Welcome to 1984 ladies and gentlemen. We really have been there for 30 years.The web of lies is in fact, so intricate that it requires almost 2 brains to navigate it. The screens are lying to us all and that is just the beginning. And you thought the smart TV replaced the idiot box. Would they sterilize all of you by DEPLOYING wireless infrastructure everywhere? Never.

Would they sterilize children by forcing them to be vaccinated with nano tech laden injections to enter school, force them to use wireless devices once they get inside the classroom and then get them addicted to them at home? Never.

Would they lie to us about anything? Never. Governments never turn on their own people. Keep letting the flicker rate manipulated screens turn your brains to mush as they get ready to hand the planet back over to the wolves. By the way, they forgot to tell you that you are not invited. And the band played on…..

  1. #1 by nut job on June 29, 2014 - 11:22 pm

    Whats next Joe? Chupacabras? Yeah just some more psycho babel bullshit. Get a life.

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on June 30, 2014 - 7:45 am

      Ignore it and it will all just go away, like your freedom, your rights, your pensions, your retirement accounts, and your children’s reproductive capabilities.

    • #3 by Anonymous on June 30, 2014 - 8:50 am

      Nice try. You are just too stupid to get your arms around anything except a friggin’ 12 pack.

    • #4 by Anonymous on June 30, 2014 - 12:38 pm

      Joe has a very nice life, as anyone close to him would be able to tell you. He is also a very wise individual as anyone who has ever had the pleasure of having a conversation with him would tell you. I think you need to just calm down. Grow up so you can read and understdand what he is putting out there.

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