Many of the vibrational modes in complex biomolecules fall in the 1–100 GHz range. READ THAT ALL LIVING THINGS! Of course they can induce illness symptoms with this weaponry-just add some modulation and presto! This is in your face being exposed right here.





This virus hoax is about killing traditional food markets and allowing the big Corporations to expand and get everyone hooked on a toxic western diet AND FORCE VACCINES ON EVERYONE.
Once they get everyone hooked and dependent on restaurant fast food and they can no longer grow their own food/raise their own chickens/cattle….the elite control the worlds food supply.
You have to understand that in places like China, Thailand, Indonesia…people still grow their own food and raise their own chickens etc.  They sell this food and set up “Street Vendors” which is direct competition to the Big Corporation fast food restaurants.
The next generation of Asians will not be growing their own food,eating food from street vendors or going to wet food markets.  They will busy on the their cell phones/Virtual reality and be buying every meal from Fast Food Restaurant chains.
Never one agenda with these Hoaxes.   This pandemic fear pushes many agendas.  Basically the total domination of corporations and banks over the lives of the people.
This “Pandemic” outbreak was all orchestrated to gain control over the food supply   Nobody is talking about this.  They are talking about Kobe Bryant.
They always distract you from the real agenda.
I guarantee you they will start to control food markets around the world because “They are breading Grounds for Pandemics” etc.
They do not want people self sufficient.  They want the entire world eating their toxic food.
I am telling you know…they are preparing the next generation to not eat meat but “Beyond Meat” and “Cultured Meat”.
These elite have billions invested in these fake meat companies.  Through propaganda and false flags/hoaxes….they will get the next generation to accept it all as normal.
Don’t eat real meat to save the environment and prevent pandemics etc.
And don’t worry…..they already have plans to slowly replace all meat in all corporate restaurant chains with toxic cultured fake meat and Beyond Meat products.  They are slowly introducing it to the public now.
Remember these hoax pandemics have multiple agendas and none are good.

Fast Food in Asia Pacific on the Rise Thanks to India, Malaysia, and the Philippines

Convenience stores fast food continues to be an important channel

How KFC came to dominate fast food in Asia

Third-Ranked KFC is Winning the Fast Food Battle in India

Third-Ranked KFC is Winning the Fast Food Battle in India

KFC is by far the most popular fast food chain in China and it’s nothing like the US brand — here’s what it’s like

“China’s demand for fast food will continue to grow at 10 percent by 2025” is what the latest Research and Market’s “fast food industry in China” report is forecasting.

The fast food market in China is on the rise

IBIS’ report estimates that the fast food industry in China will generate $177.6 billion in 2019, up almost 8 percent from 2018.



  1. #1 by Yannis on February 3, 2020 - 2:39 pm

    Well said!
    Thank you

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