Please look at our Facebook page.
Arrow down a few inches and have a look at the proposed real world classroom application of wireless technology in action. This photo truly puts it into perspective. I remember growing up where there were ashtrays everywhere and now I see the poor folks on oxygen. And then there are those who sadly checked out way too early from an insidious in-your-face out of control marketing strategy that went unchallenged for way too long. Yes, they were lied to in the most egregious manner. So this begs the question: Does this child know what this is doing to him? Do his parents?
By the way, hook up an earpiece to any WiFi enabled laptop or tablet and guess what? You get a 300% plus increase in the level of EMF emissions as the wire acts as an antenna. What is in the speaker in the child’s ear? The speaker contains a small magnet and a coil which takes it up another couple of notches, and you guessed it, right to the child’s head special delivery. Low intensity is safe you say?
We won’t even get into the children’s orthodontic fixtures at this time. They all come complete with that necessary metallic alloy array that is required for reception. Ok, just a little aside, I digress. Those industrial WiFi systems which already are, or will be installed in the FSD, will STAY ON ALL DAY in the classrooms. They have plenty of power to spare. They go right through wire mesh and concrete unlike those cheap ones you have at home. It’s just what the doctor ordered. Remember, the electrical conductivity of the human body can act as an antenna. Keep in mind that this is all courtesy of what you thought would help your child’s smile but mostly because of what you are being told by the experts that the child needs to learn and can no longer live without.
#1 by Joe Imbriano on March 31, 2013 - 1:01 pm
….. and a legal requirement as well. I personally believe it is possible that our elected leaders and our public employees actually are beholden more to the RF industry and the Fullerton School District’s legal counsel and advisers instead of the taxpayers, the parents and the children’s safety. Is this the reason why we get the silent treatment? Are the classroom EMF emission levels LEGAL? Perhaps one would assume. We don’t know for sure. I am still awaiting approval to film and record measurements from the administration. However, what is questionable is whether the legal limits of exposure are truly safe. Many other experts that have more than a few of the first five letters of the alphabet after their names believe that the acceptable levels of exposure are too high and not enough is known about the long term effects.
Oh the experts, who do you trust? Who do you believe? Remember, they are your children. That is what we are here to challenge. It certainly is turning out to be a very bizarre succession of events unfolding. We promise that we will keep all who dare to care posted. Check back soon.
#2 by Anonymous on April 1, 2013 - 7:31 pm
I can’t refute your arguments completely as they appear to have merit. I have never heard this side before. What kind of response have you had from your school?
#3 by Joe Imbriano on April 1, 2013 - 11:05 pm
#4 by Anonymous on April 1, 2013 - 9:46 pm
You actually think the schools will put this in all the classrooms? They don’t have the money. You are dreaming.
#5 by Eleanor on April 2, 2013 - 7:47 am
Well, maybe not all schools will embrace this idea but as long as people fight for what they believe is right there sure will be some progress and some results will make difference.
#6 by Joe Imbriano on April 2, 2013 - 1:47 pm
Thank you for your post. Make no mistake, the goal is a 1:1 ratio of student to device with it ALL being wireless. It is not up to the individual schools. This is a top down process. That photo is touted as progress and I beg to differ. Stay involved. Let us hope they wake up or the parents will simply have to.
#7 by acacia parent on April 16, 2013 - 1:47 pm
It sure is beginning to look that way. My daughter will be in 5th grade next year and she will probably have an ipad. The kids that don’t have them now want them and think that they are cool. What a dilemma as a parent. This is going to be difficult either way.
#8 by Joe Imbriano on April 2, 2013 - 1:52 pm
FJUSD already has purchased all the network equipment according to the director of administrative services. In the FSD, the Fullerton Technology Foundation’s 990 form shows over 1 million dollars running into it over the last several years. If you couple that with the federal, state, and industry monies and the other foundations that have sprung up in recent years, the money is clearly there and/or on its way. There are foundations lobbying full time to fund these programs. It really boils down to whether the district does what it wants or what the parents want. Most parents don’t know about this side of the story so that is why we are here.