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Arrow down a few inches and have a look at the proposed real world classroom application of wireless technology in action. This photo truly puts it into perspective. I remember growing up where there were ashtrays everywhere and now I see the poor folks on oxygen.  And then there are those who sadly checked out way too early from an insidious in-your-face out of control marketing strategy that went unchallenged for way too long. Yes, they were lied to in the most egregious manner.   So this begs the question: Does this child know what this is doing to him? Do his parents?




By the way, hook up an earpiece to any WiFi enabled laptop or tablet and guess what? You get a 300% plus increase in the level of EMF emissions as the wire acts as an antenna. What is in the speaker in the child’s ear? The speaker contains a small magnet and a coil which takes it up another couple of notches, and you guessed it, right to the child’s head special delivery. Low intensity is safe you say?


We won’t even get into the children’s orthodontic fixtures at this time. They all come complete with that necessary metallic alloy array that is required for reception. Ok, just a little aside, I digress. Those industrial WiFi systems which already are, or will be installed in the FSD, will STAY ON ALL DAY in the classrooms. They have plenty of power to spare. They go right through wire mesh and concrete unlike those cheap ones you have at home. It’s just what the doctor ordered. Remember, the electrical conductivity of the human body can act as an antenna. Keep in mind that this is all courtesy of what you thought would help your child’s smile but mostly because of what you are being told by the experts that the child needs to learn and can no longer live without.





  1. #1 by Ray on April 9, 2013 - 2:32 pm

    I’ve recently come across a phenonenon called the Semmelweis Reflex. It describes to a T how school officials respond to evidence that WiFi is harmful.

    It is defined as a reflex-like tendency to reject new evidence or new knowledge because it contradicts established norms, beliefs, or paradigms.

    I recommend looking up the term, because it shows exactly how stubborn people can be.

    It doesn’t matter if there are 5,000 studies, or if experts from Harvard say that this is dangerous. It doesn’t matter that thousands of medical doctors have signed appeals regarding dangerously high electromagnetic radiation levels.

    It also won’t matter if there are 10,000, 15,000 you name it, studies. Even if RF is classfied as a probable human carcinogen tomorrow, the truth is you would need a crowbar to pry the wireless technology out of their hands.

    This is why it is so important that parents contact each other and take action. This issue will not get resolved, and by the time this really gets underway, the schools won’t know how to function without the kids glued to a screen.

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on April 9, 2013 - 10:07 pm

      Ray, thank you for your post and I am in agreement with you. Cognitive dissonance must be a side effect of the 2.45 GHz frequency exposure and a prerequisite for employment at the FSD. This information was presented first to my child’s principal, then the superintendent, then a board member, then the entire board, the entire FSD’s administration, to the director of administrative services for the FJUSD and finally the Fullerton City Council. There are 15,000 children in the K-8 system here in Fullerton and thousands more in the High Schools and we intend to reach each and every last one of them and their parents with the information that the school district does not want them to know. The truth will stand on its own. Ray, this thing is only going to get bigger. It is always better to be on the right side of it.

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