A Recent Incident I Witnessed in Downtown Fullerton by Fullerton Resident Susan Levinson.

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Is this really all the protection pedestrians and cyclists are afforded in Fullerton?


A Recent Incident I Witnessed in Downtown Fullerton by

Fullerton Resident Susan Levinson.

After hearing Fullerton resident Judith Kaluzny speak at the last City Council meeting about much needed awareness for pedestrians crossing our streets within the crosswalks I am reminded of a situation that I witnessed a few months ago.

While driving my car south on Harbor Blvd. just north of Chapman at approximately 10 in the morning I stopped at the crosswalk to allow a pedestrian to cross from Angelo & Vinci’s restaurant towards Big Slice Pizza.  In the lane next to me was an on-duty Fullerton motorcycle policeman.  The officer and I both watched as the woman began to cross in the crosswalk and then 2 cars heading north drove right through the crosswalk forcing the pedestrian to stop mid-stream & jump back to the curb.  The policeman watched both cars drive right through the crosswalk, endangering the woman’s life. Yet, even though the officer was in the fast lane and could have easily and safely made a U-turn to pull one or both drivers over, he did not.

After the woman made it safely across the street the traffic resumed, and the officer and I pulled up next to each other at the stoplight.  I rolled my window down & asked him why he didn’t pull over either of those drivers as the pedestrian had the right of way.  His response to me was:  “I don’t like that crosswalk”.  I’ve told them it’s not in a good place”.  I said, “But isn’t it against the law to drive through the crosswalk when the pedestrian is already there?”  He replied, “Yes.”  I said, “Then you should have cited both of the drivers.”  He answered with a nod yes of his head and drove away as the light turned green.

It is not a police officer’s job to choose which crosswalks he or she likes or doesn’t like when it comes to enforcing the law.  It is his or her job to protect and serve.  Because our police department may not protect us as pedestrians we must be ever more vigilant about walking around our town.

Susan Levinson

  1. #1 by Joe Imbriano on February 19, 2015 - 7:57 am

    In light of the recent tragic accidents involving crosswalks, this story by a prominent community member should be cause for concern and action by our local government. What is going on with all the traffic safety grants? Fullerton streets are downright dangerous for a variety of reasons ranging from drunk drivers, huge potholes, congested intersections and now the free for all on the roads that our beloved police department apparently now allows for while they all hang out downtown enjoying the sights and sounds. I mean what do we pay these people for anyway?

    Instead of making the crosswalk safer or eliminating it, the officer’s solution is to ignore enforcement at it and let someone eventually get maimed or killed? It is now known that there is a problem there and they have allegedly repeatedly ignored it. Liability now exists for the city in the strictest sense. So here is a story by someone who witnessed what could have easily been a fatality and a cop who apparently could care less. It could have been your mom, your kid or even you. Word to the wise, stop look and listen, look left, right, left again and proceed with caution because the only one that may have your back in the crosswalk could be the undertaker.

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