Agenda 21 SCAG operative Shawn Nelson wants to be your Congressman

An expose on Congressional candidate Shawn Nelson who for years has been deeply entrenched and embedded in the Unconstitutional regional government called SCAG, which is pushing the Agenda 21, megacities Hunger Games model on California .For years he has never once callled for the dismantling of the UNCONSTITUTIONAL regional government that SCAG is and has never uttered a word against the billions in taxes that this sustainable development carbon tax cap and trade fraud have wrought on all of us.





  1. #1 by Anonymous on May 8, 2018 - 8:14 pm

    This is infuriating …Co2 is PLANT FOOD! Who told these liberals we ever once bought the lie of global warming?! Because I too have been calling it phony science for decades now.. on the face of it..not knowing much else..but instinctively knew global warming was complete BS. It’s all part of their agenda to blame the people for what they’re trying their hardest to do…which is warm heat up the climate…pffft
    It’s bad enough as it is now.. I’ve been missing my freedom for a couple years now for the first time in my life without a car. Had two good cars in 2016, paid for.. now have none. I was scammed by an evil ex… Who corrupt cops helped her.. but because of a bs misdemeanor/likely set up ..I was a prime candidate anyway for making sure I had no transportation. I’ve always paid my bills and always kept my vehicles legal and in good running condition since I was 16. So you know this scenero I briefly mentioned makes NO SENSE. that I’d have ZERO vehicles when I had to 2 in great running condition and looked great too
    (a1998 Saturn and a 2007 Ford Focus..) in 2016..and now have none. I didnt sell them, although sure could have used the money being homeless from October. 2015 to May 2016..( because of my ex as well) ..first time in my life as well as first time in jail. And that’s when she struck .. fighting a bogus case in jail for 2 months drinking their poison water and food..come out and my Leukemia had spiked suddenly and I’m stage 4 now..
    Anyway.. corrupt cops impounded my cars at that time..and they were “sold at auction” – (which is a lie because she still drives one, and sold the Saturn.. and they’re still in my name! I know the Ford is because I got a toll road ticket in the mail in my name, a year after the fact! I notified the DMV..and they pass the buck just like the police department does.. and nothing changes.

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