Agenda 21 California -Live with Gary Gileno

  1. #1 by Daryn Collingwood on December 5, 2018 - 2:03 am

    Hello Joe
    I’m an Australian Age and Disability Care Worker and i would like to add that i have clients who suffer from nerve damage as a result of MS and Trigeminal Neuralgia which is so painful that people have committed suicide to escape the intensity of the pain.
    Now my point is that that i have noticed that sufferer’s are prone to static electricity spikes which set off the pain episodes that often last for days at a time, i have also noticed that my clients have high levels of intuitive states managing the triggers such as only using cotton sheets and wearing only cotton clothing, they run their hand sunder the water tap often and stay away from electrical devices often turning them off at the wall when finishing with them.
    I have a simpson microwave oven tester i bought from the US 15 years ago when i was testing repairing microwave ovens and as their are antennas set up near a clients home the reading in her house at the dinning table is 0.6 and her doctor has just identified that she has low iron levels … now joining a few simple dots means that her ill health and regrettably the cancers etc etc of her neighbor’s close by indicate that the two antennas only 600 metre’s away kicking out 115 Gig of power output (as i checked) is causing the locals to become ill and those tens of hundreds of thousands around the world with nerve related illnesses will be driven to despair and suicide with the increased 5G network induced pain …. Trigeminal Neuralgia can and has just appeared to even the healthiest of people and can take an individual to a suicidal result in a matter of days …… people if your reading this truth then be forewarned you can be fine today but tomorrow or next week you could be in so much pain you want to end it and if that’s not bad enough by promoting WIFI 5G networks you have just ensured a 24/7 maximum pain outcome for yourselves and your neighbors who may already be suffering.
    If your actions directly or indirectly cause others to experience such pain levels because of your wanting for faster WIFI then you can only expect to be going to Hell yourself and sooner than you may think!

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