And the Race for Fullerton City Council begins: I report, you decide. -By Barry Levinson



And the Race for Fullerton City Council begins:

I report, you decide.

Well the field of candidates is shaping up for the Fullerton City

Council race. Seven have filed papers and assuming they all have

the necessary valid signatures they will be as follows:

Bill Chaffee, (Doug Chaffee’s younger brother)

Jane Rands, Green Party

Doug Chaffee, Democrat

Greg Sebourn, Republican

Rick Alvarez, Republican

Larry Bennett, Republican

Sean Paden, Republican

During the course of this campaign I will be speaking on the issues

and noting each candidates strengths and weaknesses. I will report

on what they have said and what they have done that may or may

not jive with their campaign rhetoric. It is so important that I point out

any candidate’s inconsistencies. I believe this will help the voters

determine who is trustworthy and who may not be as trustworthy.

  • As I have said many times there are certain characteristics that I
  • believe are essential to have for any candidate that I want to support
  • wholeheartedly. Those characteristics are the following:
  • 1. Honesty and integrity,
  • 2. Knowledge, intelligence and wisdom,
  • 3. Common Sense and
  • 4. Guts and strength of character and convictions
  • I believe it should be rather self-evident why all the above
  • characteristics are important for the good candidate to possess. But
  • if I had to name just one reason, it would be that a candidate that
  • possesses all of the above characteristics I believe can be counted
  • on to make informed, impartial decisions that are in the best interests
  • of the citizens of Fullerton. This is something that a majority of our council does not consistently do now in my opinion.
  • A candidate for instance could have the first three characteristics and
  • still not be able to carry forth their principles without guts.
  • So I will be informing all of you what positions each candidate has on
  • all key issues facing Fullerton. I will also be telling you whether based
  • on the candidates previous words and actions that we can reasonably
  • count on them keeping their campaign promises.

Of course I will be stating what positions I believe are best for our city as well.

Barry Levinson

  1. #1 by streets on August 11, 2014 - 9:00 am

    Maybe Bill can get in there and get some justice for us all.

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