BANNED ON YOU TUBE-Universal Masking And The Call To Resist At All Levels



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  1. #1 by Rebecca on August 19, 2020 - 6:41 am

    Here’s the best acronym for covid I’ve ran across!
    1=A (rtificial)
    9=I (ntelligence)
    Another thought; 2020 isn’t for perfect vision, it’s the year of doubles. Double-cross, double vision, double speak. Everything has double meanings. Thanks for all you do Joe. I’ve been studying this stuff since Bush’s 1,000 points of light/NWO speech. You’ve put so much of it together & highlighted sooo many of the blatant lies! I was raised LDS left that in my late teens, got born again and saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ in “88”. Found what I thought was a solid church, but was still deceived by the Jesuit teachings
    within the church concerning the “rapture”. Thanks to you, I started researching… It didn’t take much study on the reformers to understand that was slipped in to protect the papacy and promote ecumenicalism. Anyway, everyone else I listen to I have to constantly filter out BS, but with you I pretty much can relax, learn and confirm. God bless you and yours. Rebecca

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