l“EMF exposure during pregnancy… could impact the fetal development, including endocrine and metabolic systems, predisposing offspring to higher risk of obesity,” Dr. Li said. He added that environmental impacts tend to be amplified during fetal development, both in terms of affecting multiple organ systems and having long-lasting changes to physiology, such as to the endocrine systems and hormone receptors”

“These findings indicate that electromagnetic fields, from microwave ovens to countless wireless devices, may be contributing to childhood obesity risk. This finding could have implications for possibly reducing childhood obesity and better understanding the obesity epidemic. Like any scientific discoveries, the results need to be replicated by other studies.”–Kaiser study

So according to the study, the EMF effects can penetrate the most well designed protective enclosure on earth, the mother’s womb.  The developing child is shielded by the mother’s  epidermis, adipose tissue, striated abdominal muscle,  amniotic fluid and the developing child’s epidermis.  What are the chances that this is affecting your child in the classroom? What kind of shielding does your child have with the WiFi enabled tablet or laptop in direct proximity to his or her sensitive developing reproductive area for several hours a day, 5 days a week, 180 days per year?  With a little more fundraising it could go on for years.
Do you think that Kaiser Permanente is making this stuff up? The only solution is to hardwire the devices which is all we ask. 


  1. #1 by michael k on April 15, 2013 - 10:40 pm

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