Coyotes, cats, rats, rain and dogs and the death of the Golden State.


Coyotes are the top of the food chain in our urban version of suburbia, just under people. Coyotes, like dogs are omniverous meaning they eat both plants and animals. This time of year, the Coyotes normally will eat foliage, berries and other plant products that are common in their habitat. The problem is there is no rain and consequently no foilage. Cats kill rats that invade their territory and keep the rodent population in check. Hungry Coyotes are now eating the cats that used to eat the rats and now the rats have no predators except for rat poison that ends up killing the owls, possums and larger birds of prey that pick of a dead or a dying rat. Dogs and Coyotes are related and yet do not get along. The coyotes are now eating the dogs because the naturally occuring foilage and berries that the Coyotes eat are non existent from the total absence of rain. Now the Coyote and the rat populations have exploded because of this dastardly dry non existent winter. Both species have become brazen as of late and it is all due to the drought. Much worse times lie ahead for California and all of us. 


  1. #1 by Anonymous on January 13, 2018 - 1:28 pm

    Your info is absolutely incredible! My heart goes out for the people animals, & biosphere in calif being mass-slaughtered. I too am speaking out every chance I get with truth.

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