The DCCSP, College Town, and other schemes are alive and well ladies and gentlemen.

The DCCSP, College Town, and other schemes are alive and well ladies and gentlemen. They are just on ice for now and in some cases, one vote away from adding 100,000 people to this town. Fullerton is an Agenda 21 city with a Curt Pringle lobbyist named Jennifer Fitzgerald developer operative running around masquerading as our Mayor ladies and gentlemen. Wake the heck up people. Fitzgerald needs to go along with all the establishment hacks like Royce, Nelson, Bennett and Whitaker that put her there and give her pass after pass because they all have their hands in on all of this Kabuki theater on the council that is destroying Fullerton.

  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on September 23, 2016 - 2:38 am

    Yes no matter how many Fullertonians speak out against College Town and the DCCSP, our city council just waits patiently to bring these items back when they feel they can sneak it through. Not very representative is our city council.

    Do you know that the Fullerton City Council has cancelled the 1st council meeting in September for the last few years? Why? Because it falls the day after Labor Day. The city employees get the Friday off before Labor Day and then Labor Day as well…giving them a 4 day holiday. But our council feels it is too much of a burden to have to come back on Tuesday for a Tuesday night meeting. Yet when do they always hold a council meeting. They always hold it on Election Day. It is the perfect day to pass things controversial because no one is there that night. The public is either voting after work and/or paying attention to the election results. Once again, we can count on our city council to do the wrong thing for the wrong reasons.

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