BANNED ON YOU TUBE-Universal Masking And The Call To Resist At All Levels



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  1. #1 by Mark on August 11, 2020 - 7:13 am

    @Charles Yes, those devices could be secretly pumping in highly complex signals, just like a complex tv signal, but much more so, which literally programs your mind and alters your DNA. It could literally be a 5G signal and the ‘scanner dude’ will have no idea, and neither will you.

    The brain responds instantly to EM signals, and I have no doubt that a long series of complex signals can literally program the mind. They’ve been doing it with tv for a long time. They’ve done it by admission of mass mind control experiments on the city level. To a lesser degree it happens with pictures. Everything coming in has an effect.

    One place for the mark of the beast is said to be the forehead. What if a combination of technologies is actually implanting and activating the mark without our direct knowledge? Think about chemtrails, smart dust and nano tech vaccines that people have been getting for decades now. All of this could be the building blocks and machinery, and the scanners could be further programming or even an in person activation signal.

    It is also said by many spiritual practitioners that an energy chakra lies behind the forehead which controls the “3rd eye” and pineal gland, which many believe is a critical component that connects us spiritually to higher realms, or to God.

    “Outside the realm of science, the pineal gland is associated with the sixth chakra, called ajna or the “third eye” center located between your eyebrows (essentially deep back in your brain). The ancient yogis who wrote The Vedas in India between 1500-500 B.C. outlined a long time ago these physiological and psychic energy pathways that run through the body as a map we can still use today to better understand ourselves. When you strengthen and activate the third eye, you awaken intuition and inner wisdom on the path to Self-Realization.”

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