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  1. #1 by Calvin Jim on May 24, 2020 - 4:39 am

    The depth of penetration in human tissue (skin, muscle and tissues with high water content) for a frequency of 10 GHz which lies in 5G frequency spectrum is about a few mm. Given this consideration, high frequency 5G radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) easily penetrate living skin cells and can make them severely damaged. The non-ionizing 5G RF-EMF can behave like high LET ionizing radiations which have the maximum energy deposition per unit distance. Considering the low penetration and very high energy deposition per unit distance of 5G, this can lead to generation of high levels of free radicals in a short distance which in turn increases the risk of skin cancer.
    A report on exposure to RF-EMF from antennas in 5G mobile communication equipment where exposure evaluations were conducted in the frequency range 10-60 GHz for array antennas intended for user equipment (UE) and low-power radio base stations in 5G mobile communication systems; Effects of frequency, array size, distance to human body, scan range and array topology have been considered, proves that depending on the applicable RF-EMF exposure standard, quite large variations in maximum transmitted power levels and maximum EIRP may be expected for UE to be used in future mobile communication systems. This inconsistency will lead to different pre-requisites for different markets. Furthermore, for UE intended to be used in close proximity of the body, the ICNIRP and FCC exposure limits results in a maximum transmitted power significantly below what is specified for pre-existing mobile communication technologies(4G, 3G, 2G). If not resolved, these findings may have a large negative impact on the performance and cost of future mobile communication systems. A global harmonization of the RF-EMF exposure limits for frequencies above 6 GHz is desirable with a similar margin of safety as for frequencies below 6 GHz to protect from established adverse health effects.
    5G has introduced the application of millimeter waves. Millimeter waves have shorter range than microwaves, therefore the cells are limited to smaller size. Millimeter waves also have more trouble passing through some types of buildings. 5G in the 24 GHz range or above use higher frequencies than 4G, and as a result, some 5G signals are not capable of traveling large distances (over a few hundred meters), unlike 4G or lower frequency 5G signals (sub 6 GHz). This requires placing 5G base stations every few hundred meters in order to use higher frequency bands. Also, these higher frequency 5G signals cannot penetrate solid objects easily, such as cars, trees, and walls, because of the nature of these higher frequency electromagnetic waves. 5G cells can be deliberately designed to be as inconspicuous as possible like cutting down of trees to improve signal transfer; hence finds applications in dense urban environments, and areas where crowds of people congregate such as sports stadiums and convention centers.

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