A picture of the universe as we know it.

We send our children to school ostensibly to be educated. They are taught to read, write, add, subtract, multiply, divide, learn about the environment, the sciences, physics, and the like. It is the great hope of many that their children will become a great leader, discover a miracle cure, or solve some of the toughest of humanity’s problems. What awaits them is brick wall a million miles tall and a caste system that some of you worship just because it works for you.

It is only when you realize that this is all for naught as at the highest levels, the causes and cures for every ailment afflicting this world are known, suppressed and kept tight under lock and key, that you will understand the order out of chaos method to the madness. It involves the highest levels of government and academia creating deep dark rabbit holes that they send the brightest of our offspring down to search out what they have hidden all the while keeping the rest of us in the dark with infinite mindless diversions while we are all being slowly poisoned.

In terms of those of you who think otherwise, I believe that you are merely,  in a willfully ignorant manner, attempting to appease your consciences. You are in fact training your children to blindly serve  the very same system and its machinations that we are attempting to thwart.  Unbeknownst to you parents, you and your children are  just another brick in the wall, and a cog in its wheel.

Life’s greatest problems are not complex. In fact their solutions are extremely simple. The upper echelons of the power structure make it appear that simple solutions are impossible thereby guaranteeing an infinitely expensive treadmill system whereby the brightest and sharpest minds are worn down and redirected to areas which serve the propagation specialists’ interests of this sick joke being played on us, our children, and our parents.

The insanity of it all goes along the lines of like getting into a car accident, taking your car to the body shop, and they trying to find out what happened to the car by looking deep inside the dark gas tank instead of looking at the obvious. Ladies and gentleman, that is how the compartmentalized  scientific community and its directed research system works. They are directed to ignore the causes and focus research strictly on managing diseases by those who hold the purse strings. Those that do have been here more than once and keep coming back.

This is why we have petrochemical poison pharmaceuticals up the ying yang, sick people coming out of our ears falling apart all around us, brain damaged kids coming out of the chute and  glass temples called medical facilities with white coated high priests arrogantly roaming around speaking pig latin to the poor victims who unknowingly have all all of their appendages permanently stuck to the petrochemical pharmaceutical industry’s fly paper. We are then told that we need to keep searching for solutions which keeps EVERYONE looking for solutions from everywhere from here to there to Tippety Square while the whole time, the solutions are right under our noses.

The solution is called PREVENTION. Prevention works wonders when the body is exposed to good clean air, water, fresh, alive nutrtious foods, the proper spectrum of lighting, moderate amounts of sunlight, and of course when excercise and you get proper rest

It really is simple in word and in deed. Prevention means opening your eyes to reality long enough to for it to sink back in. It involves getting rid of the crap in cupboard that never came from anything in anyone’s wildest dreams resembling a tree or a living plant, not a manufacturing plant, canning the carbonated cans of bone, tooth and brain dissolving toxic sweetener laced crap in the fridge that actually makes you fatter, breaking the love affair with the braind damaging, belly busting booze bottle, 86ing boxes and cans of fake food crap whose ingredients you are unable to pronounce much less understand the chemical composition of, bailing out on the dependence on the pill bottles and the pudding headed advice of the white coated pill pushers, ending your disastrous love affair with all of the microwave transmitters’ electromagnetic infertility inducing and poisoning properties you and your children all over your home and your children’s classrooms, forgoing the barbaric birthing procedures that are pruning the mental faculties of your children at birth, ending the stupidity of slathering of toxic sunscreens all over the largest organ of the human body blocking access to the sun’s life giving vitamin D store, sequestering those vampire shades that block the entrance of vital God given Ultraviolet rays through your eyeballs that your body truly needs to be healthy,  filtering your water to remove the loving halide toxicity inducing disinfectants added for good measure and the elite’s pleasure, calling their bluff on the color of law 65+ toxic nano tech laden, metallic, IQ reducing vaccines before kindergarten injection mandates until sanity resumes in their production and administration, and taking your eyes and ears of off the blue glow flicker rate manipulated melatonin disrupting idiot box long enough to realize that they have named it after what they have attempted to make you and your children become. And you think they are serious when they call them smart TV’s?

It can be done. The choice is simple, the steps are arduous, but the end of which is freedom from bondage to the system of fear by which they control, shape and break the apple of God’s eye, the pinnacle of His creation, you and I.

Their attempts to reset the compass that occurs naturally in us will fail for the key percentage of us that is required to effect change.  The real irony here can be found with the public officials, members of the clergy, those in academia, school administrators and all of their worshipers whose children are headed for the same future as the children of some of those that they remarkably hold in derision.

Ladies and gentlemen we have an truly unmitigated public health disaster on so many fronts on our hands that is currently yielding an unmitigated economic disaster the likes of which the world has never seen. The social engineers at the highest levels are no respecter of persons. I do not believe that it is an accident. In a macabre sense, it is truly ironic indeed.

The joke is on you and your children unless we wake up and break this vicious cycle that spirals all the more rapidly downward with each so called advance in our society and our regressions into insanity which in reality sets us back several generations at a time. Life is really simple, its problems are rooted in simplicity being exchanged for complexity and the solutions are rooted in basic common sense principles. I believe that our educational system is training up your children to look at life as being a complex undertaking with no simple solutions and only complex compliance routines. All this training for jobs that don’t exist and labor to change tomorrow will yield itself up to the inevitability that the fruits of their labor will be flushed down the toilet simply because they are not compatible with the agendas. Half of the best years of their lives will be spent in K-12, college, grad school, research, discovery and attempting to disseminate the findings their inner fibers have produced only to be locked down by academia and government’s Stasi lid.

Yes, the whole time, on your dime, in my opinion, the servile school administrators with the blessing of the highest levels of academia, willfully and knowingly remain the ultimate driving force behind some of the most damaging threats to public health and our society in history such as largest FORCED irradiation of school children that the world has ever seen, the color of law FORCED vaccination programs, and the destruction of the last vestiges of our children’s critical thinking skills by their forced immersion into a common core microwave matrix two dimensional world of wireless tablets, condemned to become nothing more than list verifiers. To those that wish this upon our children, they are laughing all the way to the bank. Rome is burning folks, right before our very eyes. Would all of you please open yours.


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