Please look at our Facebook page.
Arrow down a few inches and have a look at the proposed real world classroom application of wireless technology in action. This photo truly puts it into perspective. I remember growing up where there were ashtrays everywhere and now I see the poor folks on oxygen. And then there are those who sadly checked out way too early from an insidious in-your-face out of control marketing strategy that went unchallenged for way too long. Yes, they were lied to in the most egregious manner. So this begs the question: Does this child know what this is doing to him? Do his parents?
By the way, hook up an earpiece to any WiFi enabled laptop or tablet and guess what? You get a 300% plus increase in the level of EMF emissions as the wire acts as an antenna. What is in the speaker in the child’s ear? The speaker contains a small magnet and a coil which takes it up another couple of notches, and you guessed it, right to the child’s head special delivery. Low intensity is safe you say?
We won’t even get into the children’s orthodontic fixtures at this time. They all come complete with that necessary metallic alloy array that is required for reception. Ok, just a little aside, I digress. Those industrial WiFi systems which already are, or will be installed in the FSD, will STAY ON ALL DAY in the classrooms. They have plenty of power to spare. They go right through wire mesh and concrete unlike those cheap ones you have at home. It’s just what the doctor ordered. Remember, the electrical conductivity of the human body can act as an antenna. Keep in mind that this is all courtesy of what you thought would help your child’s smile but mostly because of what you are being told by the experts that the child needs to learn and can no longer live without.
#1 by mom1 on April 22, 2013 - 8:14 pm
California Healthy Kids Survey
The CHKS allows districts to identify the health and safety needs of students, . . . . . It is designed to be part of a comprehensive decision making process to help guide the development of more effective health, prevention and youth development programs, such as Safe Schools and our mandated wellness policy.
All these taxpayer monies spent on the health of our kids. Where do the harmful effects of WiFi in the schools come in? Is it only in certain instances that FSD is interested in the health of our children? If it interferes with FSD’s WiFi technology agenda, then they really don’t care about our children’s health and safety. In fact, they won’t even discuss this with the parents.
#2 by Joe Imbriano on April 22, 2013 - 11:05 pm
Besides this ,
by the time the harmful effects become apparent, most of these administrators will be retired. However, their children and their children’s children could very well end up in the medical literature along with millions of others if we are right. May God help us.
#3 by Anonymous on April 23, 2013 - 11:07 am
Joe, your readers may find this article disturbing. As a parent, I know that I did.
#4 by Joe Imbriano on April 23, 2013 - 12:58 pm
This is truly tragic. I grew up on a small culdesac in Orange County with over 30 kids on my block. I knew everyone in that neighborhood within a half mile radius. This wasn’t happening when I was a kid in the 1970’s. Out of the HUNDREDS of kids that I knew growing up, I never encountered any of the disabilities in the article above. I grew up near a freeway and the gas still had the tetra ethyl lead in all the blends and we survived.
Why were we all fine and today the kids are not? Is it due to more screening and early detection? More diagnostic equipment? Hogwash! Back then EVERYONE RODE BIKES AND SKATEBOARDS WITHOUT HELMETS, played outside all day with no sunscreen, running around until the street light came on, played with and used power tools, operated gas powered lawnmowers and edgers, and shot BB and pelet guns. I submit to you that if there ever were any litmus test that would have uncovered childhood disabilities, it would have been all of these activities leading to horrific accidents and ER visits. Guess what? There were none as the kids were all born with a full deck. They kept their full decks all throughout childhood too. Most, but not all, managed to hang on to their full deck throughout adulthood. So what the heck is going on with the kids today? I can only speculate as to what changed in the environment and how multiple factors are involved. I personally believe that the EMF emissions are clearly implicated.
Back then, high frequency microwave emissions such as the 2.45 GHz wavelength were confined to the wealthier folk’s kitchens. The microwaves cost around $600 back then and that was what two transmission overhauls cost. Needless to say, most opted out until the prices came down. Regardless, they only ran for a few minutes at a time when food needed to be nuked away from the classrooms and bedrooms.
Today, our children, in and out of the womb, are being BATHED in these emissions. As parents, were you aware that the FSD has high powered WiFi systems that are potentially hundreds of times more powerful than the ones you have at home turned on all day 158 days a year in your child’s classrooms?
Now the Fullerton School District wants to place a high frequency microwave transmitter in every child’s lap in the district. It is called a wireless tablet or laptop.
You draw your own conclusions. At the very least hardwiring the devices at school and at home is the only safe alternative. We need children to think critically and to learn. Kids did fine for thousands of years up until now. Won’t you please take a step back and realize that this is the first group of kids to be subjected to this level of EMF exposure in that part of the electromagnetic spectrum in history. That is why I believe this amounts to the largest forced irradiation of school children that world has ever seen. Spread the word folks. Thank you.