council members that want to do the

right things for our city, it is the public’s responsibility to

put enough pressure on those officials to force them by

overwhelming public opinion to do the right things despite


Let us start with pressuring our city council to vote down the

DCCSP. It is a real shame that we as citizens have to force

some of our elected officials to do the right thing.

  1. #1 by Fullerton resident on August 10, 2014 - 8:33 am

    “It is a real shame that we as citizens have to force
    some of our elected officials to do the right thing.”

    Yes, we as Fullerton residents are now required to babysit the Fullerton City Council. Nothing that they do as a governing body makes sense, unless we acknowledge that their motives and behavior are contrary to their oaths of office.

    This applies to Chaffee, Flory, Fitzgerald.

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