BANNED ON YOU TUBE-Universal Masking And The Call To Resist At All Levels



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  1. #1 by CHARLES P KING on June 11, 2020 - 1:33 pm

    When I say the government, police and media are all in on this Bolshevik Revolution type take down of the people my certainty largely based on my discovery around 40 years ago that nearly every picture presented by the media uses one face playing multiple roles. I go into the one face thing on Joe’s post titled Roxette Dead at 61.
    I have watched the fake police beatings and killings for many years. I compare the faces. This groundwork for this present day fake opposition has been in the making for a long time. It goes even further back than the fake beating of Rodney King who was played by Charlie Murphy. has proved the involvement of police and sheriff and Homeland Security in the fake school mass shootings, etc. Consider where all that money won in lawsuits against the police goes to.
    Another reason I know we are witnessing a Bolshevik type revolution is because of my experience as as young man. I am 71 years old. Around 50 years ago I had already known for a few years that this system was wrong and needed destroyed and a new system created. I was young and dumb and had no idea what reality was or how to change the system. I was working in a factory in Denver when a new woman came to work in that factory. She represented The October League a communist organization. They advocated they violent overthrow of the government. That was the first thing I had come across that wanted the same thing as me so I hooked up with them for maybe three months. I dropped out because they were against marijuana. Hey I was young. The marijuana was important enough to me that it pissed me off that this group was telling me what I could and couldn’t do. That big brother type of shit was what I wanted to overthrow.
    Look up the October League. This present day overthrow of the people has been long in the making and it goes back much further than the October League. Little did I know that I was involved in the future overthrow of the people that is now right in front of our faces.
    Hey Joe see you in the camps if we make it that far.

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