A tale of two cities and The Glendale Five


Hats off to our northern Agenda 21 city neighbors in Glendale.  These five school board members have proceeded much like the wireless leadfoot Pletka and the Fullerton five as they all step on the gas racing to the Connect Ed, common core, microwave matrix, wireless classroom radiation chamber finish line for our kids. 

In our Agenda 21 town Fullerton, we have yours truly dressing down the Fullerton Five and Dr. Strangelove as they put these in every classroom in the district: images (32)
and these in the laps of every last child with a pulse: 

images (34)


So what do we have in the Glendale high density housing resonant cavity haven that can’t seem to get a crossing guard for the students on their way to pick up their daily classroom dose of the good vibration class 2B carcinogen commonly known as wireless microwave radiation? That is a very good question.

In truly a tale of two cities we have another concerned parent and some help up in Glendale, taking the high road with the Glendale Five. You can get a taste of what they continue to ignore right here while The Glendale Five gobble up the EPA accolades for the work of a staff member and in the same evening ignore one  of the EPA’s top scientist’s recommendations on classroom wireless:


go to 1:13:10

Yes folks. He is intelligent, compassionate, articulate, well- intentioned, well informed, well spoken and well behaved.

What does this get him? Ignored of course. You see there is much more at work here than meets the eye. These two Agenda 21 cities and their respective school districts have their orders. The public thinks they have their politicians, however,  the pupils and the parents do not have their prerogative.

Ironically, his experience with the district is much the same as my own. In fact the same scenario is playing out all across the Nation as Obama’s Connect Ed program virtually guarantees 99% of all classrooms will be wireless within the next four years. One thing is certain in this tale of two cities ladies and gentlemen, is neither he or myself will abandon these kids. It is our wholehearted desire to end the largest forced irradiation of school children that the world has ever seen. It is my personal desire that no matter what city that you live in, that you would do likewise.


  1. #1 by Anonymous on February 8, 2014 - 6:05 pm

    Glendale five, Fullerton five: guilty of all the same moronic zombie behavior.

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